Whoops, look away now Crytek. Crysis Remastered has just leaked on Twitter through the official website's cookie policy of all places, with the remaster of the original game coming to PlayStation 4.
Now scrubbed from the site, Twitter user @RobotBrush managed to catch the description. "Crysis Remastered brings new graphic features, high-quality textures, and the CRYENGINE's native hardware- and API-agnostic ray tracing solution for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and – for the very first time – Nintendo Switch." The key art you see above was also part of this leak. What's more, if you're finding this hard to believe, known industry insider Daniel Ahmad just tweeted that this is all "very real".
So, the cat's out of the bag. Crysis Remastered will come to PS4 presumably later this year following teases from the franchise's official Twitter account. Expect an official reveal to follow in due course. Are you excited about Crysis Remastered? Equip maximum armour in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 40
i wonder if this does well,that the others will follow.
if so this could all lead to a 4th game.
Played it on the PC. Liked it a lot until the plot went David Cage weird. Still, great graphics and gunplay. Might give it a go if it is priced right.
Wow, the PS4 has ray tracing now?
I like it on pc but I don't want to play it again on ps4, give me 4k, 60 fps, and ray tracing gameplay on ps5
@carlos82 Crytek engine has software RT support, I remember there's software RT demo about drone or somehing from crytek.
Edit: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2019-crytek-neon-noir-software-ray-tracing-tested
Why not a trilogy?
A triple pack would be awesome,for the right price i'm in.
@Nickolaidas haha, we'll probably just get some accurate shadows if we're lucky, maybe a reflection on the water
I don't understand why they aren't doing a ps5 port too that might actually have Ray tracing!
Actually, proper HDR treatment could work wonders for this game.
@Nickolaidas agreed. Seems a bit weird to only redo the first game and not the the 3 if you're trying to drum up intrest for a 4th installment
@carlos82 that's what I thought?
Hope it has 2&3’s control system because when I replayed it last year it felt awful to play compared to modern shooters
I'm pretty sure ray tracing is PC only feature. This gen is well known for cashing on remasters thanks to no backwards compatibility. I guess it's a nice to see your beloved game remastered, but looking back at all those trash remasters like saints row 4 and 3, then prototypes etc... It's pure garbage with saturated colours filters and bloom with horrible fps hickups and drops.
I will only buy this if its on PS5 with raytracing.
It would also be nice if they finish the game and don’t leave the cliffhanger. I would actually like to finish nomad’s story by playing it not via a crap comic
Coming to xbone too?
I’ve got the Crysis trilogy on Xbox One via backward compatibility but I’d still get this if the remaster is good enough.
@Saucymonk Yep, also coming to Switch too which is a surprise.
As usual push square need to to something about their headlines , the ps4 version does not have ray tracing
Digital Foundry are gonna have a field day with that Switch version in particular.
Done w Remasters, I'm good. I'll tune back in when it's a Crysis 4 announcement
@suikoden They never really said that the PS4 had ray tracing in their title. They just mentioned that it will have ray tracing.
@Danloaded nobody is saying they won't do the other two games later
@Saucymonk you read the article?
@MBII true but thats not usually the norm with remasters. Especially when the series has been on hiatus for almost a full gen.
@Danloaded but are all of those games as technically demanding as Crysis?
And now people will realise that for all these years, no one's rig was running Crysis at max settings.
Why not next gen lol.
I'm sick of remasters. They should have made a fourth game instead
@wiiware you will get a seperate remaster for ps5.
They already remastered crysis 1 and 2 during the ps3/360 era.
Unless cryteck goes bankrupt in the meantime they will do this again.
Should've been for PS5/XSX for 4K/60 with RT support.
It’s all been officially confirmed now by Crytek. Crysis remastered with software ray tracing is coming to the PS4, Xbox One AND. Intensive Switch!!.. I’ll grab it on the Switch to see what it runs and looks like.. played the game on PC years ago and still have that copy. The team have enlisted the help of the same team who got the Witcher 3 running on the Switch so it should be a blinder of a port!
@Bamila Nope, the ray tracing will be in ALL platform versions of the game, it’s software based in the game.
Maximum Strength!
The Switch can now run Crysis?!?!!
Come on. It can be easily to be trilogy games in one remastered! Disappointment!
@Futureshark You are surprised ?!
Before I got to the end of the posts was going to say only way PS4 would get ray tracing would be software at this point. Next gen should have it inbuilt but by the time next gen is out guarantee next line of PC GPUs would have it even better.
Nvidia started it off when it wasn't needed now it's going to be the norm a lot quicker than ever, they predicted ray tracing wouldn't be fully sorted for another 10 years I reckon 5 at this point.
The PS4 version may have an on and off switch and if it's not and it's software based RT, 30fps only people can't see it getting anywhere near 60fps
Well it used to be a meme before meme's became a thing, when any new graphics card came out about 10 years ago, first question asked was 'Can it run Crysis'?
So I was just referencing that, be interesting to see what it's like, especially as it's the same team that squeezed Witcher 3 on there too.
Crysis 2 & 3 were pretty crappy compared to the first one imho, so not too bothered about that, but I do hope (and am not expecting) that the Crysis: Warhead expansion is included as part of the remaster.
Funny considering many said Crysis couldn't run on last gen hardware and yet, a remastered version is coming to Switch. I love my Switch, have no interest in Crysis, especially after the lackluster sequel and the incredibly budget driven threequel
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