Update: Shuhei Yoshida, one of Sony's best known executives, has lowkey responded to comments from Xbox boss Phil Spencer regarding virtual reality. The suit seemed to take issue with the Microsoft man's insinuation that "no one" is asking for VR:
Are you with Yoshida or Spencer in this particular instance? Let us know in the comments section below.
Original Article: PlayStation VR may well be the best selling virtual reality headset on the market, but then there aren't any other console-based devices to give it a real run for its money. Healthy competition would always be a good thing for PSVR, but going into the next generation, it doesn't look like the landscape for VR is going to drastically change. PlayStation VR 2 is all but confirmed to be on its way, but Microsoft won't be matching that with a headset of its own.
Xbox head Phil Spencer has stated that the hardware manufacturer's next-gen system, currently codenamed Project Scarlett, won't be focusing on virtual reality compatibility due to its cost and the fact that customers can go elsewhere for that sort of experience. "I have some issues with VR — it’s isolating and I think of games as a communal, kind of together experience. We’re responding to what our customers are asking for and nobody’s asking for VR," he tells Stevivor.
Spencer claims that "nobody’s selling millions and millions" of VR headsets, despite Sony increasing its install base to 4.2 million users over half a year ago. There quite clearly is a growing market here, but when it comes to next-generation, it looks like PlayStation will continue to have to compete with VR devices which cater to the PC rather than home consoles.
What do you make of Phil Spencer's comments? Is he wrong? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source stevivor.com]
Comments 92
That comment comes off as a little silly but I think he's right for Xbox not to be focusing on it. They've got a lot of other things to aim for and seem to be setting themselves up very well for the next generation.
Them trying to compete in the VR space would probably only complicate matters.
Well I think its pretty clear that VR hasn't taken off to anywhere near the degree that many were hoping for. Even PSVR only really sells come black Friday when the bundles are really good value and we're still not really getting enough big games for it.
I have PSVR and have really enjoyed playing it, with gems such as Tetris Effect and Beat Saber to the absolutely sublime Astro Bot and terrifying Resident Evil 7 alongside the hidden gem that is I Expect You to Die. What is clear is that its tech is out of date and this was painfully exposed by Blood and Truth which at times is almost unplayable as the controllers simply can't keep up with what you're trying to do. I'll definitely pick up any new version for PS5 and it's a really unique gaming experience but I doubt it'll ever become mainstream
I feel like his comment may not be the most informed since it does appear to be selling, but to be fair I don't have any interest in VR, at least not enough to spend £250 on it so I'm thinking that he feels most people will not want to spend extra on a VR peripheral. They are probably also nervous about inflating console price with peripherals given the whole Kinect situation with Xbox One.
i don't think he is right (even though i can't use VR) but i don't think he is wrong either
it's entirely possible that XBOX gamers AIN'T asking for VR so for them it's not a thing they need to do BUT that doesn't mean gamers on other systems ain't asking for it
"I have some issues with VR — it’s isolating and I think of games as a communal, kind of together experience. We’re responding to what our customers are asking for and… nobody’s asking for VR"
So Xbox, known for its racers and fps can't see the appeal of vr?
Xbox still in console market only for the money, of course they didn't want to take risk unlike sony (vr, pro console) and nintendo (motion gaming, the switch).
@carlos82 'Well I think its pretty clear that VR hasn't taken off to anywhere near the degree that many were hoping for.'
I have to agree with you. Most people, who I know, that purchased PSVR don't even bother turning it on anymore. When I bought mine, initially, I was swept along by the novelty effect. Although the majority of titles were below par, there were a few titles which gave an inkling of hope for better things to come. Unfortunately, these 'better things to come' never really materialised. For me and others, it's basically still a world of forgettable Indie crap.
In summary, I view PSVR as an expensive experiment which I bought into in-order to satisfy my curiosity. With hindsight/knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have purchased it.
Two shameless lies in one sentence...
It's a shame because vr is where crossplay is actually needed
Actually wasn't there an Xbox VR patent about a month ago, something about a mat acting as some sort of room space?
@m1349 I do admit and agree with you, that there's a lot that can and will be improved upon. In my initial comment, I didn't mean to imply that because my experience with PSVR wasn't what I expected, that from now on VR is dead to me, or anything along those lines. Once the hardware becomes more capable, and more crucially, VR is given the correct degree of support in the form of decent software titles, I'll then buy back into the dream.
