It's been a long time coming, but we finally got another in-depth look at Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red demoed the upcoming role-playing title earlier today (at the time of writing), showcasing 15 minutes of new gameplay to the public. If you haven't seen said gameplay yet, you can give it a watch through here.
But what did you think of it? Is Cyberpunk 2077 living up to expectations? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 69
Can't wait, it keeps looking more and more impressive every time they show new footage.
Looks great, weirdly not hyped but looking forward to playing it. I expect I’ll get sucked in, just like I did with Skyrim.
Underwhelming gameplay video but not enough to kill the hype just yet.
I didn't watch it, cause I didn't wanna spoil it, buying it regardless 🤷
It looks amazing. Super hyped, but was that before.
I just thought they would have someone playing for 15 min. Not some guy rambling in the background and everything getting cut after 2 min.
Quite disapointing, hype levels dropped.
The game looks incredible. Period.
Unless you're not into RPGs, those who are disappointed should check a doctor right now.
This is the first video that has really gotten me excited about the game. Love the focus on lore, stats, RPing, etc.
Looking at the poll, though, it seems like I'm the minority. Or is that one guy with a bunch of accounts?
Going to hack everything...
Now that's a gameplay video, Kojima.
I'm extremely confused by the poll results right now. How do 2/3 seemingly hate the game - suggesting controversy - yet the comments section is both tiny and majority positive. Weird.
@NoxAeturnus I think someone’s got multiple accounts. Must be the journalist picking the game apart for every other reason under the sun lmao!
I can't wait to play it. The disappointing gameplay video from today doesn't change an iota of that.
OUCH, this poul ahah.
Anyway, yeah I understand why you could be disappointed...it's a bit Deus Ex like isn't it?
But anyway, I'm excited.
Bit less hyped. Bit sad. Just expecting a bit more action type stuff?
@JesWood13 Go have a look at a thread on the cyberpunk reddit, lot of people were disappointed with the lacklustre video. It was badly edited, too much narration and maybe 5 mins of gameplay in between.
@ApostateMage Kojima does what his own thing. Im quite hyped about Death Stranding im sure it will be fantastic. If Sony could get Zone of the Enders. 😆
The voodoo boys 😄 haha thats funny?☺😀.word up son
@JayDub So because we saw small snippets instead of a full blowout that means we gotta go into full meltdown mode? Personally, I didn’t watch the demo because I wanna wait to find or for myself when the game comes out. CDPR don’t make s*** games, and it’ll be no different this time around. We have how long until the game launches? It’s going to be a masterpiece. Everyone’s always gotta complain about something, just our culture/society I guess.
The video they put out last year was better. The traveling to the net thing was kind of dumb...I'm still looking forward to playing it, but the obvious graphical downgrade has lowered my hype some.
The video skipped around too much.
@JesWood13 Funny how you equate "disappointing" with "full meltdown", your response fits it well though. Already calling a game masterpiece before it releases and downplaying any criticism is quite stupid to be honest and this is from someone who already has the collectors edition pre-ordered.
I thought it looked incredible, like a next gen Deus Ex. I can’t wait to play it, and the hacker route looks so much fun! I also like the gunplay, the hit detection and animations when you shoot someone look very good.
Still stinks it is not 3rd ppov or have an option for it. I get ill and feel claustrophobic playing in 1st. I'm trying out other 1st ppov games now in an attempt to 'train' my self to get used to that, but 10 mins is my limit. It's the first game that i feel like is worth this effort. But if I can't manage to extend that time it will unfortunately be a pass for me.
@Gumbopudding I wouldn’t be surprised if they added a 3rd person mode when they release it for the PS5/Scarlett. Kind of like what GTA 5 did from last gen to this one only the opposite way around by adding a 1st person mode. I have precisely zero evidence to back this up & I’m only basing it on the backlash when they announced it wasn’t 3rd person & the fact Rockstar did it last time. If they do this game right I can see it doing GTA 5 numbers (just for the campaign of course, unless they add an elaborate online mode that is).
Anyway I hope you get your 3rd person wish. That is the only thing that would make me go back & play a game twice. I much prefer 3rd over 1st.
@NoxAeturnus Wondered about that also, ha ha.
@funkyflounder83 Yeah I heard that as well and would love that. Don't have faith in it happening but who knows.
