There was hope that the efficiency of the PlayStation 5’s super-fast SSD hard drive would reduce game file sizes, as titles wouldn’t need to duplicate data to ease read speeds. That, apparently, is not quite the case, as the minimum install requirements for a couple of PS5 launch games have been revealed – and they’re enormous.
Demon’s Souls, for example, will eat up 66GB of the next-gen system’s storage space; Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will gobble up 50GB, and if you plump up for the Ultimate Edition – which includes Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered as well – you’ll lose an eye-watering 105GB. That’s already an eighth of the device’s available 825GB.
It’s worth noting that textures will be more detailed on the PS5, so developers may well be saving space compared to PS4 titles, but using it up with higher quality assets. In the case of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered, for example, the original game with all of its DLC installed takes up approximately 75GB on the PS4, compared to roughly 55GB in its revamped form.
Still, it looks like you’re definitely going to have to juggle which games you’ve got installed – although eventually you will be able to expand the system’s storage space. You can find out more about that through the following link: Which SSD Drives Will Be Compatible with PS5?
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[source direct.playstation.com, via direct.playstation.com, direct.playstation.com, resetera.com]
Comments 217
This is insanity. I’m really starting to second guess my decision on getting a PS5.
@Akurusu I mean, what did you really expect? That they'd squeeze 4K assets into sub-10GB file sizes?
66 GB isn't THAT much compared to some PS4 games. It's still a lot, but because of the increased price of games I'm going to be more conservative with the amount of games I buy anyway. For launch day I pre-ordered Cyberpunk and Demon's Souls. They should keep me busy for a while!
I have a 500gb launch PS4 and have not once had an issue with space. So smaller game sizes and bigger storage space sounds perfectly fine to me.
The sneaky secret? Delete games you’ve finished with and don’t play more than 10 at once! I know, I’m a genius!
One more thing to consider then is that, again due to the faster drive, less duplication and smaller file sizes, the time to install (especially from disc) will be much reduced.
Seems a bit close to what we have now. Call of Duty will probably be close to 250 or more gb lol
I'll still be able to plug in an external HDD though right?
For chonky texture resolutions and complex soundfiles? That's not too bad... Just wait til you try and install CoD Warzone... now THAT will make you weep!
@Amusei yup!
It's alright though, cause they did their research and decided 825GB is the perfect size 🙄
Yep for ps4 games
But ps5 games most be on the SSD inside ps5
@RobinDF95 Yeah, I imagine Demon's Souls would be over 100GB if it had to use a traditional HDD. Unfortunately, it seems any savings made in overall file size will be spent on the higher quality assets.
@Amusei Yes, you'll be able to use an external HDD for PS4 games. So best approach will probably be HDD for last-gen games and SSD for next-gen ones.
Unfortunately, the problem there is that you won't benefit from the improved load times!
@thefourfoldroot Yeah, I get on fine with my 1TB PS4 Pro as well. Surprisingly, I have about 10 games installed that I never delete, and then I rotate the rest.
It's not ideal, but it works out okay for me.
I think it has been addressed but I'm not 100% clear. Can we use an external drive to store PS5 games we aren't playing?
Then when we want to play them, move them over to the Faster SSD?
@Ridwaano Damn, I didn't know that. Guess it's something at least.
Business as usual here, this article is straight outta 2015 when PC games were actually that big and bigger. Even console games on "last gen" (PS4 compared to PS5) have been bigger the last few years.
@get2sammyb Thanks for the info. Guess I'll have to make do with 825 Gb then.
Still to big,and I worry for people who bought the digital edition.
RDR2 be like, pfft.
Im not getting a ps5 anytime soon or maybe at all. I just ordered a 1tb ps4 pro and im perfectly happy with that. Good luck to everyone juggling their games.
@Akurusu. You know this was gonna happened and you still complaining.wtf.i expect games to gtow.if you regret buying a ps5 you need to stop playing video games.word up son
Glad I've got a disc drive then, it'll make it easy to just install the games I'm currently playing
But now I want to know install times. If the SSD significantly reduces installation, this won't be an issue. BUT, I really hope Sony has some measure in place that allows the system to automatically delete the oldest games to make room for a new one for example. Manually deleting games is going to be annoying.
When I saw the headline, I was expecting 200+ Haha.
Those sizes (while I’d obviously prefer smaller sizes) are perfectly fine.
Then what the heck happened?
It's not like certain crucial info was not available to you.
A) We know storage will be 800+GB for quite a while now. 🤔
B) Havent you noticed games install sizes have increased? 🤔
It's plain obvious storage would become an issue!
On topic:
Looks like Sony has made an error with their new slogan. Play has no limits? Looks more like, PAY has no limits.
Increased prices of games, more expensive controllers. Let's see how much increasing storage will set us back. Hoping it doesn't turn into PSP memory card 2.0.
No wonder they changed 'For the Players'. If anything, they could've change that to 'For the Payers.
I have serious doubts about how Sony is handling everything regarding PS5.
No way Sony can persuade me to be a day one adopter. I'll gladly wait till the dust settles and looks for a nice deal before I switch to next gen.
Sounds about the same as this gen tbf. Demon's Souls isn't exactly a massive game.
Have they said whether we'll be able to store games on a regular hard drive and then just transfer over to the SSD when needed? Would save a lot of downloading and time?
If game sizes / storage woes is questioning your investment in next gen then wow.
@Aexurion ps4 and next gen games are coming to ps4 Aswell so you don’t technically have to upgrade straight away! Ps5 is expensive yes but they aren’t forcing anybody to upgrade.
