Good news for all you firmware update fans out there: Sony just released update v6.72 for PlayStation 4. That's right, you can now download the very latest system software patch to get your PS4 console bang up to date. If this doesn't get you excited to play some games in the middle of July, nothing will.
So, what does this most scintillating of revelations have in store for us all? Could the optional update contain some useful new features? Is it preparing your PS4 for something even bigger? What the heck does this darn firmware update do, exactly? Let's not delay things any longer -- here are the patch notes in full:
This system software update improves system performance.
Incredible. We've been provided with yet another update that improves the performance of our consoles. At the end of the day, after all the wishful thinking about oft-requested features, performance improvements are of the utmost importance. Sure, we've had one or two of them before, but there's something about this one. We're big fans of firmware update 6.72. Of all the dull updates we've struggled to write about over the years, this is probably our favourite. It's approximately 464MB in size, so it won't take you long to download this magnificent update for yourselves.
Which firmware update has been your favourite? Try to curb your excitement in the comments below.
Comments 78
I was personally quite attached to Firmware Update 5.50.
Ah, the good old days when PS4 used to get actual feature updates...
** a nostalgic tear forms in the corner of my one good eye **
This is the Sony equivalent of Nintendo's "Stability improvements"
If you think we are getting firmware updates on the PS4 way too often,just wait till this November,haha. With all the AAA titles that month,Shenmue 3,Death Stranding,Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order,Doom Eternal,and the small possibility of Ghosts Of Tsushima getting sneaked in that month,then you can see the possibility of at least 3 firmware updates in that month.
@JoeBlogs Sorry, I was just so excited about PS4 firmware update 6.72.
And my PS4 Pro still tends to freeze after being a while in the PS Store or using the web browser.
I was wondering why my sarcasm detector was smoking
representation of the PS4's system software

I do like after all these stability updates my Pro still sounds like it is going to take off on most games I play.
Which I approve of.
Unless its improved system performance, I'm not downloading i.... Oh thank goodness for that
I said "Improves System Performance" before opening the article.
So predictable. 😂
@Quintumply you moved me. 😍
😂 brilliant article, sarcasm at its best 👍
Article of the week.
How about an update where it doesn't take an hour to install a 350 MB Destiny 2 update?
This is why I like Pushsquare - articles like this 🙂
Q. Which firmware update has been your favourite?
A. It's gotta be 6.51 for me. There was just something about the system improvements in that one, which brings back happy memories when I think about it. Although I've no idea what the improvements did, nor did I notice any difference.
@Lando_ Same here.
I can't believe people still make a fuss about updates as if that doesn't happen with every device nowadays.
I mean, Haha any joke about it should fall flat really.
Ok call it stability again then next time haha
@Quintumply Is this the most comments a PS4 firmware update for 'performance improvements' article on PushSquare has gotten so far?
@Turismo4GT Surprisingly, no!
@Lando_ thats not freezing, thats just massive stability!
@bindiana I have the Spider-Man pro as well as an original pro and neither of the do this. And I have played hundreds of games. You might need a new one
@Lando_ Did you rebuilding the database after a backup ofcourse.
Blocking Pushsquare from my news feed.
Help! Does anyone know where to send the self addressed envelope to get the update on floppy?
@Flaming_Kaiser Thanks for the advice, but yeah, I've done this several times, but after a while, the slowdowns returned. :/
"Improves system performance"....dang it, I wanted stability!
Strange, didn't noticed any improvements.
@Quintumply This is an amazing article. Loving it even more than the new system update, which are pretty big words
@TuckNorris85 Wow, high praise! Thanks for reading.
Just last night I was yelling at my PS4 saying, "Why don't you perform better!?!" This morning, I was treated to a performance update. I swear Sony is clairvoyant.
Fingers crossed that the next update will improve stability.
Just can't get enough of these system performance improvements. Would have preferred system stability though.
This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Besides the official patch notes for firmware update 6.72 of course.
Haha great article. These updates help with those annoying errors that sometimes pop up don't they? Good stuff.
@Hengist hahaha that was funny
@bindiana ya it pumps out so much heat,
I attached a triple fan you can add on the back of the ps4, that plugs into the USB and sucks more air out you can get them on ebay cheap
if it dont improve it now nothing will been getting these since noah ark saved the animals
this "update" is about as exciting as your dragged on article soy guzzler
Probably just exploit patches as tbh my PS4 actually became more sluggish and glitchy today after the update.
Astounding! How could you have possibly known? I read this article completely unaware of what it could possibly be and was dumbstruck upon hearing it was a stability patch. I for one am VERY excited that we're finally getting this update installed on our PS4s.
Someone on the inside has told me that the real reason for this upgrade is to prepare our consoles for the upcoming update 6.73, which will a stability and performance update. Woohoo! 😂
Thank God!
I worry about stability daily
I literally created an account just to let you know that this was hilarious. Great job.
@Lando_ Open that thing up, clean it completely, clean the old thermal paste off the APU, apply some "Thermal Grizzly" thermal paste... Your PS4 Pro will run like a regular PS4, or like a Pro that doesn't need to ramp the fan to 100%.. This usually fixes all issues with Pros and OG PS4s...
