Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has just been announced. It appears to be a retelling of the original Modern Warfare, the game that kicked the series into high gear in 2007. Check out the debut trailer above.
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare engulfs fans in an incredibly raw, gritty, provocative narrative that brings unrivaled intensity and shines a light on the changing nature of modern war," reads the official description from Activision. "Developed by the studio that started it all, Infinity Ward delivers an epic reimagining of the iconic Modern Warfare series from the ground up."
We also have a release date: 25th October. It's not long until you're back breathing in the fumes of Captain Price's cigars. Are you excited for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on PS4? Check those corners in the comments below.
Comments 47
Forgive me for not leaping for joy, bad back you know
Why the heck does COD need a reboot?
While I'm totally not a COD fan, I think the absolute most important thing is that it features cross play support! If arguably the biggest brand in games is doing this, huge step forward. Should be a standard thing next gen!
Not too sure what this is meant to be, but I'll keep an eye on this COD. Title is terrible though.
I'm hoping reimaging doesn't mean Capt Price and Soap have to survive a battle royale to get to Makarov
«Actual In-game Cutscenes»
so it's a reboot then?
OK i might get it, i always did like the original MW
The graphics are insane, but MW Remastered was enough for me...
Ok, whatever.
Yes, Push Square, that is it.
A reboot of cod that was remastered last time? Lol what is going on?
Anyway is this a new engine? The graphics are the only thing making me slightly excited. Very slightly.
I guess this is like what Capcom did with RE 2 and SE doing with FF7
Graphics look amazing - I'll give them that (At least it Will Make a good benchmark for PC) I rarely re-play old games so nothing here for me. Unless multiplayer is phenomenal.
So is this a remaster of the remaster?
On the PS store it says (online required) like wtf seriously ?
@oatmealwarrior92 For multiplayer
@AFCC Yeah, they have been working on a new engine. Apparently it improves sound and audio, so hopefully the game looks on par with battlefield.
I have the remastered version when it was with ps+, why on earth would I wanna pay full whack for another version?
@redd214 the fact your comment got more dislikes than likes (2:1 before my like) really depresses me about the culture (or lack thereof) of the average gamer.
And this even here on PS, where the community is usually friendlier and more balanced than a lot of other toxic sites (NL included).
It’s just so sad.
Have to agree with everyone else on this, it is incredibly redundant.
@IronHammersFC if this trailer is real gameplay footage then it's looking better than bfv
@Agramonte Difference is they didnt release remasters in the last couple of years (ignoring the trophy enabled version of FF 7).
I hope its not too close to MW. That remains among the best shooters ever. But with the remaster being so recent (heck i only played it last week thanks to ps plus) it would be very disappointing to basically play the same thing again with prettier graphics. It seems like they are out of ideas! Where is the creativity and originality!
@clvr lol really?! That's just hilarious! Gamers can be so immature with their tribalism. Ah well no biggie
@redd214 “Gamers can be so immature with their tribalism.”
Exactly 😞
not sure what to think about this. the original MW is one of the best, if not the best, CoD campaigns, but i don't think it's one that needs re-imagined/rebooted or whatever. it does seem a bit like IW have run out of ideas..
@redd214 @clvr
I personally didn't down vote you guys, but I'm certainly not tribal and immature like you suggest for not wanting cross play on a cod title. As someone who plays them regularly for their multiplayer fix, you can literally play any of the games on any system over the last decade and get a game instantly so that benefit does not exist for me, add in playing against pc on keyboard and mouse, you would be delusional to think a controller could compete. Just read any of the patch notes the games are not even balanced the same. Having said that if I had the option to turn off cross play I'd be OK with it being there.
@AFCC In the trailer they said it was actual in-game footage, but they could always downgrade it. I expect the graphics will be of a higher quality in the campaign but it is just speculation.
@Rob_230 oh, 100% agree with you On that point
Didnt play RE2, so not even sure how far they go to mix it up in a "reimagining"... I always assume it ends the same way with the same key plot points.
"It seems like they are out of ideas!"
COD could need a break... More than a reboot.
Also I think for anyone interested, the youtuber MarleyThirteen uploaded a video which discusses the new cod as he was flown out and he said that Infinity Ward are going No Russian levels on controversial in it, so hopefully the campaign is something special. He also said favourite personalities will return but the campaign is completely new.
@gingerfrog cool, thanks for that perspective, appreciate it!
Well, that’s bogus. They’re desperate. They just remastered it and we don’t need another one.
Credit where credit is due...the graphics look fantastic. But, honestly, this really feels stale.
@gingerfrog that is one perfectly reasonable point expressed in a thoughtful manner, so the “tribalism” certainly doesn’t apply to you.
I’d like to think everyone who opposes cross-play was as thoughtful, but I can’t help feeling they aren’t and just do it out of spite.
I hope I’m just too pessimistic and wrong
Well, I think it looks good. They have my attention.
Incredibly hyped, every COD fan would be! This is what we wanted, what we asked for and what we needed.
Also cross play enabled, campaign returned, co-op mode and no season pass model. Win win win win
@Agramonte 100% this. They really need to give the series an Assassins Creed style break and take a year off. Maybe the rumours of issues with COD 2020 will force their hand? Sadly with PS5 and the Xbox successor coming out next year, theres absolutely zero chance they wont want to capitalise on the launch.
I think CoD can still be great. But they need to give it the breathing space it so desperately needs to find itself again.
isn't this just more of the same? why do people get excited over this.
The original COD 4 is probably the title in the series that I played the most of. But having already received a remaster fairly recently, I think this is proof that they are literally out of ideas.
@Heavyarms55 it's not a remaster though it's a reimagining. Same universe, some of the same characters but completely different story, mechanics and engine.
Did anyone really care that much about the original Modern warefare?
So is it a reboot in the same way God of War was? That the events of the previous games are Canon, but it's a new direction? Or is it just a totally fresh take?
BTW, Ghostbusters video game remaster confirmed for PS4. Trailer is out
So this is call of duty modern Warfare remaster Reimagined Jesus they need some new ideas or just take a couple of years away and give us something new I hope the next gen has some new ideas instead of just remastered games reimagined same crap again really
Generally not a fan of COD, I enjoyed the early ones and Modern Warfare but the rest are pretty boring, this though has caught my attention. Having said that it is likely to be a crowded time this is launching in with Death Stranding the top of my list for then and Star Wars knocking about so we'll see
I'm keen. We haven't had a decent Cod all gen, been all double jumping robots with neon nerf guns. Lets see how this goes
For the first time in a few years they have my attention. MW 1 is my favorite Call of Duty game, and one of my favorite first person shooters, of all-time.
Finally another game set in current times with current themes again. Might actually be the first CoD game that I buy since the original CoD4:MW. Assuming there's a single-player, of course.
@Rob_230 Yep.
I gave up on AC after BlackFlag. AC: Origins pulled me back in.
That break did wonders to the franchise - at least for me.
@IronHammersFC COD is mostly about the campaign for me so I'm fine with that
@j_Colgy Completely different story? Really?
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