Sony has never shared official sales numbers for last year's Death Stranding, but according to Hideo Kojima himself, it did well enough to recoup development costs and begin turning a profit. Those margins will only increase with the upcoming PC version to the point where Kojima says there's nothing to worry about. "We have enough profit to be ready for the next title."
The quote comes by way of a translated interview with Japanese outlet Livedoor. Death Stranding is now a profitable PS4 game, however, a project Kojima was recently working on has fallen through. In other words, it's no longer happening. He says that it gets in his hair but that's just the nature of the gaming industry. As we all know, games are cancelled behind the scenes all the time or heavily tweaked at the very least.
Even more interestingly is the fact that Kojima was asked about the recent speculation linking him to a Silent Hills revival on PlayStation 5. He says: "Oh, It's only a false rumor... At least I have never listened at all." Online chatter surrounding this project has died significantly in the past couple of months as those who leaked the news claimed it was never a surefire bet. Silent Hill for PS5, on the other hand, very much appears to be a thing. Pyramid Head is even coming to Dead by Daylight in the meantime.
[source news.livedoor.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 35
"We have enough profit so that I can go and party with all my Hollywood friends again. Sayōnara."
"however, a project Kojima was recently working on has fallen through. In other words, it's no longer happening"
When you need to reach that word limit.
death stranding is for sure a game you have to play before you can make a realisitc impression.
you could say that about most games but this game in particular needs your hands on before making a decicion about liking it or not.
while the gameplay seems boring from the trailers,it's actually rather addiciting. you can't write it off as a walking simulator because the game has way more depth than that. plus some suprising shooter sections aswell.
it seems to be a slow burner sales but with a increasing number of sales so that's awesome.
@naruball Push Square articles don't have a minimum word limit, but okay buddy!
@LiamCroft it's a joke, buddy.
@naruball you can’t blame them with all the internet trolls.
I mean, I was excited for Silent Hills, but a more traditional Silent Hill game would be even better.
Just don't hand this property off to yet another random Western developer who doesn't understand what makes the series good. Please.
Death Stranding: a game where society has resorted to staying indoors due to some outside, unseen threat. With everyone needing technology to stay connected. Meanwhile only essential workers are able to brave the environment to keep things going... a ridiculous premise.
Picked up Death Stranding on Monday for £24. 12 hours in, and it's another PS4 masterpiece. I've never really been a Kojima fan as generally I didn't like the lore of MGS, though last one I played was 2. After this though, I'd much prefer him to pump out original IPs and ideas, rather than sequels or reboots.
@MarcG420 I know, I know.
I'm waiting for a good deal to play this game.
Is the Plus need it for the async online?
@AdamNovice So Kojima foretell the future (again)?
I received This game at Christmas and still have yet to start it.Looking forward to delivering parcels despite already been doing that for last 30 years in real life.
Death Stranding was my most-hyped game for several years, and when I got the game, it was an immense letdown. Played it maybe 20 hours, never found the fun, dropped the game for over six months. Started playing it yesterday since I got a nice TV and I remembered the game has HDR support, now I'm planning on slogging through the rest of it so I can put the game behind me.
I'm past the point where it supposedly "gets good," but no, it's still not good. 4/10 game for me, as big of a letdown as the cancellation of Silent Hills.
Glad to know it did ok, I'm looking forward to playing it eventually.
@makina He at least has very good timing.
Don't get yer knickers in a twist.
Death Stranding 2 PS5 Please.
Not surprised Death Standing did well. Good game.
It is like Disco Elysium. You need to forget reviews or Youtube. You need to Buy it, play it and make up your own mind.
Was never really interested but as GAME have it for 24 quid i may grab it and give it a go.
I turned it off in frustration first time I played. Almost 100 hours later (during 2 months of uk lockdown) I'm having one last walk about for any remaining memory chips. They way it opens up and evolves as you go is incredibly satisfying. Its the first platinum trophy I will get that isn't a telltale game. But also, l never eeeeeever want to replay it and doubt I would have stuck with it if I didn't have so much free time. Also podcasts. Such a good podcast game.
I'm a writer for an Italian site. Trust me, minimum word limits are the spawn of the devil when the news can be contained in the friggin' title. Push Square writers are lucky people.
