Another week has come to its conclusion, and it’s been a quiet one when it comes to PlayStation news. Sure we got the PS5’s first ever commercial, but it’s been dismal other than that. Fortunately, the weekend brings an opportunity to relax, unwind, and enjoy some games. Here’s what we’re playing this time.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’m still knee-deep in GTA Online, and I can’t really stop playing it. Fortunately, Train Sim World 2 has been proving a welcome distraction for me these past few days, and I’ve genuinely been enjoying ferrying customers on the London Underground on time. See, TfL: it’s not that hard, is it?
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
In between episodes of Fall Guys, I'm knuckling down on a couple of games for review. First and foremost is Spiritfarer, which shadow dropped on PS4 a few days ago. My verdict will be with you very soon indeed. I'll also be checking out Hypnospace Outlaw, a game that takes place within a late 90s cyberspace. It looks insane, and I can't wait to give it a go.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
My WAYP entries are probably at their most inconsistent right now because this weekend I'll be continuing my playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins. Yep, I'm playing a PS3 game from 2009 – through Xbox One backwards compatibility, that is. I know, I'm a traitor.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After spending most of the week not playing all that much, this weekend, I gotta catch up on my backlog a bit. I haven't even started Ghost of Tsushima yet! And there are some challenges in Rainbow Six: Siege I need to complete, too. Looks like I have most of the weekend accounted for already.
Jade Sayers, Reviewer
This weekend I’ll be chasing my first win on Fall Guys. It still hasn’t happened yet, but it’s got to soon right? If I can tear myself away from Fall Guys, I’ll be starting my Trails of Cold Steel II replay. I’m aiming to replay II and III ready for the release of IV in October!
That's what we're up to this weekend, but what about you lovely lot? What's keeping you entertained this coming weekend? Pick your poison in the comments section below.
Comments 89
i'm trying to platinum tlou2 with game modifiers on , pure fun..
For me I have work rotation this weekend so when I get a chance to do some gaming it's going to Man Eater. I'm getting near the end of the story and then clean up. I figure instead of bouncing around I should just finish this one game. That will be plat 11 for the year. Also tomorrow need to watch Bayern win Champions League! Mia San Mia!
I finally bought a fairly basic compatible steering wheel for PS4, so some GT Sport and Wreckfest I think.
Will be finishing the main story of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and then dipping into some of the challenge modes for as long these interest me. I think this might be my fave of the rebooted trilogy. The environments are stunning and the gameplay is really good.
Will be trying to get my first win on Fall Guys but not that hard. I'll play it for 20-30 mins and that's usually long enough. It's a lot of fun.
Thinking of starting another Shadow game but this one is of the Colossus! Had neither a PS2 or a PS3 so have never played this game before. Obviously I've heard things and know the story and seen plenty of snippets of gameplay but to truly experience a game for yourself, then you have to play it.
Also, watching the gaming documentary High Score on Netflix. It's quite enjoyable.
Just received Resident Evil 3 so il be on that. Been waiting for a price drop. I really enjoyed the demo but had heard it was light on the single player story hence resistance being added. May try it at some point too
Yakuza Kiwami 2 interspersed with Street Fighter V. Boy, does YK2 look great running on Dragon engine!
I keep putting off playing my PSVR, I have Blood and Truth sat on the shelf, still in its cellophane. Instead, I am starting on Desperados 3 and hope to fit in some Xenoblade Chronicles on Switch.
Gonna start something new after having finished Steamworld Dig yesterday, great game btw!
It's gonna b either Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered or Valkyria Chronicles 🙂
Still on Tsushima after a busy week at work but already logged 4 hrs on it so far today !
Also carrying on with Tales of Berseria, which is the best Tales game yet ! Superb combat system
Just bought King of Fighters 14 Deluxe in the sale so will be popping my cherry with my first ever KOF game
Let's be careful out there ! ♥️ X
This morning I learnt the Dance of Wrath and dealt with the siege of Yarikawa. So I now have the final stance.

Loving it!
Also finished Ghostbusters last night so deciding whether to start Resi 7 or Judgement next.
Still deciding after finishing Ghost a few days ago, best game of the year easily. Might finally give Fall Guys a proper go for now.
@Col_McCafferty was waiting on someone mentioning high score, great wee programme with lots of little tidbits thoroughly enjoyed it 😊
Mixed bunch for me, on PS4 I'll be getting smashed to bits by something horrible in Mortal Shell and I'll offset that with some New Super Lucky's Tale and Darksiders Genesis on XBO courtesy of game pass. Happy gaming all!
RIME on ps4, monkey island special edition on ps3, animal crossing new horizon and ACA metal slug on switch.
