We’ve posted about this before, but in light of Microsoft’s recent comments regarding the Xbox Series X, it perhaps bears repeating that the PlayStation 5 will have exclusive games at launch. This is according to reliable Kotaku scribe Jason Schreier, speaking on the publication's Split Screen podcast. We’re not talking about “console exclusives” here, but titles that are designed for and can only be played on the next-generation system.
While this has historically been the expectation for new console launches, the Team in Green has confirmed that all of its upcoming launch titles will also deploy on the Xbox One and PC, muddying the waters a little. In some ways, this could give the Japanese giant a leg-up – it’ll be more difficult for Microsoft to fully illustrate the advantages of its new appliance when it has to create its games with legacy hardware in mind.
It’s perhaps worth mentioning that a majority of the PS5’s launch titles will be cross-gen, as third-parties will still want to leverage the sizeable install base of the PS4. Rumour mongers on social media claim that Bluepoint’s previously announced project will be one of the first PS5-only projects, with many speculating it’s a remake of Demon’s Souls. There’s also increased chatter of a new Ratchet & Clank, while Gran Turismo 7 has been touted, too.
We reckon all three of those would make for a fairly strong launch lineup – it’d certainly be an improvement on Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack. We’ll need to wait for official confirmation, though. One things for sure: these games are going to melt eyeballs – especially when they’re being designed and built with next-gen hardware specifically in mind.
[source podcasts.google.com, via wccftech.com, resetera.com]
Comments 79
That's the point of a new console launch. Everything else is wrong.
A new Ratchet and Clank exclusive could make me much more eager to get a PS5 early on, but it depends on what the game is like. I loved the PS2 games, but wasn't so keen on the PS4 game.
Whaaaat? Seriously is this information new to someone?
I thought Shadowfall was a great PS4 launch title, all things considered! Get a bit nostalgic thinking about it actually.
@kyleforrester87 I agree. I never understood why so many dislike it. I never played it online, so I wouldn't know about the multiplayer, but for a single player experience the campaign wasn't bad at all, especially for an FPS
@crimsontadpoles I hope for Dragon's Dogma 2. It doesn't even need to be an exclusive, as long as I can play it
@DanM it was a bit ropey and the second half felt kind of rushed, had it come out during PS4s life span I’d have been less impressed, but it was a really cool launch title.
please Sony i beg of u put DemonSouls on ps4 too?
Games that would push me to do overtime and get a PS5 early
New Yakuza
New Tales of
New amazing ratchet and clank
New ape escape
New souls game
New nier game
New rayman platformer
New good fallout
I know there will be hidden gems as the years pass by so I won't be in a drought. Until I see these games I will just play PS4 and below for a while.
Oooooh yet another name check for Jason Schreier* Is he a family member? Paying you?
*Other journalists are available
Knack 3 confirmed surely?
PS5 will have exclusives you say? Blasphemy! To protest against this nonsense I will not hold my breath for PS5 to have decent exclusives 2-3 years into its lifecycle at the earliest
@DanM I was dissapointed how it looked. Killzone 3 blew me away with the graphics and this was somwwhat dissapointing.
Legend of Dragoon
The Bouncer Part II confirmed
"New Yakuza
New Tales of"
You'll have these 2 out this year on PS4 still
You dont know (never heard of) Jason and the golden book?
old curmudgeon
Yes but I want for PS5 in it's first year
Although, PS Now surely means that technically you could play PS5 games on PS4? I think it probably depends on just how different the DS5 is from the DS4. If it’s similar enough to play the games, this could be rather intriguing. Obviously you couldn’t download the games but wouldn’t it work in the same vein as the PS3 ones?
@Gremio108 I loved the bouncer! But I never had a multi adapter to connect more than 2 controllers, so missed out on a lot of its appeal. No more!
Also, how rare is it for games to utilise the button's sensitivity to operate in different ways... Mgs did it with square being used to ready gun, or fire depending on how hard you pushed it, but the bouncer would do light or heavy attacks, based on how hard you pushed the buttons. Genius!
@J2theEzzo I never actually played it! But my mate got it at a car boot sale, years after release, and he enjoyed it if I recall
What? If only other console manufacturers thought of this 😉
@JJ2 Nope. Neither.
Funny to see so many people going with 'its anticonsumer' fake outrage. I wonder where that comes from 🤔
Why is this even news?
There's something very strange with the gaming media's obsession of whatever narrative that Microsoft is pushing and applying it to every other company despite the fact that even at their best (360) they still actually ended up losing to both Nintendo and Sony, who were at their worst!
