What will Sony announce at State of Play? The platform holder’s put its Nintendo Direct-esque broadcast on hiatus this summer, but after plenty of rumours recently, the show is set to return with a “fresh look” on 24th September. In addition to all-new announcements, the Japanese giant is promising updates on existing titles, and it does appear to be taking the 20-minute livestream more seriously than past attempts.

The Last of Us: Part II Will Make Its Long Awaited Return
Stop press! It was heavily, heavily rumoured, and now it’s confirmed: The Last of Us: Part II will make its long awaited return during the latest State of Play. There’s some debate at Push Square Towers as to what this will entail: some of us are expecting a gigantic blowout running for several minutes, others a new trailer and a release date. Either way, with press set to go hands on with the title on the very same day, we know we’ll be learning a lot more about Ellie’s sophomore outing next week.

First-Party Treats
The Last of Us: Part II is not the only title prompting plenty of debate at Push Square Towers, as we’re also curious what the deal is with Ghost of Tsushima. Is it time for an update from Sucker Punch? We reckon it all depends on whether the release is going to be heavily aligned with the PlayStation 5 or not. Even without the Feudal foray, though, there’s plenty of first-party content for Sony to promote, with Concrete Genie and MediEvil both due out in October. The latter looks like it's set to land a demo.

Marvel’s Iron Man VR Takes Flight
Sony’s done a tremendous job of supporting PlayStation VR so far, but the slate is looking a little bare right now. Of course, Marvel’s Iron Man VR is the big trump card up the company’s sleeve, and we have high hopes it’ll drop sometime before Christmas. The Japanese giant will no doubt want a tentpole title to bundle its headset with this holiday, and so State of Play seems like the best venue to attach a release date to the peripheral’s hottest hit.

Project Awakening Shadow Drop
We know that Cygames recently filed a rating for a trial version of its ambitious role-playing game Project Awakening, and we wouldn’t be surprised to see that shadow drop during the showcase itself. A 20 minute running time should also leave enough room for select other third-party partners, like Wattam from Annapurna Interactive and a brand new Batman game. Also, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s single player campaign set to debut at the end of the month, don’t be surprised if Sony doesn’t tease a little tidbit like it did with Final Fantasy VII Remake ahead of E3 2019.

