PlayStation 4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn will point its bow-and-arrow at both Steam and the Epic Game Store from 7th August, publisher Sony has announced in what is shaping up to be a bold new move from the platform holder. This is the first major first-party title that the Japanese giant has pledged for the PC, and while it’s unlikely to be the last, well, it feels a bit weird right now.
The trailer centres on some of the improvements you can expect from the re-release, and developer Guerrilla appears to be pandering to the PC audience with all sorts of graphical options, including adaptable framerates up to 120 frames-per-second and an adjustable field of view. Reflections have also been enhanced, perhaps paving the way for potential PlayStation 5 improvements as well.
Of course, you’ll need to buy Sony's next-gen system to play the sequel Horizon Forbidden West, and this does look like it’s going to prove smart business from Sony in the long run. Not only will it have the opportunity to introduce the series to an entirely new audience, but it also stands to profit from a project that’s largely run its course on the PS4.
Comments 96
I still think its a bad move by sony.if someone wants to play this a that horizon will make it to pc the pc guys will be like the pc version looks?way better than the?ps4.and they will wait for the next horizon to make it to pc as well.they gonna expect every ps4 games to come to pc.thats why they have those fakes leaks months?aho about other games coming to pc.thats?a fact.i doubt couple of millions will let pc players?buy a ps5.word ☝ up son
I'm really glad more people can experience this game! But Sony is asking too much with the price. $49,99 for a port of a three year old game, really?!
I have a powerful laptop because of my uni course but I also have a PS4 for the exclusives/games I just want to play on the TV. I can only see this as a good thing going forward because it means more people can play these games. Mods should be fun too, it’s mad what some people can accomplish.
I wish the new graphics cards would hurry up so I can build a PC
This orange colour scheme is delicious.
Hopefully the PS5 gets some upgrades as well, to be fair the game looks excellent anyway with its only real blemishes being foliage not reacting to Aloy and the water effects which were pretty ropey as well
@ApostateMage is it literally because Aloy is ginger?
PS5 version beta out on my birthday then.
@ApostateMage Yeah, I need to do more of these custom pages!
I loved the game on PS4 and I’m likely going to pick it up for my PC as well. I’m excited to see how 60fps changes the experience.
@get2sammyb cyan would look better next time
Still don't think this is a good move from Sony BUT it's a three year-old game and we have Part II out now with Ghost of Tsushima to come.
As long as PC owners have to wait three years to play the second one (once it has been released of course) then I guess it's okay!
I already see comments from PC fanboys to Console owners like : " Thanks for beta testing for us, 120fps!!!" Smh.
Y'know...I just MIGHT even consider going back to PC gaming after 17 years.
You just know that some weirdo is going to do a naked mod of Aloy.
@kyleforrester87 It well is. She's a proper ginge.
I'm pretty tempted to grab this again on PC, although I might wait until I build a new PC. I bet this game will look and play amazingly at higher framerates.
@WanderingHunter It's a brand new port. Brand new ports almost always launch around MSRP. It's literally the same when old games go to Switch or PS4.
If someone wants to buy it for $20, they're free to nab the PS4 version or wait for future Steam sales.
I might have to double dip just to see how my PC handles this beast of a game!
Look how beautiful this looks 😍😍😍😍
Just imagine how Bloodbourne would look 😍😍
I hope they are done with these *****. We all had to buy PS4 to play PS exclusives and now pc players who despises consoles even get improvements.
ooh wee! its good when developers go for regional pricing game is 1099/- ($14.72)steam for us.. bought it already 😁... if anyone is feeling its overpriced for your region remember epic games store has 10$ off code use that once game is out(code doesn't work with pre pruchases)...
Hardcore pc owners will never buy a console to play exclusives. I’m sure release of exclusives on pc will only be released after they’ve been out for a couple of years on PlayStation.
I see no problem with this new strategy, at least we’ll get some new content to watch on twitch.
