There’s no doubt that the PlayStation 5 is an absolute beast – have you seen that Marvel’s Spider-Man tech demo yet? Of course, with the system suspected to release next year, high-profile developers have already got up close and personal with the hardware – and Yakuza series general director Toshihiro Nagoshi has shared his thoughts.
Speaking during the latest SEGA-Nama broadcast (as translated by Gematsu), the tanned auteur admitted that the next-gen console's processing power is “incredible”. He insinuated that while his current focus is on the PS4, his team need to think up new ways to take advantage of the system beyond simply upgrading the graphics.
“If you would pour its power into graphics it’ll be the best that we’ve yet to see, and I think everyone is thinking about in what way we should use that power,” he explained. “I [am] as well. There’s artificial intelligence and many other things I want to think about.” Could the already bustling streets of Kamurocho be about to get busier?
[source youtube.com, via gamestalk.net, gematsu.com]
Comments 38
The Yakuza games already look superb on this new engine, can't wait to see what the next-gen has in store for the series.
Can't wait to hear about the next Yakuza, also there's free Judgement theme on the PS store for Plus members.
The Yakuza games look amazing already so more power may be overkill. On a semi-related note, I wonder if we will find out if/when the remasters/ports for 3, 4 and 5 are coming to the West at E3?
It would definitely help make the cities feel livelier. They’re already beautiful, especially the food, but making more building accessible would go a long way to making Kamurocho and Sotenbori the best open cities out there.
5 Billion Ono michios taking over Japan. We are Ono!
so if developers have already started to see the PS5 then chances are they have seen the next XBOX too
i wonder how they compare? (and yes i know there are plenty of "leaks" of what their stats are but until the stats are released OFFICIALLY i'll take all of that with a pinch of salt)
PS5 is when I jump to a 4K TV in the living room.
@AdamNovice Really? I somehow missed this. Download when I get home.
This is the usual comment we get before a new generation arrives. Every single time... Then launch games are not sooo incredible. The last time I was amazed was with the jump from PS1 (or PC for that matter, even with 3d accelerators) to PS2. Gran Turismo on PS2 was something else. Then you have an Uncharted 4 or Horizon, but not launch titles.
AMD have seriously smashed the CPU market with Navi im waiting to build a new pc as it comes out soon for desktop markets. The 3700x is perfect for me can't wait to see what it can so the PS5 version will be special revision I feel since they are annoucing it at E3,
Yakuza 7 confirmed?
Reminds me of what Yves said about the Switch aka NX.
""What we have seen is really great."
@shonenjump86 They're making it already. Doesn't have that name, can't remember what's it called. The main character is that dude from the mobile game.
@MattSilverado Going from ps2 to ps3 felt like a bigger jump to me. I remember seeing some trailers for Heavenly Sword and Dynasty Warriors that blew my mind. Nothing came close after that, though.
@naruball Yep, PS2 to PS3 was a huge difference but PS3 to PS4 was not so huge, no wonder we've had so many remasters this gen.
And we can't wait to see more about the PlayStation 5 and next Yakuza game.
Why has nobody commented on that picture of him yet?!
@TheArt People keep saying how superior the ps4 versions are, but to me the difference is by no means massive. I played DmC on ps3 and bought the remaster and it didn't feel that different. Going back to ps2, though, would figuratively (Archer reference) hurt my eyes.
'so if developers have already started to see the PS5 then chances are they have seen the next XBOX too'
The consoles arent built yet, which makes it funny when the rumours go 'more advanced console' and the like
@MattSilverado From how I understand it, it is more like a pc in terms of same architecture just much faster. So normally when they went from ps3 to ps4 they had to relearn a new system and can't push the new games to the limit yet. In this case with the ps5, however, I believe it is the situation of mostly just making a ps4 games better(of course some new changes as well).
So like on pc when you get that next gen pc graphics card but in this case it's like 3-4 gens ahead of the last card. This should allow current ps4 developers to jump right into making things look much much better instead of figuring out how to do it.
Unless I am understanding how the ps5 works, somebody can correct me if I'm wrong.
@Gumbopudding yeah I'm no expert but I believe you're right. Microsoft has always been unafraid to say its consoles are basically PC-like in a box. After the major issues Sony had with the PS3 (or rather pretty much every dev had developing for it) the PS4 was made to be much closer to PC and therefore easy to develop for. I believe the next Xbox and PS5 are both going to be basically very PC-like, just with customised processors.
@shonenjump86 The next Ryū ga Gotoku game has been confirmed since ages (initial teaser trailer was in 2017) & in the recent stream cited by the article Nagoshi stated all the writing & most of the voice recording for it is done. A localised version which may or may not be called Yakuza 7 is pretty much guaranteed given the success of the series this gen.
