When the current Grand Prix event Back N. Time was detailed, Activision took the opportunity to also reveal that microtransactions will be making their way to Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. This will allow players to purchase packs of Wumpa Coins, the in-game currency, rather than grind for hours to earn enough for some Pit Stop goodies. The announcement has been met with a largely negative reaction, as you can imagine.
Like them or loathe them, the in-game purchases are coming online for the PlayStation 4 kart racer. The microtransactions are live right now on PlayStation Store in some territories, including Europe, and we imagine they'll become available in North America later today.
There are three options currently available. For £2.15 / €2.49, you'll get 2,500 Wumpa Coins. If you want 5,000 - plus 250 extra as a bonus - it'll cost you £4.29 / €4.99. Finally, £8.49 / €9.99 will net you 10,000 Coins, plus 1,000 as a bonus.
We'll update this article with US prices once they're live. Will you be making use of microtransactions in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled? Spend your Wumpa Coins wisely in the comments below.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 38
At least the prices aren't ridiculous but that's the only good thing I can think to say about them.
Still scummy as hell stealth rolling them out like this. Really enjoying CTR but ugh these coins and the always online requirement for them
Not much ya can do about it sadly but since the announcement every time one of those "fun surveys" comes up I say No.
Once I get Spyro collection that's it for Activision for me. Not that I like any of the other stuff they put out anyway...
I got all the characters and only missing 2 skins this GP so far so probably won't need them this GP!
Just wheels and stickers to go!
Nothing says "save your money, don't buy this game" like micro transaction.
Having not started the game yet, do the wumpa coins in each bracket even buy you much?
Whatever the case, no, i wont be spending a penny on these
It just feels so cheap when you've been enjoying a game and then BAM, microtransactions are added. It might just be me but Nitro-Fueled feels "tainted" now — I don't really want to play it again on the basis that the business model shouldn't be supported. For all of its bright colours and fun characters, feels like the game's had all of its innocence ripped away.
Thank's for the heads up - I won't be buying this game than.
I never support this practice.
And it seems like the highest purchase can get you a cart, skin and another small cosmetic. So it's not even that good.
That's just downright insidious.
2500 wumpas will net you a character skin or set of wheels
5000 wumpas will net you a car
Characters are normally 1500 wumpas (unless theyre part of a bundle which is normally over 5000 wumpas)
Stickers I think are between 1000-3000 for a pack of up to 3 stickers (I think they had one last grand Prix at 3600 for four stickers though)
Decals are 250-1000 wumpas
Colour sets are no more than 1500 wumpas but can be less I think
This is a bit of a sad calculation but you can normally earn a little over 1000 wumpa coins by racing android alley offline over and over again for 50 minutes or so on easy (coming first). I think this is the most efficient and boring way of doing it when online multipliers are not in effect. But with the new real world price of wumpa coins it puts that work at about £1/hour
@Knuckles-Fajita It Would be insidious to you but The Truth is that Carts does not have Gameplay altering Stats (is the Characters which have them) thus you can't pay to win as Characters MUST be Unlocked by Playing the Grand Prix. For me i don't care for MTXs in Video Games and don't judge games for having them like most of you do. Just Ignore them and Keep Grinding as they were made for those who Don't have time to play as Life Exists or due to having to play too many Video Games that can't actually Dedicate to a Single Game at least for 1 Hour or 2 (Not Saying get obsessed and Play for 4 to 6 Hours). If You Dedicate time to the Game and even take Advantage of the 5X Hour after the Item Rotation and the 2X Weekend and you can gain enough Money Without Spending a Dime. I Have Ignored MTX in Video Games for a Long Time, You Can Too
@Rob_230 And if You Dedicate Time to the Game and Take Advantage of the Multipliers. You Don't Need to Spend at All
I still don't see the big deal. I always ignore these microtransactions. If they don't affect gameplay, I couldn't care less.
@Arkantos2990 saying the unlockables are not pay to win is and always has been a poor justification for MTX
part of the fun of good games is unlocking everything in the game whether its cosmetic or not.
How I wish Sony could get the Crash IP back from Activision
@GKO900 What you mean is you wish Sony would get the Crash IP from Activision. They never owned it to get it "back".
Makes me kinda wish Universal was still around. Then again, as a Western company they'd probably pull this s*** at some point anyway.
@Arkantos2990 Yes, I am ignoring them. And yes, I AM well aware there are no stat altering features.
Although you can buy characters who have their own stats and do alter gameplay.
My point is, yeah, its just cosmetic, but that's really not good value even at that point.
Further, dataminers have found the potential for micro-transactions to unlock Nitro Points during the Grand Prix events, letting you just buy your way through that too.
Cash Team Racing Micro-Fueled.
Excellent News...NOT I got all the characters I want really and not bothered about the rest of the things now. I did get MEGA-VEX with the game because they never offered 'N-Trance' to get with your coins(I am sure I looked every day but never saw him pop-up) but 2 days ago I got him AT LAST
@Knuckles-Fajita Oh yeah you're right but I still wish Sony could get Crash somehow, Activision just doesn't deserve it
@GKO900 Activision only ended up with it through sheer circumstance. It wasn't a case of they bought the IP specifically, it just changed hands by virtue of Universal being absorbed and then the company that did that getting bought and then THAT got absorbed into Activision at which point they did nothing with the properties for almost a decade.
Kinda funny they end up with gold mines via sheer luck!
Well, I've already bought the game, so I'm going to keep enjoying it, but won't be spending any money on microtransactions. This whole situation feels pretty bad.
My biggest complaints with this game has always been to do with the pit stop. It takes a lot of grinding on single player to buy anything, there's only a limited selection of items on sale each day, and it requires an Internet connection to get coins. The addition of microtransactions effectly explains why those problems existed in the first place.
After all this, I'm unlikely to pick up an Activision game at launch again.
The pit stop system is just garbage and belongs in a f2p game. Activision sucks but that's nothing new, Beenox delivered a great remake regardless.
No, I don't have anymore to say, Push Square.
Glad I didn't buy this game. Now these crappy companies are putting micros in after launch to avoid review criticism.
Very telling that Activision don't try and pull this with Sekiro
@AdamNovice it is crazy. - to unlock all the content will cost over £200 quid.
It really is tragic that franchises like Crash and Spyro belong to Activision with no signs of escape.
I just used my copy as a frisbee.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Wait... It's always online? Why?!
@Miiamoto you can play offline. You just don’t earn coins at the end of the race if you aren’t connected. The currency and pit stop (store) are online only. It’s worth noting that the all items in the pit stop are cosmetic only and have no impact on the actual racing. So unless you want to buy stuff, like stickers, carts or new characters, you don’t need to be online.
@Gremio108 I wish they would, I might be able to bloody complete it that way.
@SoulChimera You have to be online to earn coins to unlock new stuff in the game?
Well, any chance I was ever getting this game just evaporated into thin air.
@Ralizah no, just new stuff they add to the pit stop. As you play through the adventure mode you unlock the characters, stickers, karts and parts that you meet.
In my opinion, even if you only play with your PS4 disconnected from the internet, there is plenty of content and it’s a great kart racer.
@kyleforrester87 I spent an hour and a half on a boss last night. There was a point where I'd have sold my children just to take 25% off his health bar.
@SoulChimera Fair enough. Thanks!
@SoulChimera Thanks for the info - so would I also need ps+ or is it just the connection that's needed to earn coins?
@ralphdibny Thank you for the detailed response. Really helpful 🙂
@Miiamoto just a connection to the internet. No PlayStation Plus is required unless you want to race against people online.
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