Who wouldn’t want to make this a part of their setup come the end of 2020? Another enthusiastic PlayStation 5 fan has shared their interpretation of the next-generation console following one more series of fake leaks, and it’s a design with a real look to the future.
As you can see in the images below, from Twitter user @FalconDesign3D, the design is a rather cool, futuristic take on the upcoming Sony machine. Much like the design of the PlayStation 4, it is defined by a feature which almost splits the console in half. Rather than going through the centre, this time it’s on a diagonal path -- creating a console which wouldn’t look too out of place 20 years down the line.
We like the design quite a lot, but what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 45
I was like “who cares what the PS5s fans look like, they’ll be inside the unit?”
Anyway, that looks terrible!
It looks very cool, however I don't think Sony would ever design a console even vaguely resembling a big X 😋
It looks like its been dropped from high up. Also looks like an X.
No sir.... I dont like it.
Yeah as the guys above have said, it looks too much like an X for Sony to go with it. It also reminds me of a squashed beetle.
Don't really care what it looks like aslong as it's not as fat and bulky as the original ps3
Yea it looks a lot better than I first thought from the rumour. Looks better than SeX that's for sure 😈
Love squinting at the screen because of the terrible lighting.
It's a stupid looking design. I'd rather have that bulky dev model with the big V-shaped recess than whatever this is. Reminds me of a book with a broken spine.
I really like the fact that people are so excited about this system that they simply cannot stop themselves from speculating and enthusiastically producing content that probably no one gives a crap about and they gain nothing from them.
Playstation 5 is, like all the other systems a major milestone in the family and seeing all this passion that surrounds it is just amazing.
I don't like any of these fan-designs, but I appreciate them nevertheless.
I prefer the design of the Xbox Series X. That just looks like a badly made ps4 cake.
Speaking of fans, the actual fan inside the PS5 had better not sound like a jet engine this time.
Man I really hope that's not even close to what the final retail design looks like. As others have said, that vaguely 'X' looking design ain't cutting it.
If the PS5 is supposed to be so incredibly powerful and have components similar to Xbox Series X, why would it have a case design that similar to the original PS4? You know, the same one that many people complain sounds like a jet engine? Cerny and the engineering team would have had to come up with a pretty impressive cooling solution to make a design like this work. Hello, airflow?
There is also the issue of branding. The PS4 was pretty elegant in its use of the single 'PS4' engraved into the top layer of its case, along with the Sony logo and 'PS' on the removable cover. This design seems to have that extraneous lip just for the second 'PS5'... it just so unnecessary.
Sony better follow the example of Microsoft and make an ITX case with large vents on the top.
dont care what it looks like its what put on the screen in front of my eyes thats important
I like the previous fan made design better, the x design is a little weird for playstation console.
This one looks way to small
Looks 💩 and to People saying it looks like an xbox one x are you blind looks nothing like the one x looks a hell of alot better. 😂
Sony should look to their past and give us a PS5 that looks like a Betamax with wood grain end cheeks.
It looks like a nice sculpture but I just want a rectangle w/ a flat top that doubles as a wireless controller pad for my DS5.
Which is what I wanted for the PS4 but wireless charging tech has come a bit farther the past 6 years so I'm still holding out hope.
I'm not a fax of the SeX fridge either, just give me a cabinet ready rectangle w/ a disc slot in the front and several USB ports.
Edit: Yup, USB-C for the DS5. No mention of the console itself though. Would be nice to have both if PS5 works with DS4. And USB 3.0 external HDD. And my two Move controllers.
@Sam-Bridges I usually assume people design these as a way to increase traffic to their own websites/social media pages, since websites like this tend to report on them. I can’t really see why else they would bother. I don’t resent them for it, or anything, but I agree it seems kinda odd. Maybe it’s just a good way for them to improve their creative skills or whatever. Fair enough.
Anyway, yeah this particular design only looks somewhat attractive when viewing top down so you can see the X shape (which, as has been mentioned, might not be the best shape for a PS system). From the front, which is where you’ll actually be viewing it 100% of the time, it looks broken and awkward.
