Can the PlayStation 5 be placed on its side? Yes, yes it can. Whether it actually looks any good or not placed horizontally is up for debate, but at least we now have this official shot from Sony to help form some solid thoughts. The image features both the PS5 digital edition and one which includes a disc drive accompanied by a DualSense controller.
It also begs the question -- Is the PS5 the first console in history which will require a stand to be placed on its side? We can't think of any other system which needed one straight out of the box thanks to those unusual angles at the top of the console. Anyway, what do you make of the PS5 console when placed horizontally? Does it look better or are you going to keep it vertical? Debate away in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 101
The one without a disc looks better vertically but the one with the disc looks better on it's side.
Overall I like the design but it's certainly not that practical!
I think it looks better vertical. But I’m having trouble figuring out how that’s going to fit in my living room!
I like it standing up but my kids run around th house and I know this thing would most definitely take a tumble.
I think the Wii and Wii U both needed a stand to properly stay up, they were far too wobbly without it. I guess I’ll have to stand the PS5 up but I have the space clear that my Wii U used to sit in so that’s no bother.
Think its going to be vertical for me. While it will fit in the unit my tv is on i get a feeling im going to want as much airflow around it as possible.
Having the stand might help with cooling to be fair, keeps it off the flat surface, no doubt there'll be plenty of third party versions of the stand post launch.
People are using "stands" to put PS4/PRO... So, using this from the box people save money...
It reminds me of when you’re eating a burger from one side and it’s starting to slide out the other.
Flat on the side definitely. I think its looks amazing but a proper front picture would be better. Why this angle I wonder
@NorrinRadd same. I think I'm actually going to have to build a shelf behind the TV specifically for this...
Not sure if it needs a stand but I'm sure Sony will do some work in selling it.
Also, remember the PS2 had a horizontal stand. It didn't need one, but it had it.
I want to say the PS3 had one as well but this might have just been a licensed third party job.
I had the feeling the stand was included?
Would make sense.
With my setup, I have no choice by to put it on its side, which I prefer anyways. Seems bizarre that Sony would make it so that putting on the side isn't easy and natural, even if the official way is to be upright.
@AhmadSumadi Between kids and my cats a vertical PS5 would last about a week in my house.
@JJ2 it would make sense but it's Sony and they've never included a stand before.
I mean they're not Nintendo levels of bad for their accessories but don't be surprised if they say something along the lines of "you can afford £450 for your new console, so we're sure you can afford another £20 to make sure it's not wonky"☺️
Do we receive the stand in the package?
Or Sony think it's Apple and sell it separately?
I'm not sure what I'll end up doing with this thing. I don't really have a place to put it vertically unless I put it behind my TV. Based on the chonkiness from the comparison shots, I'm not sure it will fit horizontally in my entertainment center either. The way it sits horizontally, it seems really unstable. I imagine it trying to spin whenever you put a disc in it or if you have to push the physical power button. I'm sure I'm wrong, but the pictures do not instill confidence. Also, per the question of whether it will come with the stand, I assume it will come with something as you'll need it no matter what, but is it the same stand for both orientations?
@JJ2 I think it was included for the Wii but not the Wii U?
@Rob3008 nah there was a "stand" with the Wii U as well but it was more like little rubber feet that would make it more sturdy.
I think my PS5 will be going vertically
There better be a ton of USB ports on the back!!
Prefer it stood up doesn't look as nice when Horizontal
Love flat on the side. The standard edition for me definitely.
I'll be laying it flat because I'm used to my consoles being as such and it's more convenient considering my setup. Definitely going for the standard as an all digital console wouldn't make sense since I have many PS4 games that are physical copies. Plus, digital tends to be more expensive anyway and you can't sell them if you wanted to.
I think it looks quite nice in these shots.
It seems like the disk version can probably work without the stand.
Horizontal would be easier for me. It would easily fit in the rack with amp, UHD blu-ray, etc, as it's sized for full size home cinema/hi-fi kit (43cm width) and cable runs would be easier.
I'd prefer vertical, but placement and practicality are a concern (and as @Jeremiah_Thor said, kids and cat!).
