The PS5 has already been confirmed as Sony's biggest ever console. This next-gen system is a beast, and these new photographs (via Roberto Serrano on Twitter) make its size very apparent.
It's a weird looking console, isn't it? The white plates that sandwich the system's core have a serious curve to them, and depending on the angle, there's a distinct lack of symmetry.
The photos also show the stand that comes with the console. As you can see, the stand has a kind of latch that attaches to the back of the PS5 when the system is on its side, holding the two together.
What do you think of the PS5's design? Would you have preferred something a little more familiar, or do you like how unique it looks? Stop staring in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 160
It's still ugly. Behind my TV you go!
The more I see it the less I like it, specially the white color
I genuinely think it looks better in these pictures than in the promo shots. Obviously they’re not the most flattering photos, but it looks more like a real console rather than a weird piece of pottery here.
Is that a flap on the top
backfront corner? Wondering if that's where an m2 card slots inI think it looks a lot better stood up, I'm going to see if I can find a space to do just that when it comes
It’s a beast all right! I’d love to know the height of it in that position.
It's like that dog that is just so darn ugly but you love it anyway. I'm either going to try to keep it standing up or have it facing me like the second pic. The second pic looks the most acceptable.
The white casing is just so strange looking. I quite like the curvature of the inner black casing!
It look fantastic.
Most people need it horizontal too. Its large but not a deep as the ps4 so it will fit better.
I'm definitely putting this one up straight. I think it looks neat when standing up and from the front. On its side it looks a little weird.
At least it has character unlike either of the new xbox’s
As a weird looking object myself, I approve.
What are we saying.. about 400mm x 290mm? Not sure that will fit under the TV.
I like it, it's quite striking compared to xbox's Space Odyssey monolith and Sony Walkman styles
I've see a lot of people say the xbox looks 'bold'.🙄 (Amazon delivery box)
Now THIS is bold 😃
It looks like someone made art with lasagne.
Very glad to see 2 USB ports on the back.
Just a question: why is Push Square so anti-Sony in your latest articles? And question 2, does it have to do with all the Xbox ads on your site the last 6 months????
It looks considerably better stood up than laid on its side. The bottom also looks really ugly now that I have a clear view of it
@Zeke68 I think the adds are just targeted at us because we are all gaming nerds. Not pushsqares fault what gets advertised.
Would have been nice if Sony actually released full photos of the whole console. Is this the 1st photos we have of the back of the console? Looks kinda weird in the photos. Originally I prefer it lying flat then standing it up like on the official photo. But now, I think I’ll be standing mines up.
I’m sure they’ll be a massive blowout of new info this coming week. The real question is if they bring out a black version will I trade the white one in?? I probably would tbh!
@get2sammyb I agree. You're seeing the real console in a real environment. It's like the difference between a model and a photoshopped picture of a model.
It definitely would look much better in the vertical position.
I dunno, both this and the Xbox are kinda wacky looking but I quite like them both.
Hopefully at least one of the white sides will come off, then you could spray paint it whatever color you wanted. Thats what i did with my ps4 pro, the top is painted silver
@TheNewButler that would be good. Custom designs would be massive
I definitely get ps3 vibes at certain angles. It's a playstation alright!
@TheNewButler my only question to that is the physical edition has the disc drive in the one side so not sure how easily that would come off
I'm actually going off it the more I see it lately. I kinda feel like it's gonna look really tacky and dated in a few years time
It's a strange design, but it's growing on me the more I see it.
They showed us the back in the presentation. I distinctly remember seeing two USB ports glowing blue.
@bbauer36 relatively easily I'd guess. The front comes off my PC case and that has loads of doors, fan grilles, USB ports etc, while that white side panel just has an open slot covering the drive opening
@TheGamerKing what do you mean. The first picture is literally the back side. Ethernet, hdmi, power and 2 usbs. The vents do make me feel optimistic about the heating efficiency. But we will see once outlets like digital foundry will get their hands on it
@Boxmonkey nobody will realise it's a gaming product without loads of RGB lighting?
How do u access the area where you can add the NVMe drive ?
@PSfanboy1992 there's some weird curvature on the front top corner which could be a slot or flap, but others are saying the white bits unclip like XPressOn™ covers back in the day.
Wait if '92 was when you were born you might not remember the old Nokia phone covers
The inspiration!
It looks glorious. I can't wait.