That way, you can have an opinion that inevitably ends up being the same as the reviews, but with sixty or seventy less bucks. Sound advice.
Kojima might be an insufferable genius at times, but I doubt that his thoughts on the matter can be summed up as such.
"At least I have never listened at all"
What a terrible translation.
He said at least I haven't heard about it.
Well, that what you get when make a not that much gamy game!
The story was interesting to keep me going forward with the quite repetitive gameplay up until later chapters where it's starts explaining things! Came out from the other side sharing the same feeling as Sam but I definitely don't want another game like that!
A nice one shot game that has nothing to offer after completion!
Hopefully he moves to making games with more interesting fun gameplay rather than a gameplay that tests your patience!
Kojima needs to get Sony Computer Entertainment Japan to get him the rights back for Metal Gear Soild as Kojima shines that's is his best creation and he's spent best part of 4 decades making solid snake what he is then it's suddenly snatched from him Konami sucks!
As to Kojima's comments about working on Silent Hill, all you have to do is look at the wiley genius' words...
A "false rumor"... A rumor, by definition, is inherently untrue or at least unconfirmed. A "false rumor" is a truth, the untrue being false...
Furthermore, all projects have codenames in an effort to prevent leaks. And Kojima is playing a game by answering the question verbatim; at this time, he is not working on Silent Hill, he is working on whatever codename they have assigned to the Silent Hill project...
It's a clever form of logic and word play, Kojima is extremely careful with his words, so he most likely is working on a Silent Hill game.
@AlexSora89 I can only imagine.
@NINJATH3ORY Do you really want him to make another when he said that he's tired of making them?
I laughed at the game at first and made fun of it but oh boy, was I wrong when I bit myself through the first 3 hours when the game started to open up. It really calmed me and made me somewhat sentimental, that I won’t be able to see landscapes like this in real life. Well, at least I have a monster drink to ease the pain.
@AlexSora89 Na, they will end up like me. With a good game worth the cash
If I went by Reviews and Internet rants. I would be playing a rehash 10 year old game (again) at 520p and canceled my TLOU2 Special Edition pre-order (that now is sold out)... no thanks.
People give Kojima too much credit. Yes he has delivered amazing games before but he is just one man. It's not as though other people didn't contribute to those projects. And yet it's only really Kojima who they put on a pedstal of borderline hero-worship.
I have the same critique of the die-hard Sakurai fanboys.
These are talented developers sure, but they'd be nothing without their teams and studios. Or perhaps not "nothing" but they'd not be the monstrously successful people they are without that tremendous support.
I wonder if they are factoring in all the revenue from Death Stranding merch as well. I was curious and went to the website to see if I could get a Bridges cap or those crazy sunglasses, and they’ve got tons of stuff for sale, a lot of which is sold out (like the aforementioned cap 😔). It’s safe to say the game seems to be profitable.
Personally, I absolutely adore the game. I’m sure my avatar didn’t give that away 😄
@Heavyarms55 I mean, yeah it’s true it takes a team, but the developer is called “Kojima Productions”. This game was his brainchild for the last several years. I know he seems to have a bit of a puffed up view of himself, but his games are distinctly his products and he seems to exercise a huge amount of creative control over them. He being the founder of his studio, basically building the team from the ground up... yeah, I’d say he deserves the lion’s share of the credit or the blame.
As an interesting side note, when he started to build Kojima Productions, he went to Media Molecule and used their small tight knit team concepts to recreate the same model for his own, wanting it more like a family. So he supposedly has set the limit to 100 employees, and doesn’t want the studio to get larger than that so as to not lose its small development team charm.
I appreciated how in Death Stranding he gave cameos to the Guerilla Games (at the time) Herman Hulst and put in a lot of homage to Horizon Zero Dawn in that game. He takes a lot of credit and pushes his own name, but people forget he gives credit where it’s due also.
@Th3solution My issues really aren't with him but with his fans. It's not that I don't think he acknowledges his team but that many, if not most of his fans do not. It always seems to me like they put him and him alone on the pedestal as though everything was him and if he had help, he still personally directed every single aspect of that help. And frankly that's ridiculous and I bet if asked directly, Kojima himself would agree that he couldn't have done it alone.
@Heavyarms55 Fair enough. I think that’s true.
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