Reports emerged overnight that Guerrilla Games’ huge open world role-playing hit Horizon: Zero Dawn will launch on the PC at some point this year. This author has to hold his hands up: it’s something we never thought would happen. And while we’re still waiting for official confirmation from the Japanese giant, it sounds like more PlayStation 4 exclusives could be making the jump, with Media Molecule’s creation engine Dreams purportedly next in the pipeline.
In the case of Aloy’s inaugural adventure, this news means very little: the title is almost three years old, can be purchased for pennies, and is no longer the system seller that it once was. Bringing the title to Steam, with the Decima Engine already converted to PC, will have very little material impact apart from bolstering Sony’s coffers with a new revenue stream and opening the series up to a potential new audience ahead of its inevitable PlayStation 5 sequel.

But in context there is a greater discussion here, because the manufacturer threatens to thwart confidence in its own hardware. The question is: which other titles will it port to PC? And how quickly will they make the transition? We already know that MLB The Show will be making the jump to all console formats, while first-party projects like Predator: Hunting Grounds will release simultaneously on PS4 and PC. Could there be a future where God of War 2 launches day-and-date on Steam?
That does seem unlikely, but we also considered it unlikely that Horizon: Zero Dawn would make the transition in the first place. Clearly the industry is changing, and Sony doesn’t want to be left behind. But exclusive games have been one of the factors behind PS4’s gigantic success, and that advantage looks set to be weakened ahead of its all-important next-gen launch this holiday. The question is: how will this affect your PS5 purchasing intent moving forwards?
Comments 109
Just means more people get to play more games. It's quite ridiculous that people get so up-in-arms over something as simple as titles releasing on other platforms. It gives games the opportunity to sell more and that's always good for business.
Nothing really changes for me. I've never enjoyed playing games on a PC because I just can't be bothered with settings and drivers and all that nonsense.
I respect and appreciate those that feel comfortable doing this, and I know PC gaming has gotten more accessible over the years. But I only have a few hours to play a day, so even the PS4's patching cycle is a hindrance. I definitely don't have time to fiddle with graphics settings, etc.
You know you if Sony really have any interest in the PC then they shouldn't have sold Sony Online Entertainment that could have been their PC to Console Studio
I buy multiplatform games on console despite having a PC so this makes no difference, even more if I'd have to wait a couple of years. Let's face it next gen consoles are going to be a match for high end PCs anyway for a fraction of the price
I love my laptop and play many games on it but sometimes I just want the comfort of my TV and a couch. Plus, it runs Witcher 3 perfectly at 1080p but the PS5 will look nicer on the big screen. It just gives more choice to the consumers, that’s all.
Made the jump already a few months ago, best choice I've made.
Now I pay 3 quid a month and have access to a fantastic library of games and exclusives from microsoft - havent touched my playstation since.
Nah, I still plan on buying a PS5 at launch. This doesn't change my purchase.
Like I always say, I grew up with Playstation, Nintendo and PC and that's how I like it.
Since I moved away from PC gaming a few years ago (I used to be team Nintendo + PC), I would need to change my pc entirely to be able to play any recent game.
I also prefer the convenience of a console: load the game and it works with fewer isolated bugs specific to your CPU or GPU, you can put the game to sleep at any moment and resume 3 days later in seconds, making it way better for short sessions. Also I would only play Horizon 2 in the best conditions: on it's original hardware while complaining about the stupid symmetrical controller.
Seeing as how i can buy every console each gen for the price of a proper rig no way. And i have 6-8 yr certainty of not having to update that hardware to play the games. The amount of PC exclusive titles just arent enough for me to find the value. And i dont need 120fps in 4k to enjoy my games either
Not me personally, no, but if PC gamers also have the ability to play first party Xbox One games then I can certainly see the appeal in buying a good gaming PC versus an array of separate consoles.
No because I'm a filthy console peasant and always will be
Despite having a gaming pc, consoles still caters to my gaming needs the most.
Its where I invest the most into the eco-system via physical and digital games but more importantly its where my friends are.
While Exclusives do entice people to buy a certain platform its not the end all be all. I do not believe the mass audience cares that much if all exclusives made its way to the pc.
A parent is still most likely to buy a console for their child for Christmas than building or buy a pc for them .
and the Playstation brand is so valuable in itself that there is nothing to be concerned about.
