Wow, that came out of absolutely nowhere. Rocksteady Studios has now announced that it is developing a Suicide Squad game, with details to be shared at DC Fandome later this month. The studio took to Twitter to confirm the swirling rumours with the tagline: "Target locked - #DCFanDome - August 22. #suicidesquadgame". If speculation is to be believed, this is somewhat early in development and is a next-gen exclusive title. It won't come to PlayStation 4.
We'll learn more at DC Fandome on 22nd August 2020, and you'll be able to catch the livestream right here on Push Square. What sort of game do you hope Suicide Squad is? Speculate away in the comments below.
Comments 51
I don’t think I could possibly be less interested which is truly unfortunate. Perhaps my least favourite comics property of all time.
Please lord, do not be a live service. Just be a normal, fun video game.
"Early in development?" What were they doing for the past 5yrs then??
The logo is amazing, so hats off to whoever designed that. Need to know more before I can comment on anything else.
Is that Bizarro or Superman?
@3Above screwing up a Superman game and having to bin all the work and start something else?
I actually hope it plays a little different to Arkham games. I've said before I think a Peace Walker style game would work well for SS. Take on various missions of varying difficulty and style (a kidnap, an assassination, steal some files etc), tougher missions needs more of the squad, where a simple assassination could just be one but handled in different ways (ie you can choose Harley and go in for a full assault using your bat and guns, or use Deadshot and have him plan a sniper attack etc). But glad this has finally been announced and can't wait to see what WBM are going to crank out.
@RBMango It’s probably going to be multiplayer live service. Like Avengers, but DC.
@RBMango just reading rumors and it seems it will indeed be a GaaS with online co-op similar to what the Avengers game is going after.
If it is a single player game (like Batman) then I am all in, absolutely loved the first 2 (asylum being my favourite) the last one not so much but the combat and setting was exceptional.
Who is that supposed to be in the pic? It looks like Superman but I'm almost 100% positive he isn't a member.
Since Rocksteady made all the Batman games I would guess like those but w/ more playable characters, I doubt it will be Avengers missions.
If they are working w/ the movie sequel by James Gunn it could be good. Due out next year. Coincidence?
@rjejr The rumoured title is Suicide Squad kills the Justice League. Which would suggest they're hunting the members down, hence Superman in the cross-hairs.
In rocksteady I trust
@rjejr No that is definitely Superman. If you look closely the suit is actually blue and he has the curled strand of hair. If rumors are to be believed then this game is going to be about the Suicide Squad hunting down the various Justice League members, which would explain why the logo is in the style of a crosshair and aimed at Superman's head.
It won't come to PS4? That's a shame
@redd214 @nessisonett That's a hard pass for me then.
@SirAngry Sigh, as I feared.😔
Love Rocksteady so I’m slightly interested, can’t help but think the last movie won’t help it’s success though, was a load of man hating trash that flopped spectacularly.
@Fenbops Considering it's a next gen title presumably, it'll likely be launching around the time of the new James Gunn film, so that should definitely help give the game good publicity if this unveiling ends up making the game look promising.
Thats a little weird.would love a superman game.but i will see how this game shape up.they made the arkam batman games.and thats one of my favorite franchise i got respect for rocksteady.word up son
@TheFrenchiestFry @nookie_egg Thank you both. I thought that was probably it but that seemed kind of far fetched to me. I can understand the story line simple enough but playing it isn't working in my head. Unless it's a 2D fighting game like Injustice. Or a board based strategy game like Xcom. If they can pull off an Arkham game where you control a team taking down Superman et al and it plays well I'll be very impressed. Very impressed indeed.
Oh snap, they've targeted Superman?! If Superman is playable and there's a single player focus, I'm 100% in. If the Justice League is involved, I wonder who we'll see.
@Fenbops mail fragility at its finest.
I could not be much less excited for this.
I need to know more but I’m interested. This has my eye for sure. It needs to not feel like an Arkham game though. Outside of Joker and Red Hood the extra player characters are decent to “I promise I’m not Batman.”
Dude Rocksteady hasn't put a game out in 2015. If this is in early development thats sad. Im honestly so sick of these live service games. Guarantee this will be another Destiny clone. Btw Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Superman in that tweet.
And I was hoping they would develop a full Batgirl game. Easily the best part of Arkham Knight.
I can’t believe I’m looking more forward to the Warner Bros. upcoming game!
If this ends up as a "game as a service" then I'm out... I couldn’t care less about it if that's the case.
So a likely game as a service based on murdering the good guys. Thanks, no.
@3Above exactly what I thought. Damn I’d have thought whatever they’d been working on would be ready for PS5 launch!
@rpg2000 you mean “you couldn’t care less?”
@Dodoo lol... yea. I didn't see that. Thanks. Fixed.
Watch this be live service garbage just like The Avengers lmfao
@JohnnyShoulder I was saying the same to my son, looks like Bizarro.
After lightening the image in PS, that's definitely Supes with some huge facial scarring, or Bizarro. That pink mist around his face is also quite important I'd imagine.
@Cyberbotv2 It is Sucide Squad, I dont think you will be controlling Superman. That would be a Justice League game.
@rjejr Or it could be very similar to the Avengers game coming out soon. Just have a look at a gameplay trailer of that if you've not seen it already.
If is a single player experience or at minimum has a good single player campaign I'm in!! If is a Wannabe Destiny clone like Avengers I'm out, live service games are worthless to me.
Also I find it pretty impossible that this is in early development considering they've been working on it at minimum 5 years and they had the assets from WB Montreal who were working on their own SQ game before they canned it.
@nessisonett This is where I am too. Rocksteady is great, so I will try the game eventually. But I cannot think of a subject that interests me less on its own than Suicide Squad.
@RBMango it's rumoured to be a live service 4 player co-op.
Why does this smell like live service..?
Cuz all companies want to chase that Fortnite money.
Wasn't it meant to be called something like "The Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League"?
Meh. I’ve never liked these Batman games. They are like open world lite with button mashy combat and giant black cities that you can’t interact with in any meaningful way.
I wish it had been Ninja Turtles.
Any word on who bought them?
@get2sammyb Brilliant logo indeed. Not gonna lie, it makes me at least a little more interested in the game lol.
Can’t wait. It’s been far too long but if they had to can a project because it wasn’t working out, it was the right thing to do.
I really love this poster. Especially since everyone thought Rocksteady would be working on a Superman game after the Arkham series. It's also just a cool twist on what we're used to with comic franchises.
There was a leak a while ago suggesting this game would be a games as a service game though. Really hoping it's more like the Arkham series and not like the upcoming Avengers game.
I'm still hyped for this game, despite the Game as a Service rumors!
As long as the story campaign is still the main focus and has real depth to it, I'm good.
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