That's an ugly MF console.
Upright: beautiful and sleek
On its side: hilariously derpy
@Zeke68 We love PlayStation and we’re all super excited for PS5. Not sure why you think that to be honest?
I love it. It looks like a high tech price of art from the future. It will fit in my space themed game room very well
@theheadofabroom great idea to put Christmas lights round the inside of the white covers 😆
@Ridwaano I legit thought that was it but taken apart for a hot second lol
Gotta be honest I'll have to rename my bedroom, the kitchen because I'm going to have the George foreman grill (PS5) and a Fridge (XBX) next to my TV
The console was designed like a pc tower with the 5 integrated in the esthetics. Standing up it is a true piece of artistry in my opinion That’s how it was presented that a how it suppose to stay.
Love the design, happy it comes in white so it matches my setup right away.
It could’ve been a bit smaller ngl. but I’ll make space for it.
November can’t come soon enough!
@theheadofabroom yea I definitely don't remember that lol . I just wish Sony made the drive expansion slot just super accessible on their consoles.I was always scared and nervous changing the new drives on my PS3 & PS4 , like if it was a just a slot where you plug and play that would be easy and idea .
I like that it's so interesting looking. It definitely has a air of the fat PS3 about it. We could actually see a slim and super slim version in its lifetime like we did with the PS3. It's like a spaceship.
viewing the back of the console is that a USB type c hole left hand side? I wonder if the camera wil use typical USB or USB type c, as the ps4 camera had a different port.
I want to see it powered on, with the blue led lights as an accent. I'll think that will change the attractiveness factor by a lot, compared to these pictures above.
I liked the promo shots, but these do not look good at all. I’ll have to stand mine up anyway, and I think it’s designed to be seen that way somehow.
I do think it would look worse in black, but that such a radical design might actually pop more with a radical colour. Or in chrome. At the moment it looks like office equipment circa 1990.
Maybe these are just poor pictures and lighting though. In bright white with the lights on it, such as in the promo pictures, it looked much better
Not that I really care much about the looks. As long as it stays cool, is reliable, and ideally quite...
It looks good standing but a bit weird when put horizontally.
It's definitely an out there design. Really hard to tell whether it looks good without seeing it in person.
The Series X is obviously very (x)boxy but i really want to see one in a bold colour. I doubt they'll ever do it officially, but I want to see a colourful one to really nail that double Gamecube look!
Think its 360mm tall? 😬
PS4 Pro is 295 tall
You don't look at the mantle while stoking the fire!
Looks great stood up but horrible led on its side..
Cyborg oyster..
As long as it plays the games we love who cares really I don’t by a ps5 to look at it, just play the great games that come on it 👍🙂
I normally have my consoles not standing up but think the PS5 looks so much better standing up
I'm supprised I've not seen anywhere on the web mention that when the PS5 is stood up tall that the side plates and light strips form a V shape which is also Roman numeral for the number 5. 🤓
I honestly liked the devkit model V better lol but I’m sure this will grow on me as time goes on
This is a bad design, different colors would help. I should hold out for the slim but I rarely have the patience.
As long as it stays cool I don’t care what it looks like.
The original 360 was a beautiful console but I went through four of them in a three year timespan.
The fat PS4 was quite attractive too but that thing sounded like a F-16 on takeoff. And I kept it clean.
If it’s cool and quiet, I don’t care about the form factor. I’ll make room for the beast.
I can dig it playas.i like it.its different.word up son
@hoffa007 most probably it's a kensington lock. Even in the PSblog spot is written that the PS5 has 3 usb ports and 1 usb c
@get2sammyb You rightfully criticized Sony on the prize of games and a few lies they told about believing in generations. Delete those articles and instead make them about how beautiful and curvy Sony is, slobber over Sony like you mean it 😁
@SilkySmile89 I was thinking maybe a lock bit but thats alright. Thanks.
So bad lighting on this pictures. Most probably you need to remove the top cover to expand the storage. Hopefully we will have access to the fan for easy cleaning as PS4 Pro. On the phat side(bottom) looks like that will be the PSU position, sure they didn't put the nvme slot close to that ). Maybe there is a latch between the USB ports and the Kensington Lock(maybe?) On the left side, where you can access the nvme. We shall see, still waiting for Cerny's promise for a teardown.
