Ahh, Resident Evil 6. This was everyone's favourite entry in the survival horror franchise, right? Wait, what? Oh... Well people sure did buy a lot of copies anyway. The controversial title has just topped a staggering nine million lifetime sales as of 31st March 2019.
Made up of 7.3 million sales across PS3 and Xbox 360, and 1.7 million sales on PS4 and Xbox One, the game is quickly closing in on a mammoth 10 million copies out in the wild. It narrowly misses out on top spot to Resident Evil 5, which has sold a total of 9.8 million copies across all platforms, while Resident Evil 7: Biohazard isn't too far behind with an impressive 6.4 million units sold to consumers.
Have you bought a copy? Punch a zombie in the comments below.
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 43
Can’t wait for my copy of Resident Evil 5 Super Ultra Turbo XD Rainbow Remix on my backwards compatible PS5....cause we all know capcom will find ways to port and sell it’s old games even with backwards compatibility on the horizon.
Is this including digital? It’s been on sale ALOT and I’ve nearly bitten, despite not liking it at all. I also bought it twice on PS3, despite not liking it. I don’t know why, it seems like it should be a laugh but it never is. How is Resi 5 fun co-op and 6 is just awful?
But yeah not too surprising. It cost them a fortune though especially marketing. I’m betting Resi 7 made them more bank at the end of the day?
I didn't buy 5,6,or 7. Are they worth playing?
@Cutmastavictory yes especially with a buddy, naahhh but for a few quid why not and YES YOU FOOL!
@Cutmastavictory 5 is fantastic if you have a friend to play with (it’s split screen too on PS3/4) 6 deserves to be tossed into a toaster oven, but still can be a good afternoon killer with a friend.
But 5 is just phenomenal. Was my first RE game besides getting wrecked as a little kid with PS1’s nemesis.
Almost have two platinums in 5! Haha just one more trophy in my PS4 version to go.
This has to be because theres always copies of 5 and 6 in the Walmart bargain bin. An abundance of cheap copies available is the only logical explanation.
Of RE6 one, second hand it was a fiver I think only played the first part of Leon's story then stopped
I really liked Leon's episode on that game.
I hope RE2 remake goes on to sell this many, it's the best in the series.
Actually I’d say 5 isnt worth it solo, your partner is way too annoying controlled by AI in my opinion.
I've only ever bought 7 to play it on psvr. Haven't got around it yet, though.
@naruball scaredy cat
Has it met Capcom's sales expectations yet?
5 has a soft spot in my heart for being the first PS3 game I owned. 6 is awful. My biggest disappointment last gen.
@Splat Ever try RE: Operation Raccoon City? Cause that game was even bigger of a disappointment of a RE game last gen.
This game was/is great fun with a friend! I've played it multiple times.
Of course you need a friend to play it with...
How? The game is garbage, just goes to show the majority will buy any shooty nonsense, 7 and 2 remake are a million times better with 5 being half decent
Resi 6 is a good game. It has problems. The first half of Leon campaign is a good horror experience if you play on Professional like the game was meant to played on. The second half isn’t as good because it doesn’t put in itself in a location to use hordes like the first half in the city. I’ve got it and do a few of my friends. I’d love to see another Resi 6 Resi game that likes an improved version of the first half of Leon’s campaign. It has all the marks for a Resi game.
Sadly I bought this just to finish off my RE collection on the ps4, I'm apart of the problem and brought shame and dishonor to the gaming community T-T
I'm planning on playing through this series in chronological order. I'm actually looking forward to this one. I know it's not the survival horror people wanted, but I don't mind taking a detour to just play an action game instead, and from what I've heard, this game does have some really fun action sequences.
Eh, I still really liked RE6. Really solid coop game all around too. Not really sure I understand why it's popular to hate on it.
@NathanUC it’s just.. bad. One thing Resi 5 has going for it is momentum, you’re on a journey and the stakes keep getting raised. 6 is split up into 3 campaigns, just as you’re getting into it, it’s over, and it’s hard to get invested in the next one. I’ve never even started the Jake one to be honest.
The game just didn’t seem to know what it wanted to be, it’s tone was all over the shop.
@kyleforrester87 would be fine if you could put her in a box like Ashley, but she is just annoying. Take away all her weapons and get her to carry your ammo is the only way to play.
@thefirst nah. People took a huge dump on it at E3 because it was all bombastic action and no survival horror. Hence, a lot of the hype got killed before it came out.
@Frigate very cool avatar mate! I think I’ve seen it somewhere but can’t recall where, could you please help me out? 😄
Remember having a blast playing this with a buddy in co-op. Never felt any re was scary and enjoyed them more for the campy action... of course until re7 freaked me out.
@3MonthBeef Started with 3. I probably played Code Veronica on Dreamcast the most though. 7 is my favorite, but some of my best coop gaming memories were playing 5 and 6 with my brother.
I think the people who claim 6 is terrible are saying it's terribly nothing like 1-3. 6 itself is still a fun game... again, in my opinion.
Not at all, although if you said it was easily the best Resi game, I would be quite concerned, heh.
How is RE4 not the highest selling game in the series!? It's one of the most highly rated games ever, and it was released on GCN, PS2, PS3, PS4, PC, Wii, Wii U, 360, Xbone, and mobile.
I personally bought it on 3 different systems.
RE5 was funny when Leon is in the jeep going over the sand dunes getting whiplash and taking wesker out with an RGP.
The multiplayer was fun as well.
RE7 is amazing and RE2remake and RE1 remake as well i loved 0 on the gamecube.
@sketchturner RE4 is way overrated IMO; decent horror game and decent action game. Had it been like the village and the farm the whole game it would at least have been a great horror game.
I'm just gonna say it, RE6 is by far my favourite game in the modern series. 4 is a huge escort quest (ugh) and 5 is borderline unplayable solo thanks to Sheva's appalling AI. Compared to either of those games RE6 is a near masterpiece!
I bought RE 6 (for PS3 back in 2012 and PS4 in 2017 to have all the games on PS4) so I'm part of the problem. That said, as garbage as Chris' and Jake's campaigns are, I don't regret getting the game because I thought Leon's and Ada's campaigns were really good. Of course, I hope Capcom never goes back to that style. What we got in RE 2 remake is what they need to stick with. Eventhough I love RE 7 I don't want to see first person perspective return in the future unless it's a VR exclusive spinoff game.
@kyleforrester87 haha
I'll be honest, RE6 was the first RE game I had ever played and beaten story wise. Then RE5 and Operation Racoon City...
Plan to eventually give RE0-1 & RE4 another try, and play RE7/RE2 when I can.
@Arugula are you mad?
@Stragen8 that's a spinoff
@Imagremlin better than 7?😝
@carlos82 are you mad?
@sketchturner actually 5 is cause sold 11 million copies
@Undeadlogan why because I think Resi 7 and 2 are better than Resident Evil 6? Because they are much better
@carlos82 oh ok
@Imagremlin so sales determines which game is better?
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