Here's a surprise to properly wake you up on this scorching Wednesday afternoon UK readers: Resident Evil 3 came out this year. This year! Who forgot about that one? We thought it was a good game but a bit of a poor remake of the original PlayStation 1 title, and that hasn't exactly translated into the most impressive of sales figures. As of 30th June 2020, it has sold roughly 2.7 million worldwide. That's a 55% decrease compared to the first two months of sales for Resident Evil 2, but Capcom doesn't seem too surprised by that.
During an investor Q&A held at some point this month, which has been picked up Video Games Chronicle, the Japanese publisher indicated that these statistics aren't particularly surprising. "With reference to sales trends for the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis as well, results have not especially deviated from our internal sales plan. Looking ahead, we will consider pricing strategies targeting the holiday season, starting in autumn and running to the end of the year."
We take this to mean that Capcom will push Resident Evil 3 fairly heavily later on in the year with sales and discounts across the board. The game was recently a part of the PlayStation Store Summer Sale, which saw the price drop to £28.99/$35.99, but that clearly hasn't been enough to significantly move the needle in a positive direction.
Comments 44
I still haven’t gotten round to it because I’m not paying over £20 for a game that lasts about 5 hours. Resi 2 is possibly my favourite game of last year alongside Disco Elysium so I was hyped but I dunno, it seems to have just come and gone.
@nessisonett Yeah, it's kind of a shame Capcom ignored that fact might be hindering sales. I too am waiting for sub £15/20. Most comments I see on the game are that they didn't put enough effort in for a full price game.
As a big fan of the series, this game was just okay, and I didn't beat the OG. It's a lot of fun in the arcade sense, kindof like if you replay RE 5 and start to unlock infinite weapons, but its ultimately a solid $20 or less game.
I plan on buying it when it's dirt cheap. I loved the Resi 2 Remake, but Resi 3 Remake released at a time where a bunch of other games were releasing so I held off and now I'll just wait until it drops in price.
Is it still the general consensus that re3 should have been an expansion to re2? I haven't played it yet, but 3 was my favourite in the series, and really enjoyed the re2 remake.
@nessisonett I dunno...a lot of games are just 5 hours games dressed-up with filler. For me, it took over 8 hours to beat the campaign on the normal difficulty without finding everything, so it's the same as RE2 (but without the replay value of a remixed second story). Also, the multiplayer Resistance mode was complete trash at launch, but I think it's a LOT better now. I'm currently playing that and have a good 10+ hours into it. Overall, I paid $45 for it at launch and think it was worth it, from an RE fan's perspective anyway.
Of course, the biggest warning is definitely comes if you've played the original, which I did right before playing this. Personally, I think the original RE3 is INSANELY good, and it's true that the remake took out several iconic locations, enemies, and bosses. I tried to look past this, but it really ended up bothering me.
@nookie_egg I think they should have put more effort in the main story and less and should have added the multiplayer later or pushed te game release back a little too work on it.
@nessisonett Judging a games value by its game length is wrong imo. Sure a $60 game thats 100+ hours long might give you alot of content for your money , but the vast majority of games are overly stretched with the same boring content that often times hurts the pacing of the game but also gives so much filler content that is not needed.
look up all of the most highly rated videogames from the nes to the ps2 era of games. most of these games averages at 8-12 hours long.
the best way to judge a game is by its quality not by its game length.
I did end up buying this game and had quite a lot of fun with it but yeah its nowhere near as good as the Resident Evil 2 remake, just like the original Resident Evil 3 wasn't as good as RE2 back then.
It only took me around 5 hours to beat it first time and I was easily beating it in under 2 hours afterwards, my third playthrough was on the hardest difficulty and took me less than 1:45. There's basically no puzzles or real exploration outside the opening area, Nemesis never stalks you. That said the shooting is fun as always and it plays nicely
RE3 was a great game, but it was quite expensive for a game that took me 5.5 hours to beat.
