If Ghost Recon: Wildlands was the starter, then its sequel feels like the dinners you've been eating for the past week rolled up into one gigantic main course. Seriously, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is huge. We've poured a handful of hours into this past weekend's beta and come away impressed thanks to what appears to be a much more fleshed out open world, customisation up the wazoo, and intricate gunplay. It has turned us initial non-believers into an interested party that'll be there day one come the game's launch on 4th October, although we can't shake the feeling that what's on offer might almost be a little too much.
After crash landing on the island of Auroa, what we assume is the game's set of introductory missions paints the picture of a business empire gone wrong. Jon Bernthal and his army of Wolves are working together with Skel on undercover projects and doing their best to stop anyone from leaving the island. It's all fairly standard for a military shooter from the outset - regroup with your squad, make contact with the locals, and start to forge out some ground to work with - but it's the more we progressed that we started to realise that Breakpoint almost seems to be a completely different beast when compared to Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
You'll quickly reach the main hub area, a gigantic cavern filled with real-life players all going about their own missions, quests, and tasks. It feels like Ubisoft's take on Destiny's Tower space - a place to interact with others, group up, and take on bounties. It's here where the series appears to deviate from what it's known for and presents itself as almost a blend between the looter shooter trappings of Destiny 2 and the realistic, gritty nature of The Division 2. It's an intriguing concept that we're most definitely on board for.

When you're actually out in the field, there's a whole army of trained mercenaries on your tail. When the game's marketing pitches you as the hunted, it actually means it. Planes fly overhead and track your position from above, calling in reinforcements when available. Bases are heavily guarded, health is at a premium, and ambushes on the road between landmarks are aplenty. But on the other hand, gunplay feels weighty, accurate, and brutal to make sure every kill you make on your path to success a satisfying one. There might be a whole squad of trained killers closing in on your position, but at points we were the ones sending out the invitations. Lining up a shot, pulling the trigger, and the sound of bullets on skulls feels good - something we never tired of throughout our time with the beta.
There's a throughline to all of this, though, and it's to do with just how much content Ghost Recon: Breakpoint looks to be packing. A mammoth amount of customisation allows you to personalise each and every weapon you acquire with numerous attachments, while cosmetic options receive their very own tab on the game's menu screen. You can go back and edit your avatar with tattoos, clothing, and different skins, while loot found out in the jungle can change your character's look completely.

However, it's the sheer amount of mission types on offer that had us taken aback. There are the typical main missions that revolve around the narrative, side quests which have you helping the locals, Faction missions which supposedly rotate daily, a full PvP Ghost War, and tasks that seem to emulate Destiny's exotic weapon quests with missions that specifically reward certain rarities of guns. Hell, there are even assignments for specific attachments and an insurmountable amount of question marks to uncover and complete across Auroa's map. Add to the fact that raids will be added to the game post-launch, and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint seems like kind of a lot.
Ubisoft's latest open-world behemoth appears to build upon the successes of Wildlands with an even better map to play about in along with better customisation, even more branching skill trees and all-new classes, and what looks to be a much more dynamic setting. Its always-online commitment did bring about some teething issues, but let's hope those are ironed out before release. If Ghost Recon: Breakpoint plays its cards right when it's time to put up or shut up, this could be a surprisingly captivating alternative for those burnt out on the latest looter shooter.
Did you get the chance to sample Ghost Recon: Breakpoint's beta this past weekend? What did you make of it? Make it off the island in the comments below.
Comments 14
i dont know somehow this feels similar to odyssey in many ways not to mention downgrade of gunsmith man i loved that thing in wildlands now its just mods to weapons like division . i honestly hate new approach it feels like they want all games to be on same rpg elements & live service(to push MT) weekly stuff to complete just like odyssey or division. i played beta got lot of guns/gear most are same with different stats this is not ghost recon this is some generic looter shooter with ghost recon name on it sure it might feel like they added some new stuff related to spec ops stuff but thats it after 6-8hrs you will notice its nothing new we played it before its same factory assembled game with different brand name.
Enjoyed most of what I played of the beta, but I sincerely hope Ubisoft tightens things up for the full game. I'm sure it was an old build, but it had so many technical issues. Not least a noticeable amount of input lag on movement and aiming. Hopefully that's just the beta being an online affair.