The inevitable future may push us to a digital service , and while I am a strong believer in archiving games and the importance of game value . I still am more interests in games rather than if a game is exclusive or not.
If they go the Microsoft route, I’ll most likely convert to PC only. There’ll be no reason to own a console for me.
For me, it makes little difference as I am not a PC gamer and even if I were, I would probably still buy a PS4 because I enjoy couch gaming. It does make sense though but I am not sure I can see a time when they release at the same time on PC and a PS console.
@Rudy_Manchego You can couch game with a PC. Well, depends on how you want to set it up.
Without PS exclusives then what is the incentive to go PS5 next gen?
I still might but it's not as attractive a proposition to me especially considering I was 360 last gen.
Console gaming is easier than PC gaming but if it's all about games then PC will be the only platform giving you the best from PS, Xbox as well as the MP titles from the likes of CDPR and Rockstar.
It's given me something to ponder.
@Its_badW0lf I would change your bio to Xbox gamer then if I was you
PC Gaming is great but there is a few things to consider before buying a pc.
1. For the most part you might be waiting up to a year or more for the bigger blockbuster titles like Monster Hunter World, Read Dead or GTA . but even then there is no guarantee its going to work in a stable condition without requiring a patch from the developers or you needing to look up a guide to work a fan patch.
2. Because there is so many different parts in a pc each problem you will face may be an issue only to your hardware and you may not find a fix that easily . whether that is frame drops , screen tearing , games not booting up , or over heating issues.
3. Steam is an amazing digital store front and while is always nice to have options it can be quite messy with the amount of storefronts there are on PC with Uplay , EA Origins, GOG, Epic game store.
Both Consoles And PCs have there pros and cons but if you like the idea of customisation Pcs might be for you =)
@DonJorginho that is actually a fair point hahahaha
As others already said, why would PC getting 3 year old games dissuade me from buying a new console? They can have that old stuff, I already played it.
If Tsushima or TLoU2 launched on PC day and date with ps5, maybe, but this is just charity to PC gamers. Good on Sony
@Its_badW0lf Only playing around though man, I think I will get the Series X and PS5 as it still probably works out cheaper in the long run than getting a rig but I am looking forward to what this generation coming can offer!
I used to be a pc gamer but happy now with the simplicity of console gaming. I don't care if they play games I can play. Exclusivity means nothing to me. As long as I can play it I'm happy.
People assume that everyone that owns a PS4 purchased it within weeks of it's initial release. Newsflash here they didn't!
I upgraded from my 360 to a PS4 in April '17 and Horizon Zero Dawn sealed the deal. Sony have continued to sell more and more consoles because they kept on releasing great exclusive after great exclusive. If they're all going to come out on PC one day what's the point? Sure spoilers are annoying but I've had plenty of games spoiled for me and still played them.
I'm not saying I definitely won't be buying a PS5 because of this decision but it's given me something to think about.
Not really, I don't like playing on pc except for gamepass pc games, so as long as playstation 5 have a good value, not as expensive as ps3, I'll buy it day one. Heck, I even don't care if ps5 is as expensive as ps3, as long as the specs is great, I'll buy it.
As I get older, I like console ease of use compared to pc, playing on tv is way nicer compared to monitor, it's a hassle to play pc games on my tv.
I'm locked on ps5. Exclusives will affect where I game AFTER that one
This will 100% affect it. If Sony announces this is true I'll wait a few years and see if this trend continues before I invest in another console. If I can just play the games on my PC instead.
not going to effect me anyway, i don't game on P.C anymore
i use it so much in my job the last thing i want to do to relax and play games is sit in front of another one
i wanna lounge on my sofa, in my P.J's with a controller in my hand
@Jackjasper Except this is just the beginning and those games will also eventually be on PC, and will look and play better too. The winner in all of this is Nintendo, you want the main games from Zelda or Mario? You need a Nintendo console, they actually value their exclusives.
The masses are creatures of convenience.
Sony releasing games to PC are going to appeal to PC Enthusiasts with money to burn on ridiculous rigs with the time and patience to fine tune their machines - and with ray-tracing being part of Sony's (and Microsoft's) latest systems, upgrades may become necessary for PC ports.
