Geoff Keighley’s big Summer Game Fest will continue tomorrow with a first hands on look at the DualSense controller. The popular journalist-turned-presenter has the PlayStation 5 controller, and has been putting it through his paces. Here’s what he wrote on Twitter:
Presumably, we’ll be getting reports on features such as haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and more. You can learn more about the PS5 controller through the link. In the meantime, check out our PS5 guide for more information on Sony’s next-gen system.
Comments 46
Nice one. Personally I've already gotten pretty used to the design of it. Think it looks like a natural progression from previous controllers now that we're more familiar with it.
It will be interesting to see what kind of presentation we get about a controller. I'll tune in. Will there be a live chat?
Of course it's Geoff xD
Anyway I'm excited to see the cool features it may have!
I really love the look of it. It’ll be interesting seeing what it can do.
Never mind Geoffs hands, get the dam thing and console in my hands.
I'm excited to see that slick sexy controller in more detail. Not too excited by the thought of Geoff Keighley's gross old man hands wrapped around it.
Is it just me or does the first frame of the video show what looks like a gap on the bottom/back of the controller? Back buttons?
Just flip it over and show me the back!!!!
I feel like Sony is blue balling us at this point in terms of showing anything related to the UI.
In the Facebook story version of this video, you can see Astrobot on a background monitor, so he'll definitely be playing that to show off its gimmicks. Makes me wonder, though, if he was sent a devkit to do that, or the actual console, and if we can get a real close look at that. Hoping it's the latter. I just wanna know how big it actually is.
I think this is going to be one of those things that's largely meaningless until you can hold it yourself, a bit like HD rumble in the Switch
BEAUTIFUL! This controller is a game changer!
I still say that this needs the face button colours, and the ps logo colours, it just makes it look so much better. I don't particularly care how it looks other than that, it's a controller. However, this thing best have a hefty battery, although with all the stuff inside it, I suspect similar to, or even less than ds4's pretty poor showing.
I'm hoping that there are back buttons!
I want to get my hands on it.
@God_of_War_ @redd214 Guys, we know there aren't any back buttons.
It looks way nicer in the video than in the press shots imo
And back buttons!!!!!?
@LiamCroft how so? I don't recall seeing the back or a confirmation they weren't there. Perhaps you can point that out.
@redd214 Sony would have shown them by now if they were there. The way the controller also sits in promo shots wouldn’t allow for back buttons such as pedals.
@Enuo Old man? He's only in his 40s isn't he?
@LiamCroft "Sony would've shown them by now" - its obvious that the whole lead up to this gen isn't like previous ones. It's absolutely possible/reasonable they haven't mentioned them if they are in fact on there. Not a solid assumption imo.
Have you seen/used the Astro C40? Flush back buttons that can't be seen when looking directly at the face. Once again still completely possible as it hasn't been said either way and we've never seen the back of the thing.
Guess we'll find out tomorrow
No back-buttons is a huge misstep from Sony. You got me all used to back-buttons with your new PS4 attachment (which I LOVE), and then - BOOM, no back-buttons on the PS5 controller. Very confusing...
I love how the video takes the mick out of all the people doing the AR videos especially the ones on YouTube to which I’ve been commenting on as they claim they have the ps5 when it’s obviously the AR thing.
Maybe there will be an option to add on additional back buttons or paddles? I refuse to belive that very cool attachment for the DS4 is nothing more than a weird very late in life stage accessory. I think they were trialling something out, well I hope so.
Remember they haven't shown the back of the controller yet. Even he hasn't accidentally in his preview. I expect to see the back buttons there.
I keep watching the vid over and over to look at the different bits seems so long till we get to even hold the controller let alone the console.
If it hasn't got a pull out compass, magnifying glass, corkscrew and pen knife then I'll be well unhappy.
When I play - my Switch has back buttons, my PC has back buttons, my PS4 has back buttons.
Please have back buttons
You know... I don't think the PS5 specs have been finalised yet.
They've shown the case, they've shown some games and tech demos... and I know it's bringing some 'new' stuff, but they've really been very heavily focused on the controller. I don't recall any previous generation having so much talk about the controller and so little about the actual console.
I have the distinct impression that they're stalling, and the only reason I can think of is that they're still tinkering with the exact specifications... a bit like when everyone thought the PS4 would only have 4GB of GDDR5 RAM, and there were audible gasps when they announced it would have 8GB.
I'm surprised there's no 'It really makes you feel like you're getting shoryuken'd in the face 10/10 ign' type comments.
@sajoey - Here's a good look at the actual console that gives a decent view of the size of the thing. Forward the video to 5.55 to see it.
Imagine if the PS Vita had back buttons instead of the rear touch pad
Surely got to have some back buttons on there... Seems like a natural upgrade to the DS4. Who knows?
Next week, the HDMI cable will be revealed
Will it be the HDMI cable, or the HDMI port...or, dare I say, both?!
Hoping for some kind of back buttons.
Been meaning to replace my steam controller for a while
Please just play godfall with it lol
The back of the PS5 controller will house an easy bake oven, calling it now.
Maybe the plan is to have detachable back buttons like the DS4?
@Ichiban that can’t be so as there’s no room on the back when you take into consideration the George Foreman grill they’ve included 😂
Maybe it's the angle, but the O (circle, whatever!) button looks incredible close to the edge of the controller. More so than the DS4 which had all 4 buttons positioned on a flat surface before the curved grip started.
If it's "just a controller" then surely it's redundant complaining about the button colors (I.e. something that nobody looks at when playing games anyway). At this point we all know the symbols and it's an irrelevant detail. Personally it looks perfect as it is in keeping with the color scheme. Also, based on the lack of a huge light bar and how the controller is obviously overall chunkier, I'd say obviously the battery would have been improved, since literally everyone sooked about this, even though it's going to be plugged in most the time. At this point I'd say be thankful there's an internal battery and not something that relies on false economy. Regardless, how is it logical to say the battery is less? Haptic can fit in a switch controller and can be made significantly smaller than traditional rumble, therefore, coupled with the lack of a light bar, we're obviously going to see gains. That's the dumbest presumption I have ever heard.
Looking forward to this, hoping to find out more about the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, definitely the most exciting elements for me so far.
They're most likely saving the back buttons for a pro version or something. Not sure how well the ds4 add-on sold (don't tend to follow sales figures etc) so maybe it didn't indicate enough of a need for Sony to go all out? ¯(ツ)/¯
@Shigurui that video is clearly fake.
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