I think I’ll just not watch anything and then get the game at launch, have it be a surprise!
I still think they should allow us switch to 3rd person and also they need to show more of the open world gameplay. Let's be honest, the latest Dying Light 2 gameplay reveal gives Cyberpunk some heavy competition in fighting for my wallet.
@JayDub It’s bloody CDPR, it’s NOT going to be bad. What, do you want them to play the full game front to back in front of you before you’re convinced?
It’s very Deus Ex (the original not the rather bland reboot). Immersive sims have come a long way but I still find Deus Ex impressive for its time. This seems to be paving the same path, with more concrete foundations. Although I agree this was a poorly edited trailer.
I thought it looked decent. I'm definitely interested but I gotta admit that the demo that was shown didn't have that much action. I'm still hoping for the best.
I'm kinda baffled at the poll results though. Probably a guy with multiple accounts or something lol
Kojima makes a video with barely any gameplay the internet claims he’s a genius, CDPR does a video with barely any gameplay and the internet is disappointed and losing interest in the game...
Oh internet, how you confuse me.
Rofl. All that hype with people like YongTea claiming it was the most amazing game they ever seen. Don't get me wrong, I think it just looks okay.
I am not disappointed or think it looks meh. It just looks ordinary and more like another FPS instead of some unigue game like Death Stranding or as amazing as The Last of Us Part 2.
I mean that is fine, but this is why peoppe should not have hyped it before seeing gameplay. The non gameplay trailers were more interesting.
It did mot make me want to buy it and all the gender politics overshadowed this average looking game.
@vhsodre There are better RPGs out there and this is more of an FPS. Granbule Fantasy looks much better.
@AFCC It's nothing new or original. Just Deus Ex which is OL but not GOTY material as people have been claiming before gameplay. Its solid but not worth all the hype.
@JesWood13 TW3 had crappy combat and bland gameplay so CDR ars not perfect and I liked TW3. I would rather TW4 than CyberPunk. CD Red are not ND or Platinum. They do not have an extensive history of quality games.
@LemonHaze This is a multi game so it won't max PS4. This is not Death Stranding, TLoU2 or Ghost of Tsushima. Third party never pushes hardware.
@ThePathsofPain Kojima made better games than CD, just facts. MGS5 while not my cup of tea compared to the older games had way better design and gameplay than TW3.
I prefer TW3 over MGS5, but it was no where near Kojima's level of game development. Death Stranding actually looks unique while CyberPunk looks run of the mill.
What is so difficult to understand? DS did not have as much hype either. CD does not have the legacy of Kojima. Just the facts.
@GodGamer Okay, let's not take up the entire comments section, please. And please don't try to wind people up, it's not worth it.
This kinda meh trailer changes NOTHING!
DAY 1!!!
@ShogunRok Not my intention but I had so many thoughts and it has been building up since 2017 with the hype of this game. I expected to have my sox rocked off. I will leave it here then.
disappointing specially they removed the option to choose a gender
I really liked the gameplay, Knowing CDPR and seeing just how different the game can be played has me bubbling. Also liking the William Gibson sounding story arks. I played the witcher 3 3 times end to end with different builds but here I think the replay value will be much deeper, I'm going to play this on PC though. It rare I want to sit at a desk and play these days but I want to get the most out of this game I can
I thought it looked incredible, from some of the reactions I've seen from around the internet its almost as if people weren't expecting this to be a deep RPG from the makers of The Witcher series. This is exactly what I want from this type of game with multiple choices and options in how things play out and not stuck to an incredibly rigid story and mission structure. Got to say playing as some Terminator inspired character sounds like a lot of fun too. Simply put there is no game on PS4 that I'm looking forward to as much as this (maybe Doom Eternal)
@Lekzie1 yeah there was clearly no male or female character there to choose from 😉
I thought it looked pretty good, but i was already sold on the game and this would have to be in potato vision for me to me put off. I'm getting OG Deus Ex vibes and the mission reminded me of the Dredd movie.
Looks great, and it's probably quite hard to show how deep the relationship between your actions and the world goes without spoiling parts of the game. Hyped.
The video didn't level up the hype for sure. Most possible it dropped it.
Also the graphics could look better imho. Observer is still the king in cyberpunk graphics, even in a much smaller scale.
I'm still still hyped, I'm still day 1, but until the last day I'll hope for a 3d person option.