Everyone else just wants something simple to play the games they want. So Sony pushing games to PC won't hurt sales of the system, nor should it really matter. The games are still "console" exclusives - and consoles are where the majority of those who like video games chose to game.
Yea this would make me turn 180 only if every ps5 exclusive is to come out on pc. Primarily because I prefer having everything under one roof.
Majority of Gamers only play COD or Fifa and they aren't going to get an expensive rig just for those. As for myself I prefer console gaming, so long as games run great on the console that's fine.
The game is 3 years old hardly a P.S.4 Exclusive now it makes perfect sense for Sony to make extra revenue it is how businesses survive if you do not like it do not buy it.
@LemonHaze 1500 😮😶😭
I've never gotten on with keyboard controls so there's really nothing that would get me switching to PC. Even on the Spectrum it was a kempston joystick or nothing!
I've dabbled with steam et al but have had a console in my home one way or another since 1979, its just another part of the furniture to me...
Also as a content creator for a sports site the last thing I want is to use my PC/laptop... So convenience and Laziness wins out...
Fanboys will buy it anyway and enable even worse practices upon the industry. Casuals too, but they are not loyal and could jump to Xbox or even streaming with any major f***-up. Anyway, Playstation is not on the level of Apple as the brand being bought for the branding alone, and even Apple doesn't expand it's assets beyond their proprietary hardware. Future expansion into the third world and most of the post-soviet bloc countries is also impossible, because they all prefer and do already play on PCs.
In that case, I'd probably skip PS5 and just go in hard on upgrading my PC, since it'll also be getting most/all of Microsoft's next-generation titles as well, and it'll give me more control over the play experience (different controllers, the ability to dial down graphical settings to maximize framerate, the ability to optimize the experience for 1080p, etc.)
I don't really expect all or even most of Sony's big exclusives to go to PC, though. Sony understands the importance of software exclusivity.
I didn't planned to buy the ps5 day 1 anyway, so depending on how Sony approaches the porting to pc, i.e. if it's like a set period of time before they release on pc or maybe the very idea is still being tested and if doesn't pans out well they will just scrap it. Who knows at this moment but I don't mind the move itself.
What I am more uncertain about is the overall move towards the more subscription based future we seem to be moving, the reason I brought this up is because it makes sense for Sony to try to bring their games to pc to make psnow more competitive with gamepass. I like the whole play any game you want but at the end of the day I wonder how it's gonna affect the state of game preservation as well as the fact that a pretty part of the world simply can't take advantage of this right now.
So whatever happens right now I have a wait and watch approach to this all.
And as I said, damage control is already happening.
@get2sammyb In fairness, unless you're hellbent on fine-tuning the experience, graphical presets can and do work perfectly fine for the majority of modern PC games. Most will auto-detect your settings and change the settings accordingly, so you often don't need to mess with it. And even if you want to fine-tune it, it's a few minutes of fiddling with settings out of 20+ hours, usually, of playing a game.
There are reasons to prefer playing on consoles (physical copies/lower cost of entry/preference for PS trophies over Steam achievements/not having to worry about your system not being able to run a game properly/etc.), but I don't really see that being one of them.
They could put all their games on PC and I would still buy a PS5 Day One.
@OmegaStriver Oh yes - I mean my personal set up would be a seperate office space.
For me is a yes. But only if the games are released date to date on PC. My interest on PS5 has decreased but Sony can count me back if they confirm full backward compatibility including PS3 (my old fat died last year and I have lots of games) and if the games remain exclusive for a couple of years in which case it will be hard for me to wait.
If I were to get a PC I would want the best stuff which is way too expensive for me. Consoles are for people who cant afford to blow thousands on PCs and their components. I'm also too lazy to tinker with all the settings and whatnot. After a long day at work I'm just trying to pop a disc into my PS whatever number and just play
Sorry but i'm not buying a new console which his first party game will come to PC later anyways. Thats why i don't have a XBO right now.
I guess 2020 will be a new Graphics Card year, not new console year.
I mean, at that point PC will be getting XB games, PS games and all the rest of multiplatform games.
It's a little early to even have this conversation in my mind. After the hardware Sony just moved this cycle I can't imagine they actually market their big upcoming exclusives on PC even remotely close to when they are gonna launch on PS5.