Yeah not even a PS5 version would have 120fps. Sony just made the PC version the definitive and ultimate version of the game, who would play a crappy PS4 version at this point? What a dumb move, now the PC folks will just wait for Horizon 2 to play that at 4k120fps 🤦
If ps5 didn't have upgraded horizon zd patch maybe I'll buy this game again on pc, I hope this improvement will be available on ps5
@Juanalf Playing horizon 2 on pc with 4k 120fps will be way more expensive than buying ps5 though. Unlike ps4, ps5 will have high-end cpu and gpu with custom nvme 4 ssd that pc will not have until a couple of years later (the custom part). And also horizon 2 resolutions on the ps5 event trailer already 4k according to digital foundry.
**Laughs in Xbox**
I own both consoles.
I will double dip. Playing on PC is always a plus for me. Also I really liked the PS4 game, it was almost as good as Breath of the Wild on Switch, and that is saying something.
@wiiware Yeah exactly, PS5 will be a better deal for your money than any PC at that price. Mine was over a grand and would never be able to run 4K at even a stable 60FPS.
What a waste... This should be news about a enhance patch for the game running PS5, not a port to PC.
Isn't Death Stranding out on PC before this?
I'm tempted for this but might wait to see how it plays on PS5 first. I definitely want to replay it and the DLC before the new one comes out
Terrible move on Sony's part. Devalues the PlayStation brand as your average joe consumer will think PS games will also release on PC and thus just wait for the PC version. This is not going to help Horizon II sell more nor is it going to help PS5 sales in any way. PC gamers will simply wait for Horizon II to come on PC where it will be upgraded and for the more unscrupulous easy to pirate. Also a stab in the back to the people that brought the game and made it a success unless Sony is planning to offer a major, free remastering to PS4 owners of the game for PS5. Anyone with common sense and forward thinking and who has been tracking the repositioning and departure of executives at at Sony can also see this is a new policy going forward. Over the next couple of years a lot of "Only On PlayStation" titles will be on PC to.
I absolutely agree. Couldn't say it better myself. I also still think it's a bad move from Sony to pull a Microsoft’ish move and bring their exclusives to PC. I also don't think that it is a good advertisment for buying a PS5 and Horizon 2. If I'd be a PC gamer, I'd also wait for the port of the second title instead of buying Sony's new console. :/
"introduce the series to an entirely new audience" Poor journalism right there. The overwhelming majority of people with a PC have this thing called 'the internet' and already know of Horizon Zero Dawn and it's sequel. The very few who don't will probably not know that is was previously a PS4 exclusive and just assume Horizon II will also come out on PC anyway. This does nothing to help Horizon II or PS5 and if anything makes things worse by sending the message that PS games will slowly roll out to PC with better visuals, thus also sending the message there's no need to get a PS console in the first place.
@TheDude89 Agree with everything you said.
Nintendo could easily port Mario Galaxy 1&2 and super smash bros brawl which are very very ancient titles to PC and make way more money then Sony could ever dream of making with why don't they?
Does Nintendo hate money? I mean those are old games so who cares? Well Nintendo doesn't mess around with their IP's. Their IP's are what define the system, no matter how old the games (talking to those saying is okay if is 3 years old games)
I had hoped Sony would value their IP's like Nintendo does but not even close, once the game gets a little old just whore it out for a few extra bucks. If i was a PC gamer I would stay where I am and wait for Microsoft and Sony to continue bringing their stuff over with better graphics and better framerate.
That ultra wide screen support is so good.
I may get it again on PC in the future.
@Juanalf Nintendo also keeps their games at $60 or $40 for the entire lifetime of the game, whereas Sony's first party AAA games can be found for $30 a year later and then regularly $20 on sale, and then eventually $10 just a couple years later (see: Horizon, Uncharted, God of War). I usually feel like a criminal when I buy these games for that low of a price.
If money was the bottom line, Sony could just not drop the price of all their games so quickly. If anything this move would actually HELP sales of the PS5 by getting PC gamers excited about the new game.
@Lando_ I bought an Xbox One console several years ago, and the exact day it came in the mail, Killer Instinct (the only game I bought it for) was announced for PC. Titanfall and Gears 4 were already for PC, so at that point, I had zero reason to own an Xbox and returned it.
Nowadays, Xbox "exclusives" are released the exact same day on PC, and with crossplay on all of them, I can play with my Xbox buddy day one. It's a really, really convenient and consumer-friendly approach, honestly. Plus with Game Pass for $5 a month to have unrestricted day one access to all new first party AAA games (which often have tons of PC-tailored options and care), it's an insane value that makes me wonder how they don't go out of business. Granted, the quality of games is arguably much worse (lol), but the consumer-friendliness almost makes up for it.
