Never a developer to shy away from scenes of a sexual nature, CD Projekt Red will be bringing motion captured eroticism to Cyberpunk 2077 (according to Reddit user shavod, who posted an impressively in-depth breakdown of a recent question and answer session). This process is, of course, nothing new for the company; The Witcher 3 also boasts sex scenes that, at some point, had to be acted out by people in motion capture suits. We'll let you picture that for a second before we continue.
Anyway, Cyberpunk 2077's going to be a bit different because of its first-person camera. CD Projekt Red says that the steamy scenarios will unravel from your character's perspective as to not break immersion, so you can probably expect a face full of virtual nudity here and there. Although it goes without saying that you can avoid sexual encounters entirely, if you wish.
So, first-person, mocapped sex scenes. What do you make of this? Try not to get too excited in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com, via pcgamer.com]
Comments 23
Yeah I'm good. I don't want virtual bits in my face any more than real ones.
Sounds unnerving. Remember when those weird VR dating games came out and they were basically horror games?
Wow, didn't know Trowzer the snake from Yooka-Laykee was making an appearance in Cyberpunk!
Dont worry all. Sony will have you covered (literally): https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/03/sony_censorship_row_re-erupts_with_inexplicable_devil_may_cry_5_edit
No idea why nudity is such a big issue these days . Sonic the Hedgehog goes around wearing only gloves and trainers. What a hero.
Well, now I want a version for PSVR
@ShogunRok this is the only proper response.
I always play as females, hope im not forced into a straight relationship lol
Are they hiring for these motion cap scenes!?!?
Shhhhh! you will wake up the minority internet rage group. You know the ones that don't even play games but want attention.
No ta. At least no playing it when my missus is around. She’ll see that, call me a dirty old man, then expect nookie & ain’t nobody got time for that.
@Rob_230 that was Capcom not Sony that's Also the reason it got removed with a patch no other game that was censored ever had that happen
I wonder if any of the MoCap actors had to do it on a horse
@NYJetsfan123 the best part is
You could be cracking up the whole time and still get the shot done. And by shot I mean... a bunch of flying ping pong balls
@lukey-luke98 lol....so true!!!! "It just came on the screen, I didn't know it was gonna be there!!"
I don't care about explicit sex scenes, I just would like to see my character. :/
But will Sony allow it?
Well, I'm sure there will be a "Hit Skip" button.
Does that mean we can make customisable pearl necklaces?
Lots of down votes with that comment! IDK your situation, but I'm assuming your not the strip club type of person...
@NYJetsfan123 oh no.
How dare someone not like sex.
Apparently that's weird to people then?
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