The other side to look at too is if SSD, 4k 60 frames is the new standard next cycle then the draw for PC gaming is also just not as appealing. Id still rather play on a 65 inch tv with HDR support.
Horizon looks soooo good in HDR.
One major reason I play on console is for owning the physical release. PC games are mostly digital.
If PS exclusives are released at the same time on PC, which is what MS does for their own games, then that will not be a good idea. But if released to PC much later, I'm ok with that. This is similar to MS' release of the Halo Collection to PC. My theory is that it is good marketing: PC games are much more likely to be pirated and once more non-playstation users are amazed by the old games, then they may want to get a PS5 to play the sequel. But often with marketing, it's all flash but not much substance, which may explain why the PC version of games often are buggy and not well supported post-release.
never like gaming on a PC use it for everything but gaming I had steam for a while bought a few games & uninstalled it not for me.
I want Sony to clarify what they are doing I doubt all games will be on PC at the same time.
@get2sammyb same here at first it would make me mad.
On second thought (who cares) as long as it isn't going to xbox.
This way playstation (console) exclusives sell more and don't beed crap like loot boxes or unwanted multiplayer.
The hastle of investing in a pc and changing the settings pffff.
Plus the hassle of a keyboard and mouse.
Show us the PS5 already.
Only if they release at the same time or if they have a short window between them, which I don't think it will happen. That would be the death of hardware sales for Sony.
I think the matter isn't something that we can discuss through a poll, even though I cast my vote already.
It won't affect my purchase, Playstation feels like home and it's much easier to play on rather than a PC. HOWEVER, I rather have my exclusives. It won't affect my PS5 purchase, but the question is, if I'm able to play the same games on PC, with the same performance using a Dual Shock... what else is going to bring me back to Playstation 6? I might just as well build up a gaming rig.
In any case, I highly doubt it and if it becomes true, I'll be disappointed. Playstation is better than to search for market on PC...
PS4 Pro to play HZD $400
PC to play HZD (high settings) $1500
PC to play HZD (ultra settings) $2000
OMG, Sony is never going to sell another console!
I would say nothing if they would recycle the games to PC after let's say - 5 years after release date. 3 years seems quite short to be honest. Sony should not do the same mistake Xbox did with this gen. Otherwise this surely will be the last console's gen as we know it.
@Athrum I totally agree with you, and for some reason I also think Sony might flop this next gen, since they sort of flopped with PS3 and then VITA. It doesn't take that much from being leader on the market to collecting leftovers like what Microsoft did.
However, as we can see Microsoft have stepped up big time in the end of the cycle and honestly is now performing rather better than Sony.
It will be interesting to see what we have awaiting for the next gen.
No absolutely not, doesn't even move the needle for me. Still buying a ps5 at launch, have no interest in gaming on a PC and honestly am just happy for folks that are pc gamers that they get to play some awesome games!
Nah, Im not getting in PC gaming for the moment. I wouldn't know where to start and the relatively simple 'plug and play' quality of a console appeals to me.
I plan on getting a PS5 still. I play on PC and PS4. If PS5 is backwards compatible I will most likely retire my PS4 and just do PS5 and PC.
Personally I am not buying PS5 right now. Waiting for all the facts first to make an informed decision. If you give me another option, then I have to explore that option. The industry is not changing at all as Nintendo keeps their games only on their platform. Can't promote a new console talking about how impressive the specs are if your games will be available on better hardware. Those are the facts.
Nnnnope. I've already said more than once what factor could "affect my PS5 purchasing intent". And, alas, chances are it will - I'm quite conscious of the odds.
Just imagine. Buy a PC and you can play all PS5 and XBoxSeX games on it and you also don't have to pay a subcription to play online.
I don't really understand why Xbox is okay with not making their consoles necessary, I doubt Sony will do the same : /
Realistically probably not, because I've also been a console gamer. However, losing exclusives is definitely an incentive to get a good PC instead, especially when many PC exclusives will not come to console. Also I can get the console experience with a Nintendo Switch, and that's worth buying because it's very unlikely Nintendo's exclusives will go to PC (at the moment).
Give me a steady 30 fps over a twitchy 120fps any day.
@Col_McCafferty “ Sony have continued to sell more and more consoles because they kept on releasing great exclusive after great exclusive. If they're all going to come out on PC one day what's the point?”