@DanM the multiplayer is fantastic.
@Gremio108 you jest, but I'd be down.
I would be surprised if the PS5 exclusives - especially those at launch, would not be scalable down to PS4 hardware. If Sony thought that the games would better released on both without needing to entice people to upgrade (in other words, people would still upgrade anyway), Sony would release across both generations to maximise its sales potential.
When you consider that a PS4 version is likely to be a quarter of the resolution and could even be half the frame rate, a game could possibly be scaled down to run. This generation has been about how to scale games for the hardware - whether its scaling down from 4k/60+ or scaling up (remasters, Pro/X patches etc), and developing techniques to increase the resolution/performance with limited hardware.
MS has a LOT of different hardware specs to consider - not just Xbox consoles but also their Win10 PC market and now their streaming servers too so scalability of games will be much more important to them. Their games will need to run on a low spec PC and their streaming servers too. This is a different situation for them than Sony who will need to sell PS5's to sell games long term and will want their MP games to have people to work well too.
I don't think the PS5 will have any component so specialized and unique that would make it difficult to port to another console or PC. I think the days of the ps3's cell are in the past. Any console exclusive would be due to a contract agreement and not a technical reason.
This is because modern consoles use components that are very similar to the ones used on PCs. This allows for some of the development to be done on PCs and also makes it easier for cross-console support.
If PC games can support computers from one with a $150 video card to one with a $1000 video card, then the exact thing applies to consoles. In fact, this is already happening with the xbox1/xbox1x and ps4/ps4pro. The next gen will just add another tier to that range.
@DanM @kyleforrester87 controversial opinion but i thought Killzone Mercenary on Vita was infinitely better. There was something extremely disjointed about the campaign of Shadowfall that let it down. Looked very pretty though 🙂
@Shepherd_Tallon I'm one of those in that position. For the first time ever, I'm looking at getting an xbox (I was very tempted when rise of the tomb raider was an exclusive, cup head and ori but all of them came to steam so I never committed) but the series x will allow me to catch up on everything I've missed over the years. However it is not going to be until some software exclusives start popping up, and hopefully game pass will still be a quid. But yeah Ps5 day one if money allows.
@Rob_230 not at all, it probably was the better game over all to be fair. I just enjoyed Shadowfall a bit more than it probably deserved because it was all so new and shiny on PS4. Plus, it did have a few genuinely cool moments.
Why is this news? Might as well report that the sky is blue.
@kyleforrester87 I personally loved it, more than I should have I guess. Even now, I look back at it rather fondly, be it the fact that Sony more or less gave up on the genre for the rest of the PS4's lifespan or because of how much I enjoyed the game's setting and themes. I also gotta say this game still looks p damn good over 6 years later, and it still has so many little details that blow me away. Far from a perfect game, but a solid one overall - I hope Killzone 5 will arrive someday lol.
2 launch ps5 only games from wws studios would be the deal. 1 3rd party AAA (the gearbox game), AA studio ps5 exclusive (Asobo?)and a smattering of cross gen titles and indies. Somethin so show the true max capabilities of our current VR headsets would be icing
**and everything this gen i never got to hopefully looking and playing the best it can because of new more powerful hardware
When I buy a new PC I don’t lose access to my library. When a new graphics card comes out I can still buy the most current games that comes out for my older PC. Same thing with my mobile devices. Microsoft is doing the console business the right way and I’ll support them for that. This is coming from a hardcore PlayStation fanboy.
Hoping they can show the unique capabilities of the PS5 early - haptics integral to gameplay, hyper-realistic lighting, much larger worlds with barely noticeable load times, impressive AI and animations. I don't care if they're not cross-gen - I want amazing reasons to want a PS5, whether I can afford (or get) one at launch or not...
Id take killzone over those any day
That's what "exclusive" means...
Just makes me trust them less...
Everyone else is moving on with Streaming. Sony want you to fork out 100s for their souped up proprietary equipment and peripherals... just like always. Its what they do and ive had enough.
@Real_Obsi huh? did you know that sony also has a streaming service and was 5 years ahead of the pack? did you know that streaming services suck at this point in time and dedicated hardware is exactly what people want instead? i guess you can play on stadia then. have fun!
demon souls remake, GT7, godfalll.. would be a hugely unappealing set of "only on PS5" launch games for me.. so i'd probably pass on day 1, as i don't think 3rd party cross-gen titles will be worth it. i hope sony has a few other rabbits in the hat. could be a perfect opportunity to launch a new FPS, given that there'll be no battlefield, and CoD is back with treyarch, so who knows if it'll have a campaign, given they haven't had much time since BlackOps4. now that hermann hulst is chief of WWS, hopefully there's more amenable opinion / encouragement for FPS franchises on PS5, even if it's just new KZ or resistance titles.