The one with a disc drive looks great laying down, it looks more symmetrical with that extra baggage. The digital one however looks awful like that.
And with the required stand it's nearly as tall as a Series X while being VASTLY larger in nearly every other dimension... This design is just all kinds of epic fail, Sony... For a company usually so damn good at product design, what the freaking hell is happening over there??? O_o
Quite like the idea of it standing up, especially the disc version its abit obscured when led down as it is hidden a little bit underneath and also like the tower look so for me icwill stand up, it will stand tall above everything else and so it should do.
@Cooe nearly as tall, the comparisons are showing its taller than the series x 😆
I have never stood any of my consoles on their side (apart from the Wii) but looking at this I am thinking this might be the occasion when I do, I will be going for the disc version which I just don't think looks right when lay flat, almost like it is balancing on the stand. Personal preference of course but it looks more like a sleek tower system to me.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Hope the cooling systems good cause that ugly mf is getting hidden in my tv cabinet 🤮
Looks like a building you expect to see in a SciFi movie. And always think... "why would buildings look like that?"
Placing this nonsense behind the TV.
Better be dead silent. At least they can justify it that way.
Sony will have to include a stand in the box imo as they are not giving users a choice not to use one.
Personally this is the first playststion console i have been tempted to stand vertically (i dont like the look of it horizontally) although i will be holding my breath till one of my kids chucks something at it or knocks it over
I’ll wait for the inevitable redesign and improve version of this console, first buyers are always like beta testers meanwhile I have a ton of games in my PS4 to last me years while I wait for the best version of the console
@Rob_230 Yeah, I think they absolutely have to include a stand.
So weird. Hope Slim version to be more conventional.
@Juanalf lol I thought the exact opposite , but I'm getting the one with the disc drive regardless. I like how the digital one looks like it's floating!
I want to put it vertical but my tv cabinet is not high enough, it looks better in vertical but unfortunately I have to put it horizontally. I want the disc verion 😃
@TheNewButler yeah, I thought the same. It looks like a sloped disc shape in both pictures so think it's probably the same stand. If it's required regardless of orientation I believe it will be in the box.
Vertical for PS5. I did the same for PS3 and PS4. PS1 and PS2 I did horizontal. I use a desk if i used the TV stand I would have to go horizontal.
I like the horizontal position myself. Somebody brought up a good point, will the game disc face up or down. It does not look like the disc drive fits down there, so the disc will have to go in face down
If I stick this in another room could it beam to my telly like the Laptop can without HDMI Cables...................then thats the sound issue solved.
I'll be keeping mine stood up anyway, will look good next to my 55in Samsung.
While I like it vertically, the fact that the vents are in the top means dust will continuously enter the console 24/7. And I want to avoid that.
So, horizontally it is.
As long as it doesn't sound like a jumbo jet I don't care
Although it looks pretty cool
Jesus, y'all have some terribly behaved kids. Growing up I knew that if I even looked at the electronics cross-eyed that would be the last breath I ever took.
That being said, there is no official orientation folks. Have it however you want to. The stand they've designed works either way.
It feels like stand should be mandatory with the consoles on this one.
Honestly that's a weird placement for a disc drive, below the centre part.
Have my console.placed behind the tv as it is, PS5 Will be placed vertically 🙂
@Blacksmith1985 You can't even position it without a stand, so it definitely comes with the system.
It looks worse horizontal. Has an odd warped look that my mind just can not yet accept as how my next game console will look.
A horizontal stand, as pictured, should help in cooling as opposed to flush with a surface. My PS3 and PS4 sit on sturdy metal drain racks that provide about 1¼ inch elevation.
My 10 year old slim PS3 has been durable and quiet, but the underside is usually hot. Without being on a stand all these years the underside may have melted some, lol , and the inside may not still be working.
@JJ2 why include something when you can charge for it? that's like saying they should include two controllers.
If its needed it should be included. That's like wondering why they would include a controller.
i hope they don't ditch the optical audio out port like xbox did...
