March 2020's PlayStation Plus games have been revealed, and what do you know, the leak was right. This isn't the first time that upcoming PS Plus titles have been outed before the official reveal and it probably won't be the last, but at least it's a decent lineup -- in our opinion, anyway.
As per usual, subscribers are getting two PlayStation 4 games. This time around, it's superb remake Shadow of the Colossus and kind of fun but hokey action platformer Sonic Forces.
Shadow of the Colossus, of course, is a stone-cold classic. We awarded it a 10/10 in our review:
One of the greatest games ever made resurrected in one of the greatest remakes of all time. Shadow of the Colossus remains faithful to the 2006 original, but its presentation is on par with the very best that the PS4 has to offer. A masterpiece.
Sonic Forces is less compelling, but fans of the Blue Blur shouldn't let that deter them. Here's what we said in our 4/10 review:
Sonic Forces is a disappointing step back for the franchise. Uninteresting level design and subpar gameplay on all three playable characters make for a game that can be frustrating to get through. The nonsense story is poorly written and makes more tonal shifts than Mariah Carey with an ice cube down her back. The game is perfectly fine for the younger audience it’s targeting, and we’re sure they’ll enjoy it for what it is, but in the wake of Sonic Mania’s tremendous success, the problems 3D Sonic has always faced are becoming much harder to ignore.
What do you think of your PlayStation Plus games for March 2020? Good? Bad? Whatever your opinion, let it be heard in the comments section below. The games will be available starting 3rd March, so make sure you download February's selection while you still have the chance.
Comments 87
So much for the leaks always being wrong folks!
Yes! I knew holding out for Shadow of the Colossus was the right decision! Thank you, Sony!
My son will enjoy Sonic Forces, especially after watching the movie. Good timing.
I’m not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, I need SotC. On the other hand, it’s something that would be great to have physically. A weird complaint I know. While it’s a better selection than as of late, I do think that it feels a little empty form being only two games though. Wait, I just saw that Sonic Forces got a 4/10. And it's looked at mediocre to bad. Man, I wish they would stop with those types of games. Especially with 2 a month.
Nice one. Good selection
Glad that I didn't buy shadow of colossus. Pretty good month for me.
Sonic makes sense considering the movies out and SOTC is a classic. Already own it but can trade in the physical copy for the digital. Which is happening alot recently for me lol
Decent month, hope I enjoy Shadow of the Colossus this time around!
This is the first time in ages where I haven’t already owned at least one of the games. And Shadow of the Colossus? Heck yes! Sonic Forces? ...Sure!
Will definitely be downloading SotC.
Wow, with this and the BioShock Collection I'm finally getting my monies worth and then some!
Last 2 months have been amazing for myself all games I have been tempted by in the past but never taken the plunge. After FFVII I don't think I need to buy another Ps4 game till the PS5 is out with how big my PS Plus backlog is!
N.i.c.e finally after 3 months of having the games that i already plus delivers.shadow of the collusus is a legendary game.definetly playing shadow of the collossus.and sonic is always thumbs up kudos to sony.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
It's good and all but I'm kinda disappointed by the lack of a PSVR offering : /
Personally disappointed cause I bought and played Shadow of the Colossus last year so theres nothing I would be playing from the list.
Otherwise would classify it as a solid month.
I will say the last few months have been really strong - but the problem is all the best games they've offered out I already own! Not their fault obviously, but wish they would select one of the 25 games I currently have on my wishlist
Well the leak seemed obviously real!
My same thought! @Kienda
@Col_McCafferty. Yep me to downloading both games.and i just bought 3 games.dragon age inquisition goty edition.kingdom hearts the story so far.and code vein.and plus colossus and sonic.and i got more 40 games i didn't finish my backlog of games is insane.word up son
@LiamCroft pretty sure the leaks can't be folks, dude.
Sweet let me just go back in time and unbuy these games
Never played either. Been a casual Sonic fan over the years so I'll probably try that first.
Works for me, I've wanted a digital copy of SOTC for a while. And I'll definitely try Sonic Forces as long as I don't have to pay for it.
@playstation1995 Yeah, sounds like you'll be busy until 2030 with that list. 😉
I'm playing Days Gone at present (maybe 40% completed), going to polish off AC Odyssey next month, playing BioShock mainly on weekends and Death Stranding, Fallen Order and Persona 5 yet to play. And now SotC!
Last of Us Part 2, don't rush yourself.
@naruball You and your commas, huh?
Would never have bought SotC so this is a nice surprise. Forces is supposed to be bad, but maybe I'll give a try since I saw the movie and have a little blue wave of nostalgia.
A solid month but your review says 4/10 for Sonic Forces ???? Since they already have Mania away already they was kinda screwed with Sonic Games why not the new Sonic Team Racing
I am not one to usually complain about Plus. I am well aware that not all the games are going to be for me, and that a lot of them I will have. And the games are just a fun bonus after all.
