May 2019's PlayStation Plus games have been revealed, and guess what? The leak from earlier today was bang on the money.
Subscribers are getting two PS4 games for the month of May: Overcooked and What Remains of Edith Finch. They'll be available to download from Tuesday 7th May.
We absolutely adored Giant Sparrow's sophomore effort when we reviewed it a couple of years ago:
Giant Sparrow delivers beyond our expectations once again. A touching story about a tragically unlucky family hits all the right notes, making What Remains of Edith Finch a worthy successor to the studio's sublime The Unfinished Swan. A walking simulator with a smart delivery mechanism paints the picture of a family tree full of misfortune and sadness, but leaves room for some happiness and sunshine. Between the most realised home we've ever seen in a game, the incredible voice work, and the moving, intriguing story, this is the genre's new golden standard.
Overcooked wasn't quite lavished in the same praise, but we still deemed it a delicious co-op treat:
Aside from a few minor presentation and performance niggles, Overcooked is a wonderfully executed game, and is one of the best co-operative experiences in recent years. The simplicity of the controls and gameplay make it extremely accessible, while there is still plenty of challenge in the later, crazier kitchens. Working together effectively with a few buddies feels fantastic, and even when things get a bit heated, it's all part of the fun. If you're looking for a light-hearted couch co-op game, Overcooked should definitely be on your menu.
These are two great titles, but we don't think that they're going to be received all that well as PS Plus freebies. But maybe we're wrong? Let us know if you'll be playing either of these games in the comments section below.
Comments 106
Overcooked is a great party game, glad more will get to enjoy it! I'm sure this'll be a lively comment section so glad to infuse some positivity before the inevitable griping comes lol!
I'll give them a try
Both are fantastic games. If you've yet to try one or both of them, get it done!
What a downhill for Ps4+
At least my backlog won’t grow this month.
Both fantastic games. Maybe not the (Jim Sterling voice) "triple AAA" games that people claim they want but I think it's a solid offering.
This is more like it. Two games I've been wanting to play for a while but not got around to buying.
I’ve been curious about What Remains of Edith Finch for awhile and Overcooked sounds like a fun one. Not too shabby, although I wouldn’t have minded a game like Mortal Kombat X which is on the PlayStation hits list. Wouldn’t have been bad timing with 11 releasing last week as a way to maybe entice more people to jump into that series (myself included).
Oh dear. The rumour was true.
Another trash month Sony need to pull there finger out
I love What Remains of Edith Finch.
What Remains Of Edith Finch is superb. Even if you aren't in to walking sim games give it a try and I bet you become intrigued enough to really admire it.
Overcooked is really good.. I will try Edith for sure. But both are small games..
Both good games but it'd be nice if we could get one indie game and one big budget game a month. Having Indies almost all the time gets a bit tedious after a while and given howuch we're paying for plus and how few game we now get it's just a bit rubbish.
Luckily Sony’s new online sale started today as I won’t be bothering to even download these. In my option possibly one of the worst months every and I have had a PSN account almost from the start!
I'll take a hard pass. Waste of hard drive space and mb's. Both titles have been on sale numerous times in the past and for pretty cheap too. I didn't have any interest then and certainly have no interest now.
You know what? I'll try Overcooked. Not gonna gripe about how old and cheap the games are, just gonna do a little cooking and smile.
Very good month imo. Everyone should at least try Edith Finch and Overcooked is great fun.
A bit disappointed personally as I have both, although honestly I can't remember the last time I've played a PS+ game (even the ones I didn't have).
@Chaos-CRH agreed.
Happy with edith finch, nearly bought on a sale a couple of times!!
I have Overcooked on Switch but playing solo is impossible and every one I choose to play it with is absolute rubbish and gives fun game but I won't need to d/l on here.
Edith Finch I have kind of been interested in but it's a walking simulator so I know I'll just hate it..
No matter,I still have about 20 unplayed games to try..
I never played either game, so I'm excited to try something new.
yes, the removal of ps3/vita games still stings. ps+ value has gone down the drain, but i need to hold onto it until i finish my backlog of ps+ games i have accumulated over the past 7 years. there are a ton!
I’ll copy my comments from the other article:
Edith Finch is excellent. I encourage all to try it. It’s only a couple hours long and has a really nice narrative and is one of the more unique story presentations you’ll experience. Although it is technically a “walking sim” it actually has a variety of gameplay imbedded in it. A couple scenes are quite powerful and masterfully integrate the gameplay with the narrative.
Overcooked is one I will try so an OK month for me but its hard to argue the value of PS plus has reduced in the last few months. I dont play many games online and with games like Anthem dropping the ball its getting harder to keep PS plus going.
Already played Edith finch but it’s a great freebie. I’d be excited for Overcooked if it had multiplayer, but probably won’t play it much
Aw well!...