@stinkyx Resistance is massively underrated imo.
Interesting how the top brass intend to rectify the fall in sales for Resi 3 drop the price..
Capcom I have a better way to get maximum profits .............simple make a great game.
The original was not bad.
@ArcadeHeroes I'm not disagreeing with your sentiments, but I think what @nessisonett is saying is that it's a bit hard to stomach paying £50+ for a game you could finish in a handful of hours. I say this because I share that view. It's one thing to say judge a game by its quality, but surely value forms part of that as well.
I've got no beef playing shorter games; I'm a huge fan of indies. But their price tag is usually appropriate whereas I'm not sure RE3's is.
@AhabSpampurse @ArcadeHeroes Yeah, I love plenty games with a short runtime like Celeste and Edith Finch but I didn’t exactly break the bank for those games. Times have changed and there are so many games out now that if I’m paying for a premium experience, I expect at least a good 10 hours at the minimum. Resi 2 had loads of replayability and I did play it twice but with the 3 Remake removing the choices from the original, is there really much of a point playing it again?
@AhabSpampurse Finding value in a medium is something that is a really difficult thing to critique cause really only we can judge how valuable something is worth to us. I can only really talk about myself really , but like cases in the past with genres like open world games , I get incredibly fatigued dealing with the same mundane fetch quest and collectables and the repetitives of side quest you see all so often .
Removing all the filler from games means games release at a faster rate and cut games budget down by a considerable amount.
@ArcadeHeroes yeah, I concur here. Value is completely subjective. And I completely agree about the bloated open world collectathons. I haven't finished an Assassins Creed game in years. It's exhausting, as opposed to fun.
Less is more, sometimes. I guess it is very much, as you say, a case of each to their own ✌
@nessisonett speed run?! People are smashing it in less than an hour now aren't they? Get your name in lights, @nessisonett!
@nessisonett Or drop the price a little bit that can be good as well.
@nessisonett Unless you want to unlock items and costumes or hunt for trophies there isn't really any point to replaying. It's very short, it's very linear, there isn't a lot of complexity to level design or combat, and the story is really shallow. You'll see and play everything the first time through.
It's also packaged with Resistance. Which sucks. It's a loot box filled trash heap where you spend hours trying to grind reputation to unlock boxes filled with skills to make a broken build to make the game less frustrating. It isn't doing well, and for good reason.
The package is OK. It was very overpriced. Worth a rent as it can easily be beat in a day and definitely a weekend. Not a lot of meat on the bone, and more like the marrow from RE2R
I paid £40 for it on release and spent an enjoyable 28 hours on it overall. I thought it was great.
I loved RE3 Remake to be honest. It's a great game. It has two issues that affect its sale IMO: its length and comparison to the original.
Well, if you didn't play the original or even if you did, it's a great game in its own right. As for length, that IS the major problem, people are gonna buy it way more when the price drops significantly. What I hear and read all the time is "Too expensive for X hours, I'll wait for a price drop" rather than "The game looks bad, I don't wanna buy it".
Btw, I got it at launch and played twice already, it's short length is kinda perfect to replay it if you enjoyed the game.
@Royalblues They're remaking code Veronica? I played through that one almost as many times as RE3, still have the HD one on my ps3
Yeah I forgot all about RE3. I might get it later though.
No, Crapcom. It sold so poorly because you did a poor job, cut content and removed any replayibility. I mean I don't think it would have sold as much as 2 because 2 was the fresh faced true remake that came first, but if it had come before it, been more faithful and had Nemesis random like Mr. X, (which they should have) I think it would have matched RE2. I was going to get this on day 1 until I found out how they butchered my baby.
Each to their own but Ive put more hours into "resistance" than in every RE game combined (probably round 200hrs)
Its more than worth full price if it hooks you.