But I think four straight months of remasters being the highlight is pushing it a little. I really enjoyed playing Last of Us again, and plan to play Bioshock collection and SOTC again eventually. All great games. But.....part of the fun of Plus is the variety. Getting to try a game I hadn't thought of playing before or haven't gotten around to, maybe from a genre that isn't the usual thing.
These remasters/game collections are just games that the majority of us have played before, which is fine generally. I just wish there was a little more variety in the offerings is all.
after 3 or 4 months finally something I can actually play and enjoy and something I don't own too.
Time to sub again. Never heard of Shadow of the Colossus but I've heard Sonic Forces is a masterpiece.
Once again Sony tells me buying games is the Wrong thing to do!
@naruball Let's set up a Pushsquare interpunction group!
Genuinely nearly bought Shadow of the Colossus over Christmas... so glad I didn’t!
Is SOTC less clunky than before? i didn't enjoy it at all when we got it on PS Plus (PS3) before.
Personally poor month for me, still looking forward to going back to Rapture though.
@b1ackjack I totally agree about the recent sales thing. Now, I totally disagree about the games not being good enough.
@Matroska Do you have internet, or have you been playing video games for awhile or subscribe to Game Informer.? Shadow of the Colossus is known as a classic game with very high ratings on Metacritic, a must have game for anyone's collection. And Sonic Forces is rated much weaker than Sonic Mania which had been provided as one of the PAN games in prior months so NO Sonic Forces is not a masterpiece. Overall it's a decent month but definitely not a great month.
Cool, like I said on the leak one. I'm kinda hyped to try Sonic forces since the newer Sonic games are guilty pleasures of mine. I wouldnt really consider buying them unless it was adventure 3 but being able to play it through PS plus is great
I still have my PS2 copy of SotC but it's nice to try the HD version and Sonic is perfectly time for the movie release and see how better or worse the series has become, not a bad month but I just wish it had more variety
@DennDenn Are you an American by any chance? They do say Americans are bad at detecting irony... 😉
Pretty weak month imo. Seeing that Xbox got Sonic Generations and Playstation got Forces.
@Col_McCafferty. Haha you got a amazing list.assasin creed odysey is a very long game.take your time and do the side missions first.word up son
I don't want sonic forces and I already bought sotc remake day 1
Great month for me
Held out for sotc for a long time, happiest I've been since the witness was on. Sonic forces I can live without but makes sense given the movie is doing big numbers
@playstation1995 Oh I'm almost done with AC Odyssey mate, just got some mythological beasts to slay and a few other things to tidy up and I'll be done. Started playing it early Oct but took a break earlier this month. Will go back to it at the weekend.
It's a HUGE game but I love it!
Hell yeah! I've wanted to pick of Shadow of the Colossus for a while, and I wouldn't mind Sonic Forces for free! Don't have either!
Great month!
@Jaz007 It's not THAT bad. I'd say it's mediocre at worst and decent at times at best, but that's just my opinion. It's still decent enough to play through once and delete given that it's a freebie.
Meh. Not really interested in both titles, I will probably download them anyway as I do with all the PS+ games, now playing them that's a different story.
Good if you don't own SOTC I suppose, I already do so not a great month for me. Zero interest in Sonic.
Not a bad month. A lot of people can enjoy SotC that never played it before. I'll give Sonic Forces a try but I'm not really expecting much.
None for me thanks, not intrested in either tbh. Gonna stick to the backlog. 😁
I literally said SoTC should be a PS Plus have and it happened!
Ah rubbish, I only bought SotC not that long ago. Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan of it.
Pretty good month. I think I'll look into resubbing if I can get a deal.
SotC have on disc, but Sonic I'll grab. So another month with minor joy. ...globally I feel that Sony moved ps+ free games from great/average ps4 games to great/average ps3 games. For newbies it is good. For us, veterans, who are with playstation from psx or ps2 it is well... 90% of us has already have/had/played these games.
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh YYEEEAAAAAAAAAA Shadow of the colossus was one of my all time favorite games but i had yet to pick up the remaster so this is GREAT!!
I liked it when I first played it 15 years ago! Would have preferred Last Guardian. I’ll definitely play Sonic!
Ah sweet, nearly bought shadow on weekend, but ended up getting a plagues tale which is really good so far, will get back to it on the weekend, just bought two point hospital couldnt resist i said i would wait till its 20 but was pay day, at least i did 24hrs lol. Will prob give the sonic game a blast for an hour or so then delete it, but nice to have a good game i havent already got on plus. Think it would be good if sony did something like pick 2 out of 6 or 8 games mix them up few aaa, few indies and some vr, at least then you are more likely to get something u like or at least interested in getting, no guarantee but lot more likely to.
