It would seem that Sony's sending out PlayStation Plus discount offers to lucky subscribers. Those who receive the offer can get 1/3 off the price of a 3 or 12 month PlayStation Plus subscription. The offer only lasts until the 9th August, but it's worth remembering that even if you're subscribed to the service right now, any additional months are stacked on top of your current subscription.
As with the £10/$10 PlayStation Store credit giveaway last month, you'll need to check your PS4 notifications for this one. The notification itself will be from PlayStation.
Reports of this offer appear to be quite scarce (at least at the time of writing) so we assume that it's being sent out at random. If it's anything like the aforementioned giveaway, then your chances of actually getting a discount could be very slim indeed.
Have you received a notification? Would you take advantage of this offer if you got it? Give us some valuable data in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 32
I would! Even though mine expires in February of 2021
Would be nice to get it but I doubt I'll get it.
I got this offer this time. I'm gonna use it for a extra 12 months of plus.
EDIT: and I just used the code😁
@WCB Congrats!
@ShogunRok thanks. It was perfect timing as well as my renewal was up this month.
I don't want it, I wanted the 10 bucks on the store.
I got one, but I don't plan to use it.
I was going to get a PS Plus subscription before the PS5 came out to backup all my save games before making the switch.
Sadly, I did a System Initialize to try to fix the Uncharted 4 1.33 patch download from erroring out (every. single. time.) without thinking and lost years worth of game saves.
Thankfully, I was able to recover some of my saves from when I last had PS+ (like well over a couple years ago), but I lost most of the games.
~90% story completion The Last of Us Part 2 save - gone
Detroit completion save - gone
Final Fantasy VII Remake completion save - gone
God of War completion save - gone
Dark Souls 2 NG completion save - gone
Horizon Zero Dawn completion save - gone
Days Gone completion save - gone
Bloodborne NG completion save - gone
Spider-Man completion save - gone
Pro-tip: back up your stuff before doing a System Initialize to try to fix a problem.
Spoiler alert - Uncharted 4 Patch 1.33 still doesn't download.
My account expires tomorrow and I’m not planning to resubscribe so this’d be good timing - hint, hint.
You can routinely get Plus on deals cheaper than 1/3 off :shrug:
Also, would be nice to know what Sony actually has in store for Plus with PS5.
Sony: Get Plus cheaper now before we take away online requirement
I only really sub to PS Plus and Nintendo Online for the cloud saves now, but since Nintendo only costs £35 for 8 people, and Xbox give cloud saves free (and could potentially give online free too) I'm starting to feel PS Plus isn't worth the price anymore.
So I'm likely to let my sub end.
@GamingFan4Lyf You should always make a backup.
Tbh. Between black friday and christmas ps plus always goes on sale for that exact price..
@GamingFan4Lyf Do a USB drive or harddisk back up i do that every month im not taking a chance after my PS3 dying on me with some RPG's.
Wont be using mine. I only have ps plus for the free games. Most are on ps now other than the shooters which I dont play.
Nothing worth mentioning about this discount since at all times there's a chance to purchase psplus cheaper (just check key sites).
I'd also rather wait and see what Sony has planned with psplus/now when we switch to ps5. They can't leave it in it's current state of they want to compete with game pass.
Great... another random give away for people to get bent out of shape with. I expect this is yet another promotion that'll pass me by, so meh, who cares, but they've got to realise the animosity this sort of thing generates.
If I get one, I'll post it here. My plus runs out sometime in 2024, so I'm good.
Been without Plus for over a year now and thinking of signing up again - Fall Guys looks like my kind of multiplayer!
Probably won't get this never get anything so not too fussed, if by some miracle I get it, I'm going straight out to get a lottery ticket and some scratch cards lol.
Probably only sending it out to people without an active Plus, similarly to the stingy £10 Store Credit to people who didn't but anything online.
@Flaming_Kaiser @ItsIncognito I have been so used to cloud saves being automatic and free on PC, Xbox, and my phone, that in my distracted and frustrated state over that [expletive] patch failing, it just slipped my mind.
I was shocked when, after signing up for one month of PS+ last week (my Ghost of Tsushima file is now safe!), I still had some old save files.
I guess the one silver lining is that it gives me a reason to revisit these games.
@GamingFan4Lyf That is a good reason.
Mine runs out next year and that's it for me I'm not getting a PS5 I've got a few high end games to play on PS4. But I'm moving back to pc gaming since I've just built a new rig 3 more days i get my free copy of Horizon ZD on PC
@GamingFan4Lyf Dont be ashamed PS3 3 years of saves gone after PS3 YLOD with quite some hard games. 😬
Now i back-up so much especially when you play RPG's. 😆
Went on to DL the new free games and to check to see if I had a PS Plus discount, and was very elated to see that there is a $10 credit in my PS wallet. I did not receive any sort of notification, it's just there in my wallet. I can now stop being mad that I didn't get it!
@Fay - thanks - I tried it but not valid for my account country 🙁
Where's your avatar from? It vaguely sparks some nostalgic feeling from something comedic I think I used to watch on TV a verry long time ago....
@GamingFan4Lyf Personally Sony should give everyone free cloud saves storage like MS do without a ps subscription they could give players with no sub about 5GB that would be fine
@Nakatomi_Uk I couldn't agree with you more on that one. I don't even have to think about my save files on Xbox (or my PC) because they are simply backed up in the cloud (at no extra cost).
I know that losing the save files was completely my fault for not slowing down what I was doing and thinking for a minute (or for not having PS+ to have access to automatic cloud backup); but having free cloud storage would have been nice during such an absent-minded moment (for someone who doesn't want to pay for PS+).
Hey. That is wee Jimmy Krankie from The Krankies - national treasures in Scotland. They are still doing pantos, guest appearances, interviews etc.
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