Can you feel that in the air? That's E3, baby. It's always a special kind of atmosphere, a mix of excitement and trepidation, enhanced to often extreme degrees through the magic of ridiculous rumours and speculation. Indeed, E3 2019 is just over a week away, and although PlayStation won't be attending this year, we must admit, the hype is still starting to get to us.
But as always, we want to hear your thoughts. Are you starting to get hyped for E3 at all? Are you looking forward to the event, even though Sony won't be there? Which press conference is your most anticipated? Vote in our polls, and then feed us some honest opinions in the comments section below.
Are you hyped for E3 2019 yet? (701 votes)
Yes, I'm super hyped%
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it%
Kind of, I'm at least interested%
Nah, but I'll probably get hyped as we get closer%
Nope, not really feeling it%
No, not hyped at all, couldn't care less%
If Sony was at E3 2019, would you be more hyped? (646 votes)
Yes, without Sony, there is no hype%
Yeah, but I'm still looking forward to E3%
Nah, I'm hyped for E3 even without Sony%
No, I'm glad Sony isn't there%
Which E3 2019 press conference/showcase/event are you most looking forward to? (645 votes)
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he's played 'em all. A little too much, some might say.
Not excited at all this year. Without Sony there's no hype. This year is pretty much a multiplat show run by Microsoft and most of which we already know about.
With "State of Play" and "Nintendo Direct" E3's days are numbered. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the last.
Is there any chance of a State of Play being announced that week like how Nintendo does it, or has Sony said that they’ll definitely have no presence?
Either way as a multiplat fan I’m excited for the show, and then when it wraps up Judge Eyes and Mario Maker 2 will be right around the corner. June is set to be a 10/10 month.
I'm not really fussed this year to be honest. I think the Microsoft and Square Enix presentations will be good, and I'm looking forward to learning more about Cyberpunk.
Other than that, though, it's going to be a quiet one I think.
without Sony being there the only one i'm really interested in is the Square Enix one, i wanna see FFVII Remake and Avengers
although the XBOX one should be good for some 3rd party multiplatform stuff because without Sony that will be pretty much the only place you will see any of them
@JoeBlogs That will also be available on PC, services and eventually Nintendo Switch. We all know the direction they're taking. And besides, I can't think of a single MS published game in the last 5 years that's been even noteworthy.
Not hating, I've had an Xbox and due to its lack of games got rid of it.
Really hard to get excited for this year just feels this year is just limping its way to the next generation. Microsoft will be good for the 3rd party games I am sure they will mention new console but it will just be spec and nothing else so no details average people like me want to know as I have no idea what a teraflop is! Only interested in Squares for FFVII news.
@TheIronChimp True. But I honestly feel it's been very disappointing the last three years. Even with Sony in attendance. And since most games "leak" pre show there's not much suprise anymore.
There's not much to care about. Last year, Microsoft threw a lot of ISH at the wall, using the word "EXCLUSIVE" for games that were multiplat with some form of limited exclusivity. Then the rest of the year played out and it was more MEH for MS. This year will be the same. I don't have time for that. And, although Sony has a lot more going for it, seeing the same games again...nah. I'll take Sony's lead and pass this year.
Sony not being there made me loose a lot of hype. Still hyped for nintendo and bethesda though and I will probably watch every stream.
@get2sammyb will pushsquare have a livechat during the nintendo direct? Usually nintendo has stuff relevant to ps4 too especially on the japanese dev side of things and I prefer the pushsquare livechat over nintendolife’s livechat. Pushsquare did it in 2018 and 2017 too right?
I couldn't really care less about E3 in general. With the internet the way it is, folks can drum up hype about upcoming games easier and more frequently than they could when E3 first started, so the concept to me is kind of outdated. That, and seeing as every major release these days is either a multiplayer-based FPS, battle royale, or open world action game, I'm kind of burned out on seeing the same stuff released over and over.
Looking forward to seeing more of CyberPunk, Avengers, Jedi Fallen Order and Watchdogs. I’m always excited to see something for the first time that has managed to stay under the radar and not been revealed. I’m hoping that there might still be a few of these this year but it’s getting harder for games to remain secret.
not fussed to be honest. pretty much anything releasing this year is already known about.. seems like a lot of the bigger publishers have made the announcements early, or tried to reign in expectations of E3 with regards unannounced titles. anything that's more than a year away, not bothered if we hear about it or not..