Still playing ghost of tsushima, finally I'm done doing all the first island quest/sidequest and playing chapter 2, but there's new sidequests back on chapter 1 😅
Back to the first island I go and doing all the sidequest again, finally liberated the first island, now on the second island I'm just doing quest/sidequest rather than uncovering the fog of war 100% like in the first island. Bumped the difficulty to hard since normal difficulty is too easy for the upgraded jin.
On pc I'm playing battletoads on gamepass. The first hour is fun until I'm playing the bike level, where's the stage is just go on and on and on and on and on, it's boring! Then the game is fun again on the second level in the queen amusement park, but like the bike level, the stage just go on and on and on and on and on battling the same 3-4 enemy, the game levels overstays its welcome. The game didn't understand the word "pacing", river city girls and street of rage 4 understand it.
Dead cells .darkest dungeons ancestral edition.desperadoes 3 and marvel avengers beta.word ☝ up son
Got the platinum in Ghost of Tsushima. Just trolling Mongols at this point.
Might start Battle Chasers though at some point.
As a Welshman, I know a thing or two about comedy accents fella (and bad weather I suppose), I am a sucker for a mockney accent too, love the Guy Ritchie films for example 😂
Deffo going to give my move controllers a charge and give Blood and Truth a look.
Got the next week off work as I have to use annual leave and I'm looking forward to finshing up some of my back log. First up Cat Quest 2, I needed something light after I finished and got my plat for GOT. Which is hands down my game of the year, really hoping for some story dlc. Have a nice weekend all.
Splatoon 2, there's a Chicken vs Egg Splatfest this weekend so I'll be on Team Egg. Also playing some more Bioshock 1 and Yuppie Psycho, and I'm close to being done with them now. And then there's some more wacky fun with Fall Guys.
Some more me andromeda, some of the dialogue in the prologue absolutely is cringeworthy ( I thought someone saying their face was tired was a made up meme, mental thats actually in) but combat is decent and have made it to first planet. Maybe some fall guys too, my daughter is obsessed!
Working to plat the artistic Dishonored 2. Completing more challenges and unlocking reinforced equipment at the Trapper in the advanced next-gen lighting and novel art RDRII. PES2020, FIFA 20 and any other I feel like.
I'm guessing @Shogunrok is always so busy lost in some open world or RPG he barely has time to put up his WAYPTW.
Bringing the Rockstar love with Red Dead Online and GTA Online. The yin and yang of peace and mayhem. Also continuing with Judgement and being a Ghost in Bolivia with GR Wildlands
@Shepherd_Tallon Battle Chasers is a GREAT game-a truly wonderful hidden gem.
Still playing Ghosts. Still loving it. Sucker Punch deserves a standing ovation for this one.
Hopefully going to get my first ever platinum with Ghost of Tsushima
Playing Life is strange, surprised just how good it is, it's much more than a telltale game. Also, really need to get back on Final Fantasy 7, if I leave it much longer I will have to restart it.
Starting Episode 8 of Death Stranding. My first Kojima game and have really enjoyed it. Also lucked out and snagged MGSV for $5 right before the sale ended!
Following completing TLOU2, I started Spiderman. Whoo boy, thats a breath of fresh air after the misery epic that was TLOU2!! Absolutely loving it. Getting serious iNFAMOUS vibes which is good for me!!
No one golfing?
I'm hooked with Greedfall, so ill keep playing just that
Well after 2 weeks of watching the snooker, I'm back to gaming, just started playing got again I had just started second chapter when I left it. It's taking me a bit to get back into it for some reason, so might have to start and finish something else and then start it again. I'm deadly if I don't keep playing games and come back to them, it just doesn't click the same as if I was playing from start every couple of days. Going to give it another hour to see if I can get back into it, as I have done almost 20hrs already and don't fancy doing everything again, hopefully it will click soon.
Edit: after a special blend of tobacco have started to get into got again thankfully, didn't like the prospect of starting again so will be playing this for the rest of the weekend ☺️. Might also do a few games of fall guys inbetween too.
Back on Animal Crossing so a mixture of that and Iron Man on PSVR
It gets addictive once you start down that road squire, be careful 😁
You'll be chasing a second plat before you know it.
Dood, you have some great taste in videogames👍👍👍
Darkest Dungeon and Deadcells are fantastic games, I just started Desperados an hour ago and already love it, but I loved Shadow Tactics too so knew what to expect.
Are you aware of Commandos 2 coming to PS4 soon too?
I plan to play the crap out of Desperados 3, it's awesome.
Just got the mile high trophy on mw remaster...
I've still got it!
Trying to finally get through Days Gone and get it done. It's been a very painful experience so far, but once it's done I can take it off of my HDD.