Well exactly my thought 💭 😂
@hoffa007 it's to far away from any other ports to be a usb. Look's like the PCB is not so big. The top half part I think is only the cooling solution wich is good. I think they went with a traditional laptop style solution, heat pipes running to a radiator at the top and a big a$$ radial fan pushing the hot air out.
Its so sexy to me, can it sit without the stand when laid horizontally?
I dont mind the size, sometime bigger is better for hardware. Can we change its ‘skin’ from plain white to something maybe full black or grey?
@SilkySmile89 makes sense in what you are saying, probably right in that aspect. Hopefully stays relatively quiet anyway.
After a while liquid metal can eat into the components. I'll have this thing laid flat and after the years gaurantee is up its liquid metal out and artic silver or ic diamond in to it. With all those fans a 6 month dismantle and clean out will be a thing. My consoles always get a tear down and clean before each big release cause i know il be in game for 8 plus hours madness in one sitting.gaming pcs get a tear down once a year to. The cooler your system the longer itll work.
It's going to have to go horizontal, I don't have a place for it vertical.
I think the weird asymmetry might grow on me once I see it for real.
Sony certainly delivered a chonky, wonky console this time!
@hoffa007 sound is caused by restrictions to air flow, the more things you put in front of your fan the more noise. Looks like that shouldn't be a issue. Depends also on the type of bearing used on the fan, how big it is. By the size of the PS5 they learned their lesson with small radial fans. Still think is a better approach then series x. That's way to dense and air is restricted due to the bottom (non removable from my understanding) stand, and counting only on negative pressure to cool you're system.
It's sexy. You must all have the Corona virus with that lack of taste.
Waiting to see what the special editions of the console will look like...
And the best part is, i dont care.
If its true that the white plates can be removed and swapped I wonder if you can just take them off altogether and use the middle unit.
Looks amazing. I like it. I have always been pro new things. So bring it to me. 😃😃
It looks weird, but I like it. It's a step in a different direction in comparison to past PlayStation consoles.
man, I cannot wait to have this puppy in my house! looks great to me love the white color too. all I care about is that its not loud like the PS4 Pro.
@SoulChimera is that 4 in total?
God you are a hideous looking beast mr ps5. Will wait on a slim, though quite what the hell they will be able to do to THAT is beyond me.
The renders of it in black look much better imo. Would much prefer it myself.
As someone who will have to place the console horizontally, that sideways PS logo placement is really messing with my OCD
Im not sold on the shiny black plastic of the central part of the system (wish it was matt) and id rather it was flat bottomed, but it is what it is i guess. I'm sure it looks better in person.
I'd love to see what concepts Sony sketched up bedore settling on this design.
I actually like it vertically, but im not sure that i have the space, unless i find a way to tuck it behind the tv.
@David187 I think it’s 3 in total. But the photos aren’t the best, so I might be wrong.
I don't think I've ever fell in love with a piece of plastic as much as I did when this was first revealed. Obviously it's down to personal choice but I absolutely love it, it's beautiful and I'll never apologize for loving this thing more than I'll ever love the look of any other piece of technology 😂
Got to be the worse looking console to date, the Sony design team must have been on the beers.
PS3 fat comparison please.
No arsed what it looks like. Its what it does
Ugly from every angle. PS4 fit in my living room from day 1. This is getting hidden.
Still love it, futuristic and looks next gen.
I like it. The Xbox looks so boring and uninspired in comparison.
Hopefully the size and shape all make for better airflow and a quieter machine.
This console is a chunky boy. I would be so afraid to set it horizontally, especially because the stand doesn't look secure.
Personally I really like it, much more interesting than the PS4 design that’s for sure. Really like the Xbox Series S too, mind. Series X is fine but a little boring.
Still really disappointed that Sony went this direction for the new generation while Microsoft went the other direction.
I have no intention of ever buying an Xbox, but this is the first time Microsoft has had a more sophisticated industrial design than Sony. Both the Series X and S look like they'd go well in an upscale, minimalist living room. Meanwhile, the PS5 looks like it was meant to look good in a dorm room next to a bunch of anime figurines and Funko Pops.
PS5 : The only console with labia !
Already measured my space. I’ll have to fit it vertically. Dimensions of the console are 390mm x 104mm x 260mm by the way (width, height, depth when horizontal, not including base stand)
I’m 37, but give me anime figures ahead of minimalist sterile pretension any day (although, yes, the X looks better than ps5, S looks terrible however)
I’m going to be negative about this console, so be forewarned before reading on.