I think what Sony's doing right now is a good middle-ground between exclusives protection and sharing their first party games with a wider audience.
@TheDude89 i disagree respectfully!
thing about games people buy it no matter what. take ps4 exclusives sold min 2 mil copies in first 3-4 days easy(not inc death stranding) now bringing to pc like 2-4 years later is not big deal it doesn't undermine if anything it brings more money to publisher and makes people buy console in future not everyone likes to wait most usually want to play day 1 and move on to next new game... if sony sticks to releasing only older games... give taste to get more people to try console..
simply put people don't like waiting in general if its good and they want to play it bad they will get it on release day no matter what. take tlou 2 everyone though leaks will ruin sales or the quarantine will effect sales.. game sold 4mil easy in 3 days lol... this will bring more money if they plan to release it on pc year or two down the road.
Former PS4 exclusive*
@H4ilHydra By your own logic and point then this will flop because people will have already brought it, played it and moved on. The only message this sends is that Sony is prepared to bring exclusives to PC down the line thus removing one of the main reasons for having a console in the first place. This is why Nintendo haven't released all their games on PC. They know it devalues the brand overall and people will start to stop buying hardware and wait for the PC version. Even NES & SNES games they didn't just drop them on Steam, they created mini versions of the original consoles they were made on. Sony is literally giving people an incentive not to get a PS5. Just wait 3 or 4 years and you can have a better version, at a cheaper price (or free, this is PC after all) and you can even mod it if you want (again, this is PC).
@TheDude89 @H4ilhydra
I think the "Just wait 3 or 4 years and you can have a better version" is kind of the point though. How many games get 'remastered' versions some time after the base game has been out? And those games continue to sell well. If anything, people will play this 4 year old game on the PC, get hyped about Forbidden West, and then want to buy a PS5 because they don't want to wait another 4 years per Hydra's point. IMO it's a great business decision. Why leave money on the table?
@TheDude89 When I was commenting I completely forgot about piracy 😀 for the most part Sony is looked down upon on the PC scene, they will just go ahead and get the game on tpb so Sony doesn't see a cent. It will be interesting seeing the torrent numbers.
To people saying this is bad for sony... HzD it's already the most sold game on steam worldwide. And that while steam is with their summer sale.
There is no way releasing the game on PC was a bad business decision.
Congrats to sony.
@TheDude89 lol all you Sony fanboys losing it over your precious "exclusives" coming to pc are just really looking quite shallow and envious. As a long time gamer an all 4 platforms I'm always excited to see games available in more places and don't do the "fanboi" over reacting when I hear a game ive already played (which I did in ps4 pro in 2017) is getting re-released and dressed up to be an even better experience elsewhere. I'm pumped for it and probably will even re-buy the title to enjoy it in its full glory at 4k/120 fps (yes I'll be very close if not at this type nof playback my pc is currently a 10900k and waiting on whatever the next tier top gpu will be). Even with all that power and freedom it doesn't make me hate on a title when it's not immediately available for pc day 1 (but thanks Microsoft for being the awesome company you are and doing so) and if I REALLY want to play it now I'll buy it even if it's on a weaker console.
Great thing is Microsoft's moves are finally catching sonys attention and they're wising up which will hopefully mean more and more titles start to come to pc and that the exclusivity window gets smaller and smaller (it will).
Death stranding was only months and HZD maybe 3 years but I expect the next one may end up closer to 2 and eventually within 1 (when regular pc is well beyond ps5) and by the end of the generation I full expect Sony to embrace the pc as the sister platform that it is.
Meanwhile I'll still be supporting everyone whether that's through consoles services or games.
In the end of the day everything but games is just a path for them to get said games in front of you. Its always been and always will be about the game revenue.
Glad Sony is finally realizing there's plenty of money to be made over here as well.