Ive got stuff like Last Of Us 2/ GoT in my backlogue because Im compelled to do my dailies for "resistance"......I sure wouldnt do them if I wasnt having fun
@Royalblues fair enough. I think the first 3 needed it more than CV or 4 will, though. The HD versions look decent enough and I assume they're on psnow? The ps1 titled look like a mess these days, so hard to go back to, even though tbh I'd rather play the OG RE 3 than the remake.
Capcom decided to be Crapcom after the success of RE2RE.
@Royalblues Dude, if they remake CV (which I've never played, btw), they better not re-design Claire again, like they've been doing with Chris (although the VIllage one looks closer to RE5/RER1/RE6 than RE7's does). They should make the current faces canon and stop messing with them, lol.
CV sold less than RE3 originally, so by Capcom's logic, the remake would also sell less. Given how many new assets they'd have to make (I don't think they can reuse stuff like RE2 to RE3's remakes), it seems like an RE4 remake is more likely, from a financial risk perspective. Given the low sales of RE3 and the pandemic, I feel like they'd chase the money moreso than the fanservice right now. Personally, I just hope they keep the remakes coming!
@Jayofmaya I think the dev team said they wanted to make the Nemesis encounters all scripted because they thought it was scarier than just a slow dude following you the entire game. I see where they were coming from, since Mr. X ended up being more annoying than scary, but ultimately they probably should've done a combination of both, IMHO. The fact you have unlimited saves (at least in the default difficulties) and cool-but-overpowered dodge roll doesn't help with the tension either.
Length of game doesn't necessarily denote its value. Resi 2 was only slightly longer than Resi 3 and priced the same. The big issue here is that while the latter was a fantastic game, it lacks the staying power, replay-ability, and resonance that the former had upon launch. Personally I played through Resi 2 at lest six times, where as Resi 3 was a one and done for me. A good one and done, but a one and done none-the-less.
The price of game has never been an issue for me. If it's something like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, I know I'll buy it at launch no matter how much it costs. If it's anything else, I can wait till it goes low enough for me to afford it. Most of the games I've bought cost less than 20 quid.
In a fact that RE games missed me like bullets in famous Matrix movie, I'll not invest a penny into any RE game until all titles get released in one complete collection on discs.
My one mate absolutely adores the original resi 3. He was so amped for it but after he completed it he was pretty pissed as they removed a lot of content and charm from the original.
Sorry Capcom I can’t keep up with new games, let alone replaying old ones. Gave them all a miss...
RE3 was excellent. I’d rather have a shirt and excellent game than a bloated and average one.
R3make was a let down after how well done REmake 2 was, I don't know if it was a diversion of resources for the multiplayer mode or they just didn't have enough time but I would rather replay the original 3 even if tank controls are a little rough.
@stinkyx Hmm I suppose I didn't think about scripted being faster and tougher. You're right, a mix of both would be awesome. I still find him scary when he pops up out of nowhere in clock tower or the streets. So fast, plus there's a particular alley way where he could always get a shot off with that rocket launcher and screw you up, was so tense.
Hmm.... maybe if they hadn’t pushed it out in a years time and actually, you know? Added some meaningful extras and didn’t cut sh— out from the original it could have potentially done better. It’ll be awhile before I get around to playing 3 Remake, still haven’t finished RE2 Remake....
I'm resi-eviled out this generation, which is surprising since Capcom have only managed one new entry in the mainline series, yet there have been 11 or so releases since the PS4 came out.
I'll buy it at a low price.
Absolutely loved this game. Yeah it’s short, but what’s there is rock solid. Controls were fantastic, best in the series. Just feels good to play. Looking forward to another run through after I finish GoT.
I almost completed the RE2 Remake, but something about RE3 Remake just felt off. Maybe it was the cut content or the doubling down of action scenes compared to the original, it wasn't as well cared for or crafted as RE2R.
The game was a cheap cash grab with a load of gross loot boxes shoehorned in. It got what is deserved in terms of success. It's a shame it sold as many as 2.7m really.
I'm still waiting for the physical copy to drop below $20 before I buy, in no hurry to play.
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