I personally hate everything that this and the XBox Series X stand for. Hardware manufacturer greed.
In my opinion, if a console cannot be delivered for £399.99 for the hardware and £59.99 for the software and under from day one, Then you are bringing technologies to a market way too early.
If you cannot for said new hardware inside of dimensions that mean it will fit locally to a TV within a lounge or bedroom environment then yet again... you are bringing that technology to market too early.
Our console passion is fastly evolving into the mobile phone market with a hardware manufacturer desperate for your coin with every iteration of hardware and little thought spared for the software and the product you are actually buying into.
NES and master system: accessible gaming
SNES and mega drive: Explosion of IPs and libraries and the benchmark for controller interfaces
N64, Saturn and PSOne: turkey navigable 3D worlds
PS2, GameCube, Dreamcast, XBox: Network capabilities
360, Wii, PS3: true online gaming, digital store platforms
PS4, XBox One, Wii U: HD as standard
(1/2 gen) PS4 Pro, XBox One X: step change in graphical performance
Nintendo Switch.... stand along appeal and true gaming accessibility
At this point, as gamers we have every platform we need, we each generation actually offering a reason to invest all over again into a new generation.
The PS5 offers nothing but another small step forward from where we already are but asks an extortionate entry price to play games we’ve already played or can already play on existing platforms.
We could have PS6 right now but it would cost £1200 and be 2 foot tall..... a PC tower.
The appeal of console gaming is it takes what works from PC architecture, and adapts specific components to present a readily accessible platform that should give 5-7 years of longevity with the benchmark it decides upon and deliver software affordably to the gaming public.
What we have here is a massive rogering that’s about to set a precedent and ruin console gaming forever.
We shouldn’t have got PS5 and XBox Series X till 2022 at least when at least the manufacturers had at least decided what it was suppose to be, what the point of it even is, and that it’s actually delivering something that warrants a new generation of hardware.
Hardware is there to give developers a platform to develop for. Not constantly changing the hardware to our demands on developers. If anything developers need gears to perfect their craft on new hardware every generation and they don’t commit 100% till at least year 3 of that lifecycle.
I really noticed both my PS4 and PS4Pro for about a week then it just started melted into the background and diapered. After a while it will become a common object and will not draw your attention.
It's not really new. I think PushSquare loves PlayStation very much but is sometimes harsher than reason to prove they arent too biased. It's a human attitude.
It's also not very well seen to show too much passion and positive attitude towards PlayStation here.
Big and beautiful. Idm as long as it's quiet. My Pro sounds like a jet plane even when playing something like Trials of Mana
Same. I was so happy when it was revealed.
Weirdly enough I also like that haters are pissed off by the style haha.
Its provocative
if the plates are interchangeable, they'll probably be sold as a set as the top/bottom are different for both editions (the bottom/side attaches to the base)
definitely waiting for either black edition or black panels before I buy in.
I'd like to think I'll just hide it away, but not sure it's going to be that easy to hide!!!
It's so try hard and it's really ugly. Why couldn't they keep it simple like all the other playstations before it?
Yep it's a fugly beast alright. This thing needs a slim more then the PS3 did.
@PSfanboy1992 not sure myself, but I'd be more inclined to think that you would crack the top white panel off to access the M.2 slot. We'll find out soon. I hope we'll have two or three extra slots.
It is genuinely vile. It looks like they were aiming for Sydney Opera House but landed closer to lopsided sandwich. It's a good job looks aren't that important here.
Best looking console ever!
It's ugly as hell. I'll mount it on the wall behind the TV. It plays games and that's all I care about.
Came here to say exactly that! Cheers!
Wow, it's not just the LxW. This thing's plumpin', too! The curves for miles are probably to hide the girth. Forget PS5 Phat. This is PS5 Cartman Edition. I can't imagine what in the world led them to design this thing that size and that...... "Arte nuveau." Thermal efficiency isn't Cerny's strong suit, that's for darned sure.
I just hope it doesn't scream like 747 like all my other PlayStations. I'll take consolesaurus here if i can actually hear my games over it.
I just wish you can remove those fugly white plates. They'll also make it a pain when dusting.