Forget the picture of it on its side, I wanna see the back of the console
While it didn't need them the original PS2 had both a vertical and separate horizontal stand available. For reasons I can't remember I bought the horizontal stand, back in the day and its still attached to my PS2.
Like my ps4, I will prop my ps5 up with the necessary pieces of lego to keep it horizontal.
It has to be horizontal for me to fit on my TV unit - I just hope I don't have to buy a stand separately to do so - it should be supplied as standard!
@Col_McCafferty Agreed. The disc drive model just looks more natural on its side than the one without
I think it looks absolutely *****. Like the innovation but it's hell chunky and asymmetric. Whoever designed this needs to be fired. I just hope its not another jet engine.
I really don't know how to feel about the design
It looks funny only because it looks like a fan-made mock up that could be in one of those "next-gen console ideas" videos on YouTube with Evanescence music in the background
Yep, totally agree.
One HDMI 2.1 is a given.
Optical audio out I think is unlikely, as is any secondary HDMI for audio or PSVR (I'm assuming the USB C on the front panel is the way they'll get video to the headset, no way the existing breakout box is going to handle the output from the main HDMI port).
A couple of USB3 ports. Not sure whether they'll include the AUX port for the camera or not; my guess is that they go with a new proprietary connector or standard USB, no compatibility with the existing camera.
I'll use it diagonally. Why not?
From what Cerny said they've flipped the cooling problem around: instead of trying to ramp the fans up to cope with varying processor load, they're designing for consistent maximum load. Hopefully this means it'll be quiet, if not at least the jet engine noise will be constant!
Maybe that's why they revealed the noise-cancelling headphones at the same time as the console!
Looks like the black part is gonna slide off. XD
The first gen. PS4 was not a good looking console so I think 2nd gen PS5 will look better. Also would look better all in black.
Just wish I could afford one.
PS5 os the reason god created cabinet doors.
@Cooe haha fair enough. I see what you are saying. Hopefully not much difference but better to have decent thermals than something loud
If you go with the digital version, I'm sure you'll be fine with placing the console in literally ANY orientation so long as the airflow is there.
While I usually am not one to care about how a console looks, this thing is just very unappealing horizontally in my opinion. Definitley going to have to figure out a way to keep mine vertical in some way.
I'll hide mine inside the cabinet because I think it's an eyesore in either orientation.
"Play has no limits"... unless you move across a national border and you can't attach your bank card to your account anymore. Really hoping that the move to an all-digital console will push Playstation to make international account migration possible. Pretty salty about having to make a new account if I want to buy games (even though I'm still in Region 1), since my digital library has at least a thousand dollars worth of games tied to it.
Well, that "Pause/Play" button on the disc version looks intuitive, but what is that other button for? Is it Pac-Man Mode or Commodore 64 Emulation?
The fact that it doesn't sit completely flat will create a pocket for air going in or coming out of the system to flow under the machine.
@SalvoStorm It's the "eject disc" button. I think the design of the buttons looks awful myself but the whole thing ain't exactly a looker to begin with.
@nessisonett the Wii u definitely requires a stand as it's not a flat surface, it's curved so it included 2 feet type things that the Wii u slots into, the Wii can be used without the stand but I wouldn't recommend it as the vent gets covered then.
The blu ray version looks so much better horizontally which is good as that's the version I'll be getting, I need a blu ray player to watch all my blu ray films on plus the ps5 has the added advantage of being able to play 4k blu rays so I can start buying 4k blu ray films wooo lol. I personally will never understand how ppl go digital, it's so easy to lose your account due to forgetting password or it being hacked or a service crash or being discontinued etc, although that last 1 is more digital films which I got burned by several times over the years, ultra violet and Warner bros digital, I'll never go full digital thanks to them.
@NorrinRadd Shelf.
I believe that the stand (which you don't fully get to see when the PS5 is horizontal or vertical either way) is a two-way stand. The stand has hollow spaces in the middle to hold the PS5 vertically, and you can place the PS5 on the stand, flat, if you want it horizontal.
