Sony's CES 2020 conference has just concluded, and contained a fairly substantial portion of PlayStation goodness. Jim Ryan himself took to the stage to showcase the PS5's official logo and tease more information coming soon, but he also rattled off some sales numbers for good measure.
This included a new figure for PlayStation VR, which now sits at an impressive 5 million units sold. As far as we're aware, PSVR remains the leader in virtual reality thanks to its relatively low price point and ease of use. There's of course still lots of room for growth, but having sold about 2 million headsets in the last 18 months or so, it seems like it's carrying a fair amount of momentum.
What do you think of PSVR's sales so far? Do you have PSVR yet, or are you waiting to see what the future holds? Don't walk into the coffee table in the comments below.
[source News: Live: Watch Sony's CES 2020 Press Conference Right Here]
Comments 19
I bought one when it was first released, and while initially impressed, I kinda just stopped using it not long after. But that all changed this Christmas when I dusted it off and bought Astro Bot Rescue and Blood & Truth, and wow I'm mightily impressed all over again. When people were comparing the quality of Astro Bot to a Nintendo platformer they weren't wrong. I'm having an amazing time slowly working my through the game (currently in World 5 atm) that I haven't even started B&T yet. Oh and I also picked up the Firewall/Aim controller bundle recently too.
Now I'm really looking forward to see what the PS5 will do with PSVR.
I wouldn't call a less than 5% attach rate a success honestly.
@koaeinferno it’s a success because of the software attach rate for each unit sold. When PSVR is averaging 12-15 titles per user, that’s a success.
I'm late to this party as I bought my PSVR this Christmas. Still getting to grips with VR motion sickness but what I have experienced is pretty impressive. I think the next iteration of PSVR is going to be even more impressive with the PS5 hardware capabilities (counting on a PSVR patch for Dirt Rally 2.0).
@WCB Astrobot is the goat.
I miss that lil robot. Hopefully Astrobot 2 gets announced soon.
Less than 5% is still incredibly niche. I hope the psvr2 gets pushed/invested in a lot.
@koaeinferno A PS4 game that sells 5+ million is generally considered a success. And games cost £50. PSVR sells for around £200 (half the headsets shelf life it was over £300).
Don't forget this is the first generation of VR just finding a market. Not a well established 7th or 8th console gen. 5 million is nothing to be sniffed at.
@Dange Exactly. Measuring against the total PS4s out there isn’t a good comparison at all. If we did that, Call of Duty and FIFA should be selling around 90 million copies each, per year, on the PS4 alone. Haha.
Huge games like God of War have an approximate attach rate of 10%.
I’m willing to bet Sony’s PSVR forecast would’ve been in the ballpark of the actual sales figures.
5 million is a brilliant entry into the VR market.
Only 5 million?
This hasn't been a success at all... That attach rate is abysmal.
@SnowTiesAreCool Its the biggest VR platform whar a failure. What would we call VIVE then? Im sure they would kill forba 5% attachmentrate.
Less than 5% adoption amongst PS4 users not a raging success. Considering how cheaply its has been sold its still not selling well.
5% attachment rate on a £350 (at launch) accessory is pretty good in my mind. Bearing in mind the market for this before was 0.
This is new tech, expensive and very niche. I was always worried that Playstation would abandon this but the support has been pretty darn good for good titles.
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm sure whoever called it a failure would agree with you. It's incredibly niche. I love my psvr.
@SnowTiesAreCool I niche doeant mean its failure? Its a new expensive tech it costs plus a PS4. So Sony made money on the PS4 and the VR plus the games i cant see that as a failure.
I picked one up a couple of weeks ago as I already had some compatible games. I'm really enjoying it! Blood and Truth is great, and the X wing mission on battlefront was lots of fun.
Astrobot completely amazes me! Just completed stage 2! Cos it's a steadier game I'm overcoming VR sickness. Maybe VR needs a gentle learner experience to teach us not to whip our heads around like mad peeps. If we shake our heads like crazy for 30 seconds don't we get dizzy? Slowly.. And build up
But but but VR is not successful.
@Flaming_Kaiser neither can I. I hope it improves in the PS5 era too.
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