Ok also now that we know the ever so important price and release info can we now focus on the actual important questions?
This is fine with me. I like to only have a couple of games installed at a time because it means I don't have lots of games on the go at once.
@Arugula I read that the 825 gb was total size. The OS takes up 175 gb, leaving you 650 gb for game storage.
Damn, I hope they release PS5 game compatible SSD's sooner rather than later
@stevie85 you can do that yes!
Like storage. But the question will be how fast for it to move from the external to the internal
Most of the time when I'm done playing a game I remove it. Never been in the situation where I was out of space on my ps4.
@rachetmarvel makes no difference, installed file sizes are the same with or without a disc.
on positive side with the bloody price im guessing around 100 swiss francs a game here you will only have 2 games
Why worry? Because they are “only” able to play 8 big games simultaneously? Lol
@get2sammyb I know space can sometimes be hard to manage, but we got our PS5’s for higher quality assets.
I am totally ok with this. I need to have installed obaout 5 to 6 games.
Is the math for Spiderman: Remastered just taking the Ultimate: MM edition and subtracting Standard:MM? If so, that assumes they don’t share any art assets and that’s a really shaky assumption. I am guessing that’s what you did because we don’t have any info on Remastered as a separate thing. I would guess Remastered is 60-76GB standalone.
No surprise. The good news is update files dont need all the space they take now when you need free space just to make the update.
@rachetmarvel Why? There’s no difference between using discs or going 100%. You still need to install the full game on the SSD even if you use the disc so the problem is the same.
Physical has no benefit over digital except the reselling value.
Same. That's one more reason I like disc because it's more convenient to manage your games with delete and reasonably quick re install.
This is why I didn’t opt for the digital ps5
This'll get better with time as game file compression always has. But yeah, with SSDs being more expensive per GB than HDDs, this was always a concern for me. I'm actually surprised we got as much space as we did for the price of the console.
The PS5's SSD has a read speed of 5.5 GB/s. This is an extreme example, I admit, but here's a 800GB SSD with a read speed of 1.1GB/s, so it's smaller and only 20% of the speed, and... brace yourself... It's £80 more than the entire PS5.
Here's another one that's less than 10% the speed and it's half the price of the PS5.
Come on guys, this is a terrible article. You're better than this click bait nonsense. From the hyperbolic use of 'enormous' to contradicting yourself within the article. (They don't seem to be getting smaller in the first paragraph. But Spiderman is actually 20gb smaller in the last paragraph. )
Maybe I'm old fashion but when a long deleted game I somehow fancy re playing any time, I just insert the disc and good to go. No hassle.
@Arugula Personally, I think the 175 gb number is a little high. I think the PS4 OS is like 140 gigs. That said, I think whatever it is will be subtracted from the 825 gb. Consoles have always listed the total hard drive size on the box and not minus the OS. I’d guess around 675 gigs of usable space.
I said this would be a problem months ago. We might have the SSD, but you also have increased sizes because of increased quality, digital only consoles, and you're unable to use an external HDD. It's a joke.
@thefourfoldroot a genius wouldn't tell others they're doing their hobby wrong. Just because a solution works for you, doesn't mean it works for everybody.
I just want to know what we're looking at for the cost of SSD expansions. Until the PS4 added the use of external harddrives, which I don't think was until 2017, I did ok juggling the games around. Install times are also important. Since I'm getting the disc-based PS5, if install times are better, I can wait a few years for the price to drop on SSD expansions and take the money I saved and use it on upgrade my external harddrive for PS4 games which is now starting to run low.
So, not exactly 'enormous' then?
@JJ2 Not if it’s deleted. You can’t just insert the disc and play, you need to reinstall it again, which is no different as to download it again (if you have decent Internet, that’s it)
@Akurusu why don't get an xbox series s! If you can stick to 1440 resolution and you don't need a 4K TV and file sizes will be much smaller! Stay current gen dude!
Yes I just mean it's no hassle. Insert whatever disc you just happen to see on your shelf (old fashion style) and it downloads whatever it needs. Sometimes it's quite fast though.
I’m not even playing 5 games at the same time. I might just use an external SSD as cold storage and done.
True but some of us have data caps.
In my case I’m going with discs solely so the install of the base game won’t destroy my limited 250 gig cap. And I’ll be picky with updates. If it’s not a multiplayer title I’ll download patches only if they are reasonably sized or the game is just broken without it.
That’s basically how I lived with my PS4 for most of its lifecycle.
I really wish they would include a way for us to download PS5 data remotely on other devices. It would be much easier if I could download patches for PS5 titles to my laptop or phone and then transfer them over USB.
@thefourfoldroot for real, even don't be afraid to delete games you don't play. Game files are big, it's nothing really different since the days of memory cards on PS2
@TheRedComet I always forget about data caps since we don’t have those in Japan (for home Internet, we still have them on mobile)
That’s a fine reason to go physical.
Still, my original point was that choosing between the disc (normal) edition and the digital edition makes no difference whatsoever on the amount of games that’ll fit on the SSD since you still need to install the same amount of data even with the disc.
Some people seem to believe that physical games take up less room on the SSD, which isn’t true.
There’s a lot of misconception over game installs, more so than I thought there would be.
I had unlimited for about a year and a half when I was living in a decently sized town but I moved back into a rural area. Only option for home service was fixed wireless and AT&T has a monopoly on that service where I live at in the states. Speeds are reasonable (I pull down between 30 and 50 mbps which is much faster than some of my friends who live in even more rural areas; they struggle to get 15 mbps over LTE) but I get stuck with a 250gb cap.