@TheDude89 that is worse argument i have seen, wait 4 years to get superior version people will stop buying exclusives ?. tell me how many of you in here can wait that long ..just be realistic lol people cant even wait for 3-6 months let alone 2-4years. how many times people lost their cool because games got delayed down the road... not only they have to wait 3-4 years but they keep seeing everyone enjoying it meanwhile they are waiting for SUPERIOR version. just because sony is releasing this game on pc doesn't mean its loosing brand value it only shows they want more people to play their games.. horizon zero is already top seller on steam go check it.. also this doesn't mean sony is going to release everygame on pc.. they are testing waters see if this will bring more audience to console..
only negative here is people whining this is bad for sony i wont buy console why even bother... which is same as tlou 2 will tank in sales argument... companies dont make these kinda decisions on whim they want money this will bring them just that. i completed this game on ps4 yet i bought this minute game is avail on pc... i am sure there are plenty like me.
@Juanalf you obviously don't know much about the pc pirate scene these days.
Ask all the players who pirated red dead 2 modern warfare civ 6 and mk11 how good of an experience it is.
Hint - You can't since no one has ever been able to pirate them.
@Papers92 exactly lol people here are just pissed that exclusive is releasing on pc forgetting fact people buy stuff over and over.. i have friends who bought gta v on ps3 and ps4 and pc... same for tlou1, or uncharted 1-3.. not single one of them had regrets i am sure they will buy if its out for pc too..thats easy money right there for company... reason why this console generation has more remasters than any...
@TheDude89 if someone really wants to play a game I struggle to see why they would wait 3 years just to play it if they're that hyped for it.
I know if it was me and I really wanted to play an exclusive I'd get the console within months of it coming out.
@keihtg I've spent more money and time with Xbox gaming since they opened up then I had in the last 7 years before they hadn't.
I'm fully invested in Xbox with over 3 years of game pass ultimate bought and paid for through 2022. The fact that I don't need to own their box (which to be honest with new ones would be a negative income for them) is even better because they still get me spending money on the parts that's most profitable (services).
It's a win win for them and they get to route massive users numbers as well.
Trust that in 10 years both Sony and Microsoft will be doing much more business like this and we will all look back and say how weird it was when you couldn't play games so easily wherever you wanted.
Microsoft did this for us and changed the game just like Netflix people won't even realize it until we're already knee deep in it.
@H4ilHydra yea man I mean before last week HZD was the only game I ever platinumed and the minute I saw it on steam I ordered it again (I never got to play the frozen wilds so it will even be some new stuff for me). It's going to amazing to get to play it in its full glory on my ultra high end pc. 120fps is game changing!
Sony users are coming across as entitled little brats and are literally whining because they are scared the pc is going to show off their games better than they can (duh!).
It's literally like they feel an actual emotional connection to their consoles in an unhealthy way and they really need to remember these companies aren't they dad uncle or their best friend. They are a business whose sole purpose is to be as successful as they can be. Trust me that selling your games on 2 platforms is almost always guaranteed to sell more copies than of stuck to 1.
@wiiware @nessisonett Would the HZD2 game alone be more expensive on PC? Because saying a PS5 console is a better value than a gaming PC is subjective. No PC gamer would buy a new PC just for HZD2.
Also, HZD number one top global seller on Steam, even with the Huge Summer Sale going on. And these are Pre-order sales. If you port it we will buy! Thanks Sony, once your swimming in the PC game money, you will port the rest!
@GhostofJettatura Well personally, I would never buy a PS5 solely for Horizon anyway because I didn’t really like the first one. You’re right in that a PC does more for its price than a PS5 due to capabilities other than gaming but looking solely at the insides, a PS5 will undoubtedly be better value as just a graphics card capable of running Horizon 2 would set you back an awful lot.
And not to be a jerk about it but I could see them bringing this version to ps5 (though with many of the settings removed or turned down) but don't expect them to provide or to you as just some free "patch" like Microsoft is doing they most certainly will be selling it as Horizon Zero Dawn :"the definitive (console) version"
The best you can hope for is a discount for previous owners.
@nessisonett you say that and maybe at this exact moment yes that's sorta true but by the time this game HFW I suspect a card capable of 4k/30 fps and settings of medium - high like a ps5 will do for that game would easily be done with a 600-700 pc I'm sure.
@Cybrshrk Yeah, Moore’s Law dictates that technology will always be advancing, prices will inevitably fall. Getting ray-tracing out the box with PS5 is a big draw though, RTX cards cost a bloody fortune right now.