Part of the reason I don't dive into VR is because of how isolating the experience can be. Yes, I am sure it's the most immersive thing ever; but, I think, for a vast majority of people with families and social obligations, strapping on a headset and completely tuning out of one's surroundings is just...well...difficult.
The second reason is VR sickness.
I don't hate VR, I just don't see it as practical.
He's right to be honest, but it needs to be something of a self fulfilling prophecy - if everyone threw everything they had at it, and developers started releasing AAA after AAA game it'd really get somewhere.
Microsoft are a step behind because of what they did with X1, it's fans wanted a even powerful gaming machine. But MS decided to push for a media centre home hub that no one wanted and that was available elsewhere anyway. They then had to re release X1 with X1X we all know this as the original wasn't up to scratch on power for resolution.
Now for the next gen they've put themselves a step behind because they are focusing on games, buying studios etc because they didn't have any IPs except for Forza, Gears and Halo. And because of this issue they will now always be behind on new features.
Meh it does kinda make sense. They would have to invest a lot for what is probably going to be OKish returns. Sony have done a great job with PSVR in supporting it and long may it continue but not sure how the market would handle to VR units in the console space.
A wireless VR unit would really help. I don’t have one but if we can get something wireless at the same or lower price point then I’m likely to give it a more serious look.
What I’m really waiting for is the Holodeck. Maybe Microsoft is working on that.
@Nakatomi_Uk Wait, what? Xbox weren't the only ones that did the 2nd console iteration this gen.
Xbox seem to be setting themselves up so that people don't even need to buy a console to be in their ecosystem. They could either play on Xbox, PC, or stream via Project xCloud.
Hell, they barely release games of AAA quality lately, I definitely can’t see having the time to jump into making decent VR games.
I think it's a shame they're not backing it. More platform holder support is good for developers, which is ultimately good for the medium as a whole.
Ms also has their hands in many different pots...even with their devs. They have military contracts and are developing software and hardware for different applications than gaming. I still think passing on VR at this point is a mistake but they are doing lots with Augmented Reality and cloud related stuff.
why always Xbox's bosses will do something stupid when they going to Next-Gens ???
I think we're hearing from the burnt fingers of Microsoft from the failures of Kinect v2 and all that TV nonsense they forced on people at the start of this generation.
Now risk averse and just want to get a strong console and games out there, whereas Sony has worked to be in a position to be able to develop, release and support the PSVR.
Shame though, Shuhei is right, no one also asked for the Nintendo Switch but that seems to have been happily embraced by the world (could say the opposite about Stadia though).
But if no one is prepared to bring new tech to the public then things will get very stagnant very quickly.
I’ve got a psvr and thought it was great for short experiences. Tried playing resident evil 7 and after 30 mins I had to throw up. It’s a great technology but is far from the finished article.
The decision is fair enough since he does him so to speak. However he could be honest about it and not give false excuses.
This is why I'm glad I'm a Playstation fan. They'll take a risk on things like VR even though it's not exactly mass market.
Lol console wars are back baby!!
When the Vita has outsold the PSVR almost 3:1 and yet you call the Vita the failure. How exactly has PSVR been a success?
@get2sammyb I say the same thing about hybrid platforms like the Switch. Mobile may be "weak" now, but strong investments in the technology could make it a completely viable console standard going forward. One side-step is all the industry needs. The only way forward is up after that.
Investments in powerful and energy-efficient CPU/GPU research will increase. Investments in better battery research will increase. Investments in cheaper and larger-capacity on-board storage research will increase.
Unfortunately, "next-gen" in video games is defined as an uptick in power, not as a change in the way we engage with them. No one is willing to accept "last-gen" graphics being able to be played in any as "next-gen" - forget the fact that the system is now more accessible than ever before! It's a platform that adapts to the person, rather than the person adapting to the platform.
In my mind, strong investments in hybrid platforms can solve the "streaming" dilemma indefinitely. Want to play the games you love anywhere, any time, in any way without requiring high-speed internet to achieve no input lag and perfect image quality? Hybrid.
After having and selling my VR headset after a few years I feel personally that at this stage.. its a really cool novelty item, but a novelty item none the less. This will probably upset a few saying that but I cant see much evidence to the contrary.