If anyone of you thought that games would be like 5gb more than PS4 your an idiot, you want 4k gaming your going to have to expect it to be double as PS4 mostly aimed for 1080p gaming when if first launched the PS4 pro was more of a try and attempt to go for 4k but not fully.
You download a 4k texture pack on pc it's like GBS of space to download because it's that 4k textures
@TheGamerKing The switch only has 32 GB 25 of which are usable for games. There are games like the BioShock Collection that won’t even fit on the internal storage. I doubt the will ever be a PS5 game that you won’t be able to install without a gen 4 nvme in the way that you require an Micro SD card for some switch games.
You can get some right now.. But they are expensive!!! 😱
YES you can download through you account as long it's the primary console you can go offline
I knew it, you are only gonna have space for like 7 or 8 games in the near future and they are gonna make you buy an external SSD
I know Sony have said PCIe 4.0 drives will be able to function identically to the stock SSD, but I hope Sony allows the following: you can stick a slower SSD in, but to play a PS5 title you have to transfer it the stock SSD. Because transferring a game install from a slightly slower SSD to a fast SSD will take what, a few minutes? If they set up the UI to make it easy I can't imagine I'll have any complaints: keep my current games on the stock SSD, keep ones I might come back to on the "storage" SSD. At least that way I can expand storage relatively cheaply.
So the minimum read speed of the UHD Blu Ray drive to be fully compatible with the media out there right now, is 144 Mb/s. Where I live, the fastest ADSL speeds peg at 50-80Mbit, varying by time of day (line contention ratios generally mean a slowdown at peak times for stuff like 4k streaming). The maximum size for a disk is 100GB, so at that theoretical maximum size it would take an hour and a half to transfer the data from the optical disk to the SSD, vs 3 to 4 hours. I can imagine there then being maybe 20GB of patches (which don't necessarily take up space on the SSD as they may just replace files) which would take half hour to an hour to download. Depending on how downloads are managed this is may be included in the 100GB download, or extra, so the UHD Blu Ray drive saves you anywhere between an hour and two and a half hours wait before you can play. Possibly more if they figure out a way to download the patches while the data transfers from the disk to the console.
If you're a heavy downloader though you might have fiber broadband, which goes up to 360Mb/s, at which point things become interesting. Downloads take at most 35-45 minutes, and installing from disk takes strictly longer unless there's other heavy activity on your line at the same time.
A fast USB HDD (not SSD) will have a transfer rate of 260-332Mb/s so if you have top speed fiber you're better off re-downloading than transferring to HDD, but otherwise there's a huge time saving in moving your old games to a HDD and moving them back when you want to dig them out.
Obviously the UHD Blu Ray drive might be faster than it needs to be. The fastest BDXL drives, for instance, read at 4x the minimum UHD Blu Ray speeds, and support disks of up to 128GB, which would change things, but I wouldn't hold my breath because those are expensive.
Essentially we're not going to know the state of things until we get a teardown to give us drive specs, but there may or may not be benefits to the disk edition when it comes to install times, depending on your broadband situation. Obviously if you have download caps or live in a developing nation like the USA, the disk edition becomes very appealing, but a USB HDD could mitigate that.
@AnotherLuke sure, that's possibly an option, but at that point isn't a USB drive a cheaper option?
True, but I know it that. Isn't so much about the need to upgrade but the general way if how Sony is handling stuff which I don't agree with.
Can't do much about it unless I have a major following 🤣 But still hope that other folks realize what Sony is doing and what reasons they claim for doing so is not why they are doing it. It's pure greed. The company needs to tone down a few bits because this may bite themselves in their behinds.
@theheadofabroom true. Slower than a SSD though, although in truth I don't know how much I'd notice the difference for this kind of usage. Just looking to split the difference if full speed SSDs are too expensive for the first couple of years!
Huh, that's not too bad. 66GB for demons souls high resolutions 4K texture doesn't seems too bad at all. If ps5 ssd total availability for games is, say, 700GB, it means I can get 10 AAA games installed before needing to buy more storage.
@get2sammyb Spill the beans, Sammy... What are the games you never delete? F1, Rory Golf, Pes, Resident Evil and Fallout are my must haves
@Akurusu @get2sammyb. Its not that big of a deal, we will have to buy another ssd. I bought a 4tb seagate hd for my ps4 pro its badass. No storage problems anymore
@maruse And you do not get, monopolizing of prizes, when you go with physical disk.
@bbauer36 You do realise, that you can not just buy any ssd for the ps5?
Not too much an issue for me but for all the emphasis they put on sharing, this seems like a logistics nightmare for those who maintain a large amount of media in their capture gallery.
@zupertramp I'm hoping they'll announce a load of cloud storage for this stuff on PSN, expanded if you have PS+
Imagine they did a PS5 upgrade for Red Dead Redemption 2? 200GB easily! 😂
Finish and delete is my protocol so space is almost never an issue. Also, these sizes are still reasonable. I expect huge games later on. Like 200 g's with patches.
@carlos82 How is that any different than digital...
Thats nog enormous. Uncharted 4 was close to 100gb when it came out. War zone takes up over that, a lot of games are pushing 100gb these days this is actually not that bad
Meanwhile, every switch owner got a big micro SD to be able to play with the gigantic 32GB storage (minus the OS)
? The “genius” was clearly tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously, genius.
It’s not a case of doing things “wrong”, it’s a case of saying running 8-10 big games simultaneously is reasonable at this price, if people need more than that then they likely just don’t like deleting anything. Which in a universe without infinite storage on hard drives is, well, ok, yes, it’s wrong. Unless someone has stupid money to buy dozens of hard drives that is, then good on them.