I gotta appreciate the contention geared toward the x, simply because it looks like an X, yet people flipped their **** over the rhombohedral shape of the ps4 which is arguably the most inspired and iconic console designs of all time, not to mention the best. It's supposed to be different and visually strikingly, because that's the whole point: to sell. The 'series x' on top of having no clear generation progression indicated in the name is literally a damn rectangular cuboid shape and has as much time and consideration taken into the design as the retarded name. Performance isn't going to be an issue this gen but on top of having no launch exclusives and inevitably going to f*ck things up again, they're basically making it easy for Sony at this point. There's already a sequel to Horizon: zero dawn, godfall in the works, a Spiderman ps4 sequel and many others already in the works from the likes of naughty dog. Whatever it looks like in the end, it's still going to be a 1,000x more visually appealing than anything xbox churn out.
As with Microsoft's piss-poor efforts, they're probably just going to fix it in post when it's already too little, too late, just like the one x-- although no amount of hardware will change their crappy games development issue and horrendous R&D, even their software UI sucks ass.
It's not shaped as X. It's shaped as cross! 😂
Yea, that buldge on the back it's just a waste of plastic an so unnecessary and inconvenient. Also I would like to see more USB ports on the front with a sliding cover (or on the side) and not in the crack. Developer kit looks much better 😅
I just hope theres a lot of usb ports, at least enough to charge 2 ds5, charge 2 vr wands, beusing headphones AND have an external hdd.
I HATE having a million phone chargers to charge everything.
Also the ps4 design was sooo super cool!! Sleek af!
@Sam-Bridges I agree that it's cool to see the community trying to design their own versions of the console but there was 1 I liked quite a bit that was built in dreams. As for the x design above I think they built this off a reported leak that showed this as the design in patents. However even those leaks are proved wrong
@kyleforrester87 Agreed, this particular one looks quite awkward. And also, again, I think this one wouldn't be able to stand vertically, which is a problem for consoles. I mean I've said this before but Series X stands both ways, PS5 removing the feature seems kinda odd.
@schotman11 I haven't seen the one in Dreams yet, but I'm quite sure even that hardly comes close to the real design.
Because the designers who make these models only see the visuals while the developers actually have to deal with internal design too. Those boards, fans and disk trays need correct placement and have to fit into the case in a way that they use all the space efficiently, I guess? add cooling system and venting, etc... to that.
Designing consoles is pretty complex and needs a lot of going back and forth. But it's cool to see other people's takes on it.
Competitive how? The xbox is pointless/ obsolete if you opt to invest in a pc. Regardless of that, all their franchises are deaf and fstigued af and their claim to success is literally anti consumer bs that relates to throwing 10 USD a month at a service that basically means you don't own or keep games and where you can't even acess or play games should you not renew a subscription - which basically ends up being a waste if money and more expensive.
Aside from that games as service monopoly bs aspect, Sony's tactic and success remains unhindered by xbox existing, since they have more innovation in their little finger than the entirty of microsoft's brain-dead xbox department. Sony's first party titles and launch is the success recipe they need to learn from.
To no finer point, Sony are already moving away from E3 to focus on them and are ready to go off the bat. I just don't get what's hard about a brand being a console manufacturer, yet failing to grasp the first and foremost most important aspect, and thst also applies to their cluster f*ck of a UI and the fact every time they get onto something good they manage to f*ck it up like kinect and the majority of their franchises, then decide to get their sh*t together last minute when it counts for squat.
It would be able to stand vertically, since there's a flat bottom surface, but most platforms offer a stand etc. Not that i think this is a final design, it's just still waaaay better than some garish cuboid that effectively wont be able to fit anywhere and is a backpedal on their previous sleek xbox one x design, even if that was damage control for the horendous VCR look, plus entirely boring and derivative; it was still sleek nontheless.
@Zachary_99 I've now had to edit two of your posts. Please be aware that profanity and foul language is not acceptable in the comments section.