Cyberpunk, AC Vikings, Watch Dogs 3, FF7 Remake, Avengers, Star Wars will all have my interest. Limited Run Games are announcing the final vita games to get a physical release too so im interested in seeing what they came up with, even if i cant justify the shipping costs for any of them.
Interested in learning more about Control as well ahead of its release, and there is due to be a vr show that's bound to include ps vr releases.
I think microsofts show will be interesting but no idea what they will show. Presumably the new obsidian game, the outer worlds, and im interested in that. But most of their other new studios will presumably still be gearing up for the next box
I’m not hyped for e3 this year since sony isn’t there but I’m curious about xbox conferece since there’s possibility that they will be showing their plan for next-gen.
Sony not being there is still a bit of a blunder imo, but if they don't wanna recycle stuff we know it's fair enough, I'm interested to see how Microsoft respond to Sony not being there hopefully it won't all be neXtBox
It could be an exciting E3 if Microsoft show off their next consoles as at the evey least it'll give us an idea of what to expect from the PS5.
Games wise its Cyberpunk and Doom Eternal I'm looking forward to most in the absence of Sony but I'll be watching it all to see if there are any surprises
We are near the end of this generation and things are winding down in terms of knock out reveals etc. Also with so many big names not doing much, I don't feel the hype gravy train.
That said, Microsoft will be interesting and I think Devolver Digital is the best show there is and ever will be. Ever.
I'm always looking forward to E3. I know Sony isn't going to be present at the show, but I am really interested in Microsoft, Square and Nintendos announcements.
I can can completely understand your stance. Personally, I've never been fussed about E3. Generally, my industry contacts have already informed me about the planned agenda content, before it's
reported in the media. Myself and the others, which I've mentioned, all consider it as nothing more than an annual marketing exercise.
@TheIronChimp parasite Eve needs a comeback.i will take the last remnant playing the last remnant remaster now.its amazing.hard fun great graphics.rpg.word up son
Not really interested with no Sony presence. All that remains for me is the Ubi conference, and that's mostly for news about GR Breakpoint and possibly/hopefully Watch_Dogs 3.
I don't get over-hyped for E3 regardless of who is attending. I am always interested but by not being Hyped, I can enjoy it more. I like to see 'new', as in not been at E3 before, games, game-play etc.
MS's E3's of late have been the 'best' for me - not to say Sony's haven't been good - but MS have had more games and game announcements. I have liked Sony's approach of showing few games but also giving more time to each but on numbers and on 'new' reveals, MS has been bigger for me. In truth, MS's may well of been more interesting to Sony gamers than any others too as a lot of the 'new' reveals have been multi-platform. It depends on whether you are excited to see yet another video of a game that was shown last year and even the year before in some cases or prefer to see new announcements, new games to put on your wanted list...
I'm hoping Microsoft unveils their next gen machine, because we already know something about PS5 and MS will need to show some strength there... more or less how they have done with Scorpio. And knowing how MS will build their machine can give more clues on PS5. Then hoping to see some good games, also.
Up for seeing some new hardware, let's see what Microsoft bring and how it prompts Sony to release ps5 info. Looking forward to Nintendo for software and cyberpunk!
Looking forward to Nintendo, and maybe Ubisoft, but only because I have a gut feeling they'll announce something I like. Microsoft's should be good as well, but nothing else really excites me. Devolver Digital's 2017 presentation was well-done, but last years was way too obnoxious, and it felt like they were trying way too hard.
no sony, no hype. we are going to get a bunch of by-the-numbers 3rd party games for the most part. boring and predictable e3 incoming. only s-e might have the potential to impress with its ff7 remake showcase... and more cyberpunk news. other than that, there isn't much else that has me excited.
I'm pretty excited to be honest.Once it was confirmed Sony wouldn't be there I kind of lost interest but now it's near I'm looking forward to what SquareEnix and especially Ubisoft bring. Oh and please please have Mario and Rabbids 2 announced!
No Sony no hype and I'd rather eat my own hair then watch MS flash it's bits in front of everyone like they still think they can keep a foot in the console race.
I actually think this year's going to be an awesome one. I know Sony would do something before like Death Stranding, and I think we'll see something else from Sony. They're up to something.
And with everybody else, there's a lot that's almost guaranteed to be there and I think a few surprises too.
