Final Fantasy XVI is real, and it's a PlayStation 5 console exclusive. It doesn't have a date yet, but we do get to see gameplay in the trailer that we've embedded above. It's difficult to say how far along the project is, but we're hyped.
No, really
Final Fantasy XVI is real, and it's a PlayStation 5 console exclusive. It doesn't have a date yet, but we do get to see gameplay in the trailer that we've embedded above. It's difficult to say how far along the project is, but we're hyped.
Comments 111
Looks absolutely amazing, really all I could've hoped for when it came to FF 16 reveal
Can't wait to play it on PC with my RTX 6090 by the time it launches.
That's so cool, but is it just me or is this more violent than usual?
And Console Exclusive? That kinda stings.
Oh my god
This looks so good. Gameplay looks interesting too. I’m expecting this to launch between the second and third parts of the remake.
Oh my God spiderman looked amazing for a short game and Harry potter? Wtf is this Christmas
That's one hell of a start. They really mean business.
Very little interest in another FF, but it being exclusive is HUGE!
I don’t like the look of it. Obviously going for a game of thrones feel but more action combat meh. Why are they so afraid of good turn based combat.
@redd214 agreed console exclusivity is massive!
It looks, off or something. But I'm sure it'll be fixed up by release in 2025
I think I saw the main character shoot a fire spell and I hope elements have actual meaning in this game unlike ffxv. The trailer is just epic tho.
It does look good, and an improvement over 15, but also perhaps a bit generic and lacking in style for a FF game. Even the Chocobos didn’t help much. I think the trailer needed a few airships.
Excited to see more though.
So insane, those leaks were true ! . Always excited for a mainline FF game.
I'm shocked a mainline FF game is THAT bloody. Color me interested.
Intriguing, see you in 2026.
I’m not liking the look of it. It’s very Western anime-ish.
@HotGoomba more violent is good, got Type-0 vibes and that was one of my faves
No, no and no.
I’m sorry, but I don’t want my Final Fantasy games to be bloody, dark and Souls-like.
It looks like a good game, but definitely not the style of a mainline FF (or a game I would play). As a long time fan with high hopes for FF16, I’m disappointed.
The Sony Square connection is a thing now, and I'm happy for it!
Thought it looked so drab and awful
I thought it was a remake at first 😵😵🤷 DONT get me wrong I’ve never really played any previous final fantasy so I don’t know! But even that was running on PC? Idk it looked off
@Cloud39472 why make it a mainline game if it breaks the traditions that the fan base likes?
Dragon Quest knows what it is and the fans know what they’re getting.
Square could have called this “Final Fantasy Generic Souls-like Game”. But instead they chose to make it mainline and some of us long term fans don’t want that. I’ve never complained about any other mainline FF game, but this appears to be a massive departure from the norm.
@Cloud39472 That would be nice, so my poor beloved FF13 can catch a break!
My first impression of this one is that they're chasing The Witcher / Dark Souls / Game of Thrones money. Personally, I'm mostly interested in the battle system and music, so we'll see how it ends up!
Square Enix has tried way too hard to be more western since buying Eidos.
This game is banned in my gaming area after i saw something after 2 minutes.
Well... Only until FF XIII i guess i still allowed.
It looked a bit emo but I'll wait to see more before making any rash decisions
Looks good but FF has to drop the crystal gimmick, always blooming crystals.
@Cloud39472 when the quality moving away from turn based has seen such a significant drop, fans have a right to complain about it.
Not exactly a surprise is it? Absolutely everything is spoiled these days.
I like the return to a more medieval setting.
W...was that Phoenix fighting IFRIT?
The characters reminded me of FFXV which is a negative for me at least, I honestly thought it was FFXV-2 at first. Also I hope Sony didn't pay a penny for this as is not even time exclusive let alone exclusive.
Thought it looked very drab, generic and lacking in the usual FF charm. Early days tho.
This gen is basically the console with the most power vs the console with all the good games, only one winner in my opinion.
Il give you a clue..... My name
No indication of a party system. No interesting looking characters. It looks like the boring political game people accuse XII of being.
Bleh. Bring on FFVII Remake 2!
I am a big FF fan but I must say the art direction looks pretty unimaginative and doesn’t tickle me AT ALL
Day 1 whenever it comes out.
This is how you do it. Release the classics, Release a remake and ALSO release something "new".
Pick a poison.
@stinkyx No offence ,but FF13 story telling sucked,and it is even made more appalling, since it was a trilogy,it had more time to spread out the story it was trying to tell,but instead, we got a blazblue type of convoluted story telling ,with a female cloud.So yes that game deserves all its hate. I wasted so many hours on that game, only to be left disappointed.