@NEStalgia true, I had to invest another 50€ into my PS4 pro to replace the fan. The original was comparable to a vacuum cleaner.
I think all four next gen consoles are ugly with the standard PS5 console being probably the ugliest. It looks like a giant wafer ice cream sandwich. But when I get one, it'll definitely be the all-black version. At least it looks better than the black and white version.
I disagree. Last generation wasn’t a large enough leap and later gen games have performed very poorly (Control for example). The cheap laptop CPUs were obsolete from the start. We are absolutely at a point when new consoles are needed. I’m glad that one of the main things to be improved this gen is loading times, that is a significant advance for me, much more than last gen upgrades but, yes, that does come at a financial cost.
Also, you missed VR on your list. That’s a paradigm shift even greater than the leap to 3D, something I love, but something we need better hardware to advance.
The value of these consoles, what you get for the price, is phenomenal.
What do you reckon the odds are on the mid gen refresh looking considerably more normal? I do t know why they go for these fancy designs for something people just wanna hide anyway.
I reckon the slim model when it comes out will look more like just a box, that's the one I will be buying.
I like the look of it. Ita a games console. It should look weird and not just be a boring box.
Yeah it's like when Homer designs a car in The Simpson's, but again, a console is an expensive tech toy..i don't mind it looking a bit out there.
@thefourfoldroot I counter disagree and you’ve reminded me of another point.
the PS4 and XBox One were also early and unrequired. It should have remained as PS3 and 360 until the 4K Pro and X were developed and available. The release of PS4 and One started this whole offset release of generational hardware as it was turned into a race and competitive release of hardware. Anyone disagree? Or were we all perfectly happy and psyched rebuying “deluxe” versions of last of us, tomb raider, black ops iii, GTA V, battlefield etc etc that had already been out and played on PS3? Must have been 2-3 years before we got actual PS4 games and then not long after that.... the PS4 Pro..... the point at which we should have actually seen a PS3 successor. If all this sounds familiar, it’s because it is cause the exact same thing is happening again.
The loading times coming with PS5 have been common place on Nintendo consoles for the last 35 years. Finally getting to employ SSDs to add this factor to PlayStation is great, but again too early as it adds too much cost. If this feature was so critical to you and worth every penny then surely this means you have a nice and fast PS4 since launch and bought your £350 consoles along with a £400 SSD drive on day one? Tech is worth it right?
Also... VR was a dad dead duck since it’s inception and the PSVR is by a clear mile the worst quality VR experience I’ve ever had. Just awful. It’s a gimmick interface like the move controller that never really got adopted. VR works in short bursts, not in long stints of gaming and it never will be. It’s best suited to arcades, entertainment experiences, therapy and sensory benefits and commercial applications. Not gaming. Forcing you occular focal length to something so stunted for extended periods of time is just not good for you mentally or physically and will damage and weaken your eyes. VR has also been around and employed in gaming since the 90’s and so never been considered the defining point of any generation least if all the PS4 generation.
2023 we will see a revised, smaller, better, more cost effective PS5 slim/Pro and it will be at that point there will be ACTUAL PS5 games and the point when it would be worth looking at the hardware on offer. This PS5 and software line up? another waste of time from Sony just after hardware sales as they are not a gaming developer helping push what video games can be and what they can offer as an experience, they are just a Dell of the gaming world.
I disagree with you on so many levels it hard to know where to begin honestly. Some things are just subjective, some are irrelevant, some are just plain wrong...
The last gen was not early by any means. The previous generation was the longest ever in fact. This is simply true.
The fact last gen had cross gen games and remasters early is irrelevant. It always happens. It’s an inevitable result of previous gen having a much larger instal base the first few years before people transition and has nothing to do with the tech.
It is the pro and X that were worse than pointless. I didn’t buy either and will not ever fall into the trap of mid gen refreshes.
Comparing the almost instant loading from cartridges with the load times needed on discs is pointless. “Too much cost” is subjective.
VR is not a “dead duck”, the expense keeps people away, but Astro Bot is the best game of this generation by far and the VR experience is transformative. The PSVR is an awesome headset (comfortable, tracked well, a fantastic RGB sub pixel screen with less “screen door effect” than the rift or vive at the time) and a great catalogue of games. It is held back by poor motion controls and the PS4 (which is why I said this new hardware is needed for VR)
The idea it will damage or weaken eyes is ridiculous. Akin to the old wives tale that sitting close to a TV will. No evidence for either.