I'm still excited for E3, even without Sony being there. Microsoft's conference is bound to be great for me if they show lots of third party games like they did last year. Nintendo generally has plenty of interesting weird and wacky things to show. With new Pokemon games later this year, perhaps this'll be the year that they'll convince me to get a Switch. And Devolver's conferences are fun to watch. Plus there's also Cyberpunk and Avengers.
I'm actually genuinely intrigued by Gears 5 but I feel it could go wrong in so many ways. Other than that, it's all multiplat games and of course the big new gen reveal which I expect to see of at least a similar approach to Sony announcement. I just hope they don't go too heavy with xcloud talk which would be as boring as TV tv talk to me.
I couldn't care less and I don't see the point. Any company can release and get publicity on sites like this or others. How is it beneficial to have a mass dump at once? It's a new world and e3 no longer necessary.
The only good part of E3 is when we see those E3 vs retail videos so we can see how big of a scam some marketing departments are (cough)Anthem (cough). But perhaps these companies wouldn't feel a need to do this anymore if they weren't locked into a big show date and had to blow away the competition.
I'd actually forgotten Sony weren't doing a conference this year. Are they doing a State of Play at least? Other than them there's at least Cyberpunk, Avengers and Final Fantasy VII to look forward to along with hopefully some surprises that are coming to PS4.
Just because Sony isn't doing their own thing doesn't mean games for PS4 won't be announced or shown. I'm super hyped to see the new Avengers game by Square!
Cyberpunk is pretty much the only reason I'm interested in E3... That and the meager hope that Ubisoft will shed a little more light on Beyond Good & Evil 2...
The lack of Sony is a bit of a bummer, but Nintendo was always going to be the highlight for me anyway. At least until PS5 is announced in full detail.
Oh, Microsoft is still around? Sometimes living in Japan I forget they are a real contender in video games. XD
Comments 58
Not without Sony there. Hoping they announce PSX 2019 soon with a big blowout on PS5 launch plans.
Even without Sony, I'm still looking forward to E3. The Xbox, Square Enix (kind of), and Nintendo conferences should be interesting.
square enix give me parasite Eve remaster.word up son
Looking forward to it. Sucks about no Sony but the world does not revolve around Sony.
Not excited at all this year. Without Sony there's no hype. This year is pretty much a multiplat show run by Microsoft and most of which we already know about.
With "State of Play" and "Nintendo Direct" E3's days are numbered. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the last.
Is there any chance of a State of Play being announced that week like how Nintendo does it, or has Sony said that they’ll definitely have no presence?
Either way as a multiplat fan I’m excited for the show, and then when it wraps up Judge Eyes and Mario Maker 2 will be right around the corner. June is set to be a 10/10 month.
I'm not really fussed this year to be honest. I think the Microsoft and Square Enix presentations will be good, and I'm looking forward to learning more about Cyberpunk.
Other than that, though, it's going to be a quiet one I think.
I believe that Microsoft is going to bring their A game. We'll probably see some good stuff there, first and third-party
without Sony being there the only one i'm really interested in is the Square Enix one, i wanna see FFVII Remake and Avengers
although the XBOX one should be good for some 3rd party multiplatform stuff because without Sony that will be pretty much the only place you will see any of them
That will also be available on PC, services and eventually Nintendo Switch. We all know the direction they're taking. And besides, I can't think of a single MS published game in the last 5 years that's been even noteworthy.
Not hating, I've had an Xbox and due to its lack of games got rid of it.
Really hard to get excited for this year just feels this year is just limping its way to the next generation. Microsoft will be good for the 3rd party games I am sure they will mention new console but it will just be spec and nothing else so no details average people like me want to know as I have no idea what a teraflop is! Only interested in Squares for FFVII news.
True. But I honestly feel it's been very disappointing the last three years. Even with Sony in attendance. And since most games "leak" pre show there's not much suprise anymore.
There's not much to care about. Last year, Microsoft threw a lot of ISH at the wall, using the word "EXCLUSIVE" for games that were multiplat with some form of limited exclusivity. Then the rest of the year played out and it was more MEH for MS. This year will be the same. I don't have time for that. And, although Sony has a lot more going for it, seeing the same games again...nah. I'll take Sony's lead and pass this year.
Just Cyberpunk 2077.
Sony not being there made me loose a lot of hype. Still hyped for nintendo and bethesda though and I will probably watch every stream.