I wonder if anyone at Square even remembers that Final Fantasy used to be a RPG, not an action game. Lesigh...
I wonder how much the decision to be a console exclusive title was based on the Xbox Series S specs, and the difficulty and sacrifices that might need to be made to target that profile if they were to launch on the Xbox as well?
@kyleforrester87 'GENERIC'! That's the word I was looking for. Charachters just looked bleeegh. Uninspired. I mean, I thought the main charachter was from FF14 to start. I thought it was FF14 expansion to begin with.
I know its early but It looks like a generic action rpg. I'll get more excited nearer release but man, I'm not super hyped for this. Just mildly interested.
@graysoncharles I don’t know, for me it feel this is too far a departure.
Yes, God of War changed, but all their games are still action/adventure games. Dragon Quest added new features but still has its core gameplay the same as always.
This change is like if they made Call of Duty a top down shooter and released it as mainline game or made the next mainline Monster Hunter a turn based RPG.
People rightly voice their opinions. The fact this is a mainline game is why I take exception. I want a JRPG, even if it is MMO or isn’t turn based. I don’t want Dark Souks.
@themcnoisy They should just make materia in every game. It works so well. It's the perfect combat system.
@Fenbops I have come to terms with losing proper turn based but I do like the party system and that looks missing from this too? How can it be a FF game when the combat is 1 on 1?
@Cloud39472 not many are complaining about turn based. It hasn’t been a defining aspect of mainline Final Fantasy games for years.
FF11, FF12, FF14 and FF15 and FF7R were NOT turn based, but they are all great mainline JRPGs and stuck to the core elements of what makes them mainline Final Fantasy games.
This game is a big departure and it is okay for people to not like it, even if you do. But the turn based factor is truly not an issue.
@Cloud39472 I’m not saying don’t reinvent, but they’ve completely left behind part of what people liked FF games for. FF7R was just ok imo. Everything they took from the original was great, the rest I didn’t like and while the combat was fun, I felt it was pretty shallow.
@Cloud39472 No, the whole obsession with crystals came in arounds 12-13....
@Ralizah I played FF12 on PS4 that games so underrated!!
Sony secured it before Google gets the exclusive on a dead market. It's better this way I suppose. If it's as "good" as FF15, then it'll be a hard pass. Hopefully they learned from their lessons
@kiki3400 12 was pretty good that wasn’t turn based, they feel more like devil may cry than FF games now though.
@Cloud39472 Because they are fans?And to be honest with you, I am actually ok with action jrpg's,but what worries me mist is the story telling,and I will be honest with you, Final Fantasy story telling prowess went to the gutter, after Final Fantasy 12,which is a shame because the world and character design are so cool,but the characters do not feel deep enough or even enjoyable,and at times some of the story plot points feels like an after thought.
And as I look at Final Fantasy 16,not even their world and character design choice,look interesting,let's hope the gameplay and story fixes it.
@Cloud39472 that is the thing that got me excited. So glad it has more of a medievil and mythical theme. I did not like the modern day aspects of FF15
@jamberino93 It's likely very early in development, which is why the models (specifically the hair) looked bad.
@Ralizah Yeah, it looks more like something Bethesda would release. Very brown/gray, boring charachters and I hope it does have some kind of party system or how can they call themselves FF? It's FF12 for me all over again.
@Fenbops I hate the combat in FF12 with a fiery passion. I hated it on PS2 and I tried it again on PS4. That was the game that turned me away from FF until 15.
I like the medieval theme--it's a nice balance to the sci-fi of FFVII remake. I was hoping we were back in the world of FF12. It reminds me of when they went away from SF in FF9. I enjoyed FF15 with its cars and radios so mixing things up is cool.
@kiki3400 did you like 15 cause a lot of people don’t? 12 is the last FF game I’d say was really good, 14 is brilliant but a whole different beast.
@Cloud39472 Yeah but there were no crystals in 6, 7 or 8. or 9? I can't remember about 9. Nothing in 10. Didn't play 11 so can't say. It came back in 13 with a vengence and it's been in every iteration since. Type 0 etc. They really went hard in the last 10 years. And the best games in the franchise imho are the ones that don't have 'crystals'.
Don't come at me dude. I love FF franchise but I can still feel disappointed with this. Just because I'm not gushing like fountain, doesn't mean I'm not a fan.