Hopefully next gen Sony will learn from the existing shortcomings and push on but it really needs that killer app that it didn't quite have to drive sales (next gran turismo with full online racing maybe?)
There was some decent games (absolutely cannot say great)but you can tell most of them were a learning process.. and ofcourse they were for a new medium.
Microsoft just aren't wasting money on r&d when Sony have shown that the balancing act of price/power and pushing games doesn't push it over the line when the audience aren't really engaged yet and in all likelihood wont for at least another gen or 2, if it ever does.
Its a compliment to a console/pc and MS don't want a niche market.. they want to push all efforts to beat the PS5 and I personally don't feel MS will add anything for such a small relative piece of the pie.
@Link41 Sigh. Because the predecessor to the PS Vita sold over 80 million units while PSVR is the market leader in an entirely new category.
Had vr for about 2yrs now, played loads in the start then novelty wore off, then firewall zero hour came and wow lived it for about a month then got bored again needed more modes or round based games, i do play it everynow and again still. Last year was great with astrobot and tetris. Just needs some big developers to get good with it, hopefully ps5 will be better for vr. Stilk glad that i bought vr, it truly blew me away the first time i tried it SHARK ahhhh
Haha, thumbs up for Yoshida's response. Made my day.
I'm assuming PSVR 2 on PS5 will be backwards compatible with PSVR on PS4. Thats a hell of a head start for Sony and it might be a bit late for Xbox to be starting from scratch. Ive got 120 PSVR titles and it really does have everything you would want. Imagine the next iteration when cables, screen door, draw distance, resolution, pop in are not issues ..... its a pretty appealing proposition.
Sounds like Phil Spencer is just wanting to play safe, which is fine but you won't expand your ecosystem much further.
@reddog it's probably because they can't link all the games to XBL, MS is all about the multiplayer so VR being "isolating" they can't tack on a multiplayer aspect
also isn't "isolating" also how all single player games are? does that mean MS won't be releasing any single player games from now on?
@BarefootBowser i wouldn't know how isolating it is because as i have said in previous posts on other articles (which you may not have seen before) i can't use VR, i'm blind in one eye you see so it's basically useless to me, it's also why i never used the 3D mode on the 3DS
but i don't think he was talking about that kind of isolation but more as only one person is able to play it at a time and with MS's main focus being multiplayer i think that's why he doesn't like it
There are mp games in VR too. They are the opposite of isolation.
VR is definitely here to stay and I'm glad Sony have pushed it so hard. Admittedly I haven't picked one up but that's due to personal circumstances more than anything - at this rate though I'm hoping to get on board with the PS5 equivalent, hopefully.
I do think that it isn't the right product for Xbox though. They're in the position right now where they're considered by many to be the lesser of the current gen consoles so if I was them I'd be concentrating on the core experience too, rather than adding new, much more niche gameplay experiences. As such they've been making some very shrewd studio acquisitions that could pay off for them very nicely in the next console cycle.
As much as it makes me want to bite my own tongue off, I agree with Spencer. No-one's asking for VR, and no-one's selling it in vast numbers.
Sure, PSVR has sold over 4 million, but it's taken over 3 years and is a tiny fraction of the PS4 install base - around 5%, even after price cuts and multiple promotions. It's doing notably worse than Vita. If people were actively asking for it, way more would be buying it.
Yes, I've used PSVR... I even enjoyed it. But I've zero interest in owning one. VR is truly great for a couple of genres (driving/flight sims) and varies between 'an interesting concept' to 'fairly useless' for most others. There are very few 'must-have' games across all VR platforms, with the vast majority being shovelware like so many motion-control games before them. And that's essentially what most current VR games boil down to... limited shovelware 'experiences', with the added inconvenience of being physically tethered to your console/PC while wearing a small TV on your face. A wireless option sounds like a good idea, but in reality, it's only going to make for heavier units and reduce the time you can play for. Plus, I don't think freedom to move around while not being able to see/hear the real world is a wise idea for most people.
