Following an eight hour livestream recording of digital artist BossLogic creating the game's key art, Assassin's Creed Valhalla has been officially announced. As was heavily rumoured, the title looks to be taking the franchise to the time of vikings, and going by the above artwork, we'll be playing as one.
The main character carries an axe with an assassin symbol engraved into it, while a raven appears to be his scouting bird of choice. Fitting, seeing as ravens are important creatures in Norse mythology, and vikings used them for navigation purposes when journeying to distant lands by sea.
Ubisoft has also posted a much, much shorter version of the aforementioned livestream. You can watch it below.
It's fair to assume that naval combat will be returning, and that the game will be set in Northern Europe. If we're dealing with vikings, the map could potentially cover a bunch of different countries. We may be exploring the Baltic Sea, or we could be setting sail on the North Sea. Or both. We'll hopefully find out soon enough.
Anyway, we're getting a cinematic trailer tomorrow (that's the 30th April) at 4PM UK time, 8AM Pacific time. We'll be sure to host it here on Push Square.
Comments 50
Best tease for a game ever? I sure enjoyed it and looking forward to it, after playing Odyssey first.
love the assassin symbol on the axe.
a great place to put it.
It took a while, but the artwork's really, really good. Excited to see this.
Vikings is a neat direction for the series. Curious to see what will be new.
Im not even sorry I watched most of this live, was fascinating and incredible seeing it all come together..
It was fun to keep popping in to the stream and see how much further they were with the artwork. Vikings is a great choice of setting. There haven't been enough viking games released recently.
This was a really creative and fun way to tell us something we already knew – and Ubi knew we knew. Now, for some early gameplay!
I haven't played any AC in years. Vikings are fun, hopefully this is good. But I'm quite wary of Ubisoft in how they have created previous games with their rigid formula.
Oh. Ok. I can imagine the plausibility if i discount commonly known and often used theorem. However when considering the fact that the knee bone is connected to the thighbone i am still completely flabbergasted.
Perhaps I'm just getting old, but I would have needed to go for a wee at least 2 or 3 times during those 8 hours. 😂
I really liked this idea of revealing a game, it's unusual and gives some insight in to work that is involved in creating key art. Very well done.
Haven't played an Assassin's Creed before. At all.
... Hopefully it'll be a good one to finally jump in on!
So I'm definitely piqued, will keep an eye out for the cinematic tomorrow.
I have a feeling, however misguided, that I’m going to compare Valhalla to God Of War and ultimately end up disappointed.
Sorry but what was the point of the stream if the trailer was tomorrow? Shouldn't they have put the trailer at the end of the stream as part of the reveal (which most people already knew).
I enjoy assassin's creed so im hoping this will be good, vikings should be fun but dunno how it will follow odyssey. Will the viking also have an isu weapon? Coz that helped change up the gameplay
100% day one! Loved the last two AC games...
Man I feel bad for yall if yall had to sit through eight hours of that.
This was a worst game announcement you can imagine! Hours of painting with this stock art work in the end
@AlekseyVolkov They said it was a tease, not a full blown reveal.
Can't wait, Odyssey set a very high bar for me though.
I really hope ubisoft shows the ps5 version.
Have played the series from the first, will deffenitly buy this day one.
Still amazed we don’t have an AC set in feudal Japan...
Cool. Probably the first AC game I'll play since Black Flag.
I didant sit through the stream luckily but I love the end result!
Am seriously looking forward to another Assassins Creed even after putting over 200 hours into Odyssey not that long ago.
@Arugula Really, they could probably make a trilogy set in various periods of China.
Feudal Japan would be cool too, but Ubisoft knows it's the most common request of setting so they'll be saving it for a while.
Went 147 hrs exploring Odyssey with Kass. Would Love a new adventure!
Vikings is a great idea. Hope they make an LE with an Art Book for this one.
Cant wait. Always wanted a Viking AC. Hope it drops the RPG style
Personally I don't know if I like the way assassin's creed has moved. (I have played all of them except last one - odyssey) From catchy story about kidnapped Desmond digging in his DNA thru Animus to re-live Altair, it all moved to just some random person somewhere with some foggy past but it doesn't matter coz he don't return in next sequel. All present story is pushed as behind as it gets, templar hunt for artifacts of eden is gone, or really pushed far. Assassins themselves are too stand alone and have no connection between each other. It all seems to move from interesting conspiracy theory story to some ordinary rpg third person game... pitty.
