Former PlayStation Vita exclusive Persona 4 Golden was announced and subsequently released for PC this past weekend, bringing with it one of the very best JRPG experiences around. It's great to see the Atlus classic no longer stranded on a tiny handheld screen, but given the developer's relationship with Sony, we thought there was a good chance of a PlayStation 4 port to go alongside it. That doesn't seem to be the case now, or at least it's not something coming in the immediate future. The setback hasn't stopped the Persona 4 Golden community from requesting the port, however.
If anything, it's kicked into overdrive. Just a quick search of Twitter throws up a constant stream of tweets directed at either the western Atlus account or profiles trying to kick up a fuss about the situation. Whether any of this actually works very much remains to be seen, but we're sure the developer has gotten word of this request by now. Atlus is scheduled to appear at the New Game+ Expo on 23rd June so maybe the announcement we've all been waiting for lies in wait.
Should it come to fruition, you can be assured you'll read about it on Push Square. Do you still hope Persona 4 Golden will be ported to PS4? Beg in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 35
Atlus continues to be a really weird company.
... But when have Atlus ever not been weird is the question?
@ShogunRok could be worse, they could be EA
Every day's great at your Junes!
I love my PS4 but for this I’d rather have a switch release!
I would instantly purchase a ps4 port of P4G and i have sunk hundreds of hours into the vita version.
With that said the toxicity on twitter surrounding the persona franchise has been horrendous. PC gamers trolling vita owners. Switch owners being quite frankly embarrassing with their break free persona hashtag. And i am sure there are plenty of questionable posts from PS4 owners too.
Lets hope Atlus can just resolve this once and for all sooner rather than later
ATLUS is a traitor, this game should be released on PS3 and PS4.
Welcome to the Persona Port-Begging Club, Sony people. The Nintendo fans arrived years before you. I baked cookies.
I want persona 4 golden on ps4/ps5 with persona 5 engine, the graphics on p4 golden pc isn't great. I want persona 4 royal is what I'm trying to say
Looking at players face on the game screenshots on steam is ouch moment for me
With p5 followed by p5R, we can expect a first port to PS4 and ps5 followed by an improved version: "Persona 4 Golden: the Royal - definitive edition (until the imperial edition)"
@ShogunRok their owned by Sega. So you gotta look to them...
Atlus does things in very weird ways.
I mean, it's already June and P5 Scramble still has no release date here in the west. You know if Atlus slaps a Q4 release date on it, there's a good chance the game sales will suffer because of the PS5's potential holiday release. Then Atlus will be like "The game did not meet our sales expectations in the west" when it's their own fault.
ANYWAYS ON TOPIC, I'm going back and forth in my head to either buy the game on PC or wait and see if it'll release on the PS4.
Remember the responses to the P5 Switch port beggars? How the turns table...
I'd like to see Atlus start porting their DS/3DS catalogue, lots of amazing games there and the though of being able to play those games on the big screen in a convenient manner is just too good.
I personally would prefer on Switch but that is just me. I would take a PS4 port if for no other reason than the frame-rate and res-bump. In the mean time, my PSVita and PSVita TV remain as "the Persona Machine". The only three games I own for that system are Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 4: Dancing All Night.
@Rob_230 The Switch fanboys have been the worst, followed by the PS4 crowd honestly. (not for P4G, just overall)
And the port-begging policy keeps being inconsistent.
But hey, noting inconsistencies is just fun that way.
"Expanded and Enhanced" 😂
Never played it, the 1st Persona game I played was actually that spin off fighting game. I would like to try this.
Remake it to the point it looks like Persona 5 graphically and I might actually care about this. Plus, I'm sure as hell I won't be wasting 100 hours of my time again in a RPG that I already played years ago on my Vita, no matter how much I liked it during that time.
I want Atlus (Persona project team) to focus and start planning and working on the next Persona installment (Persona 6). That's the only thing I care, not ports of old games. Hopefully the next installment won't be high-school centric as that it is getting stale. Let's branch and try new settings please...
PS5 port for sure... 😁😁😁😁
I'd rather remakes of 1 2 and 3 than playing this game for a 3rd time. I saw it listed as a ps5 game on metacritic though so i guess it will come for that.
Here we go, port begging again.
ATLUS eats hope for breakfast and dreams for dinner.
@Menchi When it comes to port begging the PS4 fans are the worst. They were literally dropping zeroes on the user review section on Metacritic for Fire Emblem Three Houses and Astral Chain just because it wasn’t on their system. And don’t get be started on the Bayonetta 2.
@Akurusu You got to be kidding.... PC gamers are the worst when it comes to port begging.
No way.
The PC fans are now gatekeeping it from Switch fans by insulting them followed by 'GET A PC' while at the same time port begging P5.
Other things they've said is.
"We are the true Persona fans"
Switch/PS Fans do not deserve this."
"Stop portbegging (while they port beg)"
"PC is where JRPG's belong"
"PS has been spoiled enough"
And when one PS user I witnessed asked for it he got "NO! you don't deserve it you have P5, this is ours."
They're only for "Pro-consumerism" when it suits them. Absolute hypocrites and disgusting behaviour.
so now PS4 owners are port begging too lmao
@rpg2000 in my experience no people come close to Switch port beggars in terms of neediness
they even go as far as starting change.org petitions and begging for legitimately bad games like Jump Force
This conversation is the stuff Onion headlines are made of. Something like this:
Gamer Begs for Port from Heartless Company
An unknown gamer recently begged for a port of a game that didn't release on his platform of choice. "I just want to play the game," said GimmeGimme62, "But not on, you know, the thing they released it on. On the thing I own."
But other commenters were not so sure. "I don't know. Seems difficult to move a game to another platform. I can already play it so my thought is, why bother?" said SelfishGamer27. He later added, "Besides, I need validation that I made the right purchasing decision."
Some commenters theorized that these two accounts were owned by the same person, but our sources were unable to confirm that to be true. A related but ultimately tangential argument began on the same forum later in the day about which platform's port beggars were the worst. Results remain inconclusive.
When we reached out to the company for comment we received only the following reply: "We at the Heartless Company do not base our business decisions on the so-called online forums. To our knowledge there is no way to adequately communicate with users to learn what they want."
For those like GimmeGimme62, there's only one recourse then. "We'll just have to hope they randomly make the right decision," said PLEASEGIMME2020, one of the commenters in the please port camp, "Anything's possible, right?"
I've already played the Vita version before, and from the looks of it the PC port is the exact same as Vita (with more graphic options obviously) There's no new extra content, so I'm fine with waiting if need be. I only want it on PS4 so I can play it on the big screen lol
Its funny how PS fanboys are upset and begging for a game now lmao. Its even more funny how they're upset that PC gamers are giving them exactly what they have been giving everyone else for years.
I honestly hope it does get ported to both ps4 and switch, Its a great game. P5 will remain my all-time favoutire but P4 is a close second
Grumpy Nintendo fans:
And hold up, Vita's screen is called "tiny" now? Then what's the word for DS ones with this generation? 😅🙄
I'm sure this is coming to ps4 but it's weird how they are handling this so far. I would love to play this on my big screen since my vita died not long ago. Hopefully a release ain't too far behind the expo event thingy. Sucks that it's now on pc yet a ps4 or switch version is no where to be seen :/
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