@nessisonett Thanks, I actually will agree that I did not care for HZD myself either. Reminded me of Far Cry Primal Surge The Hunger Game.
@GhostofJettatura For gaming ps5 is better value than pc, I don't think you can buy pc with ps5 specs below $1000, that's a fact.
For sony their ecosystem is worth way more than the money they got for their games on pc, the reason sony port horizon zd is because pc gamer that don't care about horizon series (because it's a new ip and it's not on pc) become interested and talk about the game and playstation studio.
Also pc is usually not the main market for AAA games, gta5 only sold 10M compared to about 100M for console, same with call of duty and assassin creed.
@nessisonett Laptops for serious level gaming are amusing, eh?
@wiiware I do not know the price of what the PS5 might be, but if someone already has a PC capable of running this the value is still subjective. Since they would only have to pay for the game itself and it would be a comparable or better edition released on PC.
If PC gamers do not care about horizon series, why would it be a pre-order global top seller as of today? Also, people are stating in the Steam forums that this is the 2nd copy they own now.
This is not the first PS4 Exclusive to arrive on PC either and it will not be the last, Bloodborne will probably be next.
@Juanalf I played for 110 hours it was a blast so im Good. And i will buy the second one on PS5 its a pity that the PS4 release is not as great as the PC version but i dont want too spend money on a PC so its fine.
@GhostofJettatura The more money there is for new games whats the problem? And like it or not (i dont like it for sure) consoles will probably dissapear in the future anyway so im too able too play on console as long as it lasts.
@InsertGoodName My laptop runs stuff like Witcher 3 on Ultra with Hairworks and Modern Warfare on Ultra so it’s definitely possible to get a good laptop with beefy insides. The only problem is that you can’t replace parts in the same way but I need the portability for lugging it to and from labs. Part of why I’m getting a PS5 is future proofing.
@solosccapers Many reasons. Perhaps they lack the money for a console. That's usually why people stick to one platform. Perhaps they don't have the physical space to accommodate one. Maybe they live with another person(s) who don't want a console. Maybe the person simply prefers a console. Maybe they can't justify buying a console for one game if there is only one they are interested in. Maybe they other things to deal with at the time.
@dosoares21 Now yes, but it might not be down the road. You have to think about things long term. How will this impact Sony in a years time or five years time. Businesses that operate based on short-termism don't last long or do well.
Also, can people stop the unnecessary and childish insults. People have a right to be concerned about the implications this has for Sony and their IP's going forward. They are not entitled, they are not brats, they are not whiners. They are concerned because they care. I invested in a PS4 purely because of the exclusives otherwise I would have just done my gaming on my laptop. There is a reason Nintendo doesn't put their IP's on PC even though they could make a lot of money from, for example, dropping Super Mario Galaxy or multiple Legend of Zelda titles. Because they know long term consumers would stop investing in the console. People who grew up with PS and/or have invested a lot of money into the PS brand and ecosystem have every right to be concerned that a PS exclusive is getting a better version on PC. No one also has the right to determine people's emotional attachments to inanimate objects. I have a tie that used to belong to my Grandad. To everyone else it's just a tie, to me it is a precious reminder of him and the times we had together, lessons he taught me, the times he supported me when things weren't so good, the sacrifices he made for his family, before he passed. So those of you saying people shouldn't be getting upset or are over reacting are the one's who need to grow up or shut up.
@Ken_Masters. Yeah i agree its not?a good move by sony.if pc wants horizon zero dawn.get a damn ps4.its cheap now.and they gonna want all the ps4 exclusive.its ridiculous.word up son
@Flaming_Kaiser Exactly more money generated equates to more games being released all the way around.
I will probably keep my PS4 Pro forever since its a beast of a console, games will get cheaper for it as time goes on.
You are correct, consoles will probably go away and be replaced by a PC running a client or some type of streaming box with a controller and your library is all digital. Physical Disc games will be a thing of the past as well.
Oooooo this is gonna look preeeeeeetty on pc. Might check this out when it's on the cheap.
Microsoft releases every major first party title on XBOX and PC. Sure, they control Windows and the Microsoft Store (on Windows). But it is still different. MS even offers "play anywhere", meaning buying a "play anywhere" game on XBOX, you can also play it on PC. Including save game sync.