Cost is the other factor, of course. At least the entry fee for the motion-control fad was relatively low. Even with PSVR being the cheapest VR option, you're still looking at around a £600 entry fee for a base PS4 (and you really want a Pro), PSVR bundle, and one decent game. It doesn't matter how well off you are, that's still a lot to ask for something with so few worthwhile titles. I'm genuinely surprised Sony has stuck with it for this long, let alone the talk of a new unit for PS5. It just seems like a monumental waste of time and investment for such a relatively limited return.
Now, of course, I realise that some people absolutely love PSVR and probably use it regularly, and that's great - I'm glad they're enjoying it. But they're still a very small minority - less than 5% of PS4 owners have PSVR, and I'd bet less than half of those use it regularly. The only way PSVR is going to become anything more than a small, niche market is for the systems to become far, far more affordable... I'd say no more than £100 for everything you need, excluding the console. It also needs way more games of much higher quality, and the input controls need to provide at least the same options as an actual controller (the Move system is currently lacking, whichever combination of controllers you use), if not a complete rethinking/reworking.
For me, the whole VR thing needs a re-think. While graphics have improved since the original attempt, and the equipment is smaller and lighter, the whole thing still somehow feels as clunky as it did back in the 90s when I first experienced it.
@BarefootBowser there is a huge lack of couch co-op games now a days sadly, the Switch has improved on that but both MS and PlayStation are still quite lacking in that area
in fact the Wii U was really good at that having 2 screens to play on and all, to this day i still play Sonic All Star Racing Transformed for example in local co-op one on the gamepad and one on the TV, it's so much fun
in fact one of the reason i like it so much is because you are there with the people you are playing with not in a room by your self talking to some random voice 5000 miles away like it is online
plus locally they can't disconnect when they are losing
"but then there aren't any other console-based devices to give it a real run for its money."
"but when it comes to next-generation, it looks like PlayStation will continue to have to compete with VR devices which cater to the PC rather than home consoles."
By not even MENTIONING Labo VR you are seriously just as bad as Phil Spencer. Hypocrisy much?
Sure, you'll argue 'LAbo VR" isn't the same thing, all smug like, but LAbo VR IS VR, and it is on A console. Maybe somebody should write an article about how Liam thinks too highly of PSVR that he can't even acknowledge in passing that another VR system exists ON A HOME CONSOLE.
I'm not arguing Labo VR is better than PSVR, but just as many folks say PSVR isn't real VR either compared to Occulus or Vive, it's still VR. It's in the name. Read all the review blurbs in the accolades trailer I embedded for you above.
You should have just said it and gotten it out of the way rather than do your little tipping toeing high wire act around it.
Edit: In case you don't have time to watch a 72 second video -
Gamexplain: Truly impressive
Polygon: Delivers unmatched creativity and ingenuity
The Verge: The Ideal first step into VR, especially for younger players
Newsweek: Amazing, immersive VR technology
Hope that helps.
@rjejr I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not.
Spencer is actually right. Myself, and many other Xbox owners, have been asking MS to fix the problem (and it is a big problem) with its lack of good exclusives.
@LiamCroft Joking tone, but if you can't tell then you're worse than Phil Spencer if you are going to write an entire article like that and pretend Labo VR doesn't exist as VR on a competing home console. Especially going forward next gen - you dont' know what Switch 2 will have in the way of VR, could be just as good by then as PSVR. Not as good as PSVR 2 on PS5 but as good as PSVR.
So what's your explanation for not mentioning it in the article and dancing around it all the time? Have you tried it? So many people including myself, maybe not sammy, were down on it until they tried it. If you've never tried Labo VR then you really shouldn't' be dismissing it so out of hand.
Honestly I've never tried it, I do own PSVR, but I just can't stand smug articles that reek of hypocrisy. You can't write an entire article saying Phil Spencer doesn't know what he's talking about probably b/c he's never tired PSVR but pretend the other VR on home consoles doesn't exist. That's not right. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
I'm out. Wife's birthday, taking her to breakfast, then dinner prep for 22 people on Thursday. No time. But seriously, look into Labo VR. It IS VR, and it IS on a home console. You dont' have to like it, but you should have mentioned it in the article, if only to deride it, for fairness.
I think CNET summed up Labo VR succinctly:
"It's a dip-your-face-in-for-a-bit type of experience that feels more like a novelty set of 3D glasses than a fully immersive VR experience."
CNET heaps a lot of praise on the Labo VR, but it's a novelty. If you think that's what you get with PSVR, you are sorely mistaken.
