We've always known that The Elder Scrolls VI is a game we won't be seeing for a very long time, but that still hasn't stopped fans from pestering Bethesda's Pete Hines about it. The next instalment in the huge RPG franchise releases after the publisher's new IP, Starfield, meaning that news and details surrounding that sixth entry are still years away.
Hines clarified this in a tweet overnight, saying: "It’s after Starfield, which you pretty much know nothing about. So if you’re coming at me for details now and not years from now, I’m failing to properly manage your expectations."
Pete Hines also went on to explain that Starfield's unveiling will be coming "someday". It doesn't sound like Bethesda has any immediate plans to reveal its new game set in space, which means that we can say with a lot of certainty that Starfield is a PlayStation 5 game. The same goes for The Elder Scrolls VI.
You have to question why the Maryland-based company decided to announce the two RPGs nearly two years ago at its E3 2018 press conference when we are still no closer to hearing more project details. We suppose it puts a stop to the fanbase constantly asking where the next Elder Scrolls game is, but then the PlayStation 4 generation has been completely devoid of a new title. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition doesn't exactly cut it anymore.
When do you think Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI will release on PS5? Share your predictions in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via purexbox.com]
Comments 48
they most likely teased them to yes stop the questions but also to win back some favour because of the fallout 76 doubts.
not to mention that most of the 2018 bethesda show was mobile stuff,so they had to put something in to atleast get a couple of genuine claps and cheers.
@jdv95 The only mobile thing at Bethesda's 2018 conference was The Elder Scrolls: Blades?
@LiamCroft realy? i thougt i remembered it being more mobile centered.
maybe i have my years mixed up?
Expect The Outer Worlds 2 to come before ES6 and probably even bigger than 1 I have still yet to get it but it is a game I want next.
@jdv95 https://www.usgamer.net/articles/bethesda-e3-2018-press-conference-recapgames-trailers-and-announcements
Fallout Shelter was also there, but revealed for PS4 and Switch. I don't know if you can class that as a mobile announcement? Besides that, it appears to be all PC/console stuff.
@LiamCroft alright than. it seems i was wrong.
@RogerRoger I think the big problem here is they blew their load and announced too early. Really shouldn't have announced ES6 before they had even started making it. What other game gets announced 7/8 years before release? You can understand why people are starved for news.
Fallout 4 came out nearly 5 years ago. Crazy to think their next big game isn't anywhere near finished yet. Too busy focusing on trash like Fallout 76. The next Elder Scrolls is a receipe to print money.
Does anyone still have any faith that Bethesda won't completely mess it up anyway? Skyrim keeps get re-released with its bugs intact and its Special Edition can force you to factory reset the Xbox. Then Fallout is getting dumbed down with every release to the point where they thought it was acceptable to release a version with no npcs whatsoever and monetise the hell out of it. Oh and a subscription to play their c**p game with private worlds (which aren't private) and extra storage (which can delete all of your storage). Oh but according to Todd we get 16x the detail (not quite sure what he was comparing to) but at least it just works 😉
They have destroyed one popular franchise. Why not another? Lol. You'd think after the backlash of 76 and to a lesser degree FO4 they would put all effort into ES...not an unproven IP. Hope it's good but I've lost interest and faith in them making av decent game
@LiamCroft @jdv95 I'm pretty sure it was because of the reaction they were getting to the Fallout 76 announcement. They felt the need to say 'hey, we're still making single player games too see', despite them being years away.
I thought there might be a Starfield reveal this E3 (back when it was happening) then release later it the year. Just like they did for Fallout 4, but probably not going by this tweet. Maybe next year then.
So the engine will be even more outdated by the time it comes out then and probably full of even more game breaking bugs
Seriously why do people still support these jokers?
@jdv95 I think you're remembering E3 2019. That year was plenty of mobile stuff from Bethesda at the conference.
Regarding Elder Scrolls VI... don't announce a game if you have nothing to show. If they truly only announced this to appease those who didn't like what they were currently making, it only goes to show how out of touch they are with their own fans.
Edit: Scratch that, upon looking, Commander Keen was announced for mobile, and Blades was announced for Switch, with an update ES Legends. Beyond that, it was mainly updates on stuff we already knew about and streaming tech (Orion).
Already didn't care much for Bethesda but after recent years and looking at the competition I really have no desire for their games whatsoever.
Why even announce it years, and years before it was even close to being ready?
Wow, I was unsure if the announcements came in 2018 or 2019, and it's even worse than I thought since it was 2018.
This is Sony 2015 all over again, worse even!
Why does Fallout 4 get such a bad rep? I thought it was great.
I hope they do take the time and care to ensure that both games get the care and time they need to be the best they can be. Bethesda clearly need a new engine. Fallout 4 was clearly on an upgraded version of the old engine but that won't cut it anymore for PS5.