@Fenbops I am one of the few that enjoyed 15. But I didn't play it till Crimbo 18/19, played the Royal Edition. I know it's a flawed game but I loved the gameplay loop and the charachters. Just fell in love. LOL
@Cloud39472 the combat is one thing. Not the fact it isn’t turn based, but because it is Souls-like and lacks team play and other elements that make this a JRPG. This is an Action-RPG that focuses on 1v1 big boss battles.
The world building is another thing. This is much more dark and bloody than other entries. It’s lacking in the magic of the previous games and the feel of the game is just a big departure from the norm.
I maybe can’t explain it exactly what I’m thinking/feeling but this isn’t what I was expecting. I’m disappointed and it is okay for me (or anyone else) to have an opinion in this game that is different to your view without us being wrong.
@Cloud39472 no sadly you’re right it probably isn’t.
@rachetmarvel Hey mon, dem's fightan words! Lol. I personally really liked the story of FF13, although I woulda been lost if not for the codex explaining everything. The message about fighting against fate really helped me get back on my feet at that time (the 2008-2011 recession) so that game is very dear to me. I even played some tracks from OST at the reception part of my wedding, lol. Even with the story aside, I absolutely looooved the gameplay and music for all 3 of the entries, so it was the total package for me.
That's all, just wanted to gush about the FFXIII series!
@Kienda I second everything you just said.
Yessss! Feeling giddy diving into next gen!
@stinkyx you crazy! just kidding.
@stinkyx I missed when 13 came out. Busy being a mum, so I am playing it through now on an ancient PS3 and I am enjoying it so far. Combat has taken a little bit of getting used to but so far it's been fine, not the hideous disaster everyone makes it out to be. Music slaps defintely.
@themcnoisy That's like asking Dragon Quest to drop the dragons... Or Monster Hunter to drop Rathalos. Or Pokemon to drop Pikachu. Crystals are emblematic to Final Fantasy. Even the title art for each Final Fantasy looks like a crystal reflection.
To your point though, the trailer subtitle hinted toward pulling a "let the past die" Star Wars The Last Jedi stunt of defying/destroying the Jedi Scriptu-- I mean the crystal.
@kiki3400 13.. you’re crazy too ha.
@stinkyx Well honestly ,I can not truly reprimand you,since I to ,enjoy a controversial final fantasy game,which is final fantasy 15,but I just wanted people to know that if they are going to play that trilogy for the first time,they have to lower their expectations for the story.
Plus it did not help,that Final Fantasy 13,was when final fantasy began to truly drop in quality(personal opinion).
@Cloud39472 no worries. I don’t think you’re wrong to like it either, but you’re defending this against all those who are voicing opposition and making out that we are wrong for doing so and this is totally normal for a series to depart from its core so strongly. (I know you don’t mean it, but that’s how it came across).
I just can’t understand how this is a mainline Final Fantasy.
Yes, it will be popular. Just as many other Action RPGs and dark games are. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t doing a disservice to many of the fans.
@kiki3400 Do not be fooled,every publicly denounced game is always exaggerated, in terms of how bad it is,but trust me,play the whole trilogy, in close approximation within one another,and then come back here,you will not feel the game is bad,in terms of gameplay or ost,but you will most likely be let down by the story line and character decisions,to the point that it will discourage you to do a rerun.
@Cloud39472 I do not think ,you can use the word entitled ,for a paying customer.
@nessisonett they went back to their roots. I love it! This is what fans wanted for a long time.
@rachetmarvel LOL I do own them all, but if I am being hnest it's not drawing me in like a normal FF does. Usually, it's all I play until I have wrung every drop out of it but 13, I'm meh.. so I understand where the negativity about it comes from. I like almost all of the charachters except Ligtning which hurts cause I want to like her soooo much but she is so freaking dreary! lol I'm not far into it though. Just chapt 4. Got distracted by Ghost of Tsushima.
@Kienda where have they said it’s souls like? I agree with everything you’ve said throughout this thread tho!
@Cloud39472 lol.
Okay, you say you didn’t mean to say I was wrong but in your replies you have said I am “entitled”, “make no sense” when voicing an opinion and been critical of everyone who doesn’t like a departure from turn based gameplay (even though that’s not what we are complaining about).
But yes, I am going to complain when the franchise I have supported since the SNES has departed so heavily from the norm. It isn’t entitlement, it is the reason we are fans of the game.
If Call of Duty changed from FPS to Action-RPG and released it as a mainline game, people would feel they have let the fans down. The same if FIFA become a football manager game, for example.
It doesn’t matter if Souls-like games are more popular or anything. If I wanted one of those games, I’d play Dark Souls or expect this to be a side game in the Final Fantasy franchise, but for a mainline game, I think the departure isn’t a service to the loyal fans who have shown the support all this time.