@Zachary_99 You're the reason I put off buying a ps4 (and ps3) until 2019. Rabbid fanboys. Also nothing wrong with making games also available on pc. Just means more software sales.
Kinda defeats the purpose when your consoles sales suck ass and pale in comparison to the competition that's miles ahead in sales and the quality of games. Microsoft yet again proving they're a soulless shill that doesn't care about quality (or even new IPs) and what their brand is about first and foremost. If it's software then migrate to PC, cut the middle man and cut the bs. Again, PC is the place to be is pure specs makes you blow your load but that's not what consoles are about and is the trade off you face when having the convenience of a small form factor system that sits under your tv. Sony this entire gen have proven how games are done with what they have and still managed to pull ahead by giving gamers exactly what they want. The point is a unique selling point and justification, otherwise Nintendo would have no business being what they are at this point. Exclusives sell and Sony objectively have the best and most varied.
My only concerns are “is it easy to dust” and “will it blend in with my dark entertainment center and therefore be easy to ignore.” I mostly like the PS4 Pro design and default color, but its grooves are annoying to dust and the LED strip is distracting. Naturally, I’m more interested in my TV screen.
The 360 success was the reverse in essences of what happened this gen. Sony screwed up by making a system to expensive to manufacture to break even at 500 USD with backwards compatibility. The OG ps3 was also harder to develop for but still had a great variety of games with The last of us largley being console defining and iconic that bolstered sales surpassing xbox, further cementing the consumer trust they always maintained.
Sony always had the focus of games but xbox screwed the pooch royally by trying to capitalise on heavily fatigued franchises that the original devs long since moved in from, and generally focusing on everything but games, retarded terms of service agreements, a worse and weaker system, kinect, DRM, always online policies and that cringy "entertainment center" bs.
Essentially, learning nothing and now they think the same games, backpedaled tactics and hardware-focused approach will change anything, despite the fact the answer is right under their nose with just better/ new games. Just look at the consecutive success of god of war and Spiderman back-to-back making and breaking records.
@JJ2 I mean the design, not the size, it's definitely will be bigger if it's the final design.
Yea that pic is really weird about the size haha.
3x thicker and it would be alright but more rectangular than square I.e. not like the SeX. It needs a flat side (longer than high) and not all sides same
On the one from the article, the shape is questionable but the proportion is fine at least and that is what matters most.
Man I'm getting fed up with all those so called rumours. Cant wait for the reveal. Sony should see it's time now really.
I dunno. That looks pretty horrific to me.
Looks like the plastic has melted...
@JJ2 I really like that ps5 fan design, it's like good looking high-end receiver like marantz
Yeah this month is worst, I want to know about ps5 already, from design, to specs, to sony strategy about exclusive, and of course the price, I hope it's not more than $500.
this also looks bad
I'm not sure if I like it as I can hardly see it!
I feel like I've seen a design to this effect before. This one isn't my favourite, but I do like seeing all these fan creations
I hate it, all these fan ideas are a waist of time. Why don’t we just wait patiently till unveiling day and then we’ll know for certain. I bet Sony are chomping at the bit to say “here is our new console” especially with all the fervour that being created already. I believe we’ll have it well before Christmas this year, I’m banking on a late August early September release.
sorry it looks awful but at the end of the day who cares what it looks like as most will never look at it
Sorry but I don't liked this appearance. nah!
@Zachary_99 Fanboy much?
How long till we get a ps5 design created in dreams
A lot people don't like the OG PS3 design but it cooled those cell processors perfect. So perfect my day 1 buy still runs great and covers all my PS games 2 and 3. PS4 looked smart but they are rubbish at cooling. I'm on my third (but one was upgrade to pro) and they have all sounded like fighter jets. I wish Sony would take a page out of its own PS2 and PS3 book and start with the focus on function.
I think Sony hit the sweet spot with the PS4, a little more powerful than its competitor when the base models released while also being smaller and much more sleek and stylish. They seemed to have learned many lessons since the halcyon days of the PS3 launch, and I expect them to make stylistic changes to the design while maintaining what worked so well with the PS4. Cannot wait.
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