@Ha1frican its just much quicker for me to install from a disc
Been wondering about game install sizes too. Obviously we know at present PS4 games will be playable from External HDD,& hopefully ditto disc ones playable via your external HDD once you put it in the UHD on ps5.
But I'm curious if we'll be able to move a ps5 install...eg:Demon Souls onto the external HDD for storage only if you want to free up 66GB+ for another ps5 game & then swap it back to the SSD if your done with that other game later? (I believe the series X does have this feature?)
Otherwise,a lot of juggling around with installs/downloads 'til reasonably priced compatible SSD's are released. :-/
@stevie85 As far as I know (somebody can confirm this for us still), you should be able to store PS5 games on an external drive, you just wouldn't be able to play them off of it of course.
As for the file sizes, I don't get why there would be any outcry about it. They are actually smaller in comparison to their PS4 versions. Well, at least Spider-Man, but I don't see why that wouldn't be the case with others. As long as you can move PS5 games to an external drive for storage, there should be 0 complaints (and again, I don't see why not).
With that said, most of the Switch library is pretty small in terms of install sizes outside of a few PS4/XBONE ports. I have 13 games on a 256gb microsd card and I still have 145 gigs free.
"The SSD technology will make games smaller."
In the future I guess?
My hope is that the M2 SSD for internal expansion isn't a proprietary Sony product. That I can get any brand of "compatible" M2 I want. But given Sony's history on trying to make everything proprietary, like Vita memory, I doubt it.
Especially after Mark Cerny said "Don't go and buy and any SSDs, we will let you know in the future."
@KathyQ hell yeah it will be expensive, i totally agree with you on that. I bet some would cost more than the console, but its so nice not having to delete games.
@rachetmarvel yes, and it will cost an arm and a leg. I still want a 4 tb ssd or bigger. I dont think sony has released any info on what ssds would work yet
True, I have an M2 SSD in my PC and manage it often.
I know that in reality I can only play so many games at a time, but I still find myself in an itch to play something not on my SSD.
I'd like to get 500 GB more of storage for the PS5, but it all depends on the cost. I don't think these new SSDs for PS5 will be cheap. The 970 EVO in my PC cost $170.
To be honest I'm most worried about how much the ps+ collection will fill. It's a load of games I'm getting free and I'm likely to want to flick between them until I figure out which I enjoy most. Once I'm buying games I'm pretty sure I'll have no trouble focusing on 2-4 at a time to satisfy different moods, which leaves plenty of room to download the next game I anticipate playing once I platinum a favourite.
@thefourfoldroot I know it wasn't serious but given the context of what surrounds it, it's actually coming off more as a direct insult to other gamers. It sounds like you are calling everybody who isn't deleting games down to <10 games, dumb. Giving no consideration for why they might not do that.
Heres the thing, I'm willing to bet a lot of the "just delete" gang are also the 'single player' gang. Where taking on an experience, enjoying it to completion, then deleting it is actually perfectly reasonable. However, that's not everybody, and that's not even the gen we live in. We have huge MP games, that constantly get updated and increased, and are meant to be returned to regularly. Oh, also there's this whole deal with people having families and different family members enjoying different games.
I have the single player games I'm playing, the MP and co-op games I'm playing with my friends, the MP games I'm playing with my nephews, the MP games I'm playing with my partner, the games I'm playing with my son, and also the games that my son and partner play on their own. Hell, even if each one of those only counted as one game each, I'm already up to seven. Now sure, my situation isn't indicative of everybody, but I'm not so self centred as to think my situation can be applied to everybody, unlike the "just delete" gang. It's just an example of how not all solutions are a one size fits all deal.
@Richnj I was literally just going to reply to their comment with "bUt mAh bAtTlEfIeLd CoLlEcTiOn"...I'm glad you could articulate the argument more meaningfully.
If the games are very quick to download and install then it might not be much of a problem top delete files and reinstall them again later.
It is also worth bearing in mind that PS5 will have off the shelf extendable storage whereas xbox are using their own which is likely to be more expensive.
That Clickbait title... 66 and 50 GB are totally normal size for modern games.
Why will someone complain about those numbers?
thats actually somewhat smaller than i was expecting considering the average of most games nowadays is substantially larger than that.
@CptH0vvDy Thanks. I'm trying.
@rockman29 I wasn't aware we had any definitive information on this but yeah, it seems likely a standard external hd will work. And that's all grand, I'm just surprised Sony decided to go this route. It's like what is this, a Nintendo? I'm buying extra space day one? And even if a hdd is sufficient for capture data, how many ports does this thing have and would you just be better off getting a forthcoming compatible ssd?
Besides these are just the initial games... wait until we're 2-3 years in and then we'll see what the storage requirements are.
Point is, I just think anything under a TB is insufficient. It's certainly not a deal-breaker, but it's not a plus either.
@theheadofabroom that would be nice. And it would help justify the somewhat recent price increase for Plus.
I said ages ago that the supplied storage wouldn't last long before it's full. If it constantly captures an hour of video like PS4, that's going to eat into it too... especially if it records in 4K.
So as well as needing to know what expansions are available/compatible, we also need to know how we're going to be managing the storage. Will you have to uninstall a game, or can you shunt it to an attached HDD? Can you run a PS5 game from an external HDD if you wish?
More importantly, what's the point of an instant-loading super SSD if you have to waste several minutes moving a game from HDD to internal SSD in order to play?