Totally agree and don’t know why Sony would want to change and jeopardise their strategy that has kept them at the top the game for 4 generations.
To me this really feels like the beginning of PlayStation and Xbox becoming streaming service brands that will be playable on others hardware as opposed to their own dedicated hardware. PS5/XBSX could be the last generation as we know it...
I primarily play Xbox, however I would still rather own both consoles, I cannot stand playing games on pc, and will simply wait until the "Holy Trinity" ( HZD2, Spider Man 2 and God of War 2) are out before buying ps5.
I don't have a PC so I don't care. (I haven't owned a PC for 20 years and it's unlikely I'll buy one anytime soon.)
But, if it means that fewer resources are available to making, and providing support for, console games, then, yes, I do care. I like commas because they are fun.
If it's just a few exclusives here and there going on PC, then it's not going to make any real difference for me. As long as there's still plenty of great exclusives coming to PlayStation consoles, I'll still want the console.
SONY staying silent on this is pretty much an confirmation that HZD possibly along with other exclusives will come to PC.
Ultimately, I don’t have a gaming PC nor do I want one (just personal choice). I’ve got PlayStations and for me to be guaranteed to play the next set of exclusives, I’m going to buy a PS5.
People may refer to the exclusive-ness of games being diluted, and I can see their point (and agree, tbh), but I’m not going to get precious over something I have no influence over. It won’t change my future purchasing decisions.
Been seeing for years with Nintendo so I’ll try it here.
sONy iS DoOMeD
If it takes 3+ years for a Sony exclusive to come to PC, there is no way I'm waiting that long to get my hands on it and start playing. If PC gamers don't mind waiting years for an exclusive that may or may not even come to PC, more power to them.
I built a budget gaming PC last year for the sole purpose of playing The Witcher 1 & 2. It was my very first time putting a PC together, and it was honestly very easy. So im not opposed to PC gaming in general, and if Sony ever did release their exclusives day 1, I would consider it.
But let's be realistic here: the PS5 specs-wise is going to offer insane value for its price. You would have to spend a lot more money on a PC to get the specs of what is being reported for the PS5, and it will likely stay that way for quite a while.
Also, Sony is aware of their success this gen and it's the sales of over 105 million PS4s that have fueled it. Anyone who thinks they will abandon their exclusive strategy next gen is delusional. They may throw a bone to PC players every once in a while with an exclusive that's a few years old, or for very specific titles that make sense on PC.
I switch from 95% PC gaming to 99% console because of PS4. High end performance at low cost was the top reason for my switch. Physical games, top tier exclusives, and the ecosystem and trophies equally shared the second reason. Consoles are not the best, they are the best bang for your money!
Getting exclusive console games shortly before the next release would be a very compelling reason to at the very least own a PC and a PS4 if not fully switch. FOMO will kick in and fear of having to wait another 3 years for new version of a great game is powerful.
In the end selling more copies of a title could allow a bigger budget for the next blockbuster game.
Reading people bending their opinions so quickly and so drastically on exclusives since the talk of Series X once it involves PlayStation's, rather fascinating.
It might well do. If they're released much later as with Horizon, probably not... if they're released day-and-date, it might.
MS have spent this whole generation making Xbox largely irrelevant to anyone with a half-decent PC, and to be honest, I'd hate to see Sony do the same with PlayStation.
I will skip ps5 cause whats the point? I honestly think it will hurt Sony down the line, basically Sony is becoming a p.c platform with the new Boss in SIE Division.
He basically just doesn't care about exclusives nor what they stand for so why even buy a ps5 when exclusives give the brand identity. Sony will lose next generation and that's on them cause exclusives made Sony won this generation if you let exclusives go then what's the point to even own a console when games look 10x better
on pc than consoles? That's a slap in the face to the console only players while pc players get the better version of it.
This is the kiss of death of consoles.
Have we heard that “PS exclusives” are going to PC or just Horizon: Zero Dawn and Show? Am I missing something?
@Juanalf that's why I bought a switch and ps4 pro for less than half of a high end pc, I can play the exclusives I care about + 98% of other releases without having to wait literal years for pc graphics settings I don't worry about. Not knocking those who prefer it, but there's no benefit in this strategy for me. Sony already sold me Horizon.