PS4 - PGA 2K21
Xbox One - Battletoads
Switch - Paper Mario
Ghost Recon Wildlands
I'm still in Act 3 of Ghost of Tsushima. I hope to put in a long gaming session today and beat it. Should be able to platinum it before the end of the month. #goty
I’ve finished the main story & liberated everything, it’s a case of chasing all the missing collectibles now 😬
Return to arkham asylum
@Oldiebutnoobie Yeah it's light-hearted and entertaining and the opening credits and music are a delight.
Obviously games of some variety have been part of human culture for thousands of years but compared to the likes of film and television, let alone music, literature and the arts, video games are a very young artform. It may seem to some that gaming has almost gone as far as it can but the limits are sky high.
@Lovespuds. Thanks playa haha.darkest dungeons is one of the best game ever.so is dead cells.desperado 3 is really good.and im having fun with avengers data.amazing graphics and n.i.c.e gameplay.commando 2 will be cool also.word up son
Just finishing Detroit Become Human. I’ve really, really enjoyed it but have found it pretty stressful - just don’t want to get anyone killed.
Keep playing Ghost of Tsushima. I may actually finish Act 1 this weekend. We'll have to see.
This weekend I've gone back to Death Stranding,a game I love and have put in the hours but once Ghost released it sort of got forgotten.
Also as well as the usual Animal Crossing on Switch I'll be playing more of the excellent Slime Rancher.
Finally getting around to playing The last of us part 1 remastered on the PS4. I bought it a couple of years ago I think. previously finished on the PS3 a lot of years ago. I'm enjoying it I'm getting ready to start part 2
Just started chapter 13 last night in FF7REMAKE. That double boss fight at the end of chapter 12 had me fuming last night! But I couldn't shut it off until I beat them.
I have to say, I bought this game purely because of nostalgia. I never finished the original back on ps1 when I was a kid, but I did play a whole lot of it as I didn't have many games. Also, not a huge fan of RPGs.... BUT....
I am absolutely loving this game and I know I'm sort of getting near the end. I know how many chapters there are.. (I was curious)
Anyway this is quickly becoming one of my favorite PS4 games of all time. Definitely in my top 5. I'm gonna be really bummed when I finish this game... Might slow down a little bit and enjoy the last few chapters a little longer. I'm not one to replay games after I finish them, so I'll be dreaming of part 2 for the next few years!
@Col_McCafferty Woah what did you have instead of a PS2? Quite a number of people bought N64 instead of a PS1 and 360 instead of a PS3 and that's understandable, but PS2... everybody on the planet had a PS2 lol.
The new 2K golf game (which so far is awesome) and Horizon Dawn zero!
Tried the Avengers Beta and I honestly don't get all the criticism. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially playing as Hulk. Not just the smashing, but also the way he moves around. Had a blast and can't wait to play the game in single player and especially with friends.
@TheArt I never had a PS2 in its heyday. I had a GameCube because we had an n64 so my parents went with the next Nintendo console. I really regret selling the games tho. They've become really expensive. The GameCube broke so we naturally bought a backwards compatible wii.
I'll be playing resident evil 3 if I get some time.
Hi there fellow gamers.
This wekend I´ll be playing a few rounds of Remnant From the Ashes in online co-op with a friend who´s playing the game for
the first time. The game´s a lot of fun.
Also finishing Mortal Shell last two areas and Bosses. Even though it is a budget game only made by 15 people, they did a pretty good job on this one. Hope they have success with it and make a sequel.
And then maybe some more Oni slaying in Ni-Oh 2 on Dream of the Strong. Getting ready for Ghost of Tsushima Legends.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
@TheArt I wasn't really into console gaming back then other than when I was at a friend's house. The only game I really played on my own was Championship/Football Manager!
@Col_McCafferty Hi there firend.
I still need to give another go at Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I stoped playing the game when Ghost of Tsushima came out and never went back to it. Hope i like the game as much as you.
Now Shadow of the Colossus is a phenomenal game. Played it way back on PS2 when it came out and it was awesome talking to some friends, asking where they were in the game and wich Colossus had they fell and where to find them. Good times.
You don´t see many games like that one now a days.
Back then, devs used to be more risky with their projects. Fortunate, we still have amazing devs that put their heart and soul in their creations so that we, the players, can experience the wonderfull worlds and stories that they create with such passion.
Cheers, stay safe and have a great weekend
@RaZieLDaNtE Hi mate. If I'd had Ghost of Tsushima I think I would've played that over Lara's latest as well!
I'm not saying it's amazing (although as stated earlier the environments and tombs and caverns certainly are) nor does it reinvent the wheel BUT it's a really solid, well made game with a decent story and some really good combat.
I particularly enjoyed the segments where Lara covers herself in mud and goes into Rambo mode. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that enjoyed these segments.
Anyway, I think it's well worth playing and for me it might be the best of the three or at the very least it had the best setting.
I'm looking for a change of pace so Colossus looks like it will fill this need. Be interesting to see if it lives up to some of the hype.
Enjoy your weekend!