To say now is too early for ps5 because there will be no exclusive ps5 games is silly. There won’t be ps5 exclusives until there is a ps5 for early adopters to buy!
I do like the design of it, but I wish it was being released all black to go with the rest of my electronics!
Sack the design team because thats the worst console design since tthey have made. Lucky it blends in wtih all those white Tv's.
@Zeke68 I always want too help out my favorite site but i was sick and tired of the Xbox ads so i use a addblock now every time is see the Xbox ads.
@blacklivesmatter Will go Great with my white soundboxes.
@thefourfoldroot I’m guessing your quite young and only experienced “next generation” hardware for the last few generations.
The concept of new generation hardware launching with cross generation software is a new thing. ALL new generation hardware ALWAYS launched with platform and generation exclusives.... that is the whole point of next generation hardware.
SNES launched with F-Zero and Super Mario World - previously impossible games on the previous gen hardware.
PsOne launched with Ridge Racer and Crash Bandicoot - previously impossible games on the previous gen hardware.
N64 launched with Turok and Super Mario 64 - absolutely impossible on any other platform at that time.
Dreamcast launched with Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure - previously impossible games on the previous gen hardware.
PS3 launched with a full online environment and and HD capabilities.
After that...... nothing much happened. Except for more RAM and more GPU RAM. Consoles fell into the PC graphic card trap.
Every “generation” since PS3 is now a weak soft launch with no software to back it up and a slight hardware boost from the previous one.
The PS4 was Sony’s worst generational hardware yet.
The PS3 also wasn’t around too long. It’s testament to how right Sony got it with the PS3. If anything, if all you’re bringing to the table is more RAM then the generations should last longer and longer as the visible improvements will get less and less as with any graphic hardware. The Steps to get the boost needed to get to make a significant visual improvement get bigger and bigger and come with greater and greater cost, that is if you chose to focus on this benefit alone prematurely..... like the PS5.
SSDs are great, but still to dear as a cost effective solution for console gaming. You’ve had to suffer painful loading times with Sony since 1995, why worry about it now?
The PSVR is god awful as a VR set up. If that’s your opinion, I’m guessing it’s your only VR experience and fair enough. You’ve more cables hanging from your body than Neo when he wakes up in the Matrix, you’ve more hardware add ons lying around than a 90’s Sega console and the resultant visuals are a slow, murky, blurry mess. And it is damaging to your eyes, not a wives tale. Fact. Why do you think you are instructed to take regular breaks? And why are children under a certain age prohibited from using it Static focal length for extended periods is damaging to your eyes.
Any chance of a special edition any time soon?
No, you’re wrong. I’m 37 and was gaming from a very young age. First system was a C64, then Atari, before getting more up to date with the NES, and I’ve had multiple consoles of every generation since. Before digital releases it’s true cross gen wasn’t a thing as much (you still had add ons that could play last gen cartridges on newer machines but as an add on it wasn’t the same, plus Ninty and Sony handhelds had cross gen games); Cassettes and floppies obviously couldn’t be transitioned over before, neither could carts to CDs and DVDs or BR. Nevertheless, ps2 and ps3 were back compat so devs could be confident everyone could play them, hence Ps2 and Ps3 had a very long tail, with great games released at the very end of both their lives. Had the architecture been similar enough they may have been cross gen. because it wasn’t we got remasters.
As to the PS5 launch window (before 2021) we have games like R&C and Demon’s Souls and likely GT7. Last gen I only remember Killzone as an exclusive, gen before just Motorstorm...the FACT is these machines can provide new generational experiences, but economics will always mean developers and publishers now release cross gen. This has nothing to do with the hardware or when the hardware is released!
You say SSDs are great but too pricey? Is your argument that next gen is too early because the tech isn’t available, or you just think £450 is too expensive? Because do you know the only way the cost can drop? By actually releasing the machines! Economies of scale for the components. Sure you can wait until things like the SSD are more common in the PC market to bring costs down, but then you are basing your entire strategy on things outside of your control. Then what if MS release their machine and take a hit in order to Hoover up all the customers who don’t want to wait 2 years?
Again the PSVR headset itself is fantastic. It’s the PS4 which holds it back. So I’m glad the PS5 is nearly here. I don’t give a damn about wires, I grew up with wires everywhere. There is no point releasing a new headset until they can implement inside out tracking, eye tracking and foveated rendering, by which point lens technology and such will also allow for a smaller form factor.