"Will PlayStation Exclusives on PC Affect Your PS5 Purchasing Intent?" Hell NO!!!!!! I will be a day one or as close as possible buyer and happy as hell to experience it.
If PlayStation will go all PC like Xbox, why should I invest on ps5 and a 4K TV while I can get a pro version laptop for less, and play both systems in the same time.
ASUS - ROG about 1-2k$
ps5 not less 500$ decent 4k TV 1-2K$
This is a dumb move by Sony. It's like Everytime Microsoft gives them a running start or shoots themselves in the foot. Instead of PlayStation doubling down with some hot PS5 info? They say
"Hold my beer bro" if they turn the PS5 into a timed exclusive console what's the point?
My backlog is so immense I can just sit pretty for a few years. They will not get my money this time.
To whoever may be frustrated about games losing exclusivity to a specific platform, ask yourself how such a decision actually hurts you. It only benefits the corporation when we root for a specific platform over the competition like a sports team, because that means we are locked in with customer loyalty to that company as we turn a blind eye to amazing games on other systems.
And it typically only benefits consumers when a game goes multi-platform because that means there is more amazing games available without having to own all of the different systems.
I'm very guilty myself of focusing my game collecting purchasing habits on console exclusives, even though I own all of the systems currently on the market. But this kind of approach only tells me how effective as a business decision exclusives can be even if the overall player size is smaller. It's just interesting to think how even with my awareness of the psychology behind it I'm still part of the problem with my spending habits.
@KAPADO Same here. It's like why even buy inferior system to play games? Sony has become terrible making decisions for the upcoming system and the exclusives. The reason why I stayed with Sony since ps1 era it's because the exclusives. I stood by them ever since they were about to call it quits when Sony was literally in a financial situation that was turning the company into bankruptcy. I bought ever generation console of Sony's for exclusives but now they are destroyed their brand and Sony has become more of a p.c platform taking care of the players over there rather then the ps players. Sony is not getting my money after this generation is over I'm done with Sony..just waiting for TLOU and that's it I'm not gonna support Sony's multiplatform business.
Won't change anything. I game on PC and console! My current PC has lasted me the entire PS4 generation.
@VGScrapbook yeah I'm not sure why some hate some games not being 100% exclusives. Just another avenue to purchase for me to be honest.
I have Tomb Raider and Valkyria Chronicles on PC and I just bought Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Valkyria Chronicles 4 on PS4.
I could not care less. If anything, I'm glad more gamers get to enjoy great games.
If I only gamed on PlayStation, I think my answer would be that I won't skip PS5. Fact of that matter is, I game on multiple platforms and with MS already fully embracing PC, if Sony starts doing the same, even if to a lesser degree, I will in fact skip PS5. No sense buying two consoles at likely $500 each at the lowest when for a few hundred more I can build a nice gaming rig that plays everything. I don't mind waiting 6 months, a year or possibly longer because there will still be plenty of other games to play during the that time.
The majority of PS games are still exclusive and it usually takes years for some to launch on PC but I still see this tactic as potentially damaging. The Switch has become so successful because it is the only place where you can play Nintendo games. People don’t even care about the lack of multi platform games. Exclusives have great power to make or break a deal.
That poll is not looking good! Anyways, as I was commenting on Twitter this could work for them if the games are released 3 years after being exclusive to PS5 and if remains only for selected titles; by doing that they can make people interested in PS5 and still gain additional money on PC sales. Personally in this scenario I would definitely buy PS5 day one.
@Shepard93n7 Extremely dissapointed by peoples reaction on twitter about this sorry mess, specifically dissapointed with Playstation fanbase (or to be precise, fanboys).
I'm all for expressing consumer-displeasure (rightfully so, if SONY heads in Microsoft direction of things) or ocasional console war here, BUT all should be done in more less civil matter.
Insulting SONY developers, PR people and general staff...and even threataning them is a line no one should cross and it is downright shamefull.
People need to make peace with things to come. It is what it is.
Nothing people do or say will change things. If SONY plans to bring exclusives to PC, so be it. It's not the end of the world.
Will it diminish the value of Playstation console and make a number of people skip Playstation 5? Absolutely.
Can we in the future expect lower quality games from the first party devs since there is less need/demand to sell consoles? It is possible.
But lets be real here people, most of us spend our time playing multiplatform games anyways.