@badbob001 not exactly true. some of the components being used on ps5 are prioprietary and are not currently available on consumer pc's. and if they are eventually available on pc, they will cost significantly more money and would require you to give your pc hardware a complete overhaul, including the motherboard. on top of that, the pc space is heavily fragmented due to the myriads upon myriads of configuations developers need to consider when porting their games to pc. for this reason, software optimization is a real problem on pc and you rarely see it done well compared to say a first party playstation game. i would be willing to bet that you will not find a new game on pc come this november that all but eliminates load times... you will find many on ps5, though, for the reasons mentioned. will the consumer pc space catch up? probably, but the next gen consoles will have a headstart and leave most pc gamers in the dust for a while.
@Porco well PS now sucks, i would agree.. i gave the trial a go. The latency was very noticeable and artefacts and juddering were frequent (the same as remote play which is on your own internet upload instead of their service) ... Stadia, on the same internet connection, works great for me. I only use my Pro when i have to. Ive a few games i want to finish... I wont be buying a PS5 though. Keep the exclusives. If Sony dont fall in line with trends itll be very tempoaray exclusives i can promise you.
I'm shocked, seriously never saw this coming.
@kyleforrester87 yeah, agreed! Its a shame Sony hasn't really delved any further into the FPS genre this gen. Maybe the insomniac acquisition could lead to a new Resistance? Feels like FPS's have gone out of fashion a bit this gen.
@Real_Obsi Lay off the drugs champ.
@Rob_230 they have a bit, I suppose given how well Horizon was received it’s no surprise Killzone has gone on to the back burner.
But, we have had the Wolfenstein games plus Doom 2016 and the upcoming Eternal. And then mainstays like Destiny and COD.
Still, I’d be up for a killer new story driven FPS franchise next gen!
Imagine a console with absolutely no exclusives! Might as well get an xbox!!!!
If I can play all my digital games on my ps4 same time as ps4 that will push me over to get day 1
@JAMes-BroWWWn yeah Microsoft is gonna f**k up again if they release it with no only new gen games... go PS5
@nessisonett I can see PS5 games being added to PlayStation now but not immediately. Initially they going to want to sell all the PS5 they have available rather than put them into data centre. We are probably looking at the same kind of gap after the PS5 launches as we had between The initial launch with only PS3 games and PS4 games being added to the service.
@badbob001 Isnt the PS5 supposed to have some new fantastic CPU? If a game is built around it, I don’t see it as an easy port to older consoles, or maybe even possible.
@Real_Obsi It will be interesting to see with the next generation whether PlayStation now will add the ability to stream games that you have bought but are not part of the service.
Google have proof that people are willing to pay for both a subscription and over the odds for the individual games.
We're hitting Phoebe Bufay "IT"S BRAND NEW INFORMATION" levels that shouldn't even be possible.
@badbob001 @BAMozzy There is a difference between something being technically possible and being worth doing.
You can imagine a situation where a developer has put in point lights and let for ray tracing module handle the illumination of the scene. It would be possible to go back and put in traditional lighting but it would give an inferior result and will take develop a time that they could be using to produce their next game.
It’s a slightly different situation for Microsoft. Because play anywhere means they are essentially a multi platform developer. So they’re going to have to do most of the work needed to get their games to run on the last generation anyway for the PC release.
It is also partly why Sony ended up giving so much work to Bluepoint. The games aren’t designed to be scalable and the teams that made them were already busy with their next projects. So they needed to hire an outside team to get they’re old games to run on the current generation console.
@Ryall I know its not as straightforward as simply scaling the resolution down and/or frame rates. Certain aspects, like Ray tracing, may not be easily scaled down or replaced by older methods of lighting and still keep the same 'essence' - even if we see PC games able to switch between using VR or not.
Its not necessarily in Sony's best interest to scale games down as they want the consumer to upgrade as soon as possible. Only playing their new exclusives on their new hardware is a big incentive to upgrade - especially as the majority of 3rd Party multi-platform games will be multi-generational too and could well have additional features like RT support on PS5.
It doesn't mean though that Sony couldn't scale the games down if they thought that would suit their needs better. Having 100m+ potential buyers of their 'new' exclusives is a good reason to scale their games down, put in some 'extra' work if needed as the potential extra sales would easily offset any costs.
