Crikey, heck – Demon’s Souls sure is a looker on the PlayStation 5, isn’t it? Alongside confirmation of some Digital Deluxe bonuses, Sony has showcased four new screenshots from Bluepoint’s upcoming remake – and it looks obscenely beautiful. We’re not going to do justice to these with words, so we’ll just embed the images for you to pore over below:
Are you looking forward to this next-gen tour-de-force? Is it going to be the first game you play on your PS5? Slay the dragon in the comments section below.
Comments 60
3/10 where is 4K 60FPS Jim Ryan must be fired this is an outrage what are commas Sony more like Bony Sturgeon must condemn
Absolutely stunning.
not enough triangles
mark cerny is slacking
(Heart stops after seeing jaw dropping screenshots)
Can't wait to see the high fidelity mode after seeing the 60fps mode.
Looks really good, the pricing isn't however.
Day one for me for some hardcore gameplay. And sack boy adventures for some light entertainment.
I really can't wait to see this with HDR. That screenshot with the dragon blowing fire just looks like it will pop on an HDR screen.
This look stunning. The VERY FIRST thingI'll play on PS5, guaranteed
@TheFrenchiestFry But Mark Cerny is an anagram of triangle?
This will look good on my 65” Samsung Q90R with HDR shining through.
It’s handy the USA go first as we will get reviews of all the games prior to U.K. release.
@Dezzy70 It's going to be torture!
Looks great. Now please tell me the cable included with the PS5 is certified ultra high speed HDMI 2.1
Honestly, this is the reason I'm still getting a launch PS5. With Sony's terrible communication and questionable policies as of later, after the first pre-order slip-up, I wouldn't have bothered the effort of camping overnight or watching sites. Demon's Souls has pulled me in and convinced me. I haven't seen more convincing next-gen game.
This is a next gen must have tbh
It's also a bit like Bloodborne ; trolls just look like fools whining about the game.
Just pre-ordered for launch. Playing Dark souls 3 at the moment. Never played a souls game before but it's fantastic and this one looks phenomenal. Can't bloody wait!!!!
This is how you bring back an old game. Would love to see it. But really do not want the torture of playing it again 😅
Maybe if they do a "1 hit Kill" mode like in the Demo for the rest of us (or God mode). I would pay for it just as a Digital Art in Gaming showcase.
Demon souls forever guys.
This time Sony will have tough competition against Microsoft🤗
Ps3 vs ps5
@Dezzy70 good choice, same as me! Though I’ll likely also add dirt 5 if it reviews well...
Edit: also lots of news today, have Sony finally woken up and realised their radio silence was not helping their cause?
Oh yes. This is all I need. 🤤
It’s good to see Sony waking up with news.
Some more new in the console itself would be nice. SSD memory left for game installs I guess we won’t get 825gb. Also maybe SSD memory expansion. Maybe some PS4 games PS5 enhanced gameplay. Still lots to find out about.
Well being honest if we are at 60fps 4K max even with HDR VRR etc you don’t need hdmi 2.1. The PS4 Pro and one x have proven that already.
I'm confused by this article and the reactions to these images. This looks alright but is very far from "next gen". Visually it's on par with early releases on the Xbox One/PS4 but more recent games blow this out of the water.
@Dezzy70 but there is bunch of features tight together with hdmi 2.1. Like VVR and 120 fps and ALLM
It does look great, and I’m absolutely getting it but it being a remake does take the edge off a little.
I hope to play this before the end of 2021.
I have a Samsung Q90R you get 60fps 4K HDR VRR and ALLM. When running a one x.
HDMI 2.1 is when we start going over 60fps at 4K and of course for 8K TVs.
There is a lot of smoke and mirrors with HDMI 2.1 all heightened by TV manufactures so you buy a new TV.
@Dodoo That Or They Are Simply Ready To Talk.
@710king yes yes. Those Digital Foundry jokers huh? "Excelling far past what was possible with Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 on PS4" "
Amazing.demon souls is definitely easier than dark souls.its a cool game.i enjoy it on on ps5 will be legendary.word up son
It's too real! It's like the dragon is flying right at me!
@Swimmercanoeist1 And that is demonstrated where or how exactly? My current Skyrim modded playthrough blows these visuals out of the water.
Hold up I just watched Digital Foundry's video showing off a bunch of gameplay and this game looks exactly how I described it: an early eighth gen title. The animations are better than early eighth gen games though, I'd put those on par with more recent releases. But where is the "next gen"?
I guess this is the minimum amount of detail in expecting from next gen. I won't tolerate any less.