@HailHydra97 I didn't feel the beta either. Games like this don't need RPG elements with enemy levels and the other thing you mentioned. After fishing Assassins Creed Odyssey it just feels too similar. Will be cancelling my pre-order
@HailHydra97 I love the RPG aspect more. My problem with Wildlands is that you could just go get the best guns from the start and use them all the way through. Going in a 5 difficulty area in the beginning just to get a gun wasn't really hard by sneaking around. I love wildlands, but there was no point to ever use more than one gun through the entire game.
"Ghost Recon: Breakpoint seems like kind of a lot"
I found it overwhelming. I even did "Arcade Mode" thinking it was for the mere mortals farcry/division people. I'm also awful at it for whatever reason 😅
I had not done a pre-order and doubt I will.
I enjoyed it but I missed the AI Teammates
@ShogunRok I hope it doesn't goes like The Division 2, that is still a game full of bugs. Yes, they work hard to squash them, but it's funny how standards change from game to game.. Some games come out full of bugs and "it's ok, there'll be updates". No, it's not ok.. A lot of games come out clearly not finished. And we, as buyers should not tolerate this.. The beta and the Division 2 of today still share lot of bugs.. (likethe one that really really grind my gears, the texture popup, which is better, but still there)
I really hope Wildlands doesn't do the same (but I don't believe in that.. )
@GigaGaia i get it but they could have fixed that issue here may be tied up to progression or some other stuff instead of just making it looter shooter with stats change i hate it when they include stuff like that in everygame takes away the identity wildlands itself is bit off from the series this one took it to another level. i played division 2 like 200hrs i dont want same stuff organizing my inventory checking gear every few mins and my god the animations are horrible i thought odyssey had bit awkward ones but this one takes it to next level wish i could post few images here. i am loosing my interest over ubisoft games they are becoming new EA game is not even out of beta and they have store option in main menu to sell MT for release version.
@LowTech speaking about division2 i loved that game till they introduced world tier 5 update. game worked well till then loved the gear what not once that update is out game began to show ugly parts issues from div1 started and gear is broken my god till now its not fixed and skill system was fixed in last but one update i think. ubisoft will screw up game oneway or another if its not launch then its later in updates. same happened with odyssey
I couldn't believe it when I got to Erewhon and saw another 50 Ghosts running around. Lone Ghost, my arse.
I was looking forward to this but the beta put me off it. All the bugs I can forgive because it was a beta, but it honestly just felt like a very poor The Division: Island Edition.
Was watching it on Twitch ran pretty badly so needs quite a lot of wortk before release. I was hoping it was going to be good but looked kind of boring so will give it a miss.
Moment-to-moment gameplay was very enjoyable. Vehicles handled bad and sounded worse.
Crying shame they felt the need to import all that 'gear score' and looter-shooter BS from The Division, though. I might not mind so much if any of it made sense. It's bad enough that you can find 16 versions of the same weapon, each with different stats against different enemies... but when a Boonie hat somehow offers you more protection than an actual military helmet... well, no thanks. Looking through the beta forums, I'm very clearly not the only one who hates what they've done with it in this regard. If we wanted The Division's gameplay mechanics, we'd buy The Division games. (I actually did buy The Division... in fact I still have it. But I didn't like the gear-score/looter-shooter nonsense grinding, so didn't bother with the sequel.)
At this point in time, it's highly unlikely I'll be buying it. Such a shame, as I loved Wildlands.
I had the pleasure to participate in both the OTT and the Beta. I'm 53 and have been gaming longer then some on this site have been alive, what mentally I cannot begin to grasp is someone who complains that a game (maybe to long, to much content) WTF... It's like saying your fine with paying $20 American for three cheeseburgers but how dare they give you ten cheeseburgers for the same price. There is NO LAW that says if you can't complete a game in thus amount of hours you forfeit the right to play it. The only reason I care at all is other people's lack of common sense AFFECT ME and my future games based on the lack of some people realizing that more product for your money is A GOOD THING... The same can be said for me buying a physical game, gold addition for example $110 and getting a beautiful steelbook case, and a physical copy of the game versus others paying same amount and getting a digital version of game and alot of aggravation downloading and waiting hours (unless you have $$$ and best Internet in the world) just food for thought. REIGNOFDEATH
@REIGNOFDEATH Welcome, fellow Codger.
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