The sun’s been shining ahead of the Bank Holiday weekend, so you can bet on your expensive new BBQ that it’ll be chucking it down for the next 72 hours. No matter, you’ve got a backlog to be working through, right? Here’s everything we’re playing.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
This weekend I'm playing games that I'm not allowed to talk about, and it's going to be glorious. [Show off - Ed]
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I'm knee deep in reviews right now (hence the lack of Dreams developer diaries – apologies). This weekend, I'll be taking a look at Unruly Heroes, a colourful 2D action game, and Trover Saves the Universe, the PSVR title from Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland. I'm sure it'll be perfectly normal.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
I’ll be keeping a couple of clean pairs of pants nearby this weekend as I finish up Layers of Fear 2 for review. Look out for that one at the beginning of next week, but I’ll be sure to bring my heartbeat back down to a more natural rhythm with Days Gone in the meantime.
Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
Console gaming is a tricky prospect with the newborn, so I've taken to playing my Nintendo Switch. I'm just starting my Monster Hunter: Generations Ultimate grind, and have been playing a couple of the Steamworld titles, too!
Nicole Hall, Reviewer
This week I played The First Tree which only managed to leave a bitter aftertaste of pure disappointment. Poor writing partnered with unlikeable characters and a convoluted story failed to achieve the emotional drive the game was clearly striving for. I then made a huge leap from whimsical indie to fast-paced FPS action and finally sunk my teeth into Wolfenstein 2 and, well... So far so good.
Christian Kobza, Contributor
With Platinum Trophies for A Plague Tale: Innocence and Borderlands 2 just added to my collection, I'll be spending this weekend finally speeding through the recently released Team Sonic Racing.
That's everything that we're playing this weekend, but what about the rest of you? Let us know your plans in the comments section below.
Comments 53
I'm still playing through wolfenstein 2,i thought with the reviews it got and the fact I loved the first I'd have enjoyed this from the off. This hasn't been the case. It's taken me to the midway point to be really enjoying it. This may be because I set my hype meter to high, but also it does start slowly and the weapon switching with dual wield is a bit more of a chore. But still having great fun now
More Injustice 2 and Persona 5. Both great in different ways.
battle chasers nightwars.and elder scroll online tamriel edition.both amazing game.i l💖ve the art style of battle chasers.gameplay is fantastic.and elder scroll is a legendary rpg franchises.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
I'll probably keep playing Final Fantasy 7.
Continuing my playthrough of FFX on the Vita but I've started probably my favourite Final Fantasy game again on PS4, FFXII. I just love the adventure that this game takes you on through Ivalice. I'd take Vaan over Tidus all day long.
Inbetween those two I'll be hunting and fishing in forests, mountains and deserts with Red Camilla in Red Dead Online.
After about 3 weeks rest from ps4, I’m back playing spider-man, already got my email reward for getting platinum but I still have to finish the dlc.
On portable side I just got iphone xr replacing my note 9, it’s really great to play portables/ps4 indies like severed and playdead inside on phone. Also playing cat quest, lara croft go, bastion, donut country, skull girl mobile, and read only memory type m.
On switch I playing blaster master 2.
I recently bought yakuza 3 for the ps3 so I’m playing that. It has been really fun so far. It’s the first yakuza game I played ever.
Also a bit of disgaea 4: a promise revisited on my psvita.
I decided I miss Rusty Galloway so copped L.A. Noire off the May Savings, plus I missed all the DLC back then so...Seriously it's getting even more difficult to resist these sales. Also, I'll be playing the PS exclusive with a bright future - the innovative HZD with it's crazy outfits, I mean have you seen those Oseram arrow breaker boots... Then Red Dead Online if I don't keep getting disconnected, and some GTAV.
On the PS4 I'll be playing A Plague Tale, with some Team Sonic Racing on the side. I also picked up Buster Busts Loose for the Snes (a childhood fav), I'm hoping to give that a crack too!
Continuing Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
Microsoft Flight (Games For Windows Live) - Watching a Let's Play
Mirror's Edge (Windows Phone) - Decent runner
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Switch) - Still having a blast farting on all the local citizens.
The Ace Attorney Trilogy and Dead or Alive 6 for PS4. I might try to throw in DMC 4 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider as well. Smash Bros on Switch.
I finally bought PlayStation VR yesterday, so I'm hoping to get started properly with a few games later.
I tried the Astro Bot and London Heist demos yesterday and it really is an insane experience. You just can't help but smile when you first see something in VR.
I have to be careful as I don't want to get motion sick but I really love the tech and its potential.
I recently started AC Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, Persona 5 & Spider-Man on PS4. Now I'm asking myself why I started all these long/blockbuster games within the same time frame.
Have to admit, I enjoy every second of these games.
Final Fantasy IX on my Vita.
Will also likely play Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! on the Switch with my nephew. And a bit of Smash with a friend.
mainly playing any game that dosent meniton show food in any form. Fractured jaw and wired shut and everywhere i went shopping today people offered me food arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Playing some more Hitman 2. With it, I'm in the middle of Miami, so once that's done I might be ready to give that limited time one shot Sean Bean mission a try.
Also going to try out Sims 4 since that's currently free on EA Origin on PC. And continuing with Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3DS as well.
@darkswabber How’s the translation? I’ve heard it’s weird compared to the other ones but if it’s your first Yakuza you might not see the difference. Also, both Kiwami and Kiwami 2 are brilliant remakes but Yakuza 0 is probably my favourite game this generation. It’s that good.
