GTA Online’s luxury yachts have generally been considered a Dock Tease by fans, ever since they were introduced several years ago. The cruiseliners certainly look the part, but at around $6 million apiece, they proved to be primarily vanity items for the elite. A new update due out on 11th August, however, will add brand new co-op missions to the release – and you’ll launch them all from the sanctuary of your boat.
The Los Santos Summer Special is the first major update to Grand Theft Auto V’s online mode this year, and also comes with a bunch of brand new Open Wheel Races, a fleet of fresh vehicles, and more. “Galaxy Super Yacht owners will be able to engage in an all-new series of missions, either alone or with up to three shipmates,” explains the Rockstar Newswire. “Everything from deep-sea diving to high-speed hi-jinks on the high seas, there’s action for sailors of all stripes.”
If that’s not enough, you’ll find some brand new Business Battles, while the Diamond Casino & Resort will add a range of Adversary Modes to its premises. Of course, this is just the appetiser ahead of a much larger update due later in the year, with Rockstar promising that “Heists will return in GTA Online’s biggest ever update” later this year.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 16
Oh so my 7 million dollar purchase matters now, cool
The purpose is more cash grab
@Ah-Void To be fair to them, they have been updating this for seven years now.
@Ah-Void I bought the Digital version for £11 and have not spent anymore ...............the thing I love about GTA Online is it takes seconds to join in with others racing tennis golf gambling much more Outstanding game to just escape reality.
Rockstar can stick the Sharkcard where the Sun don't shine
@Number09 if it took seconds I'd play it more often. I spent 10 minutes trying to get into a game with a friend a couple of weeks ago. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic when you're playing it but the load times are atrocious, sure it's not as bad as the spectrum when I was growing up but it's unacceptable in this day and age.
Honestly I see why GTAV is coming to next gen. GTAO is still mad fun! GTAVI is the only thing going to stop this. I mean it's just these 2 games - GTAO & RDO that persuades me into buying Plus. Sony, MS know it's a vital moneymaker.
@get2sammyb And the sales of GTA V are still in the top 10.
Hence why GTA 6 wont be out till 2025
@Liberty____1st slight exaggeration on my part 10 mins is no fun. Ahhh the spectrum amazing how far its evolved we were the outcasts in our day now gaming is the norm.
Sure GTA online is kinda impressive but damn I miss old Rockstar! By now we would have 3 or 4 new gta games or something, but they just keep milking the same one!
I made millions grinding double pay weeks of import export and bunker business. My yacht, half price sale, was basically a trophy purchase. After two weeks admiring it the novelty wore off and it has been at least a year since my last visit.
It will be cool if this new update adds some interesting uses for my yacht and can make this 7 year old map feel fresh again for at least a couple of weeks,
@TheArt I think its easy money nothing more nothing less. With the microtransactions of fake cash bundles for €99 WTF.
I haven't seen the aussie captain Brendon in ages.
@get2sammyb I'm going to play GTAV as soon as they announce GTAVI. Worked for Skyrim. Well technically TES6 but you know what I mean.
Though I'm never playing the online, just the single player story.
Maybe I should hold off on The Witcher 3 until TW4 gets announced, I've waited this long.
I mean, Rockstar isn't "milking it", they're creating new content, cars, weapons, heists, missions, tracks, etc. I could understand complaining if they didn't do anything, but that's not accurate.
@Number09 I love GTA when I'm playing it but the load times are painful. That was definitely a bad night but in my experience trying to get a group of friends together in GTA can take quite some time.
Although these days I play way too much rocket League and I've been spoilt by the speed at which you can boot the game and be playing, when GTA online first came out it was everything I imagined it would be and I ignored the load times. Hopefully next gen will fix these issues as it really is an incredible playground with lots of fun things to do.
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