@ApostateMage its one of the best games i ever play.still playing it.word up son
@ApostateMage. They talking about fallout 76 .not fallout 4. But in this site leaves comments saying they hate Bethesda e a.ubisoft.konami.avtivision.warner brothers etc..but they stilk buy theyre games.if people hate them so much.dont play video games.word up son
@ApostateMage I had it day one and played it non stop to the end of the main story, but left a lot of the map unexplored. I thought it was great but not up to New Vegas level.
Give me prey 2 Bethesda.im playing prey right now.its amazing.word life word is bond.word to your mother.word up son
@ApostateMage not that it's a bad game but how it severely dumbed down the dialogue options to the point where often you had little idea how they were going to pan out or they made no difference. It didn't help that it arrived shortly after The Witcher 3 which had gone all in on the storytelling and choice.
I enjoyed it for the most part but it lacked the depth of New Vegas and even Skyrim
So what does Bethesda actually have that's coming this year or next year?
@RogerRoger Breaking News: Bethesda doesn't see the point in developing ES6 as long as they can still sell you Skyrim in some form or another.
@MattSilverado That was the best part for me, just exploring the nooks and crannies of the Commonwealth. The actual story wasn't anything memorable.
@carlos82 I understand about the dumbed down and limited dialogue, I hated when BioWare did it in the Mass Effect sequels, but I'd much rather have a voiced protagonist with less options than a mute with loads. I think it gives a lot more character to them.
@playstation1995 Word life!
@ApostateMage I think the main issue is that it removed a lot of the RPG/player choice elements of the previous games, so it felt a little more generic.
On the other hand, I personally found combat much more enjoyable and felt it had some of the best-written/most interesting companions in the series (caveat - I still haven't played the first Fallout game.)
Overall, I still loved it and spent many, many hours exploring the Commonwealth.
I don't know what to expect from Bethesda anymore - but if they can bring back more of the RPG elements from FO3 and FNV, while retaining the fluid combat of FO4, then the next game in the series could be incredible. (But also glitchy, because it's Bethesda and I can't expect a miracle.)
@ApostateMage I also really liked the voiced protagonist, though I know that's a divisive thing. It personally made me feel more connected to the character.
Wow. They shouldn’t have announced it. They really shouldn’t have. And man, expectations are going to be so big for ES6 when it comes. The wait has gotten so long.
Cyberpunk 2077 for one. It's first teaser was 7 years ago. I take your meaning though.
Yeah, I hear this, they have lost a ton of good will with so many blunders over the past couple of years. But they seem to be doing a good job on Doom Eternal thus far. We can only hope they use this as a template moving forward.
@Akimi at the time CD projekt were much smaller Witcher 3 is what really catapulted them into the big time and cyberpunk 2077 is a new (to gaming) IP. Bethesda are much bigger and elder Scrolls is huge hence why the hysteria and questions have been upped.
@ApostateMage Witcher 3 did both and I suspect Cyberpunk will too
@Akimi yeah but Doom is Id software and not so much Bethesda
Right, but does Id software have more autonomy than Bethesda? They are both owned by the same parent company.
@Akimi they are but they do seem to be allowed to develop with more freedom than the other studios Bethesda have.
Next week Bethesda announces Skyrim coming to PS5.
You may be right, but I'm not sure why they would be more hands off with Id. Basically I'm just hoping for Starfield and ES6 without egregious microtransactions. Or I'm out.
I am so tired of publishers announcing a game years before it even gets a release. I thought the way Bethesda announced fallout 4 was genius even if it wasn't a total surprise.
"I’m failing to properly manage your expectations."
Your job is not to manage my expectations, your job is to meet and exceed my expectations. Either you can stop milking the miserable failure known as Fallout 76 and start working on TES6... or shut the blank up and cease your existence as a company.
It is never going to happen people.
Let it go.
More importantly let Bethesda go 🤣
@Robbo1984 you know they will...
Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Skyrim to be fixed. Oh well, Bethesda will exist as long as people are stupid enough to give them money
Look out for the extra remastered version of Skyrim on PS5
wasting their time on garbage like ESO and FO76, welp. What a pile of nothingness. Imagine how many copies of Elder Scrolls would sell on PS4, Should have gone into immediate development after Fallout 4.
Elder Scrolls Online is still going, right? Someone must be playing it.
I actually expect them to release Skyrim the Legacy of Legacy's Edition, Fallout 76 With some DLC merged in not game of the year but some PS5/X1X edition. Basically some crap of the current games they have already either way the game engine will still be broken because let's face Bezy like it when gamers fix it for them
just don't care anymore about their big ridden mess they call games, more so with companys like CD projekt making far superior games.
can also bet they will still be using there ancient game engine
@Tha_Likely_Lad bethesda is goneski and so are their games unfortunately
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