"By not even MENTIONING Labo VR you are seriously just as bad as Phil Spencer."
Its pretty apparent that were talking about dedicated VR headsets here ... the Switch doesn't qualify i'm afraid. (This should be blatantly obvious.)
I hope your really young coz if not, Dude, you've got issues! Accusing someone of hypocrisy for not mentioning Labo in an article regarding dedicated VR headsets... wow!!
"Many folks would say PSVR isn't real VR either compared to Oculus or Vive" ... um, no they wouldn't. Ive never heard any publication state that PSVR isnt real vr due to the lower resolution. The libraries are slightly different and, apart from the resolution, the experience is almost identical. So, by your reasoning ... "Thats like saying some people would say the Genesis isnt a real console compared to the SNES." . . . um ... no... They wouldn't.
At least in future, make sure your analogy holds water before posting stuff .... its less embarrassing.
@rjejr why are you being "that guy"? Labo VR isn't a VR platform is it? You can't buy games for it.
VR is expensive, yes, but there is a market for it, as Sony has found out. If the price was cheaper, there would be a bigger market, but it's the price that is making many people hold off on it. I own it, love it, but it's not the first thing I pick up to play. It's got it's good games and it's got its bad games (just like regular console titles), but I think with the PS5, Sony will have more involvement with it, unless it becomes a flop (the VR, not console). Microsoft lost money with Kinect on the XBONE, and I think Microsoft should be focusing on more IP's and exclusive games (something they really lacked this generation). Microsoft is more or less going to try to win back their fans and money that they had from the 360, and that's what they should be working on first, or they're going to find themselves in another pinch. Sony took the step with the VR and succeeded, but Sony also had their loss in other projects too, just like Nintendo has. Right now, Microsoft needs to work their way back up, as they're falling behind Sony and Nintendo. I still could have sworn that Microsoft was preparing to release something in the VR department if I remember a few years ago...then...nothing came...something with goggles and wireless handheld controllers with it? Am I remembering this correctly? Anyways, at least Sony's VR gave some usage for people like myself who bought the camera in the beginning!!!!
Why do people keep taking Spencer serious? Back in 2016 he promised VR with the X and we know what happened.
@FullbringIchigo Halo in VR could have been a selling point for them, but Phil is just covering for the fact that they fon't have it though he promised it when he announced the X lol. He is a joke just like yhe Xbox brand.
Obviously there are 'some' that want it but if you look at the facts, 100m+ PS4's, 4m PSVR's - that's 4% of Sony's gamers. Both Oculus Rift and Vive haven't exactly sold well either.
For a portion of those with VR headsets, they are nothing more than an expensive peripheral gathering dust most (if not all) the time now.
Nobody asked for a 'Hybrid' console - not in so many words but Nintendo have been the masters of Handheld and would know whether or not people would embrace the Switch - its an upgrade to their 3DS and WiiU in one.
MS seem to be focussing on that same 'play anywhere' mantra for their next phase. Play on Console, PC, mobile devices all from one account. Its about seeing how the market is responding to new developments and making/changing plans to give people what they appear to want...
@GodGamer Plans and the market changes. Back in 2016, VR was a buzz word, the next big thing but 3yrs on, its hardly made a dent in the gaming world and now, since Switch released, Play anywhere looks to be the way forward based on sales and market share. Streaming, something MS has already a big infrastructure for makes more sense than some 'novelty' that has struggled to really take off. Maybe, if VR really does take off, MS will return to it. Augmented Reality too seemed a big thing with Hololens but that now seems less likely as a gaming peripheral these days...
As long as VR can continue to improve it will grow. Sony did the correct thing by getting into the market and working hard to make it better and even more enjoyable. I an very happy I got to experience the start of VR with my headset. A lot of really big changes are coming to make VR more enjoyable. Wireless and not swapping out cables is a solution to make switching form flat screen to VR simple and fast. More powerful console and faster FPS will improve sickness issues many have. These are issues that are holding VR back from mass adoption It not VR itself.
VR is a big Star in Sony's belt and another reason to buy the console! I am sure there are people that have even from the XBox side. I still see VR as growing to be a bigger part of of entertainment.
Seeing people agree with alternate facts like 'no one is asking for it' or 'VR is isolating' is depressing.
