We really liked Watch Dogs 2, and honestly would have been satisfied with a sequel akin to that set in modern London. Leaked information about Watch Dogs Legion – purportedly the official name for the third game in the hack happy series – suggests we should expect something slightly different, however, as you’ll be able to play as any NPC in the open world. And yes, for the pedants among you, we accept that the acronym “NPC” doesn’t actually make sense here.
“Every individual you meet in the open world has a full set of animations, voice over, character traits and visuals that are generated and guided by gameplay systems,” the blurb that leaked on Amazon UK explains. So what does this mean? Well according to Eurogamer.net, you’ll be recruiting characters to hacktivist group DedSec, and you’ll be able to take any of these out into the field. Depending on who you’re playing as, missions will play out differently.
It sounds unbelievably ambitious, and Kotaku’s ever-reliable Jason Schreier reports that it may have led to internal delays. We know that the title’s not due out this holiday as only Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was included in publisher Ubisoft’s financials, so that means we’re probably looking at an early 2020 release date now. We’re definitely intrigued by what we’re hearing about this game, but we’re also worried – let’s hope the foundations of Watch Dogs 2 remain in place.
[source eurogamer.net, via kotaku.com]
Comments 20
Like Cyberpunk 2077 but different?
Intriguing. But I remember when the original Watch Dogs sounded intriguing and ambitious, only to end up being mostly a clunky miss.
Picked up 2 cheap last week so will give it a go at some stage see if I am a watchdogs fan or not.
this game getting delay to early 2020 ? if that happening then first half of 2020 gonna be huge insane : The last of us 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost of Tsushima, This game and other 3rd party titles
Sounds similar to MGSV’s recruit system tbh. That was pretty fun, especially the dodgy names everyone was assigned.
I wonder how many of the people you warg into will have complete faces or if you get anatomy lesson again😂
@Octane like Knack 3, but actually Knack 4.
@clvr Day one.
@TheLastOfUs2 Do we know Cyberpunk is early 2020?
@Octane https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/cyberpunk-2077-release-date-likely-delayed-to-2020/
Jason from Kotaku said it will be in first half of 2020. they might target May 2020 like The Witcher 3 was in May 2015
@bindiana if you can turn a blind eye to the first awful couple of hours, it grows into a really decent game. Easy platinum, too!
@bruhman oh god.
@TheLastOfUs2 Yeah I did see his comment about all those games coming in early 2020, but I didn't know where he got the Cyberpunk info. Seems like it's still up the air though, for all we know it's late 2020.
@BowTiesAreCool Will make sure I stick it out for the first couple of hours to give it a fair crack. I am in a lull for new releases so nice to pick up games cheap and give them a go that I have missed in the last few years.
That sounds... pretty cool, actually. I'm surprised.
@Octane well i think they target early 2020 like they did with The Witcher 3 released in May 2015 so Cyberpunk 2077 probably release on that month too
I like a single protagonist and feel torn whenever I'm forced to play with multiple characters. This could work though, not sure. I think they're going for some kind of collective thing. That's been a theme throughout the series.
Could it be similar to WD1 in a way they make it sound like the first real 'new gen' game while in reality its crossgen?
Enjoyed the first game hated the second.
Really looking forward to this. I absolutely loved watchdogs 2, the only openworld game I finished, platinumed and purchased the dlc.
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