And FF11 and 14 were closer to the mainline than this is. Yes, MMO’s are different but they still have many similarities.
@rachetmarvel completely agree, FF started going downhill with 13. 14 is phenomenal though but I don’t class it as a main FF game being the MMORPG that it is.
@Cloud39472 yeah I mean there have been so good ones like 7,8, and 10(which I guess I more post apocalyptic like horizon) but 15 just felt out of place. I am excited to be going back to more magical time.
@Onion_Knight I appreciate the medieval style but honestly you could have called that trailer Bob’s Epic Quest and nobody would bat an eyelid. It felt strangely spin-offy like it would be a Type 0 or Crisis Core.
@Fenbops the fact it is 1 v 1 action combat with an emphasis on dodging/attacking.
It’s not exactly Souls-like in every aspect (and obviously we don’t know everything in the game) but there was no sign of having a party or anything like that.
@Kienda he also used the phrase 'you people' and was the one replying to everyone so DID ask for people to talk to him. But hey-ho.
Anyhoo. Fav FF of all time??
@thedevilsjester The trailer says that Final Fantasy XVI is a PS5 timed exclusivity so it will be released on Xbox eventually.
@kiki3400 thanks, I just noticed that.
@Cloud39472 he’s right you said to me, “why are you people still here”. So I don’t know how you weren’t meaning to say I was wrong or weren’t meaning to be offensive.
I’ve supported Square Enix with every Final Fantasy. I have never complained. Today I am.
I’m not saying you’re wrong for liking the game. I hope you enjoy it. But I won’t be touching it. And I’ll be sad if a once great franchise (in my eyes) is moving to something so generic and well used instead of sticking to its unique style that set it apart from other games.
So 2025?
This is Square-Enix. It took Final Fantasy 15, nine years to come out. If this is out before 2023, i'd be shocked.
@Kienda I understand where you’re coming from, it was a bizarre showing for an FF game that’s for sure. I’d be surprised if they don’t show party members in the future.
One thing I really did like was the English voicing, maybe that’s because I’m in the UK though lol. Remember when FF games used to set the bar for graphics... this one doesn’t do that imo.
@Fenbops don’t get me wrong, there are elements of it that look good and things I like.
It just wasn’t what I was expecting for a mainline Final Fantasy. And that’s that sticking point for me.
@Kienda I’m right there with you. I lost interest with 15 and FF7R only solidified that they’re going in a direction that’s not for me. That’s fine it’s their choice they make the games. I get the feeling I’m not the only long time FF fan feeling this way tho.
@Cloud39472 10, closely followed by 7 then 8 and then 7R and 15
@kiki3400 no love for 9? 9 is soooo good 🙂
@Cloud39472 I think the responses may be because you started out by blanket criticising everyone who wasn’t so keen on the game as having a problem and clearly some of wanted to defend our views.
The fact is, we are all passionate about these games and all emotionally connected with them.
Apologies for any hard feelings.
@Kienda I know exactly where you are coming from however, each new FF changes things. Key tenants of FF are gathering a crew, levelling, physical attacks, magical attacks, a variety of enemies, Boss fights, a world spannaning narrative, a new world each time, a new set of characters each time, wonderful locations, great music, chocobos and muggles. Everything else is up for grabs.
The major disappointment for FF13 and why its regularly disappointed long time fans; it was a boring slog and an average game.
No npcs, No towns, constant corridor walking, gated levelling, bizarre falcie lcie naming conventions and each new area had a rubbish implementation of gradually increasing enemy mobs which is hardly ever talked about. It was a by the numbers snooze fest with a bizarre story and hardly anything going on. The post game pulse stuff was fantastic but we weren't allowed that as we couldn't be trusted with the complex mechanics for the first 80% of the game, when the game for the most part played itself. 5/10.
FF15 on the other hand is really interesting and has some stellar ideas. I loved the world, cooking and the story was great (but really disjointed). It still has the FF soul.
@Cloud39472 three houses? Quality.
@themcnoisy To be fair, a good part of many RPGs is just "smash X to battle." When you're grinding to level up, you just go out and kill weak mobs by mashing X. When you're playing normally, outside of bosses, you're not doing much better...you navigate through a menu to your strongest spell and press X. Not much strategy either way until you reach a boss. Even in late-game for many of the FF games I played, I remember that my strategy for every boss was just cast reflect and hover and haste on my party and then spam the biggest spells, lol.