Sony and Nintendo are more hesitant to release games on Windows. But why? For Nintendo, they need to sell their hardware and combine their software with it. That's very simple. Sony however is a huge company, with many different markets. They can swallow lost PlayStation (hardware) sales for people buying a game on PC they would otherwise required to also buy a PS.
Microsoft makes money off of:
1. Game sales (publisher)
2. Game sales (store)
3. Windows license
4. Office license (most people use MS Office on PC)
5. GamePass PC / Ultimate
6. XBOX Live
@TheDude89 Yh, that tie belonged to your grandad dude... You don't own Horizon Zero Dawn loool.
Also, Sony is just trying to squeeze out any more money it can from a 4 year old game. Even if PC player fall in love with this game I doubt most of them will buy a ps5 anyway but its not about that. Most people can't afford a 1500-2000 PC to get the performance improvements anyway. PS5 will do fine (as long as they have good exclusives) even if Sony releases every PS4 exclusive on PC. I doubt people are gonna buy a PS5 to play the 4 year old games with slightly better performance.
I can’t believe there are people that are outraged over this. I’ve already played and beat Zero Dawn on PS4, but seeing as how I’m getting into PC gaming soon (my system will be here within the week, finally), this is honestly enticing me to double dip just to see how much better it’ll look and run on my new system. I loved this game, and I’m sure I’ll spend just as much time in the PC version as I did the PS4 version back 2-3 years ago. Settle down people, it’s really not a big deal if a game comes to PC some years later after it’s initial run.
PS Exclusives should always be PS Exclusives :-/ I reckon if SONY bring more big AAA PS Exclusives to PC then it will put off people even bothering buying a PS Console in the future. Yeah it shouldn't matter but IT DOES. Come on SONY don't be a Microsoft. Oh well.
don't think this is a good move at all, but regardless... it looks like quite a bit of development effort has been put into this. effort that should have been used on PS4/5 game development imo. guerrila will have managed to release only 1 PS4 game in 7 years, and that's not good enough imo.
@nessisonett That's good - I imagine you can fry an egg on the top of it while you're playing at the same time! 😉 University multitasking bonus points. 🙌🏻
Just upgraded my pc 2 weeks ago and I've got this game for free buying a Ryzen 3600 CPU, already activated the code for it just got to wait for it to be released and I can't wait to play it. Here's hoping my Rx580 8gb and 16gb ddr4 ram will also be enough for the job at least for 1920x1080p and I get 60fps
Also I don't get why people are pissed about this, this is an old game you get to play the sequel next year. Which probably won't be on pc for another 3 years at best, I see this as a good idea because it will help Devs with making games and bring in that extra money for staff and production costs. Games are getting more expensive to make we know because the better the hardware the more people want games to look amazing. And for that they need more revenue if not going the PC route as well as consoles prices for games will go up even more than £70 because every gen they always go up by £10 on average.
End of the day chill out Sony and games companies don't owe you or me anything they can do what they want with it.
@InsertGoodName Hahahaha, the fans kick in big time, for sure. Hey, this way I don’t need to buy an oven!
@GhostofJettatura As a primarily PC gamer I and I suspect a ton more would much rather a Killzone collection than the (by comparison even though by the same studio) mediocre experience of this one. I suspect the large pre-order numbers are a result of "ugh...that'll do" syndrome.
More profit = Better games. Fans might cry but the developers wallets will not. Fans won't cry when the next game is amazing though.
I sure hope Sony isn't doing this to its own detriment. According to this poll, 45% of voters said they'd skip PS5 if Sony keeps putting exclusives on PC:
Also, if they do plan on continuing to do this, then they need to do away with the "Only on PlayStation" labeling. No point in pretending that these games will remain exclusive if they won't, and this move alone just completely undermines any meaning that it has.
Though I think this is a bad move, it's Sony's decision at the end of the day, and I guess we'll just have to see how it works out for them.
What the heck happened. Push square is all orange on my phone. I've been on here daily for news since I don't know 2008. Its always been blue. Where the flip happened.
May have to buy this for my pc just for the sheer fact it was an amazing game and they deserve support such a great game.
This is great, more people get to play a spectacular game! I'm sure it's gonna look bonkers on a high end PC!