Really? A cinematic trailer?... and I hope that this next game is better than Odyssey.
Please continue with s female character, I loved Kass too much to go back to a another dude, even with a beard.
Hmm, so Valhalla. I wonder if there will be Ragnarok after all in post game DLC perhaps?
Hope this is released as a cross-gen game like Cyberpunk. I have no plans of getting an XBO Series X or PS5 on their first year, but want to play this.
I'm probably the only one here that's never played an Assassin's Creed game. I have herd great things about the last few. The one set in Egypt looks really interesting. Is this the kind game series were you have to play them in order to understand the story or are they stand alone games?
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy What?! 🤔 You think you know a person...
@Rossif3r No, I actually agree. I’m toward the end of Origins and I would prefer it a smidge shorter and more focused. Haven’t played Odyssey yet but the reports of people playing it to 150-200 or more hours has me a little hesitant.
Oh, and I’m digging the avatar. And the username too. Actually ...were we separated at birth?
Can’t deal with Assassins Creed as a franchise, never liked the games.
However I’d be keen for a new Far Cry game.
The only Ubisoft games I enjoy and even then they are very casual and don’t really have a lot of meat or challenging gameplay.
Greek and Norse mythology is and always has been my jam. If it's like Odyssey sign me up. Funny though I didn't like Origins.
@Rossif3r For sure brother, the more I play Origins, the more I want to play Odyssey. But I need to take a break in between so I don’t burn out on the AC/Ubisoft formula. I have just a few more story missions in Bayek’s adventure, I think. (I’m down to the last two main targets). It’s been really fun, but also a fair amount of unnecessary filler in this enormous world.
Havent played sing black flag, are they still doing the time hopping thing with the futuristic timeline intermingling with the main part of the game or have they dropped that?
We don't know if it's going to be on PS4 yet or not right?
@Dreman99 I think it's a given that this game (and probably most other games for a couple of years) will be on PS4. It wouldn't be wise to ignore a 100+ million install base.
Hope we one day get an AC game set in Japan or China. This is still great, though.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy you should check out origins and odyssey. I preferred origins myself, I like Egypt and the main character was likeable. Odyssey is huge with loads to do but can be a bit overwhelming if it’s your first one.
Replace the Greek ships with viking ships, and the eagle with a raven, add a bit of snow, and here's your new AC.
I really hope they change it up somehow.
But maybe it's because I'm looking forward to God of War 2 more than anything else.
I'm going to hold back a bit on this one, I love the AC series and have played all of them so far but odyssey for me was just a bit overwhelming at times I think, maybe it was all the open space, I dunno. It's the only one I haven't finished yet.
It didn't grab me in the same way that origins did. Still I'm looking forward to seeing this in action
The last couple of AC games looked good at first sight but when I watched gameplay of it I always had this feeling of 'been there done that'. It looks like the biggest change through the years was more focus on RPG elements, which translates to a situation where you cannot progress the main story because your level is not high enough and you have to do more side quests, even though you don't want to...
The last Ubisoft open world game I played and enjoyed was Far Cry 5, mainly because they gave you a lot of freedom to progress how you wanted. There are 3 sections and you can do them in any order. They also ditched the archaic 'tower climbing mechanic'. There is also super easy fast travel, companions can be called upon at any moment, there is just a lot of freedom. Maybe it's a bit casual but that is probably what I liked about it. Not every game has to be a full fledged RPG like The Witcher.
@LieutenantFatman Against all my expectations, I'm playing AC Odyssey and really enjoying it!
It was a very clever and interesting progression just like in the games. The castle came first then the boats came, so after the vikings arrived the castle became a burning ruin, the defenders armour improved, then vikings weapons and shield improved and boats improved.
Maybe set in England or northern France.
That is reassuring, many they've turned a corner. I know they admitted they needed to make some changes.
That's great news! I think I'm going to pick up the the newest one Odyssey next time it's on sale. Apparently the series is now an action RPG after I did some digging! I'm total sucker for anything RPG so I'm down to try it out. I always thought the games were action open world focus on stabby stabby and stab some more lol
The last assassin's Creed game I played was blackflag on PS4 many years ago, I recently picked up a GOTY edition of Odyssey but haven't started playing yet. I've read a bunch about the game but is it as good as the reviews suggest? I want to hear from people who've actually played the game, like I said black flag was my last foray into the assassin's Creed work & I absolutely loved it! Happy gaming my friends 😉💨✌️
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