''by doing that they can make people interested in PS5 and still gain additional money on PC sales. Personally in this scenario I would definitely buy PS5 day one.''
Trust me, if games will be expected to release eventually on PC, very few PC gamers will be interested in buying PS5.
Nope. Who wants to wait over a year maybe two years to play them. Not me. I'd prefer to play them on release day on my ps5.
@Areus Sony's former online studios only made MMOs, pretty bad ones I might add. Sony is better off without them, and if they want to enter that market, ps now is a better starting position.
I do not like multiplatform development of any type. I think it is a waste of resources and it encourages the developer to not use the most specialized/unique features of their target platform just to save them from some trouble later on.
The added layer of effort it takes to bring the game to multiple platforms is better suited on just making the content better. That is why I think platform holders have the obligation to let their developers just make the game exclusive.
No. Moved away from pc gaming some time ago, it's just a vile and hateful community on the whole now.
@get2sammyb 'I just can't be bothered with settings and drivers and all that nonsense.'
If it were back in the days of MS-DOS where you had to manually edit your config.sys and autoexec.bat files to get, for example, your sound card working, then I'd agree with you. However, there's really no difference between a console and a PC when it comes to updates these days. What I mean by that, is that on a console you get a notification for an update and then you click a button. It's exactly the same on a PC. You get a notification for an update, and then you click a button. It's an entirely automated procedure on both systems.
As for settings, that's also done automatically on my PC (if I so choose to do so). The graphics driver software detects my overall system capabilities and adjusts the in-game settings, on an individual title basis, and sets them accordingly.
My PC is connected to my 4K telly, and I use a DS4 and a wireless keyboard & mouse and play from the couch, just as I do with consoles. Sometimes, I forget which system I'm using whilst playing a game.
@Hengist I can't tell you how many times I have attempted to boot a game and it says I'm missing a .dll file.
In general, modern PC gaming is mostly just playing games ported from a console with PC controls (m&kb inputs) that the game wasn't designed around. Shooting games are trivial with a mouse and keyboard. But with a controller, it feels like you are controlling the arm, rather than just controlling the place your bullet is going to land. I like the challenge that analog sticks bring. I can just connect a controller right? Well, maybe. Sometimes the button prompts and UI don't support my controllers' and for a long time my entire controller wasn't supported so I had to find workaround solutions. That sh*t is just tedious and not why I play games.
I also don't like the focus on digital gaming on PC. If Steam and its back-up servers suffered a terrorist attack, I would lose my entire catalog. Or maybe they just decided to ban me for some reason.
Until some substantial PC exclusive games like those of the past get made I still think PC's for gaming alone might not be worth it.
'I can't tell you how many times I have attempted to boot a game and it says I'm missing a .dll file.'
'Sometimes the button prompts and UI don't support my controllers' and for a long time my entire controller wasn't supported so I had to find workaround solutions.'
'In general, modern PC gaming is mostly just playing games ported from a console with PC controls '
'If Steam and its back-up servers suffered a terrorist attack, I would lose my entire catalog. Or maybe they just decided to ban me for some reason.'
'Until some substantial PC exclusive games like those of the past get made I still think PC's for gaming alone might not be worth it.'
@VGScrapbook "To whoever may be frustrated about games losing exclusivity to a specific platform, ask yourself how such a decision actually hurts you"
if as this survey suggests, 1/3 of people ditch the playstation platform, lower install base makes it less lucrative to develop for, so fewer games will get made/released for it. just look at this gen, PS4 has had almost double the number of games released for it compared to XB1 - sure most of the "big" games are released multiplatform, but in some cases developers have prioritised PS4 over XB1. a situation like that effects everyone who prefers to play on playstation. under no circumstance will i ever play games on windows, even if that ends up being the only place to play sony's worldwide studio games.
@Hengist - three bricked windows 10 installs after forced ms updates, it's been nothing but problems. i absolutely detest windows 10, it's a steaming pile of s***, but i'm forced to use it at work. i end up doing most of my work running a linux VM with virtualbox - so i just need to backup the VM to the network. that way when ms inevitably bricks windows 10 again, i can use the VM on any other machine, while the laptop gets rebuilt.
