Deathloop, the new first-person shooter from Dishonored developer Arkane Studios, will make its console debut on the PlayStation 5 this holiday. That means you won't be able to play it on any other system, aside from PC.
Writing on the PlayStation Blog, Bethesda’s Anne Lewis explained: “Deathloop puts you in the role of Colt, a man with a unique problem. Every morning you wake up on the same beach with the same killer hangover, the subject of the same island-wide manhunt by the same entitled partyers. There’s only one way to free yourself from the loop, the island, and the cycle of slaughter: you’re gonna have to take out the eight people responsible for maintaining the loop.”
Comments 12
Honestly, one of my favorite games shown during the event, really liked the combat that they showed, will get this day one.
Yeah this looks awesome I think.
I went from totally buzzing to a bit disheartened when I saw that it wasn't in fact a new Dishonored game.
Trailer inspired by Quentin Tarantino!
Looks pretty cool.
Bethesda announced this at E3 2019 along with Ghostwire. I honestly feel that if these gameplay trailers were shown at E3 2019, Bethesda would of had a much better reception.
This was the nicest surprise honestly. New IP that im really looking forward too
One of the coolest and stylized game. Looking forward to seeing more
@RawnDawn I’m really looking forward to this one & if you liked what you saw then check out the Dishonored games also same developer here. AMAZING franchise and all 3 games on sale dirt cheap right now. This Deathloop trailer has a very similar play style to Dishonored and at first I thought it was going to be a new Dishonored game on PS5 lol.
@ApostateMage same exact feeling came over me! But similar enough styles for me to be very intrigued!!
@joey302 I've been meaning to play Dishonored, seeing this game and you telling me that combat in Dis is like this then I'll most likely buy them soon.
I like the idea, but doesn't look next gen. I will play it though, a big fan of Dishonored series. It will most likely be a discount buy.
Games looks like fun but not my type of game usually. Don't see myself buying/playing year one or two.
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