I've got a nasty feeling that for all the crowing about these fancy new drives, in the long run, they're actually going to be the biggest PITA of the new system.
Shame you can't preorder an ssd thats the same as the ps5's one at launch or at least know what ones they will sell that will be same speed etc.
Edit....decided im gonna put all my ps4 games i want to play onto my external hdd before launch just so im ready with my options on day one then go from there.
@Makina Agreed. They aren't enormous, so the title is misleading at least, which doesn't help people freaking out. Also, like you said, not sure why it's such a big deal. These are actually smaller than last gen to an extent. Obviously it'll be interesting to see what some really large games (like a new Witcher game) that are actually made for PS5 will end up being, but I'd imagine still smaller than RDR2.
@TheRedComet Data caps are a crime against humanity.
The next big technological leap better be with storage optimization. Better compression shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
IMHO, it would have been more useful that the 4k push.
Maybe I am lazy, but this sounds like PS5 will have a lot of hard drive management, especially if PS5 games need to be on the SSD, which I can't be bothered with. With other consoles, the games were either so small that reinstalling wasn't a problem, the games didn't need to be installed, or I could always get bigger storage. Not sure I like the idea of being stuck to a small storage space.
@rockman29 Yeah hopefully as the prices go down it'll be less of a trade-off, like you say. Or maybe once I experience a game with little to no load times, I'll have gotten over any qualms I had with the relatively small factory ssd*.
*Granted it's not especially small for an ssd but y'know what I mean I hope lol.
considering the 4k textures and visuals on display, 66GB for demon's souls is NOT a lot. one thing to consider... no longer needing to duplicate assets isn't the only improvement that will save on space, but it is also the new compression methods that software is utilizing on the ps5. for example, if demon's souls was not being compressed with the new ps5 standards, the game would likely be closer to 100GB in size. essentially, the takaway here is that ps5 games will be similar in size to ps4 games, despite them having native 4k textures. that is an improvement over the ps4. did anyone expect game sizes to magically reduce by 50% despite the 4k assets?
Cyberpunk delivered from shopto, probably pick up demons souls within 1st weekend.
@get2sammyb You forgot to mention that the ultimate edition also includes the 3 DLCs.
@Akurusu What's your second guess?
Puny SSHD. Install 6 games and that's it. it's gone. No way anything less than 2TB is enough.
There's always PS5 Pro 1tb or 2tb.
Happened before with PS4, can't see why it shouldn't happen with PS5.
so they have managed to keep them on par with last-gen is that not an improvement? you would have thought they would be double so to me that is progress.
@MS7000 you do understand how fast a game will be added it is a super-fast SSD you could take them on & off with ease.
lol Enjoy your 300GB Call of Duty downloads on an 800GB SSD this gen.
70 gigs for Demons Souls isnt bad, BO4 with dlc is 185gb and Modern Warfare is around 170gb, just wish Sony offered a 2tb version of the PS5.
This last week has definitely made me happy to stick with PS4 for now. PS5 slim with more storage for me (in a few years time).
@Ridwaano great! Phewwww.
So trading in my almost brand new pro is def an option. I have too many games, wwaaay too much $$$ spent to just lose it all and start from scratch on ps5.
Good to know i have the option to trade up.
All very fair points. Never come across anyone with your situation, but I guess, with so many people playing on the one machine it could be a problem.
Still, I guess with so many people involved you can easily spread the cost of another hard drive. I wouldn’t expect Sony to design a system with a much larger hard drive and everybody needing to spend more unnecessarily.
I didn’t mean to insult anybody by the way, just wasn’t considering such outliers. Most people who complain honestly just say they don’t want to have to Redownload because it means waiting a couple of hours (Or did before the next gen consoles anyway).
@get2sammyb yeah, what did we expect, at least some of the gains of actually pragmatic tech enhancements not to be dampened by the graphic fluff of increasingly token presence?😅 Sony still has 4K TVs to sell, too.
@David187 No, the speed isn't my issue, I am aware the SSD is going to be faster (although part of my comment does seem strange with the benefit of hindsight). As I said, I am lazy, I do not particularly want to constantly swap games on the SSD. I can be fairly whimisical about what I want to play, so knowing more button presses will be involved if I want to play a game I haven't played in a while is unappealing. It is more of a personal problem perhaps but... shrug
@Akurusu Fake outrage at its finest
Xbox Series S owners are screwed.
@No_Cartridge This. Exactly this. BRs are just a code to download the game from the cloud. Try using your Days Gone disc to see if you can play anything. The disc just orders the console to download a 40+gb file.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L "i think its just todays entitled generation. More concerned with what they are missing out on rather than enjoying what we have."
Yes don't complain at the multi billion dollar corporation no matter what. Turn off your brain, shut your mouth and accept whatever is given to you with a smile. You are EA and Activision's wet dream, if only they could clone you 😁
@Oscarjpc SSHD ≠ SSD
You can kinda think of an SSD (solid state drive) as RAM which doesn't lose its data when powered off. The important part of this comparison is that it's designed for random (as in unpredictable) access, so you can read from any part of what is stored in (very) roughly the same amount of time.
A traditional HDD (hard disc drive) has plates of oxidised iron which are selectively magnetised and read from, like a tape drive, except that the 'tape head' moves in and out from the centre of the platter, like the arm on a record player, or the laser on an optical disk drive. This means that the faster the platter spins and the denser the platter, the faster you can access data, but it's optimised for sequential reading (hence data duplication on PS4 to allow an area to be loaded into RAM quickly), but if you need to access data elsewhere on the disk you must realign the head and wait for the disc to rotate to the point you want to read from (a disk seek) which takes a long time in computing terms.