@FinneasGH perhaps we will see last guardian on ps+ one day too.
shadow of the colossus is great, with one of the all-time great soundtracks, but i have it already, and i'd need to be paid (a lot) to play the other game. my ps+ ends in three weeks time, i'll probably let it lapse, i haven't downloaded a plus game since 2015, and i have no go-to mp at the minute.
Oh wow.
I do not really play games over. But will check out Shadow for FREE just to see what the graphics look like at some point.
I have Sonic Forces. But still is a great idea with the movie out.
is this a Sony tactic linked to the PS Store? I bought heavily reduced games including Detroit: Become Human, Bioshock Collection, and a week or so ago Shadow of the Colussus. Annoying. I did get Nioh though and Firewall Zero hour VR recently which I didn’t have. Another VR game this month would have been good
Would download SOTC but I've had it on PS3 for years and never played it.
Another great month!I already have Shadow Of The Collossus but it's such a fantastic game in happy for all the people that never played it.
Sonic Forces I don't have but I have nearly bought it in a sale at one point so I'm pleased I held off.
Although SotC was part of the PS3 plus games about a million* years ago, I think I’ll give it a go now. Not sure about Sonic, but will be worth at least a ten minute go - can’t do me any harm to try!
*okay, June 2013 isn’t quite “a million years ago”, but it feels a lifetime away!
Rented SOTC from boomerang, completed it over the week, never to bother with it again, and not too arsed about Sonic, but for those that are enjoying this months offerings, more power to ya 👍
Nice! I have the platinum for the PS3 version of SotC, but I’m eager to try the definitive version in the future!
Two good games I already own! I know Sonic Forces got a lot of flack, but I really enjoyed the gameplay and music.
I really hoped the leak was wrong...
Disappointing month from my perspective!!!
Woot! Shadow of Colossus! I almost purchased it on sale over the holidays. So close. Glad i waited!
This is an awesome month!
Wow something to play this month instead of rubbish.
So do you like shadow of the collosus or not?
Honestly I haven't played it so will be enjoying a ps classic it seems
@Nakatomi_Uk Sonic Forces is a lot more fun than Team Sonic Racing, I have platinum them both and whilst I sometimes randomly play through sonic forces (it's about an hour long without cutscenes so is quite fun to speed run) I immediately deleted TSR and will most likely never play it again
@Daleaf Maybe even a PS Plus token system where every month you get say 4 digital tokens and can trade them in or save them up for a game of your choosing. Perhaps games would be broken down into categories (1 token roughly the equivalent of $10). So let’s say one month you decide to buy a single 4 token game or two 2 token games... maybe you’re saving all your tokens til you have 20 to trade in for TLOU Part 2 🤣 lol
Just another random idea that might encourage more subscribers since they’ll be getting a good deal, be more engaged and actually get what they want.
I have no issues with either game, but I already own SoC for ps3 (it was free years ago as a ps3 ps plus game). I was hoping for another VR offering since I finally caved & bought the headset this week, but I guess it was wishful thinking.
@Breekhead Yea something like that would be good, they prob be some restrictions, like the game has to be have been released for min 6months or something, but as you said at least you get something you want. But at the same time plus as it is now gives you games you might not have thought to buy or thought you would like, I usually try and play most of the games the offer even if only for an hour, but sometimes you love the game.
@Jaz007 buy shadows for like 10 bucks on eBay.
Another month of games that so cheap most people have them or played them.
Even if the every PS Plus game offered was only worth 5 bucks at the time they joined the IGC...and even if you owned 75% of them...that would get you 30 bucks worth of free games for a service that only costs 37 bucks through multiple sales.
Most people won't own 75% of the games, and most games aren't only 5 bucks, which only elevates the value. Since Microsoft established a fee for online play, 7 bucks for games you might not own and online play sounds like a bargain.
But maybe you're a a fan of Batman: The Enemy Within and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. Those are reaaaaaaally solid offerings.
Decent selection. Good job ps plus.
@LiamCroft yup
@ShaiHulud that'd be funny.
SOTC is a must download, even if it doesn't interest you, just try it. You never know, you may just like it. It is also much more than a HD remaster, those that have only played the original are in for a treat.
Already played SOTC but fantastic for those that haven't. Think I'll leave Sonic Forces where it is, though.
@JohnnyShoulder I will give it a try but I did have PTSD the last time I played the time trials lol btw does it support 4k? game should look nice at least 🤔
@huyi From Wikipedia: On a PlayStation 4 Pro, the game can run either at a 1440p resolution (upscaled to 4K) at 30 frames per second, or at 60 frames per second at 1080p.
A game I own and didn't like, and Sonic. At least my backlog won't get bigger this month
Sonic Forces is on Switch, but Shadow of the Colossus is a very welcome classic to get access to.
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