In case you weren't aware, last night played host to the very first Impy Awards -- an awards ceremony celebrating the very best creations made in Dreams. Media Molecule built a stage, an audience, cute animations, and fake commercials for its glitzy awards show, and it was an utter delight. If you missed it and want to take a look, you can check out the archived video over here.
The majority of people hosting and presenting awards during the Impys were from within Media Molecule, but there were some neat guest appearances. MinnMax's Ben Hanson, Kinda Funny's Greg Miller, and best of all, the one and only Shuhei Yoshida all chimed in with their thoughts on Dreams and how far it's come. The latter speaker was perhaps most interesting; Yoshida now heads up PlayStation's in-house indie team, but he was formerly president of Worldwide Studios, and so has some invaluable insight on the game. One comment in particular caught our attention.
"You have seen these amazing creations in today's awards, but this is just the start," he says. "I've been saying that Dreams is gonna be a ten year project. Not ten years in development! But ten years after the launch." It sounds as though Shu is expecting Dreams to be a game that will continue to grow for a long time. He continues: "I cannot wait to see how this platform develops, and how this tool will enable the future creators of video games that everybody will enjoy."
This certainly tracks with what he's said in the past. In fact, a few months back, Yoshida made similar statements in an interview with PlayStation Asia.
Given the above comments, it seems to us that Dreams won't be going anywhere once it finally releases in full on 14th February this year. Media Molecule has spent such a long time already getting the game up and running on PlayStation 4, and it's impressive, but talk of what the game will look like in ten years reinforces the notion that a PS5 version of Dreams is a distinct possibility. At the very least, we expect this will be a game Media Molecule will be tweaking and growing for the foreseeable future. As Shu says, the future of this title is very exciting indeed.
[source News: Watch Media Molecule's Inaugural Dreams Impy Awards Right Here, via twitch.tv]
Comments 20
It’s clearly a great bit of software, and I certainly don’t know how Mm are financed but you have to wonder how they will be supporting it for 10 years unless it does massive numbers at launch, which is looking unlikely.
So what do we think?
@JoeBlogs I guess, it sounds like they’ll be proactively working on it from there side too, though? But maybe you’re right, and I suppose they wouldn’t need to spend a lot of manpower on supporting it while working on the next project. I wonder if as a piece of software it’s considered so important to Sony that they get some sort of special treatment from them.
@kyleforrester87 You also have to consider that these kind of games don't need to sell a lot at launch, I believe the community will make this game really popular as time goes on, we're already seeing a youtube creator by the name of Elca, who has 2 million views and is pulling hundreds of thousands of views making the avatar in Dreams, great marketing and exposure from a single youtuber.
@kyleforrester87 - Mm is a fairly small studio, so its costs in relation to most big AAA projects are nowhere near as substantial, it probably doesn't need to sell 5m+. but i think sony will need to market it heavily and consistently, to at least get the ball rolling.. where's the incentive to create something great if there's very few people around to play/experience it?.
It seems Sony and MM are banking on Dreams becoming a simple game engine that will last for quite a couple of years. We shall see how that rolls out, but usually things like this don't go as planned.
i guess we can definitive kiss a new little big planet game goodbye then
@kyleforrester87 Probably just bragging rights.
No, but seriously, sometimes I wonder why games like Dreams exist. But that's true for Tearaway, The Last Guardian, and Gravity Rush. I don't think every project has to be profitable, or a big seller for Sony.
I think Mm have as well as the VR update up their sleeve, a new set of tools being produced for PS5 version to really get people excited.
10 year plan? Does that mean we'll still see Dreams being supported on PS6 too?
It could also be used by sony as a tallent scouting, who knows someone creating something on dreams could be working in a sony owned studio. I like dreams but man im just not good enough, might give it another try at some point, just found the controlls a bit hard to master with the ds4. If i was still a kid i would have loved a game like this, but unfortunately im not lol
I haven’t played any games in Dreams that I would call fantastic, but the experience as a whole, is. Experiencing people’s work or passion is really enjoyable. I’m big into cartoons so I’ve enjoyed the dedications to Dexters Labratory and others. I hope there are some older Dream players that may do the same to cartoons from the 80s-90s, or some shows.
@Octane I’m glad a game like Dreams exists because of the levels like Dexters Lab and can’t wait to see the future dedication to other cartoons and shows.
"Yoshida made similar statements in an interview with PlayStation Asia."
Thanks for explaining my deja vu while reading the title.
So if they make an 8k version for PS5 is the PS6 version going to be 12k or 16k? 12k seems more natural but computer stuff always doubles.
While the "10 years" seems outrageous at first glance Minecraft is past 11 years, GTAV is up to 8, people are still playing Skyrim, and Final Fantasy 14 has been out for over 10 years as well.
Now I do think you have to be on PC to gain real longevity, people don't think in terms of "generations" on PC, but the way Sony has been leaning of late I don't think Dreams on PC is out of the question in a couple of years. And it will certainly be on PS5, with or w/o BC.
We did get 5 LBP games to be fair if you include the PSP & vita. It was a good run.
Does 10 years means 3-4 DLC across 3 generations of consoles? Or will they go full Mario maker and release a new iteration on each generation?
It's probably going to take 10 years to pay off what they put into this game...
@OmegaStriver Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm glad it exists, but from a pure business perspective isn't doesn't make sense (which is a good thing IMO). EA wouldn't publish a game like this
@Octane sure they would. They’d just charge you on an individual basis to download the creations.
Dreams should be on every platform like minecraft. Needs more content. But the ideas are revolutionary. Like youtube but for games
Youtube should not exist due to the cost of servers for unlimited video uploads but im glad it does exist just like dreams
@Imagremlin sumo digital killed it with poor development, but mm gave their blessing. sony just sat on the sideline and watched it happen.
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