@Gumbopudding well, for sure the least impressive was the jump to PS4. But I remember seeing Winning Eleven 5 (the first for ps2) and I was amazed. As you pointed out PS4 and Xbox one are almost PCs, but with fixed hardware and a somewhat not so bloated OS eating resources, that's why we can get games like Horizon zero Dawn on such a "crappy" hardware. I guess the fact of "learning" how to max out a new architecture will be always present. Ps2 was a very custom hardware (hard to program but flexible and powerful, remember it had 32mb system ram), so as ps3 and even x360 (easier to work than ps3)... And then here we are with almost PCs. Funny thinking about the first Xbox, I remember when it was announced, something along a Celeron 700mhz CPU paired with ~GeForce 3 graphics... Nothing groundbreaking, in fact any PC gamer at that time would run away from a celeron CPU. But PS4 was to my eyes more or less the same as the original Xbox... unimpressive hardware specs, but with the hope of developers extracting every bit of performance from it. I do like to read game development post mortems, there you can learn many tricks they use for that. Anyway, a console is not a PC, even if they share a lot in common. PS4 gpu has a couple of custom mods that allows to shield more performance than a comparable desktop part, the whole system has an unified memory architecture (something PCs can't dream of, right?), and Xbox one had that embedded sram that didn't worked out but those "little" things are what can make a console last many years and still allow devs to squeeze a little more performance as time goes by. For example, I had a couple of chats with the engine developer at sucker punch (at that time the game was infamous second son) and he said the GPU compute power of the PS4 was barely used because it was so new etc, and they already had a lot of clever ideas on how to use the hardware... I guess ghost of tsushima will squeeze almost everything PS4 has to offer. But then if they release a ps5 version of ghost of tsushima, it will look nicer but "nothing else". Other improvements are not for free. I think you can get for free things like better resolution and frame rate, even texturing ... but it will still be a PS4 game. Improvements on gameplay that a new generation of hardware brings will not be available until say, HZD2 (with luck). I'm hoping the PS5 architecture to have a couple of smart design hacks to allow things really not possible on "standard comparable" hardware (say a powerful PC). Oh, I just remembered the Ray tracing stuff... That would be a real generational leap for fidelity, but you know that is so taxing that the first question is "how on earth raytracing is possible on a 500 dollars box with CPU, ram, storage, graphics, etc... Could it really do decent RT ??"
Ok. Lengthy post : P.
@MattSilverado Yeah, the first time new console arrive usually gamers can only imagined better fps and resolution, but as time goes by developers will use the full potential of the new console. As example, just look at ps3 tlou, ps4 tlou remaster, and the new tlou 2.
Also ssd is a game changer for gameplay design, can’t wait for spider-man 2 ps5
@MattSilverado Nothing wrong with long.
"... On a 500 box..."
I keep telling people I don't think it will be $500. When the ps4 first came out it was not common for smartphones to cost $1000. Now a new $1000 smartphone comes out every month it seems. People are used to this price tag and this is for an item that is expected to be upgraded in two years.
Yes I know people buy phones often on plans so they don't buy it outright. But a higher price will start to be acceptable, and stores may have plans like on phones.
And no, I don't think it will be 1k. But $699 wouldn't surprise me.
@JJ2 yeah that's what i meant, they should at least have some idea how all the next gen systems are shaping up
No comparison.
Unless Xbox is finally entering the VR market.
@SirRealDeal as someone that can't use VR due to my damaged eye, it's not something i give a single hoot about
i couldn't care less if the next xbox has it or not
I still remember being blown away by the opening tribal dance in Dark Cloud. I'm sure they showed it as a tech demo leading up to PS2's launch.
@ShaiHulud That's not a picture of him. It's in-game graphics of the next Yakuza! 😅
@BorderlineJon Your dogs are awesome!
@andreoni79 Haha thanks. That's our two eldest. I don't know how to embed or whatever for the other two but we have a German shepherd and a husky as well!
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed Sony doesn’t start censoring Yakuza, though I’m not holding my breath.
@Gumbopudding I don't think you are a mile away but just a little high. If we look at what AMD has in the pipeline I can see a 6 Core/12 thread 7mn Zen2 CPU clocked at 3.8 Ghz, 14mn I/O chip and 16Gb GDDR5 memory shared memory with Navi +- 1600 stream processors all link with infinity fabric running at GDDR5 speed. Add a very small PCI4 cashe drive to speed up main storage for active game. I think this hits a $599 release price with Sony taking a small hit at release but quickly into profit under volumes.
@AdamNovice thanks for the heads up
@naruball To be honest, the jump from SNES generation to PS1 was the last jump that felt innovative and exciting. The jump from PS1 to PS2 was good, but just a more detailed version of what we already had. The jump from PS2 to PS3 was even less enthralling. The jump from PS3 to PS4 was a yawnful event.
@SchattenMann Thinking back, you're right. Going from NES to ps1 was definitely incredibly exciting. The graphics looked superb, the gameplay was different than we were used to, the themes were different; it was a bit like going from a dumbphone to a smartphone. Even the content was much more mature.
I supposed my problem with ps1 and ps2 games is that nowadays most of them don't look all that good, while NES games look decent.
@andreoni79 Definite buy for me then!
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