@Dan_ozzzy189 100% agree, getting this game at launch as I pre-ordered it already, but other titles wont get my 125AUD. No way.
@Dezzy70 There are already games with features that require hdmi 2.1. Cold wars 4k 120fps, for example. I would just like to see all those featured unlocked from day one.
That outside shot of Boletaria is very interesting! I wonder if we'll see connected paths between the worlds this time.
Golly I hope this game has photo mode (or some sort of integration with the create button, whatever THAT ends up doing). The screenshots from fans will truly be second to none.
@playstation1995 - i disagree. dark souls is easier - bonfires make it so.
@eddie429. I beat demon souls 2 years was easier for me.word up son
@Dezzy70 Same here!
@graysoncharles well, they're promoting it because thats what the console is capable of doing. Certified hdmi 2.1 cable standard is so new, there is yet to be a manufacturer to release one. I hope you’re right and the next gen consoles will come with.
Looks absolutely beautiful, I still own the original on PS3, I had to import it from Japan when it first released there.
I really want this, but £70 for a single game, I feel I should vote with my wallet how I feel about this.
If you want the best, play ALL your games on the Xbox Series X.
@Dan_ozzzy189 Depends on the amount of content. Perhaps there's something new to this game. Either way, could just wait until the price drops. Always an option.
Wait, that third screenshot... Is this confirmation of new content?
Can a remake win game of the year?
@graysoncharles i understand “most people” wont need 2.1. I do as i actually have a 4k 120hv oled. I want the 2.1 to take full advantage, otherwise my tv and ps5 are limited by a cable. It will be more common soon and it would be nice to see sony include the cable .
Easily the best looking game I’ve seen to date.
Awwww man, the soul reason I brought a launch ps5, no pun intended, so hyped for this !!! , I never played the original, i didn't get into the souls series untill the the PS4 remasters and just feel in love there after, looks beautiful, coooome on Nov 19 come to puppa
@IMadMonsterI But no Demon Souls. 😆 👍
It is, although you won’t need it for games up to 4K 60fps (which this is not anyway). 4K 120fps yes it’s needed.
New Sony 900H TV- Check
Samsung/HK 2.1 Soundbar- Check
PS 5-PE Preorder from Bestbuy- Check
Extra Dualsense Controller- Check
Dualsense charging dock- Check
Demon's Souls Pre-order- Check
Spiderman Miles Morales- Check
Godfall Pre-order- Check
Unbridled Insane Enthusiasm-Unchecked!
@graysoncharles man i just want them to include the cable. Not have a long form tech debate lol. Happy gaming, buddy.
@thefourfoldroot im aware of what its needed for. I would just like to see the proper cable come with the ps5.
It will be included, just saying it’ll barely ever be needed.
@thefourfoldroot It will be needed. It hasn't been confirmed by sony to be included. I think you might just be assuming. Hope you’re right
I guess I am assuming, it would be ridiculous if not
I pre-ordered a ps5 for this game.
I really hope it won't get delayed. Looks damn good!
I didn't get my ps5 to play this game specifically but I'll probably obtain it soon. I'm not a big fan of fromsoftware games which is kind of funny because I own all 3 souls games, bloodbourne, and sekiro. I keep buying them with the hope that this one will finally be the one to get me into series.
Look at the first shot, u don't see detail like that in cutscenes this gen.
U are a joker. Yeah, looks like early XB1 quality GTFO. Clown.
Demon's Souls on PS5 is stunning. Imagine how it'll look in 4K with ray tracing/HDR in detail mode on our TVs?
Sony is doin work. An actual launch lineup with next gen exclusives. I feel bad for Xbox fans, I can play XB1 games on Gamepass though.
Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Godfall, Sackboy, Destruction All-Stars, Astro. A real launch lineup.
@iamtylerdurden1I'm sorry that you think this looks special, I don't know what games you've been playing but this is nothing next-gen.
"Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Godfall, Sackboy, Destruction All-Stars, Astro. A real launch lineup."
The only thing here I even consider a bonafide AAA game is Demon's Souls which I've played many times through already. Some updated textures and lighting are not enough to make me pay $70+ to play it again. If you think the PS5 has a good launch lineup you are a hardcore fanboy plain and simple. If the PS5 had some AAA epic massive open world rpgs at launch it would easily be the better system and launch. But it doesn't. And it doesn't even have any of those in development. Two remasters, a dlc turned into a game, a looter-shooter microtransaction machine, a pre-bundled tech demo, a toddler game, and a vehicle combat game are just about the last things I would ever want.
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