That makes me think of what modern politics has become.
BOTH of them are right. currently, vr is a disaster and the mainstream interest is very small. the tech is barely there for prime time but it is functional enough. vr is a huge barrier to entry at its current price point as well. from that standpoint i agree with phil.
on the other hand, vr will be something special in the future. how far into the future i cannot say. the tech will be going through growing pains for at least 10 more years before it will be taken seriously and become a mainstream success. sony is working toward this future and thought it would be a good idea to be a market leader leading into that world. it is better to be proactive than reactive and sony is betting on this.
that said, we have enough vr headsets from a myriad of manufacturers, we don't need another one from microsoft. if i had to take a stance on this, i would continue doing what sony is doing, but not dedicate even a dime more into it's vr division until the market share is beyond 20 million users. 90% of playstation's resources should be going into content that is relevent for the present time (i.e. traditional console games). that is what MOST gamers want.
Is Phil Spencer forgetting how many demos there has been for hololens? He should be talking about how they failed to get it right and in the public's hands!
Reading people's negative comments on VR.
Playing Astrobot on PSVR 😃🥳🤯🥰😍
@get2sammyb I just don't get it myself, I expected Sony to walk away from VR by now given that the industry clearly just doesn't seem to care much about it. This isn't isolated to Sony, VR has been a flop essentially from a sales point of view.
@carlos82 I'm surprised you mentioned blood and truth didn't run well l didn't have any issues with it and have played it many times. only thing I've had issues with is the ps aim controller, drifting and stuff, shame because the controller is excellent when it works properly and perfect for fps vr
Yoshida is a mad lad!
Phil is wrong. Demonstrably so.
Xbox will copy Sony soon.
@dbunny I had many problems with it not keeping up with where my controllers actually were. I still played through the whole game but this was the only game that I wish it was much more accurate with
@themcnoisy that's definitely in my top 5 on PS4, VR or not
@carlos82 @carlos82 I just got the platinum on Blood and Truth and experienced zero of the issues you're describing.
@fluggy "the Switch doesn't qualify i'm afraid."
Well feel free to explain it to me, the other two people who tried so far have failed on the facts. Your opinion doesn't persuade me I'm afraid.
"Its pretty apparent that were talking about dedicated VR headsets here"
This IS a dedicated VR headset. There is literally nothing else you can do with this headset besides VR.

I'm 54, so you must be pretty old if you consider me young.
See the links below about PSVR being a novelty.
@antdickens "Labo VR isn't a VR platform is it? You can't buy games for it."
You work on the Nintendo website, how do you not know what Labo VR even is?
You can buy the Labo VR starter kit for $40.
You can then buy the Labo elephant and camera games.
You can also buy Zelda Breath of the Wild and play that on Labo VR. You can buy Mario Odyssey and play that on Labo VR. Captain Toad Treasure Tracker and Super Smash Bros Ultimate as well.
As well as the mini games - made specifically for Labo VR - at the bottom of that page in VR PLAZA.
What about Spice and Wolf VR?
It's on Labo VR and PSVR and PC VR.
By your reasoning I can say PSVR isn't getting Half-Life Alyx, so that mean PSVR isn't a real VR platform either.
What's your argument going to when another Labo VR game releases? I'm pretty sure there will be more. There are 2 dozen games on the eShop each week that I've never even heard of before, eventually 1 of them will be for Labo VR.
@lacerz "but it's a novelty. If you think that's what you get with PSVR, you are sorely mistaken"
I may be sorely mistaken, but then so are a lot of gamers if the internet and Psuhsquare are anything to go by. If you google "PSVR" and "novelty" you'll get a lot of results.
Mostly of the type - "has the novelty of PSVR worn off?"
If you search Pushsquare for "PSVR" and "novelty' you'll find pages of similar results as well.
VR by definition FOR MOST GAMERS is going to be a "novelty".
Saying Labo VR with a Switch is more of a novelty than PSVR with a PS4 isn't really a compelling argument for pretending Labo VR doesn't exist. Saying "Labo VR on Switch is Nintneod's limited foray in the VR market and isn't quite on par with Sony's much more expensive effort." is a more accurate statement than the 2 sentences I copied and pasted from the article in my original post.
@Link41 Well, I mean, evidently not, right?