@Jacaso replacing the thermal paste with some higher quality paste is much more effective. I have one of the old 12 volt Xbox 360 fans, those would pull so much air that it was impossible for a 360 to overheat. The PS4 fans are all WEAK, 5 volts, and don't move much air.
Anyone who've owned one of those 360 fans know how beastly they were, they'd blow your hair back lol
I hope it wil fix my SHAREfactory from skipping small gaps in the records. It spoiled so many clips by doing so. Usually I don't have time to remake those clips and end up with weirdly edited videos.
@hulkie you think Ghost of Tsushima has a chance of coming out this year? That's cute
Will this update make my blue ray lens read my disc based games again? If not hrrmph
@Lando_ Maybe full backup and factory reset. I would do a full backup anyway i hope it doesnt die on you. 😐
@Tulio517 I did say SMALL possibility. If we cant get it this year,hopefully they can give us a firm release date for next year,like we got for cyberpunk.
@Lando_ yeah, if I scroll through a huge list of games on a sale my system because really slow. I usually do a full reboot after that. Crazy.
My favourite was version 9.35 and you'll never believe what it did either. Somehow sent me to the past, it was that stable (no StarGate or Starfleet Federation involved, ay Dusty).
@Boobalvarado it's actually a known thing between the 3 pro designs that the launch version is louder and cooler under higher loads. We didn't find this out until maybe year and a half after it released with games like God of War and Spider-Man pushing the envelope. The Spider-Man Pro and 500 Million Pro editions are version 2 and are middle of the road in comparison for noise and temperature. Lastly, the Pros sold today are 3rd revision and are the quietest yet hottest Pros. Nothing is wrong with any of them. If you can stand the noise, the launch would be better simply because electronics that stay cooler, last longer, theoretically.
464MB? How do they cram all that gram?
@Ihatepushsquare A wild troll appears. Troll uses Teen Angst. It's super effective!
It's oddly a relief to see people get so annoyed by an update like this for Playstation the same way they do for Nintendo.
I don't understand why people get so annoyed in either case, but it's nice to know the annoyance isn't unique.
@Ihatepushsquare But... PS4 firmware update 6.72 is available to download now.
It’s also an absolute corker, you should definitely download it asap.
Still dont fix the random crashing, like if you walk away from your ps4 and it randomly crashes and you come back to a error message. Or in a middle of game it willl freeze up then crash to the same error message. Im not replacing my Ps4 till the Ps5 comes out. Im still rocking a launch Ps4
Pmsl at this feed! We’re a bunch of happy moaning souls aren’t we. We’re not happy unless we’re complaining. I’m not alone in thinking why lol......
@Turismo4GT Okay, now it has the most comments for a standard update article.
@Ihatepushsquare I know what you mean. I always set up an account on forums I hate. Love you blaming Google for your actions but then you probably blame everything on someone else by the sound of it. ✌
@Quintumply It will truly go down as the greatest PS4 Firmware Update article in PushSquare history!
@Turismo4GT My magnum opus
I wanted to see what are the features the new update does , where is it?
And none of these "performance updates" fix my PS4's crashing every time I turn it on. My PS4 Pro has never had any issues with games before or even the console's unstable operating system but my normal PS4 is slower than a Nintendo 3DS.
Wow my PS4 has crashed twice in a day since downloading this
Ummm thanks for the uninformative and vague article that drones on and on about absolutely nothing and explains even less....🙄
I can one up this update
>Updated the localization files
TF2 is actually amazing. Such good updates that impact the game in the best of ways.
>"This update improves performance"
>logs on
>installs update
>Error code SU-42118-6
@Rhaoulos no it means they have integrated a new AMD driver in the firmware thar offers better performance and is qualified against existing titles in the field and new titles in testing.
I know it's fashionable to joke about this, but the did deliver better performance and more stability, and it why we don't realise their importance, as they do a great job.
@Badbob I know, I'm just kidding like every one else. Nintendo also updates the nVidia drivers. I used to be a PC gamer, so I know the importance of driver updates. Also I used to look for improvements for games I was playing every time there was a patch note.
Why is this article from Tuesday back on top of the front page?
I honestly thought there was a NEW firmware update since the one I had to install on Tuesday.
@Neolit ahh, thanks, they must all be out w/ the NL crew, maybe they left Alex behind to run this ship as well.
Still, Id' rather not have a rotation if it means old info is presented as new. I mean sure lots of times old articles, even a year old, pop back up, like lists of all PS+ games released this year, or games due out in 2020, but at least there's an edit and a reason for those.
Thanks though.
If pointless articles like this are what it takes to keep the lights on, maybe they should be turned off.
that's awesome, if only the update wasn't riddled with errors and file corruption, like update 6.71
both of my PS4 (Fat and Pro) having overheat issues after this update.
as for Fat one, it shuts down when im at login screen FF14 Shadowbringer.
the fan become extremely loud.
anyone else having this issue?
Let us get onto our computers and start having fun.
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