An SSHD (solid state hybrid drive), you can think of as being a HDD with a tiny SSD slapped on the side, and some clever software to cache the data it thinks you're going to request on that SSD before you ask for it, or to keep hold of data that you access frequently. This results in uneven performance because while in a best-case scenario it acts like an SSD, as soon as you all for data it hasn't cached, you fall back to the same behaviour as a traditional HDD. For this reason these have fallen out of fashion as SSD prices have fallen and capacities have risen.
SSDs are the way of the future, and HDDs are pretty much going to be relegated to medium term archival storage in the near future. Almost certainly within the lifespan of the PS5.
You can plug in a USB HDD any time you want to add more storage, but you're not going to be able to play PS5 games off it because they're just too slow.
66g for 4k textures, uncompressed 3d audio...etc is quiet low tbh.
If bluray is 50GB and if Spider-Man is 105GB, then that means either the game is compressed 2:1 on the disk, which is good, or at least half of the game needs to be downloaded first, which is bad. Those that prefer physical media like to believe that the disk/cartridge represents a specific and tangible version of a playable game but not just physical copy-protection for a downloaded game.
@get2sammyb I think there's a problem with the article. You say that Spiderman remastered takes up 105GB. But a couple of lines later you say:
It’s worth noting that textures will be more detailed on the PS5, so developers may well be saving space compared to PS4 titles, but using it up with higher quality assets. In the case of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered, for example, the original game with all of its DLC installed takes up approximately 75GB on the PS4, compared to roughly 55GB in its revamped form.
So is the remaster 105GB or 55GB?
How is this news? The file sizes are not dissimilar to this generation - it’s not even worth mentioning. COD is 100GB plus this generation. Any serious gamer has extra storage set up anyway. I know the particulars of external HD haven’t been finalised yet but there is nothing to worry about.
I bought one 3tb HD this gen and I never had to worry about file sizes.
@Chryssy75 exactly. Compression tech always improves but these are cutting edge brand new games with fancy graphics and sound. Who the hell would expect the file sizes to be smaller?
@Oscarjpc are you certain about this? Because the day one patch was about 40gb iirc.
@Makina so many click bait non-stories on this site. It’s like they need to fill a quota everyday of tabloid style stories about nothing.
Let's see my PS5 game list:
1. Ratchet & Clank:A Rift Apart
2. Astro's Playroom (pre installed)
3. Overcooked : All You Can Eat
4. Planet Coaster
5. Override 2
I think Ratchet & Clank, Planet Coaster will take some space for creating Save data but since my games are always physical and i tend to play Cartoonish games, i guess i will have no problem with storage capacity.
The only thing i concerned was the update patches.
Not really they're don't need the 4 k files. So all there games going to be much mallet like 4 times smaller
A lot of people are crying over a 60GB or 100GB game like they can play and complete 10 games at the same time lol Its not even entirely different from the game file size that we already have in the current gen.
So the original Spider-Man on PS4 was 75Gb including all DLC. The PS5 Remastered edition is 55Gb. So this is roughly a optimization of 20% due to the fact you need less double assets installed because of the SSD's speed.
Has Sony said anything if installing PS4 games on a PS5 will also use less disc space because of this? Or is this strictly a feature for dedicated PS5 games, which will result in identical install sizes for PS4 games on a PS5, compared to PS4.
(I already sold my PS4, but still have a good amount of PS4 games laying around that i need to play once I get my PS5.)
Didn't they say that file sizes would be smaller this gen due to not having to copy assets several times over to compensate for slow mechanical hard drive speeds?
Have we caught them in another fib?
And what does this mean for physical discs? Even at 66GB how are they going to compress games enough to fit on a 50GB DL BDR?
Are all games going to have 'rewuires content download' on the box?
As a physical buyer who despises digital this is worrisome for the future.
I don't like where gaming is going, maybe my consideration of going backwards with gaming is going to happen sooner rather than later.
@DrClayman You wanna pay a the price for a 2TB SSD.
Does anyone know if I purchased a ps4 games that gets free Ps5 upgrade, will the game performance be the same as if I purchased the standalone Ps5 game?
Seems an obvious way to get Ps5 games without having to pay the premium that publishers are putting on Ps5 games?
Am I missing something?
@thefourfoldroot something tells me you don’t have Call of Duty and GTA installed. Cause they take up over 250gb on their own 😂😂
No, lol, I most certainly do not! Those type of online focused games may as well just go to the cloud and be streamed (sad to say that about GTA, but maybe they can split it into single player and online multiplayer). They take up a bloated amount of space (not to mention time and money).
@GADG3Tx87 no we havent. File sizes will be smaller, but 4k assets are greater than what we've had before. Therefore the overall size is there or thereabouts compared to this gen.
Physical discs, to my knowledge, require exactly the same storage on the console as digital. Discs effectively have a licence to play the game on them, but all the data gets stored locally on the hdd
@bbq_boy Series S is a next gen system. What don't you understand?
Dark Souls Remastered + Dark Souls II + Dark Souls III + Sekiro = 61 GB on my PS4
Why are people surprised in all of this? , when we are currently experiencing this right now with the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2 and COD Modern Warfare which are well over 100gb.
@JJ2 That’s still not how it works. It downloads the whole game when you insert the disk, the disk is basically just and unlock key. It worked like that on 360 and PS3 where it only downloaded certain assets, but now it’s the whole thing the only really difference from that and digital download is as many people as you pass the disk to can play it
i don't think 66gb for demon souls sounds "enormous". i'm not sure why the title says that - unless it's for clicks.