That's why I think it's unfair to single-out FF13, just because they simplified it (but then added complexity by introducing the paradigm system where you have to react and smartly counter your enemies).
@Cloud39472 it’s a belter. I like that type of game anyway but mixing in the persona type school part made it even more enjoyable and personal. Enjoy!
I guess Square Enix have no faith in the new Xbox for them to make this ps5 and pc only. Will many other companies do this?
@Cloud39472 Three Houses is sooo freaking good! What house you playing as?
@Fenbops Weeellllllll. I remeber buying 9 and I did play it, but at the time, when I was a lofty twenty something coming off the back of 7 and 8, 9 felt to me a bit flat. This is why I am not a fan of the medievel setting as I tend not to enjoy those ones as much. I really didn't enjoy the character design. It was my first FF with tails and ears and it all felt a little 'childish' dare I say?
I still have my OG PS1 game and I bought it again to replay on PS4 I just haven't got round to it. I'm hoping I'll enjoy it more than when I was a moody teenager. LOL
@themcnoisy I agree whole heartedly about your post.
@Fenbops Couldnt agree more with this observation, I really dig this trailer!! I'm not even the biggest FF fan, yet this looks like best kind of gaming theater
@Fenbops FF hasn't been turn-based since IV, with the exception of X. Imagine you're playing chess and as you think about your next move, the opponent keeps moving pieces. That's not turn-based. Since the SNES they've been trying to get a more real time system going for the system, as limited by the hardware.
@Boldfoxrd The Xbox sells terribly in Japan so it's not a hard call for them. It also doesn't sell well compared to PS anywhere outside of America. Like, the original Xbox only sold 6 million outside of North America. In one week after FF7R released in Japan, the PS4 outsold the entire life time sales of the XB1 there. That said, as it says in the trailer, this is only a timed console exclusive for PS4.
@Matroska You are wrong. ATB is turned based. It's just that your turn has a time limit. Would you say chess is not turn based? Do you play chess simultaneously with your opponent? Ofc not.
Anyways, I'm hoping for a good story for a change and for god sake, please not be another FF13 dud.
@Turbodream Your turn has a time limit, yeah, but the enemy can act while you do nothing. Time is always moving, the exact opposite of turn-based. Most FFs don't have a system where it's one character's turn and nothing can happen until they take that turn. It's even in the name Active Time Battle, active time is another way of saying real time; time is active, it's always moving. Compare to the actual turn-based FFX where it wasn't ATB, it was CTB - Conditional Turn Based. Active Time versus Turn Based; it's even in the name of the battle system.
But anyway, yeah, this story does look better but it's too early to be sure, of course. I can't help but see the phoenix in the logo and story as a metaphor and acknowledgment that this a a rebirth of the series after it lost its way.
The art style looks very similar to FF XIV, so it'll be interesting to see how similar the two end up being. Gameplay wise, I'm not sure if it reminds me more of XV or VII Remake; hopefully the latter, but it might end up somewhere in between.
The thing I'm most apprehensive about though is the story. Not sure if I missed something, but what was presented didn't seem that clear or interesting, but maybe a rewatch will make things clearer *shrugs *.
Looks to me like they liked the FFXV engine or spent a fortune on it so they wanna re-use it. Is it just me or Titan summon is identical?
@kiki3400 9 is the second best for me just behind 7. 9’s fantasy setting is so good and it has an amazing story and music. Definitely worth a revisit if you can!
For me my favorite games are FF7/8 and then 9. Final Fantasy 10 is the one i need too finish. I quit 12 after i found out i could not get the Final weapon of a character because i opened a crate in the start of the game. 😆
Confirmed, Final Fantasy XVI has a one-year console exclusivity deal and a six-months exclusivity deal. In other words, it will launch on Windows six months later and on Xbox one year later.
Wow. Graphically, this looks amazing. I like the references to the older games with the enemies and the Espers.
Let's just hope 16 doesn't require mashing one button for 100+ hours.
I'm ok with the action-rpg elements but 15's combat was boring as hell. Some strategic play is welcomed. Summons felt meaningless and magic was to cumbersome to make/use. 16 definitely should improve majorly on that bit!!
Trailer is just awesome, as is it's setting. The darker medieval style is gorgeous. I don't expect to play this when my kiddos are in the same room. Too realistic looking and the blood flying around will surely create a few nightmares for the little ones. But I'm ok with that, I prefer these kinda settings. Perfect for my setup in the bedroom 👍
This trailer blew me away at the start of showcase...wasn't expecting so much violence and blood.
Hopefully for everyone else's sake they still use a party system and some level of turn based combat.
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