Edith Finch is one of the greatest games ever made, and Overcooked is super fun. Darn good month.
@Th3solution stop trying to promote this 3 hour game. It's not even worth a replay as their isn't any at all. It also has been on sale multiple times in the past and for really cheap. They could have given a better game.
Edith Finch is an excellent tale, broken out nicely by room. Very poignant. I’m not sure about Overcooked, but it seems to have good reviews. Overall though, I expect much more than what’s being offered, especially after discontinuing PS3 and Vita games.
Sony really needs to find a way to make PS+ a valuable service rather than a 'monthly game subscription' because this has felt pretty cheap since they removed PS3/Vita. Neither of these games are bad, but they have been dirt cheap, so for the price of a couple of months of PS+, people could just OWN these games if they actually cared about them. If you don't care about either (like me), you're just out of luck.
Very disappointed. I've been subbed for 10 years now, but they aren't making it easy. Price hikes, less games, less value, etc.
Edith Finch is a great little game, glad more people will get to experience it. Overcooked isn't really my thing so will give this month's games a miss. You can't expect to like all the games available!
Good games that I will definitely play, but still disappointed that sony won't at least add a 3rd ps4 or psvr game.
Looking forward to edith finch. Always wanted to play that. I think it would be better if it were overcooked 2, as that has online multiplayer, but the game is great
Good games, but horrible as ps plus games. Unless PlayStation offers more, the cost of plus is to high.
I have not played either and will gladly download them. I am buried in large, open world games and smaller titles offer a refreshing change. Thank you PSN!
As I stated in the 'leak' that these were the two games on offer, I am disappointed that there is nothing that appeals to me. I can totally understand why some will be upset as PS+ is no longer offering PS3 and Vita games and therefore expected at least one 'higher' priced game.
I know that both of these were critically acclaimed but I personally have no interest at all. Overcooked was on GwG back in January (I think) and Edith Finch has no appeal either.
I can totally accept that some will be pleased that two critically acclaimed indy games are offered as they may of wanted to play these and will get some value from the experience of playing them but I have no interest at all.
It seems like its a 'bad' month for both PS+ and GwG games (Marooners, Golf Club 2019, EDF: Insect Armageddon and Comic Jumper) for me this month. A month to work through my backlog rather than bother adding any of these.
Each to their own and I fully appreciate that Sony (or MS) cannot please everyone all the time so if you are looking forward to any of these - enjoy!
Overcooked looks interesting and the waking sim looks decent in other words ps+ keeps disappointing this time we got 2 small games they should do 1 big and 1 small
Garbage, AGAIN!
I don’t have plus, but have been meaning to play Edith. How stressful is Overcooked?
@Gremio108 Me and you are in the same boat. I'm pretty satisfied with this month's lineup.
@MrFourTwenty Relax. Don't pop a blood vessel.
I'll definitely be giving WRoEF a go. I may also try Overcooked. This is a good month for me.
Another horrible month just like GwG.
I remember saying these would be the two games on PS+ a week ago, and someone here called me a liar. Fun times! lol.
Looking forward to them anyway.
I for one am definitely considering ending my membership if they don't start giving some decent games like xbox.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi that is on Game Pass not Gold
Would be fare to compare it to Ps Now
Great!! I can continue to slim my backlog and not have to worry about adding to it, thanks Sony for looking out for me!!
Will try both but probably won’t be back.
What Remains of Edith Finch is one of the best games I’ve ever played.
I already own both of these games but to anyone who hasn’t played Edith Finch yet, you’re in for a treat. I highly suggest you play The Unfinished Swan first.
For me, this is an incredibly disappointing month. I hope Plus starts to offer more in the future as I don’t play online, so the free games and discounts are the only reason for keeping the service. The discounts have been abysmal lately, leaving the free games as the only real incentive.
I love it when when people start complaining about the price of Plus, it's actually a good price for the year. Not to mention that you get two or possibly more games you might never of thought about. If your argument is that you are going to cancel your membership, then do it and stop complaing like a 5 year old. End of rant 😁
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I am sure a lot of people will agree Edith Finch is a good game, its got a lot of very good review scores but personally it's not a game type I am interested in; ditto overcooked.
Been waiting to try out What Remains of Edith Finch
@LieutenantFatman so what's next for May ps darksiders warmaster gonna be one.about dragon dogma.or the order 1886.where do u get your source from chief.word up son
Hahahahahaha what a joke. I honestly dont really play plus games as I pay for the multiplayer (which is a whole other conversation), but this is just sad....Well done Sony, you played yourself.
I’ve been tempted to purchase Edith Finch on several occasions, but other titles ended up taking priority at the time. But I’ve heard nothing but good about it, so I’m glad I’ll finally be able to give it a try. Overcooked isn’t really my kind of title, but it sounds like fun for those that like party games.
