Watch Dogs Legion is the next game in Ubisoft's series -- that much has been confirmed through the fact that the property's official Twitter account has changed its name to, you guessed it, Watch Dogs Legion. But that's not all. The same account is now teasing the game itself, posting: "God save the NPCs". This points to the leak from earlier this week being the real deal.
Said leak outed the ability to play as any character in the game, which sounds pretty crazy. It seems as though non-playable characters (or maybe we should start calling them just playable characters?) will be a key component of the upcoming release.
The good news is that we'll soon know for sure how all of this will work. Watch Dogs Legion will indeed be revealed at E3.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 21
Oi oi saveloy! 🤣
I hope it’s something akin to MGS5’s recruitment system, not exactly like that but.. I dunno. I guess I’d still like to have a central character. We’ll see how it pans out I guess.
Still think it will play like Messiah.Talking over people for short amount of time to accomplish things.
It sounds too ambitious to be true, but I guess we'll see during E3.
Time to play Watch Dogs 2. To be honest, I didn't even finish the first one...
Set in London? Can you change the audio to English? Hopefully there will be more weapons than knives and bottles of acid.
Still holding out hope for a collection of celeb NPCs such as Danny Dyer, Vinnie Jones and Ray Winstone. That would really make the game worth playing.
I think the new term should be RPC, random playable characters.
@oldschool1987 people in london dont talk english?
Maybe milkshake?
No honestly it could be cool but 'God save the NPC" sounds a bit weird
How does Ubisoft come up with all these subtitles for their games?
I'm interested but honestly this "control any NPC" talk is worrying me, I can't see how that'll work but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I hope it's not like Fallout 76. Meaning there wont be NPC, just other players.
Controlling other characters makes me think of Aiden from Beyond: Two Souls.
@RenanKJ I didn't either, but the second one was way better in my opinion.
Well if it's in London we NEED subtitles that's for sure!
I'm joking but at the same time I really don't understand some things in Blood and Truth lol
@roe Well, it's probably inspired by the Rick and Morty episode, and maybe Red Dwarf too. *Edit, just remembered it's Unity on R&M (funnily enough there is an Ass Creed with that subtitle!), so I'm going with Red Dwarf
@ellsworth004 it's a joke. Don't worry about it lol
@oldschool1987 thank god, for a minute i was doubting everything i thought i know!
@ellsworth004 nah, don't worry, it's all good, my dude lol
As a "Sarf Londoner" of 43 , i just hope they get the accents right... no mockney rubbish or Dick Van Dyke...
Only joking; dont care really, just nice to see what they do in reimagining my old manors
@get2sammyb. Lovely jubbly!!!
@ellsworth004 Actually, a lot of them don't.
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