Well, those more or less the sizes of current PS4 games.... Reading the headline I was expecting 250+
@Ridwaano Completely false. "Xbox director of program management Jason Ronald explained to IGN that game install sizes will be approximately 30% smaller on the Series S than on the Series X...There is a twist, however, as it’s up to developers to implement this particular technology."
Quote from https://bgr.com/2020/09/17/xbox-series-s-storage-vs-ps5-game-install-size-ssd-upgrade/
So if a game is 100 GB with 4K textures, it may be 70 GB on a Series S which is still extremely high. It is not 4 times smaller as you claim. It's also up to developers what they choose to do so the file size may not even be 30% smaller it could be even less or the same size as a game on Series X or PS5. So anyways. Xbox Series S owners are in trouble.
Jeez I didnt realise what I said could be so controversial haha
You literally just have to insert the disk. That's all what I said. No hassle.
It installs, downloads, everything you want on it's own.
And your back to where you left it.
Cool, so extra storage space has to be factored in as part of the cost of buying a console unless you want to be constantly deleting games.
@KathyQ I also have a 4TB external drive hooked up to it anyway for my PS4 stuff. As far I understand you hook it up. It is plug and play.
Imagine Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops Cold War on this lol.
300-400GB easily. Its already over 200GBs on PS4
@AdamNovice Xbox also have off the shelf options. They have a deal with Seagate but there are plenty of other choices.
I'm really getting frustrated with Sony.
Our terrible looking console is too big for most gaming set ups.
The install size of games will take up a huge percentage of the weirdly numbered SSD. It's quick though.
Games will now cost you £60 plus.
Well done for being a dick Sony
@Aexurion Thanks I appreciate that. One less person to worry about in my quest to secure one!
Again, i dont get the problem with this. Once ive platted a title it gets discarded back into the library from whenst it came, then another takes its place.
Is this for all digital or is this the size while using a disc as well?
Oh I see.
I thought that the 1080p will been like the ps3 size games 😂
Both 😊
Exactly this for me too.
Has anyone told Comcast and their 1tb cap about this?
No wonder they want $70 per game. Nobody is going to build up huge libraries anymore.
@stevie85 Yes, you can.
@Andyhunter132 Dude, I have a 1 TB PS4 Slim and I still have to juggle my game between my external and internal hard drives. So good luck to you too!
50 - 70 gb will be the standard so nothing really to see here. Moving on.
They don't seem that much. I thought all games would be 100+GB but saying that the GB on the PS5 seems not enough at all Hopefully the new SSD's won't be that expensive(I doubt it tho)
@Aexurion stop crying. Nobody cares if you buy one on day one or not stop smearing. Things are expensive and they generally get more expensive as time goes on. Sony have made a faster console. If they were to increase the 825 the console would cost more and you'd still be crying. Considering all this crying you are doing maybe this hobby isn't for you. If the games are too expensive for you anyway I guess you won't be filling that SSD up anytime soon.
............ 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 ........... 😂 😂 😂
Can you at least replace the ssd with a more appropriately sized one? Like you already can in the PS4.
@Nexozi Sammy was saying that the Ultimate Edition bundle with both games takes up 105 GB.
Not 105 GB for just one game.
Weren’t you the one complaining vociferously about the price of the console and how it should therefore not be released for a couple of years? Now you want a bigger and more expensive one?
The SSD is plenty big enough. I have a 500GB base unit and never had trouble. PS5 games are smaller and this hard drive larger than that, so it’s perfectly appropriate.
@KidBoruto Ah, I misread that. That makes more sense. 😂
@Nexozi No worries, least you know now ^_^. The more you know
Glad to help 👍
Nice try! Work on your judging skills, they need serious attention 😉
@Akurusu really? Because you’d have to reinstall one or two of several games?
@B_Lindz honest question... is it really a huge deal? I’m usually around 800gb. Worst case scenario I delete a game, install and use the bathroom or make myself some food. It’s just never been some game changing issue for me so I’m genuinely curious why it seems to be a big deal to some
Theyre not that “enormous”. What were you expecting, people.
Well, instead of dropping a fortune for nvme 4.0 2TB upgrade, you may as well buy another ps5 (digital) and there you have almost 2TB! I bet its cheaper ahah, just have to change the hdmi input once and a while.
@MasterEMFG Oh man, it's not a big deal at all. I'm planning on using an old external usb HDD and just moving games over to the internal SSD when I want to play them. Storage is cheaper than it's ever been. I don't know how people think it's such an inconvenience.
@MasterEMFG I like to show off y’know? I haven’t played Ratchet & Clank in months but it’s still there
This generation will see far more split games. Where you can delete a proportion of the game once you're done with it. So say you're playing the single player, don't install the multiplayer part. Or vice versa. Even had discussions with some about whether you could essentially delete highly specific portions of a game, like a level. Or indeed install just s fraction of a game that relates to an achievement / trophy. It's actually possible with an SSD as it opens these possibilities up. It's just whether MS or Sony support these possibilities. But online / single player only installs will be a thing.
I’m still just seeing a hard drive that’s significantly larger than my 500GB PS4 and games which are smaller, so I’m good and would have been annoyed had I been forced to spend more on space I don’t need.
I know there are different user cases, such as those with lots of gaming friends who need multiple different multiplayer games installed by- but then many devs should allow just multiplayer or single player parts to be downloaded; or people who share their console with multiple other people - but then it’s only right they should split the cost of a larger drive between them if they are only buying the one console.