The difference with Bluepoint and those games is that they weren't built to be scaled up and have modern aspects - like hair or fur. A lot of what Bluepoint did was actually remake all the assets and characters with much higher polygon counts. Its a lot different to have 'hair' than a polygon with a hair texture because when the game was built, that was the way to do hair and run on hardware that era hardware. The devs could have ported those games up and just increased the output resolution to HD/4k but the game would look very dated. That's why games like Crash, SotC etc benefited from being remade. Crash wouldn't have fur - just a very angular orange polygon because that's how the game was made.
Because the games needed to be remade rather than just ported, that's why they turned to developers. Scalability wasn't a thing back then, they were built to run on a console and then 'die' with it too.
I did say that Sony and MS have different situations moving forward. Sony are relying on sales of their PS5 for their gaming future. MS are not. The next Xbox doesn't 'need' to sell to get people to buy their games - you can buy their games on PC and on your phone, play the games on the go via streaming and will be more relying on subscriptions - like GamePass. You can access MS games via multiple devices so its in their interest to make them as scalable as possible to be much more inclusive - much like the PC market. Games still offer 4k, Ray Tracing, Variable Rate Shading, high res assets etc on PC even if only a handful of PC's can take advantage of these. As people upgrade their PC, these games are 'forward compatible' meaning that you can play them at higher resolution and higher settings because scalability was built in. Maybe in 10yrs time, they will still look dated - even if you have hardware that can play them at 8k/60 with ray tracing on - that Ray tracing may seem quite basic too compared to modern titles but that's too be expected. The Last of Us and Nathan Drake collection look dated compared to Uncharted 4 and what we see from Last of Us 2 despite being scaled up for PS4/Pro. In another 10yrs, maybe Sony will remake those too and that would require a developer to remake the assets...
Its NOT news.
It was already reported by the same Jason a while back on kotaku, and also re reported then on PushSquare. The fact is some pr guy from xbox said the SeX will launch with no exclusive (which also was known for a long time and not news either) prompted some people to re unearth this old news which every and other sites copy pasted as re cycled news.
Gaming news stuff 🙄
I would love it if PS5 launched with a Horizon sequel, and a new Crash Bandicoot game. And of course any new juicy IPs.
Ratchet and Clank, Demon Souls remake, and Gran Turismo would not be a good launch line up. If that's the case I'd 100% pass at launch.
Of course it will, I don't expect to buy $400-$500 machine to play last gen games that's limited to a friggin 7 years old console! I mean, enough is enough, ps4 already has 7 years worth of games, with exlusives like tlou2, ghost of tsushima, and ff7 remake, it's time to let it go.
3rd party will still support the ps4, it's 1st party studios jobs to show ps gamers what the ps5 is capable of, either eye melting graphics, new environment that's isn't feasible on old console, or new gameplay option that really hard to do on old console (like making open world games on ps3).
i'm genuinely shocked by this news !
Crossgen games are designed for Jaguar CPU.
@JJ2 playstation being anticonsumer is old news. obviously it comes from previous playstation console owners who have their ps1,2,3,vita sitting there gathering dust because of "oh this title is only playable on the NEW console because f you". And people who have switched to pc and being pleasantly surprised because there are no exclusivity on pc, because quite literally every controller ever made on earth is compatible with pc and they wouldn't be kept out of games simply due to lack of hardware. Sony will never truly make a PS5 exclusive title, or any other gen PS for the matter, because of that reason. Even if they used a disc not produced anywhere else, as they did with the PSP UMD, it will, someday, be pirated, and ported to the PC, which most people already have, as proven. So y bother wasting money on a hardware that you will have to replace again in another few years?
@J2theEzzo The Bouncer was I think my 3rd PS2 games and I loved it for what it was, I liked the guy who the tattoos all down his arms and face. Think he's special move was a like a hurricane kick but on the spot and only a few spins
Killzone Shadowfall was great this site pushes its own opinion a lot.
@Nakatomi_Uk I thought I was the only one who played The Bouncer. Wanted to name my first-born Sion Barzahd lol.
@AhmadSumadi No me and a few friends owned it and during the good ole days of Friday night gaming we would have a PS2 night Gran Turismo 3, The Bouncer, Dynasty Warriors 2 and loads of others
@BAMozzy hasn't a lot of this scaling been because the PS4/XBOX didn't have much of an increase in CPU performance from the previous generation, so games were designed with their limitations in mind? Surely with such a huge leap in CPU performance games designers will be targeting more complex and interactive worlds, more advanced npc AI, things what could really change how game worlds feel.