@get2sammyb will pushsquare have a livechat during the nintendo direct? Usually nintendo has stuff relevant to ps4 too especially on the japanese dev side of things and I prefer the pushsquare livechat over nintendolife’s livechat. Pushsquare did it in 2018 and 2017 too right?
I couldn't really care less about E3 in general. With the internet the way it is, folks can drum up hype about upcoming games easier and more frequently than they could when E3 first started, so the concept to me is kind of outdated. That, and seeing as every major release these days is either a multiplayer-based FPS, battle royale, or open world action game, I'm kind of burned out on seeing the same stuff released over and over.
Cyberpunk, Avengers, Nintendo. I'm fine. No Knack 3 is kinda a bummer, but whatever.
When is it again?
I'm more interested in any news regarding Cyberpunk 2077.
looking forward to Marvel's Avengers too.
Looking forward to seeing more of CyberPunk, Avengers, Jedi Fallen Order and Watchdogs.
I’m always excited to see something for the first time that has managed to stay under the radar and not been revealed. I’m hoping that there might still be a few of these this year but it’s getting harder for games to remain secret.
I'll be watching exclusively for Doom Eternal. I am praying for the return of competitive online arena shooters.
I'm more excitied that Nintendo and Sony will have announcements during the same time as E3, but not that interested in E3.
Cautiously optimistic about Avengers and im excited for Starwars other than that nothing for me honestly.
not fussed to be honest. pretty much anything releasing this year is already known about.. seems like a lot of the bigger publishers have made the announcements early, or tried to reign in expectations of E3 with regards unannounced titles. anything that's more than a year away, not bothered if we hear about it or not..
Cyberpunk, AC Vikings, Watch Dogs 3, FF7 Remake, Avengers, Star Wars will all have my interest. Limited Run Games are announcing the final vita games to get a physical release too so im interested in seeing what they came up with, even if i cant justify the shipping costs for any of them.
Interested in learning more about Control as well ahead of its release, and there is due to be a vr show that's bound to include ps vr releases.
I think microsofts show will be interesting but no idea what they will show. Presumably the new obsidian game, the outer worlds, and im interested in that. But most of their other new studios will presumably still be gearing up for the next box
Cyberpunk. FF7R. Animal Crossing. Fire Emblem. Shantae 5. There are a lot of games I'm incredibly excited to hear about.
As usual, Nintendo's conference is the one I'm most interested in, but I'll watch most of them.
I’m not hyped for e3 this year since sony isn’t there but I’m curious about xbox conferece since there’s possibility that they will be showing their plan for next-gen.
I'm still somewhat looking forward to it but it's definitely lost a massive chunk of its appeal due to PlayStation not being there.
I get why Sony are skipping it if they don't have much new stuff to reveal but it's still kinda disappointing.
Sony not being there is still a bit of a blunder imo, but if they don't wanna recycle stuff we know it's fair enough, I'm interested to see how Microsoft respond to Sony not being there hopefully it won't all be neXtBox
It could be an exciting E3 if Microsoft show off their next consoles as at the evey least it'll give us an idea of what to expect from the PS5.
Games wise its Cyberpunk and Doom Eternal I'm looking forward to most in the absence of Sony but I'll be watching it all to see if there are any surprises
We are near the end of this generation and things are winding down in terms of knock out reveals etc. Also with so many big names not doing much, I don't feel the hype gravy train.
That said, Microsoft will be interesting and I think Devolver Digital is the best show there is and ever will be. Ever.
I'm always looking forward to E3. I know Sony isn't going to be present at the show, but I am really interested in Microsoft, Square and Nintendos announcements.
I can can completely understand your stance. Personally, I've never been fussed about E3. Generally, my industry contacts have already informed me about the planned agenda content, before it's
reported in the media. Myself and the others, which I've mentioned, all consider it as nothing more than an annual marketing exercise.
@TheIronChimp parasite Eve needs a comeback.i will take the last remnant playing the last remnant remaster now.its amazing.hard fun great graphics.rpg.word up son
Not really interested with no Sony presence. All that remains for me is the Ubi conference, and that's mostly for news about GR Breakpoint and possibly/hopefully Watch_Dogs 3.
I don't get over-hyped for E3 regardless of who is attending. I am always interested but by not being Hyped, I can enjoy it more. I like to see 'new', as in not been at E3 before, games, game-play etc.