@GhostofJettatura Horizon 1 will sells on pc, but the reason sony want to sell the game on pc is to make people recognize and talked about horizon 2 on ps5, not to suddenly become 3rd party publisher. Maybe bloodborne 1 will be ported to pc when bloodborne 2 is announced, at this point most people assume once playstation games have sequel on ps5, the previous ps4 games will be ported to pc. Like I said before, the money sony is getting from ps ecosystem is way bigger than the money they get from porting their games to pc.
I don't have problem with that as long as the game is getting the same improvement on ps5 with patch.
@redd214 - More like "Nice! Now no-one will buy a console ever again!" if even 'console exclusives' like Horizon are losing their exclusivity status this quickly, then what's the point of buying a Playstation or an Xbox when a PC can provide everything both consoles have to offer and then some?
@FullMetalWesker not really, at least for me. These games releasing on on PC in no way makes me want to consider switching from console to PC. Makes no difference to me plus it's been out 3 years, hardly what I would call "quick"
I don't really buy the "PC gamers won't have a reason to buy a console now" argument.
The number of people put off buying a PS4/PS5 because a 3 year old game gets a PC port must be tiny.
Honest question: what is the point of having 120FPS? I thought the human eye can only track up to 60FPS.
Its beautiful that more people can play it I'm gonna cry tears of joy virtue signalling comment.
I wonder if an improvement will be to overhaul the disgusting in game graphic engine. This is yet ANOTHER middle of the road PlayStation game with a standard graphic engine in-game that then employs a totally different engine for talking/cut scenes to lead you believe you’re playing something better looking than you really are. A trademark tactic employed since Final Fantasy on PS1.
I was quite impressed with this game for the first few hours till I slowly realised the HUGE amount of talking face to face with NPCs it had. It was more like playing heavy rain for 60% of the game. Interspersed with a well constructed action sections. The problem is, the pacing is just all over the place and it goes from 100mpg action to a literally stand still while you spend what is literally hours, talking, talking, talking, talking.
The first party are exclusive they don't have a time frame for it, Halo and Gears have been on pc for years and yet they say used to say it's only on Xbox when it wasn't really you could buy Halo 1 and 2 on PC. People need to realise this will help Devs with more income for better games in the future and to keep studios with better cash flow
Yeah I guess it shouldn't matter but it's just that PC players come across as such complete and utter.....
Aloy should have been a PS mascot, instead Sony have acted like her pimp and whored her out for a quick buck. I doubt I'll ever get into PC gaming myself regardless of this decision but others may not be so reluctant especially if the PS5 is deemed as being too expensive.
@GhostofJettatura Its a pity but its the truth and i get everything i can physical.
@playstation1995 it's a win win move. Some will wait that maybe one day it will release on PC and some will purchase a ps5 to play horizon 2 and other awesome titles.
@playstation1995 My man spitting facts over here.
@Nepp67. Im glad you agree with me.ps4 exclusive needs to stays exclusives.p
C wants to play horizon get a damn ps4.its a bad move by pc players will expect every ps4 games to come is better than that.dont follow x box and scoop so low.word up son
@playstation1995 Took the exact words straight out of my mouth. Hulst did say that they weren't going to port every exclusive to PC but we have to remember Microsoft also said this as well and look what happened. They ported every title over there. We'll just have to hope that he keeps his word.
@redd214 - It's within a single console generation, I'd say that counts as quick for these types of things (at least compared to things like the Crash and Spyro trilogies).
@roe - That's because you're seeing this as a single, isolated case, rather than the long-running trend it could very well turn into. It's not the incident itself that's the problem, it's the precedent it sets going forward regarding exclusivity for big console franchises (as opposed to smaller games like Cuphead or Ori).
@FullMetalWesker I still don't see it as a problem. Even if they released PC versions of PlayStation games on day one it wouldn't bother me
It's not like they're gonna stop making these big games
@roe Well he just said why it bothers him and others. No exclusives make a console not worth buying or using when I can play it on PC where it's superior. That's why some people dropped Xbox entirely cause Microsoft put all of their exclusives on PC.
@Nepp67 agree to disagree then because I don't think Sony are going down that route.
There are loads of exclusives and will continue to be loads of exclusives going forward
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