Here’s your first look at Marvel’s Avengers gameplay, recorded on a video camera circa 1999. The footage – which will almost certainly get hit by a copyright strike, so be quick – shows off an early single player mission from the Crystal Dynamics game, as each of the titular superheroes take centre stage for a few minutes at a time.
Perhaps the most watchable part of the clip comes about seven minutes in, as Black Widow takes on Taskmaster in a highly cinematic battle. Honestly, it’s difficult to infer much of anything from this video – the quality just isn’t good enough. But it’s perhaps a reminder why behind closed doors demos are bad – we suspect Cyberpunk 2077 will be next.
Comments 25
Makes me nostalgic for E3 2000 when people were filming the MGS2 trailer.
The gameplay looks pretty fun... why didn't they just show some of this?
@Cheski Exactly! Why not show this gameplay publicly? The announcement was very mediocre because they didn’t even really detail how the game is structured and whether there is a full single player campaign. I could care less about a Destiny style online open world. But if it has a single player full story mode like Spider-Man then I’m all in.
@Cheski "why didn't they just show some of this?"
I know! This actually looks fun now! (For what I can)
1999 haha it looks like 1969.word up son
Looks like a Crystal Dynamics game alright. By which I mean it looks incredibly generic.
Taksmaster about to show off all the skills he learned from Spider-man!
I'll just say if you are expecting a Spiderman or Arkham game type quality and scale you should probably adjust your expectations, it will be a fun little game but that's about it.
Gameplay makes up for the terrible graphics
There’s no excuse to be doing a behind closed doors demo when they announced this years ago and should’ve shown this in their briefing.
I reckon this will be a very linear, but cinematic game. As others have said, it probably wont' be a Spiderman or other superhero style game, with upgrades and freedom. I bet this will be a cut-scene heavy title with small spots of combat and free movement. One for the kids, not the fans.
@Cheski I watched a Layman Gaming video of their impressions after seeing this and they apparently even told them they should have shown that footage. The only reason why I think they might not have, was that it had a few frame-rate issues according to them.
Gah, the video is barely even watchable. What I can see looks decent. I like the idea of switching to play as the different characters. That should keep things fresh.
The trailer suck but people says the gameplay is good and squareenix is crazy for not showing the gameplay, just like iron man vr. Hmm, maybe it’s marvel faults? Like they demand the first showing of their game has to be trailer rather than gameplay 😕
Does anyone think that Black Widow looks a bit too American?
Looks very on the rails and simple.
Video is down it seems. Which is crazy, as the reaciton to the trailer seems to have been very negative so far. I have to admit I was really disappointed and am not really feeling it at the moment - the art direction is just SO bad.
Video down! Where can I see it?
@AFCC Don’t worry, it’s hardly worth it. The video quality was awful and so only about a third of the video was even perceptible. It was someone’s phone recording of a television screen 2 meters away behind two people who partially blocked the screen with bad glare all over most of the screen and really muffled audio.
The clearest part where Black Widow fights Taskmaster looks like actually the part with the worst gameplay, honestly. She jumps on his back while he flies around and she’s trying to hit him in the head and it looks pretty basic like the gameplay from a PS2 game until they land and start fighting in the ground. Then it looked a little reminiscent of gameplay from an old hack and slash game BloodRayne, which is alright. She is meleeing him and jumping around doing acrobatic kicks and flips like I remember from that game.
Ofc theres no telling until Ive played the game myself, but it looks like an average action game with pretty graphics. Maybe its just that level. Maybe its on par with spiderman. Maybe after playing devil may cry 5 I'm just expecting too much from other devs. We'll see lol
IGN - Marvel's Avengers Customization Explained
@Th3solution already saw it and goddamn it's 2019 how do people still film so badly lol
@wiiware There was absolutely gameplay footage shown from iron man vr.
@Exlee300p Not in state of play, it should be in state of play with explanation that the game is 8-10 hour single player story with free fly anywhere gameplay.
Am I the only one confused by what Sammy means by "recorded on a video camera circa 1999"?
Is this footage from 20 years ago?
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