Curtain Rises on PlayStation Productions
In addition to the odd indie title – Outer Wilds sounds like a lock, for example – we wouldn’t be surprised to see Sony’s new media-centric PlayStation Productions division make its debut during State of Play. This is the group that’s now helming the ill-fated Uncharted movie, but there has been speculation it has other projects in the works, like a Twisted Metal television show. Could we get a tease of what it’s been up to?
These are our predictions for Sony’s upcoming State of Play showcase, but feel free to drop your own ideas in the comments section below.
Comments 35
this is going to be awesome
It's a long shot, but I was just thinking that it would be lovely to see a remaster of Ico being announced.
PlayStation Productions? emm, what? Why they should show their show in a Gaming streaming show?
and, why Project Awakening? i don't think Sony supporting those project from them...
and about first party, i think we will get some new AA or smaller Project from third-party developers that use SIE label...
Waiting for Puppeteer 2 until it gets announced or I die. Whichever comes first.
I would love to see more of Ghost of Tsushima, I’m looking forward to that more than Cyberpunk and TLOU2. It’s kinda got to the point though that I’m not sure which games to buy and which games to hold off to see if there’s a PS5 version. I already made that mistake with GTA V and the next-gen version is a whole lot better.
I’m keeping my expectations somewhat in check. I think TLoU 2 will be the major title shown off at this State of Play. I do not think that they will show off two big titles in this show, So I am not expecting to see anything from Ghosts of Tsushima for now.
We may get quick updates on Medievil & Concrete Genie since they are right around the corner. I’m not expecting Death Stranding to make an appearance since it has been shown off so much recently.
You can pretty much guarantee to see the new Call of Duty shown off since it is the major holiday release and Sony still has deals with exclusive content and marketing for COD.
Anything other than these I will just be pleasantly surprised and enjoy what I’m seeing.
@kidfried Well the guy running it has been hyping State of Play so it's very possible now. I don't see a problem personally providing it doesn't take up a huge chunck of the 20 minutes. After all they are looking at making movies and tv shows based on there IPs so it makes sense for them to be reaching out to their core audience.
I'm predicting:
1) The Last of Us Part 2 gets new story trailer with release date of February 2020. MP beta coming in December.
2 ) Iron Man VR launches late November with Iron Man themed headset.
3) Insomniac announce a VR Ratchet & Clank game where you play as Clank.
4) That tease video with all the people I think is hinting at something and I think it's a sequel to Japan Studio's The Last Guy.
5) And since Inside xbox is on the same day, Sony pull off a major troll move by revealing they've bought Remedy. With Alan Wake coming to PS4 next year.
@DeepSpace5D Pretty much agree with you with what will be in it. I think TLOU is going to be about a third of the runtime. Not expecting to hear anything about Ghost until next year.
I think Death Stranding will still get a quick plug despite just having TGS. Concrete Genie and MediEvil are almost certain and maybe one mid level reveal/surprise.
Introducing the 👻 ghost face killkahhhhhhh.just give me ghost of tshushima Trailer.word up son
Or shadow drop Sunset Overdrive port on to PSN
Last Nintendo Direct was freaking insane, I just wish they would do a State of Play that long and that good! Let's hope!
@AdamNovice These are some really good predictions. I'd never considered an Iron Man-themed headset, but that's a brilliant shout. I could definitely see that happening.
Also like the Alan Wake suggestion.
Things that will probably get spoken about:
Tlou 2 (hope not as it has its own event the same day)
Death Stranding
Ghosts of Tsushima
Concrete Genie
Digital only ps4
Things I want them to talk about:
Concrete Genie
Syphon Filter trilogy remake by bluepoint
FF7 remake
Horizon Zero Dawn 2
God Of War 2
Spider-Man 2
Heart of Darkness remake
Tokyo Jungle 2
@AdamNovice oh my days. An Iron man themed headset? Ok that would be amazing! Thats the kind of thing i never knew i needed, but now youve said it, i would totally want one of those
Sony need to explain the 2020 titles crossover to PS5. Will backwards Compatibility give us a full version of a PS5 games. Will they stick with the remastered second version at full price.
I did not purchase any new PS3 AAA games for a year prior to release of PS4. Without clarification I will do the same starting in November 2019. I will use PS+ games and backlog to carry me through to PS5 release.
Expectations are super low. Not a massive fan of anything Playstation really has to offer but anything new with VR, FF7R, or Horizon Zero Dawn 2 would get me hyped.
@get2sammyb i want a push square app
This site could do with a few more pictures of Ellie on the front page. I don't think there's enough.
@Acquiescence Aye, she really looks quite interesting, is she in some sort of game mayhaps?
Ghost of Tsushima?
Not now.
Besides LoU2 and Iron Man VR, I really doubt the other things will happen. I want to see more of Ghost of Tsushima as much as the next person, but I don't think we'll see it until later.
My predicitions:
1. Sony revives the Folklore franchise;
2. Rockstar reveals that they've secretly continued development of Agent and it releases early 2020;
3. Sony introduces a new console program where they give you the console for "free" with a 2 year subscription to PlayStation Plus that costs £24.99/$29.99 a month;
4. Sony reveals the name of the next PlayStation and, as expected, it's PlayStation V, but in a twist the V is pronounced "Vee". Yes, PlayStation Vee.
Book it.
Not expecting anything apart from last of us 2 and promos for already announced games
@nessisonett I'm with you on that, I want the best version so I will hold off for PS5....but....I also like collectors editions w/statues so I can't wait as the remasters/upgraded versions rarely (if ever) have a collectors edition...
Oh well, first world problems i guess...
@sajoey Even remaster would be a good thing. Why wasn't it the PS4 launch title in the first place?? I can't understand.
"Sony’s new media-centric PlayStation Productions division make its debut during State of Play"
Better not. Thet would get eaten alive for pushing movies and tv at the gaming presentation. The best thing for those are panels at Comic Cons and other fan conventions.
I'm excited to see what they have up their sleeve.
Ghost of Tsushima is unlikely to be at the stat of play, if there is anything new and related to this game it could be at the TGS in Japan which is over.
My prediction:
People will complain that it's mostly about TLOU2 and not the mini E3 they expect haha
@AdamNovice any idea when Inside XBOX is going live?, no harm in keeping up with all the gaming news you know
To be honest I'm not expecting any megatons outside of TLOU2. The Medieval demo sure, and maybe some news on Ghost of Tsushima (god I hope so) but with the time allowed I'm not sure we're going to get quite as big a show as some are hoping for.
Where’s ape escape 4 prediction pushsquare?
am i the only one who wants a Crash Bash hd remake ?
just show me Demon Souls remake and I`ll forgive the way you changed the show.
I think the new Batman game from WB Montreal will be revealed.....
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