The third-party announcements for PlayStation 5 games are starting to come in at a much quicker pace now that Sony has taken its first steps along the road to fully revealing the next-gen console. And today we have the announcement of the PS5's first horror game, named Quantum Error. Described as a "cosmic horror first-person shooter", you can get a taste for it in the announcement trailer above. It joins the already announced Godfall and WRC 9 in being the first batch of confirmed PS5 games.
Could this be a PS5 launch game? We don't know yet, but the fact that the title is also coming to PlayStation 4 as a cross-gen release would suggest that this will be an experience launching early in the console's lifespan. The footage itself tells us very little, but the game does appear to be one where you actually fight back the monsters stalking you rather than hiding from them. The presence of a shotgun was enough to communicate that.

What do you think of Quantum Error? Are you looking forward to playing it on PS5? Get hyped in the comments below.
Comments 25
Looks awesome. Looking forward to this
I hope you don't reload that slow during combat...
Reminds me of a left 4 dead type game
Reminded me of alien sort of scenario, dont see anything for a while then all of a sudden all kicks off
I need to see more but piqued enough to keep an eye on future updates.
Quantum break horror starring sam lake.haha.the graphics looks amazing.word up son
This just makes me wish for a new Dead Space.
I think the thing that caught my glimpse the most is that the playstation logo in the end of the trailer reminded me of the original PS3 logo. Good times.
Dead Space meets Doom.
I'm in.
Will need to see more than that before I make any judgement.
Trailers like that just suggest what I expected... next gen will be more of the same, but a bit prettier. Can't wait for the "change gaming forever" titles some devs are hinting at.
@beavis64 I did say "suggest". Just an educated guess. If I'm wrong, great, we all win.
@paranoimia I agree with you. Looks like a PS4 game. I've got a suspicion that every game besides first party titles are not gonna look much different than the PS4 games were getting now.
Just like everyone else, made me think of Dead Space (Wish it was 3rd person)
But I will take it - Another for the PS5 list.
Metro Exodus RayTracing illumination/shadows looked great on PC. This could be a good game to also showcase it.
@Ken_Kaniff it's expected. This kind of game should be awesome to showcase raytracing global illumination and else, but of course it will take time.
@Paranoimia Cross-gen game that were designed primarily with the PS4 in mind prove PS5 games are just a bit prettier? Games designed primarily for the PS4 won’t show what next-gen is capable of. You need to have a little patience there.
@MattSilverado I'm just saying I have a feeling only first party games are gonna show what these consoles can really do. Third party games are gonna be held back for years to profit off this gens consoles.
Looks like last gen lol. Just seems like a cgi trailer, and not even a great one. Hopefully it turns out good though but this is just not impressive at all imo
That intro cinematic looked PS3 era xD
But the "gameplay" part looked good enough and looks like a decent horror
Resident Evil clone... Hmmm. I want it!
How is this a PS5 game when they can't even get the light to distort over surfaces? I expected the circle to stretch when it shone down the wall and to curve when it went from the wall to the floor or counter.
And another thing? What is it with Quantum this and Quantum that. Do they have to put quantum in the name just to reassure us it's really totally new, and the very latest?
TBH I'm not convinced by the video. It all smacks of the Killzone 2 debacle from back in the day
@nathanSF wtf do you mean??? light is just rays from the source?? there is nothing that should be more edited than what there is.. like have you even seen a flashlight pointed from your prespective irl?????????
@dec271828 Grab a torch, turn the lights out, shine the beam along the wall and down over a counter, you'll see what I mean.
@nathanSF It's just a name, chill out sheesh.
@taylorsparks294 I'm just having fun - but it's true on a quantum level
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