MS's E3's of late have been the 'best' for me - not to say Sony's haven't been good - but MS have had more games and game announcements. I have liked Sony's approach of showing few games but also giving more time to each but on numbers and on 'new' reveals, MS has been bigger for me. In truth, MS's may well of been more interesting to Sony gamers than any others too as a lot of the 'new' reveals have been multi-platform. It depends on whether you are excited to see yet another video of a game that was shown last year and even the year before in some cases or prefer to see new announcements, new games to put on your wanted list...
I'm hoping Microsoft unveils their next gen machine, because we already know something about PS5 and MS will need to show some strength there... more or less how they have done with Scorpio. And knowing how MS will build their machine can give more clues on PS5. Then hoping to see some good games, also.
Up for seeing some new hardware, let's see what Microsoft bring and how it prompts Sony to release ps5 info. Looking forward to Nintendo for software and cyberpunk!
In a word....No. It's hardly Spurs in the Champions League Final is it!
Looking forward to Nintendo, and maybe Ubisoft, but only because I have a gut feeling they'll announce something I like. Microsoft's should be good as well, but nothing else really excites me. Devolver Digital's 2017 presentation was well-done, but last years was way too obnoxious, and it felt like they were trying way too hard.
Not super excited, but I am interested to see what goes down
no sony, no hype. we are going to get a bunch of by-the-numbers 3rd party games for the most part. boring and predictable e3 incoming. only s-e might have the potential to impress with its ff7 remake showcase... and more cyberpunk news. other than that, there isn't much else that has me excited.
Nah, but I don't get hyped for much these days, too many times of being disappointed in the past has kinda numbed my expectation levels.
I'm pretty excited to be honest.Once it was confirmed Sony wouldn't be there I kind of lost interest but now it's near I'm looking forward to what SquareEnix and especially Ubisoft bring.
Oh and please please have Mario and Rabbids 2 announced!
I’m sad that Sony won’t be there because they’re more often than not the highlight of E3 for me, but even without then E3 is like my Super Bowl.
No Sony no hype and I'd rather eat my own hair then watch MS flash it's bits in front of everyone like they still think they can keep a foot in the console race.
I actually think this year's going to be an awesome one. I know Sony would do something before like Death Stranding, and I think we'll see something else from Sony. They're up to something.
And with everybody else, there's a lot that's almost guaranteed to be there and I think a few surprises too.
I'm still excited for E3, even without Sony being there. Microsoft's conference is bound to be great for me if they show lots of third party games like they did last year. Nintendo generally has plenty of interesting weird and wacky things to show. With new Pokemon games later this year, perhaps this'll be the year that they'll convince me to get a Switch. And Devolver's conferences are fun to watch. Plus there's also Cyberpunk and Avengers.
I am probably most interested to see what Nintendo is doing, followed by Square.
Definitely looking forward to Ms conference even if I'm not interested in Xbox.
I'm actually genuinely intrigued by Gears 5 but I feel it could go wrong in so many ways. Other than that, it's all multiplat games and of course the big new gen reveal which I expect to see of at least a similar approach to Sony announcement. I just hope they don't go too heavy with xcloud talk which would be as boring as TV tv talk to me.
I couldn't care less and I don't see the point. Any company can release and get publicity on sites like this or others. How is it beneficial to have a mass dump at once? It's a new world and e3 no longer necessary.
The only good part of E3 is when we see those E3 vs retail videos so we can see how big of a scam some marketing departments are (cough)Anthem (cough). But perhaps these companies wouldn't feel a need to do this anymore if they weren't locked into a big show date and had to blow away the competition.
Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Cyberpunk
I'd actually forgotten Sony weren't doing a conference this year. Are they doing a State of Play at least?
Other than them there's at least Cyberpunk, Avengers and Final Fantasy VII to look forward to along with hopefully some surprises that are coming to PS4.
Just because Sony isn't doing their own thing doesn't mean games for PS4 won't be announced or shown. I'm super hyped to see the new Avengers game by Square!
Cyberpunk is pretty much the only reason I'm interested in E3... That and the meager hope that Ubisoft will shed a little more light on Beyond Good & Evil 2...
About as un-hyped as I’ve ever been for E3.
Really wanted to see MP4 but that’s not turning up either...
The lack of Sony is a bit of a bummer, but Nintendo was always going to be the highlight for me anyway. At least until PS5 is announced in full detail.
Oh, Microsoft is still around? Sometimes living in Japan I forget they are a real contender in video games. XD
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