Sucker Punch writer Jordan Lemos – who’s currently busy beavering away on Japanese samurai open worlder Ghost of Tsushima – “revealed” a sequel to The Order: 1886 on a podcast this week. Given his position within the Worldwide Studios family, Reddit was quick to pick up on the story, prompting the scribe to clarify that he misunderstood a series of stories based on an interview with creative director Ru Weerasuriya.
“Last I heard, they were actually doing a second one,” he told our friends from the Gamerheads podcast. “So I don't know if they were already in development at that point so they were like ‘Well, let’s just keep going and hoping the next one's better or people like it more’ kinda thing.”
Given the story has picked up so much steam over the past few hours, Lemos took to Twitter to explain that he has no access to inside information. “I know nothing about a sequel,” he said, before presenting screenshots of several slightly misleading stories on the subject.
It’s hardly a surprise really: there were likeable things about the PlayStation 4 exclusive’s lore, but the project clearly invested far too much effort into the wrong areas. Could there be a much greater sequel that does the series’ intriguing universe justice? Absolutely. But the likelihood of it happening, as disappointing as it may be, is practically nil. It’s probably time for enthusiasts to move on from Sir Galahad and his gang – the series is over.
[source gamerheadspodcast.com, via reddit.com, twitter.com]
Comments 38
HOLY CRAAAAPPPP. I'm like the only one of my friends who wanted a sequel for this. The concept, lore, and ending have faaar too much potential to be wasted. Since it seems as if RAD poured all their initial resources into the lore, graphics and such, hopefully that means they can actually work on story, gameplay, pacing etc.
I hope this is the Uncharted 2 for them and they get to redeem themselves
@acdramon I think you should read the article. The guy made a mistake.
@get2sammyb Op, that's what I get for glazing over that article in excitment! LOL But I really do hope they are hard at work. Sony has a reaaally odd track record of either supporting devs in the face of not so great reviews or games in dev hell (Knack/Dreams etc.) or just straight up dropping devs like a hot rock after their game fails to sell (Evo and Driveclub still hurts).
So I hope RAD gets another chance and they are saving it for PS5, tho I fear that they might go overboard again since it's new tech haha
Y'all probably said the same thing about Knack
The game was fun, beautiful and criminally short.
you people and reading headlines smh, a major issue today@acdramon
I they'd do a Pro Patch for 1886...
I want to play without Letterboxing.
If they were to ever make a sequel to The Order, I hope top priority would be to make the game longer.
I had fun with the first game, and the story really started getting me interested and it just... ended. Poof, done.
I enjoyed the 8ish hours I put into the first one. Not a masterpiece by any means but was a fun weekend game. I played it for free but can definitely see why people who bought at launch were upset. If be down for a sequel.
nah the series ain't over playa.sequel is coming. word up son
The order 1887 would be amazing. It was in 1887 that Tesla started mucking around with xrays, the first Groundhog Day was observed in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and also the year Madonna was born.
I heard a lot of bad things about this game. It has terrible gameplay, a convoluted story that doesn't make since, unlikable characters, and of course it was over hyped. Why are they bothering making a sequal to a terrible game that nobody likes.
@LaytonPuzzle27 You heard wrong it was way too short and they ended on a cliffhanger which always is a criminal act in my eyes.
I'm still waiting for Sly Cooper. I had a lot of fun with those games.
While I don't see a sequel as likely, the game had a lot to like. If they beefed up the gameplay and invested more in that area, I think it would work.
Of course, the brand is pretty much dead.
The Order 1886 was a good fun game with the potential for more. The story and lore was great and it was a technical triumph in terms of graphics. Gameplay was ok, but a sequel would have been amazing and no doubt they would have fixed and improved those weak areas from the first game. I do hope optimistically that a second is in development, it deserves a second chance and would make a great early showcase PS5 title.
i like order 1886 - that alternative 19th century aesthetic looked great, it had some fantastic weapons, and intriguing lore. it seems its most unforgivable feature was that it's rather short.. while it could have done with being a few hours longer, i don't mind that, and i think we need more games like it.. not everyone has the time or inclination to chore their way through 100-hr open world games.
The game had issues but overall I enjoyed it and the potential is there for a great sequel. You never know, stranger things have happened.
@get2sammyb There is still 1% chance of it happening. I'll take it!
I've still got the game on my shelf. I never did get the platinum so I reckon it's time for another playthrough.
I dont understamd your logic here.
Starting from a neutral point where we dont know. The dev says something, then retract. You end on a definitive negative feeling of 'its not happening'.
Doesnt make sense. If anything, the smoke makes it slightly more likely than neutral. In the least.
For all the critics, if the game is three times as long and a satisfying ending then it justifies the price, the cutscenes, etc
@Deadlyblack It's length was fine to be honest. The abrupt ending was a bit annoying.
But I'll take The Order all day versus Uncharted!
@Neolit maybe a ps5 launch title.that would be amazing.word up son
I tried to listen to the audio source but it says 'I removed the section from the audio so as not to cause any more confusion for this misunderstanding'
Oh right! 🙈🙉🙊💩
Am I the only one that surprised the 1st game hasn't been on ps+ yet
@Nakatomi_Uk I can only imagine the pearl-clutching that would happen if PS+ included a game where a guy hangs dong! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
I wish there was a sequel being made, I love Order 1886. If a sequel does happen I hope 5 things happen...
They finally introduce the Vampires they were hinting at in the first game,
They go more in depth into the Vampires and werewolves lore/backstory,
Make the game more open world to explore more of the city,
Get rid of quicktime events altogether or go the Doom route and make them seamless,
And finally make the werewolves more challenging to fight, I cannot stress how badly this needs to happen.
I loved the Order 1886! I would buy a new one if it was being made.
@sajoey You're damn right.
Even if Ready at Dawn aren't working on The Order its interesting to speculate what they are doing at the moment. They have just moved to a new studio which would imply investment from somewhere as worked on smaller projects and VR games recently. Could be working on a game for Sony, another developer signed by Xbox or even a Google Stadia game? Maybe The Order 1887, launch game on PS5? Very unlikely but what if...
If he accepts A.P. invitation we ll definitely see tons of speculation haha
@Deadlyblack Yes at it was so short I thought it was a joke. It felt like a really nice intro to the game showing you how everything works. Where is the rest? Was hoping for a Patch or a DLC even that prolonged the game. It was really fun though and had an pretty good story to it. Hope they do make another one, I'd play it. It was one of the top titles I looked forward to when PS4 came out.
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't mind cliffhanger endings of a game if it had a good story to be invested in and make to get the next game to see what happens next but this game story however is a complete and utter train wreak and you know it. Watch this review and whelp:
@LaytonPuzzle27 The gameplay was fine and i had no problem with the characters. The problem was the game was too short too little story.
@malbhet The QuickTime events wow and they didnt even work good. I had fun with the game it was too short and the QuickTime Events..
@Flaming_Kaiser Have you not watch the video review that I just posted here?
@LaytonPuzzle27 No i dont need to watch a review of a game i played?
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