If all we get from next gen are slightly prettier games with a bit better performance then I will be hugely disappointed
@JJ2 exactly!!! Let's throw off those limits and have games which truly feel alive.
@carlos82 MS are saying that it will be about a year before a game comes out that cannot scale down. From the PC space, we see games with Ray Tracing, 4k/60 etc that also run on an XB1S - albeit very scaled down and sub 1080/30. If we take that performance metric - ie 1080/30, to get to 4k/60, you need to increase the resolution by 4x and double the frame rate. In other words, thats an 8x increase in the amount of pixels rendered for the same time it takes a GPU to render 1 HD frame at 30fps. The CPU has to do twice as much work - calculating physics, AI telling the GPU what draw etc because it only has half the time. That's assuming that everything stays the same, the same draw distance, the same processing, the same shadow quality, lighting etc etc.
Multi-platform devs - and MS is one as Xbox is on PC and streaming servers - have built games that scale. Its not just 'visual' or 'performance' but these 'suffer' as a result of increasing the AI, making more complex worlds, increasing the physics etc. If the CPU is having all that to do, it may not hit the 60fps metric at 4k on a 2080ti - especially if you throw in Ray Tracing. So they scale down visuals and performance, maybe use chequerboard rendering to reduce GPU load or reduce draw distance, reduce the particle count/physics/LoD to reduce CPU load etc etc. PC's have menu's so you can decide what needs to be scaled down on these to hit the performance you want but there are many, many games that cannot run at 4k/60 and 'Ultra' settings on a 2080ti but maybe in 5yrs time, advancements in Hardware could.
Point I am making though is that the next gen can increase AI and NPC count, make bigger, more interactive worlds etc and still scale it down by compromising elsewhere to free up CPU/GPU resources. You may have a game with pop-in - not just objects but shadows, reflections etc on the S and none on the Series X because the AI needs that processing on the S where as on the X, its more than capable - as well as being higher res and double the frame rates.
Its all about what can be scaled down and compromising on those to enable the advancements in AI, Physics etc. You may think these areas might suffer if designing a game with the lowest common denominator as a consideration but often its the visuals and performance that take the hit to try and free up GPU/CPU resources to cope with those so it seems that its just 'pettier' and better performance gains but often that's the areas that can be scaled down to free up the CPU/GPU to make better worlds, physics and AI...
I love playstation now but I just don't see the point in streaming ps4 or ps5 games at 720p.
They need to upgrade asap.
@Chryssy75 The PS3 and PS2 games play brilliantly, I completed the DmC trilogy without any input lag and they rely on quick instincts. The PS4 games do look pretty muddy so I usually download them. If they allow 1080p, I’d try streaming them but most connections wouldn’t run great.
@Elthesensai This is a console not a PC.
@Flaming_Kaiser Microsoft is trying to change how the console business is done. I’ll be supporting them because of that. I’ve been saying consoles should go the PC route forever.
@Elthesensai I dont want them too go the PC route whats the use of that. Unoptimised games, people with more money get the best quality. No two versions of a console is bad enough lets split up the Players even more.
@Flaming_Kaiser Why unoptimized games?... Consoles are just PCs now, especially with them having PC-hardware in them. Frickin' PS5 will basically have CPU and GPU I have, and I doubt Xbox will have something much different. - This isn't the PS3 or PS2 era...
I mean, guess why something like "Hellblade" will come to Xbox and PC... Cause it's no problem to do. - The biggest problem in modern console history was the frickin' PS3, which, unless the game was designed for its processor, the optimization would suffer. And if a games WAS developed for the PS3, it would need to be reworked entirely to work for any other platform. - Today, especially with the upcoming consoles, it will be the least effort ever to port games.
And Microsoft is going to support PC anyway, because they have Windows. They have been trying to do that since the whole "Games for Windows Live", which they then phased out, but now the same thing is built into Windows 10. And guess what; I'm logged into Xbox right now and I don't even have an Xbox.
I'll be waiting for "Hellblade 2" on Windows, thanks very much...
"They will melt eyeballs..."
Not as much as they will at the end of the console's lifecycles...
Somehow they seem to be able to make games look better and better on the same hardware over a span of like 5-10 years. Yea, they'll start pushing performance, or losing it rather, but they'll look more amazing years after the consoles launch, or when there will be like improved versions of the consoles.
@MicHaeL_MonStaR How much different setups do i have with my Playstation? If i get the game i works. How long will it work 6-10 years so yes ill take the old console way.
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