And yes I have tried multiple headsets. PSVR sits at mid quality for me, packs and incredible punch for the price but has clearly bern overtaken and desperately needs better controllers.
And all video games say take periodic breaks every hour, that’s not a VR thing at all.
You clearly have your opinions that aren’t going to change but, for me, bottom line is the new gen is a much needed improvement at a very reasonable price and have some very nice quality of life improvements above just better graphics. Once enough people have transitioned and tech allows cheaper production you’ll be able to pick it up at a time you are happy with at a price you are happy with and more owners will mean more exclusives. Delaying things would only push the exact some process backwards.
I personally don't care on what the console looks like , ill be spending 99% of gaming looking at the TV anyways.
@RobinDF95 - me too. standing up looks really nice.
@Zeke68 - noticed that too. that story about "enormous" game files and then i see demon souls is 66gb. that is NOT "enormous".
seems like everyone wants to grab their "torches and pitchforks" and complain about everything.
@get2sammyb - i've noticed it too. you've had around 4 that haven't been the most glowing articles, recently. and i'm not mad or anything - but it does seem odd. the article yesterday describing "enormous" file size - i wouldn't consider 66gb "enormous" by todays standards. and 115 for TWO games - MM plus upgraded spiderman? i have a single CoD game on my ps4 that takes up more than that. then the other day you're mad about prices of games going up 10 dollars - first raise in over 2 decades - i don't think that is unreasonable.......just a couple of examples.
Thing is ugly as hell, no way around that.
@kantaroo if GoW does launch next fall, i'm thinking it'll be then. maybe for Horizon:FW, but i doubt it.
@RevDrGalactus "sophisticated industrial design"???.....it's a BOX.
@thefourfoldroot I think you’ve wiki’ed your way around that. Which consoles had an add-on that let you play games from the previous gen? 😂 that never happened.
there is no need for the PS5 right now. Sticking with the point in case, that hardware alone is bloody massive!!! Just to accommodate the hardware that’s too premature
Lol, no. If I’d wiki’d it I’d have been far more thorough. Working from murky childhood recollections. As such I could be wrong, but I’m sure their was a plug in that let you play master system games on the mega drive and nes games on the SNES. I didn’t have them but I’m certain I’ve read about them on various retro gaming sites.
Thanks for the conversation, but we may as well stop here. If your opinion is we shouldn’t have the tech yet because it either is too expensive or requires too large a box, then we’ll just agree to disagree. Neither of those things are a problem for most gamers, although admittedly the former may impact people who wish to be early adopters.
Sometimes I really wonder if this a playstation site. Always negative. I'm glad it looks different. I think it looks modern and appealing. And if you can't figure how to fit a 15 inch x 9 inch console in your media center then the ps5 is the least of your problems!
@Exlee300p Sony instigate the negativity with their product. They peaked with PS3 massively and it was an awesome console, as were the previous 2. 4 was a massive mis step and 5 feels like more of the same. Lots of bells and whistles, but ultimately offering absolutely nothing new.
I really wish the PS5 came in black. I really hate the design and it will stick out like a sore thumb.
Oh well, it'll have to do.
😄-I'm a hardcore gamer in my early 50's and I currently own almost every console made since the 80's and the size of this PS5 is reminiscent of a 1970's VCR's in size alone, but while I dislike it's footprint size (but from an engineering point of view understand why) I don't really dislike it's shape, I do think however that if the top panel (horizonal) or left side panel if vertically standing are replaceable in the future, it opens up alot of beautifying possibilities, besides the color scheme it could also have shape choices, and that could really change the Aesthetics of the console👍.
@Shinobi1Kenobi Yeah I guess having a game changing ssd/io throughput is nothing new. Being so fast it will change how games are developed. Or having the best 3d sound in the industry. Or having haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. Or ray tracing. Or how about the create button which will no doubt change the industry like the share button did. I think you might be confused. And if you genuinely want to see nothing new look at the new xboxes. But honestly it is about the games and since Sony has some of the best first party studios as well as the best deals with third party companies, the Ps5 will again be the best place to play.