Playing more Days Gone for myself, finished Until Dawn recently, but have to get back to the uncharted collection some time soon as well.
I am loving everybody’s golf VR! Sprinkling in some days gone and some baseball.
Good a good long weekend. Currently playing Bioshock 1 my favourite of the series. I will also be heading back into Odyssey. I really need to finish the game and play the dlc
Picked up Days Gone yesterday, so more of that. So far it’s not amazing, a bit generic but it’s certainly not terrible either. Other than that it’ll be more NBA 2K19 & the Bulls quest for yet another championship.
I got my hands on Blood & Truth in advance, so it's a VR weekend for me. Really hyped!
Still persona 4 golden. I’m now great friends with the fox so I can stay on TV as long as I like.
@Shepherd_Tallon darkest dungeon is one of the best games ever.love that game.i was playing darkest dungeon yesterday.amazing game.i save all my party they are up to level 3 and 4.i will get back to that game.my backlog is full.i just bought 7 games.so I need to play those also.word up son
Finished A Plague Tale: Innocence yesterday,easily my favourite game this year!In fact id say I enjoyed the game as much as God Of War and A lot more than Spiderman..So anyway this weekend I'll be replaying the chapters so I can go for that Platinum.
On the Switch I'll be playing more of Octopath Traveller and Steamworld Dig 2.
For me Hitman 2, AC Oddysey and PES2019
Back on RDR2, currently mid way through chapter 4 and enjoying it again, I really need to get it finished so I can clear some space on my hard drive. Also a bit of VR in preparation for next weeks release
@Frigate haha yeah I admit I have enjoyed some games with a 6 but giving a Plague Tale a 6 I find ridiculous and unfair.And now I've played it for myself I disagree with everything that was said.I hope this game sells well.It's amazing!
Fortnite challenges, Overwatch boxes, some Apex Legends. A bit of Titanfall 2 that I've reinstalled just now
Also continuing my journey in Days Gone and see if Liam was right or not!!
So what else...a bit of Darkwood maybe, some Borderlands 2 maybe?
But right now I'm sinking my teeth in some PSVR games
@darkswabber That's a random place to start with the series.
I've played Zero and Kiwami so far and both are brilliant and bonkers. Kiwami 2 is in the backlog too..
Still trying for a 147!
I’ll continue to spoil good walks with everybody’s golf vr
Started ESO on Xbox One the other day and I am really enjoying it, it scratches that MMO itch nicely. Other then that Borderlands on PS4.
Bit of fallout 4 and playing some limbo, pretty decent and pleasantly surprised at how dark it is
Days Gone of course !
It's definitely funny. Just took me a while to get into it. Also surviving decapitation put a smile on my face even though I saw it coming with the cat monkey earlier.
@Shepherd_Tallon are you stuck on a level.pick couple of healers characters.especially the oculists.and battle short level.to save money and level up your characters.that will make the game easier.im use to playing hard games.i welcome the challenge.word up son
What’s up guys, sadly my time with Bloodborne has come to an end. I 100% it a few days ago. What an incredible game.
I’m now playing Darksiders on PS3. It feels like a mess of a game after playing through something as stellar as Bloodborne, but at least it’s fun, and much easier.
dollhouse days gone
Continuing my journey against the heads of the Cult of Kosmos in AC... What a journey so far!
Apart of that.... Naaah, only that!
@Shepherd_Tallon a vestal do you have one.she heals everyone at once.she also have the ability to hit anyone and heal herself.did you know that there is a darkest dungeon 2 coming.word up son
Started Persona 5, again. Had it since launch but always got bored with the never ending tutorials and glacial pacing. Managed to push through to complete the first dungeon at last and it finally feels like it's going somewhere so I think I'll actually stick with it this time.
I’ve been playing the Nioh 2 alpha... Its everything I hoped it would be.
Got my copy of blood and truth today, (psvr) gonna start working my way through that.
Still renovating my gaming/media room, so no PS4 this weekend either since my TV is tucked away. Instead I've only been playing on my PC, with Observation (a really cool gaming experience), Euro + American Truck Simulator, and Bus Simulator 18. Will also try to find time for some strategy gaming with Total War Rome 2, Hegemeony 3 and Endless Space 2.
Going through the original watch dogs, I always loved the second one and figured that seeing as it was dirt cheap on sale I'd check it out, and it's pretty good so far, I love the trains.
Working my way through a bunch of stuff I bought for the Oculus Quest. It's not as comfy as I thought it might be, but it's an amazing bit of kit. Enjoying Apex Construct, Journey of the Gods and Robo Recall Unplugged.
I finally beat Ni no Kuni II. I find it in many respects better than the first, even though at first I didn't like all the changes they made. I'm very glad there's more content thanks to the season pass/dlc.
I still wish they had made an effort to make it as cute as the first one was. I'm even tempted to play the first on the ps3 just to get that same feeling of being in awe.
@RoyalGuard how are you finding it so far? I’m beyond hyped for it
Finishing off AC: Odyssey (the first AC game I've actually enjoyed since Black Flag) in time for my PSVR with Blood and Truth to arrive on Tuesday! Seriously can't wait.
@Mergatro1d it's very immersive and the sound is good in playing with Move controllers so things like reloading, climbing ladders, and lock picking is very cool. The shooting works well reminds me of farpoint. The movement is easy and works well.
Over the weekend I replayed the GTA:V Story as well as played some playlink games over the weekend which includes That's You! and Knowledge Is Power with some of my friends.
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