@rjejr trolling is against the community rules. You can’t seriously be putting PSVR and Labo VR in the same category.
@carlos82 very strange l really had no issues! maybe try a re-install of it, if you haven't already
@antdickens "You can’t seriously be putting PSVR and Labo VR in the same category."
Putting Nintendo's take on VR and Sony's take on VR in the same category is trolling? Are you trolling me now?
OK then, you seriously explain to me what "category" is PSVR in and what "category" is Labo VR in that putting them in the same category is considered trolling?
They are both console takes on VR. Labo VR requires a Switch, PSVR requires a PS4. They are both sold sepeartly. They both have games you can play. They both have games that have non-VR games that can be played that way.
Seriously, what more do you want?
I've provided you with links, with an accolades video, with products available on stores shelves, all you guys give me is grief. I'm trying to explain myself with actual examples and all I hear is "your wrong" without one single concrete explanation as to why, just people basically saying "well it's my opinion so it must be true."
For me, people who respond to concrete examples by simply saying - "your wrong" - are the ones who are trolling. So many replies, not 1 single explanation as too why two VR systems aren't comparable other than "b/c I said so". Not one.
Just a reminder, I never said Labo VR was better than PSVR or as good, just that Labo VR is a VR set for a home console. Because it is.
In case you came in late - here's the sentence I was responding to -
""but then there aren't any other console-based devices to give it a real run for its money.""
That sentence doesn't say anything about a VR headset a good as PSVR or as "dedicated" as PSVR - it wasn't you, the other guy was hung up on the word "dedicated" which isn't even in that sentence either. Labo VR certainly is "any other console-based devices". To say it isn't is a lie. Putting "real" in front of "a run for it's money" to imply Labo VR wont' sell as many as PSVR is a disingenuous end around. Wii U didn't sell as many as PS4, does that mean Wii U wasn't a real console? Wii U didn't play a lot of PS4 games, does that mean Wii U wasn't a real console?
I really, truly, honestly do not understand how a guy like you, who has spent practically his entire life working on both of these websites, can so delineate between Labo VR and PSVR to say that to put them in the same category is considered by you to be trolling. I'm at a loss.
Please, if it's so obvious to you that they are that different that comparing them is trolling, please, I beg of you, explain it to me. And dont' tell me cost, Wii was $250, PS3 was $500/$600 and everyone compared them. An don't tell me number of games, PS4 had more than Wii U. And don't tell me number sold, 3DS sold like 100 million more than Vita, and Vita is still a considered to be a handheld.
What am I missing that all of you think you see?
@rjejr they are apples and oranges, completely different devices for completely different purposes. Sure they both, technically, are VR devices (much like google cardboard is the same as Valve Index) but one is an actual platform and the other, isn’t. It’s pretty simple really.
@BAMozzy Nothing changed. Phil just lied period. PSVR is selling and that's a fact so VR is here to stay. He makes promises all the time and can't keep them.
Microsoft is having a hard enough time selling consoles so they shouldn't sway their focus on too many things if they can't even get a solid user base.
@Imagremlin hello brother
I'm genuinely shocked at the way @rjejr is being treated in the comments here. This guy's been around for years and I'm always interested to read his comments, as he has interesting things to say. To accuse him of trolling is pretty disgusting when he's presented fully formed arguments. Debating is good, flat out dismissal or waving the rule stick because you disagree is wrong.
My take away from this is to go and give Labo VR a try with BOTW and SMO.
VR in my opinion is one of the biggest genuine "game changers" the video game industry has seen for a long time, and I've been gaming for 35 years.
I love the psvr! Bought mine a few years ago. Just wish I had more time to play it. The cables are kind of a pain in the you know what. I can't leave mine plugged in as I have children and don't want it to get damaged. So it kinda sucks having to set it up Everytime I play, but whatever, worth it. Long story short, I don't give a flying f what Microsoft thinks about VR. All I know is Sony is putting alot of resources into developing great VR games and I couldn't be happier. Bring on the VR2!
I think Phil might become president of the US in the future. just swap 'the fans' or 'the customers' for 'the people' want this, dont want that and you get the picture haha
I'd suggest starting a post by calling the author a hypocrite definitely leans more towards trolling than debate. Not that I'm wishing to pile on here but it's something to reflect on.