To each their own , Wii I think was nice either way but Wii U looked way better with the vertical stand/ charging kit bc you could have the tablet like sit in front or beside it w.o plugging it in. Ps2 was truly perfect either way tho. And I keep my switch upside down for optimal cooling OwO . Or was that to make games work back on ps1 🤔
The next hot PS5 accessory will be a lampshade.
Not sure if I’m most baffled by the point that Sony went from designing the excellent looking PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 to this, or by the point that some seem to like it.
@BAMozzy You can't stand the console without a stand, so it's definitely part of it.
If you look at the stands, you will see that the disc version has a sloped stand that accommodates for slope on the "underside" created by the disc drive, whereas the digital version has a more flat stand. So it seems that both will come with their own unique stand that is curved accordingly.
@Octane I was speaking about putting the console in its horizontal position. Not ALL consoles are sold with stands. Sony may well supply a stand for the Vertical position but sell you a stand of you want to use it horizontally. I am sure that stands have been sold in the past to put them in the vertical position so if the console was designed primarily for being vertical, then I can see Sony supplying a stand for that position in the box but supplying a second stand to position it horizontally may not be included - an 'optional' extra...
I couldn't care less if Sony supply the stand for vertical alignment in the box, what I want to know is whether or not they will also supply the stand for horizontal positioning. All will be good if that supplied stand works for both vertical and horizontal positioning but I can see Sony selling the horizontal stand separately as an optional extra - like they have sold vertical stands for the PS4.
EDIT: I can see the stand is different on each in the vertical position - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be dual purpose - it maybe different because of the different design of the consoles - needing a slightly different shape to offset the Drive
@NorrinRadd is your flat no bigger than a Hamster cage?
Horizontal for me. Not that it matters as this ugly machine will be hidden behind my monitor.
Horizontal is the only way I like my consoles. Also the only way it will fit in with the rest of my av setup.
@BAMozzy I'm 99.99% sure that stand can be used to position it horizontally as well.
Aloy now starring in Horizontal: Zero Stability.
I mean it looks better on its side but still those white shell bits just look weird and irk me. Especially because they're just not symmetrical plus the way they stick out like that looks like they'll poke someones eye out or something.
@Octane I hope so - but will still want this confirmed by Sony. I have a TV unit with shelves that would necessitate placing this console horizontally - as I expect many others would have too...
I'll probably be going horizontal but depends on the space I have whenever I pick one up I guess. Happy with how it looks in both positions. What I just can't decide is whether to go all-digital or disc. I thought I'd be resolutely disc-only but if I'm honest most of my PS4 collection is digital and I already bought a 4k blu ray player due to the lack of one on the PS4. So it's either time to sell the blu ray player or go digital for my games. Tough one.
Its still is ugly
Disc based version looks like it doesnt need a stand majority would sit flat but probably best with a stand or mount to be safe. Should come in the box to give you the option but its never happened so probably another choice but then again nothing has been announced about it heing sold separately so maybe it will be bundled.
I'll be laying it on it's side if possible within my current room layout, otherwise standing up.
The one with the disc on its side is for me. Can't wait!!!!!
@nessisonett yea we know that other systems could use a stand, however that's not what he said. The ps4 will be the 1st console to NEED a stand whatever way you put it.
@jsw-8 they never included one becasue you never needed one. Now you do. I would be shocked if it wasn't included. I would bet next months salary it will. Sony aren't stupid, they won't want irate customers who have just paid (??) For a console thay can't be used out of the box and needs an accessory.
@Cooe how is he the dingus when you are the one who doesn't know what the word tall means? Tall means standing up bud. If you get asked what height you are do you give you height when lying on your back? I don't even think xbox can be put on its side, I haven't seen any pics like that but either way tall still.means when standing up unless standing up isn't an option, but it is here. X-box x is not as tall but is almost twice as thick (lol not sure if you know what thick means when you struggled with the word tall 😂😂). I would say the xbox probably takes up more space since it's much wider and almost as tall (not sure who told you it was "VASTLY" taller, looked about 20% taller to me) Who knows and who cares. What was your point? As you can see from the comments more like it than not so not sure why your wondering "what sony are doing over there", did you think they were designing this for you personally? 😂😂😂
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