I let my membership lapse last month. I’ll wait for Sony to give me a reason to renew. Honestly, I think all the online memberships between the three companies are bad deals unless you play online games.
60 euros is just too much now for the amount of games we're getting (when compared to before of course)...
So if you want upvotes, hate on Plus.
I think a lot of the time, Sony don't tend to make final decisions on what the ps+ games will be until relatively close to the announcement anyway. So no chance of me or anyone else showing up with a planned list for the next few months as amusing as that might be.
Don't have either of these games so I'm happy as 90% of the time I have both free games.
Usually the ideal PS Plus months for me are two small ones like this and one phat triple-a title. This feels like half a PS-Plus month. Not bad games, just not as much as we're accustomed to.
Edith finch is EASILY, EEEEEASILY in my top 5 games if ALL time in my 38 years if life but of course ive got it already lol. What in the worl is over cooked
Can't remember the last time I was excited for ps plus announcements. Back in the day of the ps3 when it was an incredible service, you'd get stuff like Tomb Raider, Okami HD, Metal Gear Rising, Uncharted 3, Arkham City, Mortal Kombat as well as whatever offerings were for the Vita. Now it's just an utterly crap service that I wish I wasn't subscribed for, but the sales from 4 years back (!) allowed me to sub until 2021. Can't see me coming back after that.
I wouldnt play these even if they were given to me as part of an online service of some kind...
Oh wait... Trash yet again GJ sony, cancelling plus. Dont play online ps4 anymore anyway.
I mostly had the triple A games in the PS Plus and if i dont have them ididnt wamt them so good.
I hear a rumor that next month we are getting I'm Mayo and Arc Slayer, it really doesn't sound that far-fetched at this point.
@Butterstick My apologies, sir. Just giving my two cents. I certainly gain nothing from EF being on Plus this month since I own it already, but I didn’t want people to miss out on it. Sorry if this came off as domineering or oppressive.
Very happy with PS-Plus this month after hearing all the love for Edith Finch! OverCooked looks like it could be OK also.
AAA games you want should be purchased, not expected as a hand out. Most drop to Sub $20 in a year or two. If a AAA game is not worth that price its not worth owning at all.
@Butterstick You're going to be furious when you see the Push Square review
What was the purpose of raising the yearly for plus?
Honest question.
It seems that Sony is remarkably out of touch with what the community as a whole would like to see in the plus service.
£50 a year to receive no increase in services and a notable decrease in returns is likely the reason why many people aren't too happy with what's on offer.
Personally I'd like to see something like Cities or Constructor alongside something smaller.
Or maybe Nioh or DmC?
Mortal Kombat X?
Still, for those whom enjoy what's offered, more power to you, enjoy!
@Porco I have the same problem. Paying more for less content only helps to clear the backlog
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi just checked and Xbox isn't getting Wolfenstein, not sure where you got that from.
Overcooked's on Switch. Edith Finch is not and its Steam requirement list spells few certainties about potential GPDWin relationship, so this is the one I may well check out here.
Sony dropped the ball it feels one month after the other I either own the games or not too interested in playing
They might both be good games but it certainly doesn't feel like we're getting our moneys worth. They should add a third game.
Edith Finch: I highly recommend. You may like it if you enjoyed Gone Home, and i think it is better than Gone Home.
Overcooked: I will pass after viewing some screen shots.
I'll try Edith Finch, although I'm not expecting to be blown away.
No interest whatsoever in Overcooked.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi what the hell are you talking about? Xbox doesn’t get Wolfenstien 2?
How embarrassing...
Overcooked is definitely a welcome game. Only issue is I have one PS4 controller!
Whether you think these are good games or not, not doubt Sony really cheaped out on this one. I know these are cheap games because one of them is on gamepass and both have previously been given out on Humble Bundle. It sucks that there is no AAA game. At the very least you can't say that everybody loves these games, which is why there should be more games given out. Xbox gets 4 games a month all playable on Xbox One and always gives at the very least one AAA game, a lot of times more. Really no excuse for this, especially for how much they make off of PS Plus. If this continues, after my year membership expires it won't be renewed..
@Nerdfather1 Yeah it's a great month for me personally. Two games I've had my eye on.
I do kind of get why people aren't happy though, even if some of the strops we're seeing are a bit ridiculous. It doesn't represent the same value it used to, not when you combine the price increase with the reduction in amount of games offered.
@JohnKarnes You say that, but I don't really see your logic or reasoning when indie games are usually under $20, so wouldn't they be deemed not worth being owned too?
And these games are not "handouts", you have to pay for these, and if you stop paying you don't get to play them anymore.
Shocking month outrageously poor month in my opinion
Edith Finch is one of my absolute favourite games of this generation and Overcooked is my family's favourite game. Great games but 1-2 more titles would be appreciated.