Back on topic, Spencer doesn't know his numbers it seems, either that or he's being disingenuous here. As for calling VR isolating, I would disagree. I don't think you can simply apply that notion to the technology as a whole, it comes down to the individual games.
Having played some of the party games on psvr with a few different groups, I can tell you they were in no way isolating. We could do with a few more party games on the platform though in my opinion.
Sony is a company that does make different stuff thats why i stick with them and not MS. And if i have too jump ship it will be too Nintendo.
@rjejr yeah you make some good points.
@FullbringIchigo This is actually wrong. People who are blind in one eye still experience VR and still have the same sense of presence. There are other cues to depth perception other than stereoscopic vision.
Not focusing on vr maybe just want to make sure they do better than playstation which is fair but doesn't mean no one wants it at all. Maybe its Spencer that doesn't want it in the first place.
Never liked the idea of VR. To me it's just a bit too much like 'Blade Runner'.
@JimbobLink Was thinking exactly the same thing regarding the way @rjejr is being "exposed" as a troll, what he says makes sence. @antdickens just another journo thats thinks only his oppinion counts. My grandson has Labo, I have had a play with it and its awesome for waht it is, and what it is, well its "VR" plain and simple.
@RustyBullet no one is disputing the fact that it's VR. The point is it's not relevant to a conversation about Microsoft and PlayStation VR.
@antdickens What !!? you said "Labo VR isn't a VR platform is it? You can't buy games for it" contradict yourself much ?
@RustyBullet yeah, it’s a VR device, but it’s not a platform. Valve won’t be considering whether to launch Half Life Alyx for Labo VR.
The fairly obvious answer "Gamer" Phil isn't interested is pretty obvious in the wording used...."isolating" vs his vision of "communal" gaming-in other words, we can't make VR live service games so we ain't interested!
@Whoa182 so your saying i'm wrong, i'm the one who has the damaged eye and i can tell you FOR ME it doesn't work, it's no different that sitting right in front of my TV
i don't care about other peoples experiences with it, i said I can't use it, ME no one else so it's useless for ME which is what i said, i never said a thing about anyone else
so until you have exactly the same injury as i do (which i wouldn't recommend as mine involves a car crash) i thank you to NOT comment about it and pretend you know better than i, the one with the injury and who has used a PSVR do
also on a side note i'm sorry if that came across a bit hostile but it is a very personal circumstance we are talking about here that many others wont have to deal with
@LieutenantFatman Whether is it trolling or not would depend on the intent of the statement. If said purely to provoke then yes it is, but otherwise not.
People are asking for VR, and it will continue to grow. However, MS should be staying away for now. If they want to make Xbox VR, then they need to be able to make good games for it, and they haven't figured that out with non-VR games yet so it seems a bit insane to try it with VR already. They have a lot more promise for good games next gen, but they need to actually get that rolling. Of course whenver they can't make something quality they always say it's irrelevant and nobody wants it.
Ugh Phil Spencer grates on me. I don’t know why so many people fall for his “I’m your best buddy gamer CEO” BS. So irritating 😠
He plays Mr Nice Guy one minute and then insults you like the above the next...
You have to remember, MS doesn't make exclusive games anymore. Jumping into VR would leave their fans with 1 or 2 titles a year and those titles would probably be available on PSVR too, so there's very little interest in that market. Right now all Phil cares about is growing the amount of suckers who will keep paying for his subscriptions so when they fully make the transition to 3rd party publishing, they won't immediately go under.
Wow I see people overreacted completely off topic about Nintendo here. Got to say one thing. I often disagree with PushSquare and theres a lot to criticise, usual misinformation and clickbaits, , however you got to give it to them they react to feedback (even sometimes being influenced too much by some members and afraid too look too biased for PS I believe).
Like it was a good opportunity for them to give a piece of their minds about Spencer which they didnt and kept it neutral whereas they mistake opinion with facts at times which I regret.
Overall Its great they take time to reply so keep it cool guys.
@rjejr I looked at it and it’s honestly more akin to the Wii gun for Link’s cross-now training than a VR platform. Half of Spice & Wolf, and really it being worth it (love Spice & Wolf VR BTW) is gone on the Switch. It wasn’t released on there as a VR platform. I get where you’re coming from, but it really isn’t in the same conversation as PSVR and PC VR.
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