I guess watch dogs 3 will fill that gap..
I like it, it’s like deus ex 1 (2000). I’m surprised people aren’t more hyped for the game.
honestly it was extremely.....

with the way it was being bulled up i was expecting more
Looks solid. Especially with huge games, vertical slices just don't do them justice. The most reliable picture would be after playing it 20+ hours, but then you most likely bought the game already
I hated the first 20 hours of the Witcher 3 and was ready to sell it again, but then suddenly it clicked and it became one of my favorite games ever and my most played game with 250+ hours. So you really can't tell in advance.
My only beef with cyberpunk is that due to the 1st person I always have to think of Deus Ex with more polish (<-- pun not intended). 😅
@GodGamer out of respect for the site I’m not going to argue with you, let’s just say agree to disagree.
@GodGamer Speak for yourself, I played The Witcher 3 to death myself and never once thought the combat or gameplay was boring. As much as I like Naughty Dog or Platinum, I typically only play through their games once. As for Witcher I feel like I can boot the game up and still find plenty of interesting things to see and do.
@GodGamer MGS5 had better design and gameplay than Witcher 3? Now I know you’re smoking something whack. MGS5 turned into rinse and repeat missions and activities across two little maps. Yeah the gameplay was fun, I’ll give you that, but better than what Witcher 3 had to offer? Hell no. Also at least CDPR got to finish their game. MGS5 was my biggest disappointing game of the generation, personally, despite liking it.
@JesWood13 couldn’t agree more. The Witcher III set a new standard for RPGs.
going, to be honest, I thought it was a bit dull after all the hype & that girl doing the interview was irritating me as well she believes her own hype.
I didn’t find Witcher 3 as mind-blowing as most people so have my hype in check for Cyberpunk. Video looked good though...
@GodGamer I would totally understand if you were not excited since you're not into the cyberpunk genre, first person perspective games or even RPG. Now, I can't take serious a person that says "there are better games" about a game that wasn't released yet. Even worst it's you comparing with a game that clearly it has nothing in common besides being a RPG.
@David187 what did you expect? She works for CDPR. As I previously mentioned, the hype is real but only if you're into RPG and/or cyberpunk genre. Else, you'd waste your time.
The problem I have with it is, that it showed a lot of dark rooms, quite interesting characters but nothing how the city, the streets breathe and feel. In a dystopian story, the environment is as important as the characters. Something GTA 5 did very well. No real mood but cool characters, but still I am very much hyped!
@vhsodre the hype is not real here🤦♀️ listen I play RPGs all the time it looked Very Deux Ex style to me! happy you like it but don't try to force your opinion on others.
she works for them makes sense she was there to praise them you could feel the falseness.
I still like it but that video was a let down for me.
@David187, first of all, I'm not forcing my opinion. I only said that people that are into cyberpunk genre and RPG will get hyped for sure, because what they showed us until now looks insanely good. People have different opinions/expectations about different subjects. You have the right to not get hyped about it but if you wanna critize something at least present something that makes sense. I'm not into soccer games anymore, for example, but I would never say they're bad games.
People need to learn how to differentiate a objective argument from a subjective one, urgently.
the actual world and its aesthetic was the star of the video. the gameplay look a bit rough to be honest, at the least for the 'gung-ho' style of play. that mini-boss fight looked like any old generic shooter, to me.
@vhsodre you need to realize when you are forcing your opinion on others! you are upset that someone has criticized something you like that is it. looks very Deux Ex if you have played many RPGs I thought you would have picked up on it.
@David187 no, I don't. I know what a subjective criticism is and if I criticized you it's because you didn't make one at all. Again, learn what subjective and objective really means. Then, you will realize what I'm willing to say.
@vhsodre you are crying because people are talking bad about something you think is amazing yet you have played 0 hours of it you are a CDPR fanboy.
@David187 It's totally comprehensible to get excited about something when the producers have a great history of content created. I got hyped because I loved The Witcher 3 and it's the same with Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Tarantino and many other names.
Now, we can't say that about haters. People hate without a plausible reason. If I don't like a game I simply ignore instead of constantly complaining about the feature I don't like.
@vhsodre you sound like you struggle to process criticism.
all of this is because you can not handle the fact I disliked this video shown tad silly really. I said in the first reply I still like the look of the game 🤦♀️
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