1. Avengers Beta (PC)
2. Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)
3. Othercide on the GO (GeforceNOW)
4. Remnant on the GO (GeforceNOW)
Been in the mood for Dragon Crown Pro.
Late to the party but probably Disco Elysium on PC and might start Concrete Genie or something shorter after finishing Ghost of Tsushima.
I had the same problem with the original as well. It was just so boring! Never liked the turn based combat either... But the remake is absolute dynamite IMO!
@Shigurui how you finding darksiders genesis? Just finished off the 3rd and really enjoyed it but am a bit put off by the change of perspective
@pepsilover2008 I had an N64 but after admitting the PS1 had some good games going and the advantages of disc, I knew PS2 was a no-brainer. And then PS3 and Xbox 360, first time I ever bought 2 consoles of the same gen. @Col_McCafferty Oh I see. Always heard about Football Manager but never really bothered.
Will be playing Rogue Company. Fantastic game when played with the right people.
@Lovespuds I'm playing Desperados 3 too but I must say I find it INCREDIBLY hard. Like getting killed in every mission straightaway hard. My brain struggles with strategy 😂
Wii Virtual Console for me. Shining Force 2 should take up all the time I have 😀
Other than Nioh 2, I'm watching my better half play The Witcher 3, which she has decided to restart. Quite a nice game to watch actually
@Deljo - I'm enjoying it but like you say the perspective is a bit offputting, the camera can be a bit janky but its not awful. I've stuck to using Strife mainly and playing it as a shooter, even on a massive TV the characters seem tiny and I'm finding playing melee as War is a bit of a mess. It's fun though, I'll definitely see it through to the end.
I'm rotating between New Super Lucky's Tale, Lost Sphear and Dark Souls: Remastered .
Still hooked on Civilization 6...just one more turn, 5 hours later...lol ☺
I moved to gaming on PC because of 1 game, Commandos, I could not get enough of the series and later on, the Desperados games, so I am quite comfortable with these games. I simply adore them, though nothing comes close to my first play through of Commandos 25 years ago.
I am surprised by how good the controls are on PS4 to be honest, very playable indeed.
Stick with it dude, hopefully it will click for you.
@777Reigns ha ha I hear ya. I lost the entirety of Xmas day to Civ 6...my Mrs. went mad lol. Indeed, lost many many hours to various editions of Civ over the years since the series came out. Addictive as crack
@Lovespuds oh I'll definitely stick with it, I have to conquer it. And yeah PC gaming had a golden age ....you ever play the Hidden & Dangerous games ? Superb
Finishing last chapter of Killzone Shadow Fall. Better late than never 😁
@SirAngry I found it a slow starter, picks up after 30 hours and I do love the bike mechanic when fully upgraded. The platinum wasn't too hard 😎
@Crowley22g calling it a slow starter is an understatement. There's a hell of a lot wrong with the game in terms of structure that I could go on about. I've already got the platinum, just trying to finish off a quick survivor run, and do the challenges to get the trophy completion to 100%. Not entirely sure why I'm doing it to myself to be honest, because it's a thoroughly mundane game with little to no redeeming features, and quite possibly one of the worst UIs in a modern game. Other than that I guess it's OK.
Still on holiday till Wednesday. Platinumed Got earlier in the week, finished A Plague Tale : Innocence yesterday afternoon will replay chapters for that platinum also,
Started Kiwami 2 and Moonlighter.
Took a break to finally watch American History X, 22 years after everyone raved about it. Very powerful film!
I don't blame you, @LiamCroft. Dragon Age Origins/Awakening is amazing. Play it the best way you can. I've only done 3 play throughs in the past but will boot it up again, some day.
Seems we are on the same page fella, I adored the Hidden and Dangerous series on PC too, along with the Ghost Recon/Rogue Spear games back in the day before they went arcadey.
@KingPev I started playing Ghost of T. but saw Civ 6 on sale and bought the expansions so I started it up to see how it was and there is so much to do. Need to get back to Ghost of T.☺
@777Reigns yep it will last you a lifetime that game. More expansions on the way too !
@Lovespuds Hidden & Dangerous 2 is one of my all time faves. Buggy as hell mind you but part of the appeal 🤣
@SirAngry lol, for all is flaws I still want a sequel 😁
@Crowley22g only if at the start of the second game I get to club Deek to death with a golf club... too soon?
I decided to spark up the old PS3 last night and I was playing Hard corps uprising and Everybodys golf. Two great games.
@SirAngry Think your confusing it with Last of Us Part 2 😂
@Westernwolf4 I'm loving it. Normally I'd be very slow to play a turn based game, but I'm genuinely enjoying this.
I might read the comics before I play any more of it in case something gets spoiled.
Wish we could get a remastered Dragon Age: Origins. Might as well include all the DLC and the slightly lacklustre second one too.
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