@NoCode23 agreed. I always liked getting a good mix of games and the vita/PS4 ones added well to the 2 main PS4 releases.
@Th3solution if it's only a couple of hours long, it's a bit rubbish that we're being 'offered' it at £25 (given I'm paying £50 for the pair of them). Last month's were better, and as many have said, with ps plus offering less for value now than it used to, I'm really expecting big budget releases or they can shove it!
Mk10, diablo 3, dragons dogma (already released on ps+ on ps3) any of those would've been great!
Fell hook, line and sinker for the darksiders metal gear rumours. Was nearly going to renew. It's a very poor month (again) in my opinion. Moving house so every pennies a prisoner just now anyway. Maybe Sony get their finger out and up the game soon.
@J2theEzzo Yeah, I’m getting zero out of this month actually since I own Edith Finch and don’t play co-op typically for Overcooked. I definitely miss the Vita games (I didn’t have much use for the PS3 games) but my point is that people should try the game out, as it’s fantastic, imo. Whether it’s a $60 or a $10 game, it is still a wonderful 2-3 hour experience. Better and more memorable to me than many 40-50 hour games. At worst, it’s better than nothing and at best, it could become one of your favorites.
In other words, I wasn’t saying the PS Plus service is necessarily a good value this month (that’s a different topic entirely), I’m just recommending people to try Edith Finch. It’s great. And it’s not a huge time sink. That’s all.
@Ralizah I am really interested in how you like Edith Finch. It’s a little outside your wheelhouse as far as the games you usually play, but I found it quite impactful and introspective. I know you like gaming experiences that have some depth, so be sure to post your thoughts. It basically just takes 1-2 sittings to complete, depending on your approach.
@Th3solution Yeah, I'm generally not fond of walking sims or a lot of the "art games" that seem to flourish on PS systems, but I'm also not going to say I'll never like games in that vein. I'll give it a shot. If nothing else, it sounds more plot-heavy than a lot of the games in this genre have been.
@BezBot The logic is how bad would a $59 AAA game have to be to not be worth less then $20 say $15.99 to $19.99.
Next how can Sony handout games that sell for a little under $20 to you when PS-Plus can be had for as little as $3.33 a month!! You know they somehow manage to give 2-3 AAA's a year anyways. For the last 2 years I purchased a full year of PS-Plus on BlackFriday for $39.99 If you paid more I'm sorry, you should be a smarter shopper.
Ill be playing RAGE 2 in May so irrelevant. Still need to finish The SURGE from last month.
@DeathByLasagna You can actually set the game up so that two people can play on one controller! It’s pretty cool
mah pile of crap
I already have Overcooked and it's great fun with friends but I have no interest in the other game so nothing for me this month.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Great logic. Who wants to play God of War, The Last of Us, Detroit, or Horizon anyway?
Makes perfect sense to switch over to Xbox over plus games.
these games are getting worse since ps3 was removed instead of better
Already got Edith Finch so I'll grab Overcooked at some point, but the lineup still seems really weak compared to Xbox Games With Gold at the moment - think it's the fact that it's only two games. I'd like to see them bump it up to three or four if we're going to be stuck with just one platform for a while.
As @Gremio108 alluded to, from a personal standpoint they're the sort of indie titles I'd never got for one reason or another, so i'm happy enough. I can appreciate they're not going to be everyone's taste but I can say the same of April's plus games which i had zero interest in & haven't touched.
I think it was @get2Sammyb that said the reduced selection of freebies has created a real perception of reduced value for money.
I don't mind the variety of a good indie rather than get a bad scoring AAA title. But would we be better off getting at least one such indie & then a mash up of two quality AAA instead?
And lets not forget only certain publishers seem keen to be involved...never seen a eg rockstar ps 2 classic, or capcom etc. on plus...e.a. (hate em or loathe em!), seem to only give freebies on Xbox etc.
Nope. These are another lot of s*** games
Please watch the language - Quintumply
Wow.... Bought Overcooked a few months ago for a couple of quid and not tried Edith Finch but both have more of an indie feel.
With the loss of the PS3 and Vita games, I assumed we'd get some decent PS4 freebies from its immense library but these...? Poor show Sony.
@Hootnoodle you can't unsubscribe, you pay upfront and then can't get a refund. Due to offers in the past I'm locked into PSPlus until 2021. That's probably why the service is such a waste of money now, they think people are either a) locked in for a long time b) forced to have it for online or c) have games in the rental catalogue they don't want to lose access to so think they can now get away with throwaway garbage each month. If I wasn't locked into a subscription I would have ended it already, and be put off getting a PS5.
Both games are ass! PS plus is getting weaker and weaker
@Quintumply Wow, that seems pretty interesting! I'll definitely be looking into it!
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