@Shinobi1Kenobi the old days were different with massive hardware leaps because of new hardware concepts. That was a very different era that isn't coming back no matter how much companies pretend it will. It's a mature industry now. That was the wild west. Now consoles are pcs and"generations"as such don't exist. It's a video card and cpu upgrade to run similar things with even more effects and performance. Generations are merely processing power milestones and games can be scaled to run in multiple power levels. That's not a bad thing, really, just a sign of a stable, mature industry.
The last gen wasnt necessarily early, especially for Sony. Ps3 was a dog. It was a pain to develop for, cost too much to make, third party games ran terrible on it and third parties didn't optimize for it. And it wasn't even the console they wanted to make. They wanted 2 Cells, but couldn't get the GPU Cell working and made a late change to that canned Nvidia solution. Sony needed to escape that horrible hardware, and third parties demanded they did. We got ps4 because ps3 couldn't be dragged out more. We got x1 because we got ps4. The other factor was Nintendo. Wii was the dominating force and nobody knew WiiU would end up being WiiU. If Nintendo had come out with a serious console and sony and ms didn't have something to push themselves into the limelight that could have hurt. The problem with the consoles was that instead to seelling hardware at a loss like all other gens, Sony and ms decided to not lose money. So instead of a similar jump in hardware as the past, it was only a half step of minimal cost parts. The only REAL purpose of the last gen was to migrate console to standardize on x86 so developers could just make pc versions only. That's the main purpose of ps4/x1. We bought it to make things cheaper for the industry that then complained of rising costs and the need to charge more.....
This gen is happening early because the last gen was underbaked at the start.
Though 7 years isn't early. N64 was 5 years, gcn was 5 years. I can't recall ps2... That lasted forever and ever because it was so huge. But it's early in that there's no real giant leap forward. The main purpose of this gen is just to get rid of the stupidly bad cpus from last gen (they were meant for tablets. TABLETS!!) to bring it back in line with pcs, and to move to ssd, which was very very necessary (proving n64 had it right all along!) But instead of the sane, rational upgrade to sata ssd where we could massively improve performance at a fair price, Microsoft went down the rabbit hole of exotic nvme, and Sony wet the bed doubling down in nvme so bleeding edge it doesn't even exist at retail yet just to get that slightly higher io speed. Why settle for 100x the speed when you could have 130x the speed for triple the price!
@Exlee300p Sony has the best first party studios.....? I can list FOUR first party titles on PS4 worth touching 😂
@NEStalgia I totally agree with everything you just said. And that’s where console gaming is failing.
Indeed, the N64 has it right all along and migrating gaming to discs was the worst mistake ever as that made it ALL about the hardware and not the software.
But console hardware has mutated into a poor mans PC and less like a console. It’s sad to see and making us pay out all over again every several years for slightly better graphics is just a pathetic state of affairs.
I don't care what it looks like, I won't be spending a lot of time looking at it...As long as the games look/run good I'm happy
I honestly think it looks awful, over designed. Won't stop me buying one of course because it doesn't really matter to me what it looks like. Does make me wonder what's wrong with just designing a simple black box like the Ps4.
It could look like a pair of buttocks with a protruding turtle head for all I care, as long as it has Demon's Souls on release I'm in.
I hope the rumour that you can change the white panels is true. That would make a big difference to me.
@Royalblues that came out much later in the lifecycle of the Genesis after they stopped production of the master system to let people still play their old games.... not many people bought one. It wasn’t to bolster the launch library of the console. It was just ANOTHER sega add-on, bless them. How they loved their add-ons.
@Exlee300p XBox just buying Bethesda just wizzes all over your opinion that Sony has the best first party developers. That one studio alone is better than all Sony’s first party offerings put together.
@Shinobi1Kenobi It just shows how ignorant you are. Bethesda is a third party studio and I think if took a poll a majority of gamers would say that Bethesda is definitely on the downward trend. Fallout 76 anyone. What a trash game. Or the last wolfenstein game with the two cringe daughters. And let's not forget their predatory microtransactions. Spare me dude.
@Exlee300p yeah... Quake, Doom and Elder Scrolls are real duds and flops 😂 😂 😂 best classics like Bloodborne (one of worst games ever).
Also I’m not ignorant, I think you’re more uninformed. Microsoft just acquired Bethesda as an exclusive first party studio.
Would you like this spoon for eating your words? 🥄
@theheadofabroom that would be sweet, then you could just paint the whole thing whatever color(s) you wanted.
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