If all the PS4 exclusives were to launch on pc(even with a small delay) then i wouldn't need a PS console at all. I'm in that category of gamers. However that is far from what i believe will happen. My guess is that some(most, all, none? who knows) of the exclusives will launch on pc like a year after the initial release which i consider to be a good bussiness plan for Sony in the long term. Even so i would still didn't need a PS as none of the Sony ips interestes me that much as to buy and play day one. But a year later on Steam? I'd be okay with that.
@leucocyte Sorry to learn about your issues. How old is/are the machine(s) that your attempting to install Win 10 on? I only ask, as I recently tried to update an old (very old) laptop from a previous version of Windows and when it came to the updates, that's also where I ran into similar problems.
However, in one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I bought a new system around a year ago, and I've had zero issues with it, with regards to o/s installations or any other type of install. I haven't drilled down into what the issue was with my old laptop (I can't be arsed, as it was more a experimentation exercise for me, which I quickly lost interest in), but at a guess, I reckon it's got something to do with old internal hardware/configurations that don't recognize new software procedures/libraries.
@DominatorV93 regarding your last statement, a few pure PC gamers actually bought PS4 so nothing has changed that much, if Sony only release selected titles, as I mentioned, on PC they can still caught interest because people will notice not every game is released on PC. At least that's how I see it.
I've upgraded my PC and have it hooked up to my TV. If Sony starts releasing their games on PC, I have literally zero reason to buy a PS5. I was previously excited to buy one, but this announcement kills my hype. Sony's really shot themselves in the dick with this movie.
Glad to see half of ps nation standing their ground, going by the polls at least, yes I know its only a poll and 4k votes but still take sony.
You take away incentive like exclusives for a console you take away a reason to buy it.
Not buy a PS5 because a couple of the exclusives will release on PC four years later? Wat? Nobody is that ridiculous and this poll is really stupid. Anyone clicking anything but the bottom option wasn't planning on buying a PS5 in the first place.
reads comments section
Nevermind, it turns out a LOT of people are that ridiculous. Wow, what a bunch of knobs.
@JayDub It's not ONLY about whether or not will they take away the incentive for buying the consoles, it's also expressing the concerns for console gaming in general and the first party games quality going downwards.
@ClanPsi Maybe some people have higher apreciation towards their purchase decision or their money in general?
For example some people genuinely bought Playstation 4 MAINLY because of those exclusives with the mindset of having the best experiance possible on that platform.
I mean i certainly will consider saving those 500+ $ to upgrade my PC instead, even if it means waiting 3+ years for the games to come (especially if we are talking about singleplayer games).
I prefer playing on console in spite of having a good gaming PC. I just hate all the problems with a PC. I only used it lately for PC VR and even this made me mad. Error messages OUTSIDE VR on the Windows desktop, problems with sound, etc.
I just love consoles. Even the Oculus Quest is way better if you DON'T connect it to a PC and use it like a console. And to all the PC lovers: I respect your choice. I was a PC guy for 15 years but I really like the easy console way nowadays.
Actually pretty impressed with a lot of responses here.
One thing I've constantly read though is that the consoles made by Microsoft, or Sony usually lose money. Not only that but the games that sell the most are the third party games like Call of Duty, and not the first party games.
Only Nintendo's first party game are true system sellers, and the reason playstation kicked the Xbox's butt this generation I think has less to do with the exclusives and more to do with how they busted out of the gate with consumer friendly approaches.
Another factor, Sony makes money off the software sales and licensing more so than Hardware sales. So someone like me who mostly games on PC and begrudgingly owns a Switch and PS4 for exclusives, would only buy the 2nd hand physical medium from gamestop in which Sony would only take a net loss on me.
PC gaming doesn't sell physical discs and is almost exclusively digital.
Now, people who like playing on console are still going to be buying a console (it's easier to use than a PC), but expanding the market for PC gamers is actually a thing. The only thing Playstation Exclusives would be good for would be to get those who only buy one console to choose the Playstation Brand over the Xbox Brand.
So all around, if Sony makes more money on those great games they make, they have more to invest into making better games, and they would actually make money off of gamers like me who would buy the digital version PC rather than borrow the disc from a friend or buy it from Gamestop which means they lose the investment on selling me their console.
@Odin1985x Even if I eventually got the PS5 cheaper I wouldn't buy into their series that goes to PC neither. There will be other games better than horizon zero dawn to occupy my time.
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