I think Sony got it bang on.
@Aexurion thanks I will give that a try. If you could go ahead and at least pretend that you are happy about the next generation until I do that would be appreciated. That way I won't be able to misjudge your complaining.
Apart from the 105 Spider Man ultimate edition, those sizes don't seem thaaat bad to me? Demon's Souls fat 60GB is less than I would have expected. And even then, with Spider-Man that's basically two games and fairly chunky DLC for the first one. I assume you don't have to have both of them installed at the same time, either.
I thought I read somewhere that you would be able to install only certain parts of the game? So you could leave off the remastered version of Spiderman or the multiplayer part of a game, to save space?
@SnakeDoctor you did, a few comments above, #223 to be precise. lol. I've had discussions with project leads on linear level based games about possible "rolling deletion" as you complete a level giving players the ability to delete that part of the game. Or install a part of a game from a trophy guide that shows you a specific place to get a specific achievement. All of that is technically possible if developers and platform holders choose to support it. It might be way more difficult in an open world game though, unless there was a way you could incorporate the hard edge to the map thematically, like say with Assassin's Creed games with the Animus, which could give you a thematic "out" as it were. I guess with something like Spider-Man you could delete the components that relate the the main story, or DLC after playing them though. I still think rather than allowing very fine micro management of game installs we're more likely to see players being able to install or delete specific game modes like multiplayer or single player, but in some cases that could provide significant space saving. I also expect compression to get better as we go along, but having seen the assets some art directors now want to include in games, I'm genuinely surprised the installs for these two games are so reasonable.
@SirAngry Thanks, I think it was on a different article I read it but you've given a good overview of what should be possible. As you say, I guess it's down to the devs to actually try and put into the games.
@SnakeDoctor I think micro-deletion should be possible with a little bit of effort from developers. It's probably a pain in the A'hole task, but if you incorporate it into your NBT Tags at the begining of development and in you development protocols it's possible. The only issue I could see is the rolling impact it'd have on the QA process as games change during development. For some titles it could be way more hassle than it is worth as well, but essentially we already know what data comprises sections of the game, because we know when to load it into RAM. Moving similar protocols over to managing the data in storage devices isn't too big of a technical leap from there, it's more of a man power issue, or having highly organised project managers who are on at their teams to maintain tidy code.
"enormous" really? 🤨
@viciousarcanum It seems so if you consider how big are similar games on the PS4. From Software games have always been very light in terms of GBs. The 3 Dark Souls, Sekiro and Bloodborne are less than 100 GB all together; Demons Soul alone is 66 GB.
@thefourfoldroot what are you talking about?
Where did I say I wanted a bigger and more expensive console when the PS5 represents everything about over priced and over sized as it already is?
Why are you using a thesaurus to use words like vociferously when no human being would use words like that in a conversation in real life? 😂
All good questions, but the best was first.. what are you talking about?
@thefourfoldroot ever since PS3 1TB has never been enough for me. I think launching a platform where everything is from from the onboard memory in this day and age. Anything less than 1TB is laughable and pointless. They’ve also gone for the most expensive version of SSD. Mind you at nearly £100 a game, it’ll be along time anyone owns enough quality titles on this platform anyway.
You said the ps5 hard drive was inadequate. Too small. Insufficient. Miserly. And no, I don’t need a thesaurus. This implies you wanted a larger, and thus more expensive one.
Now I just read your other comments: less than 1tb not enough? Games nearly £100? What are you on?!!
@God_of_Nowt I feel like some people take a weird pride in how many games they have and like to show it off. There is no need to have 30 games on your system at any one time.
@Shinobi1Kenobi I only saw games listed as 10 dollars higher. Is 10 bucks extra really a make or break price point for you? If you've been paying attention with Sony doubling down on big blockbuster games, you had to expect a price increase. AAA 3rd party games will do the same. It's been a long time coming.
@koffing I would seriously doubt they are part of the same game. More like if you order the ultimate edition, you get a code for the remastered
@thefourfoldroot no. I’m saying it’s too expensive as it is, SSD is too new a tech to be affordable in a home game console. Evidenced by the fact they’ll only put a sub 1TB drive in. It’s a pile of crap before it’s even launched. It’s a half baked next gen console just like the PS4 was. They should wait 2 years till they have a better design and production costs drop when the components are affordable.
@Akurusu trust your second mind. Early adopting this is the worst decision of any generation.
Production costs do not drop until things are in production! Lol. Seriously, you keep saying that but no.
Yes, both last gen consoles were half baked due to their terrible laptop CPUs. Other than that they were fine.
The hard drive isn’t half baked. Too expensive is subjective. To you it might be, for others not, but it is ahead of even PC tech so not half baked.
Honestly, you sound like a bit of a fanboy, and I don’t throw that accusation around like some might. You just have no rationally coherent position and keep accusing people of using Wiki or a thesaurus, as if that would even be an insult were it true (it’s not).
@mvhess Where in the world is £69.99 only £10 higher than £39.99/£49.99 if you’re used to paying £59.99 per game right now then you’re a fool with too much money. AAA titles haven’t cost over £49.99 since the N64.
With new prices starting at £69.99 that means extra £20 minimum, with some stores listing at £84.99 nobody but idiots desperate to have the latest thing first, regardless of how high priced or crap it may be, will buy this console and games on day 1.
@thefourfoldroot it’s not subjectively overpriced, it just is too expensive. They also don’t need to build a console now to make it cheap. Do you understand business or finances at all? Clearly not.
You have a BoM or procurable components in year 1, all are available as existing technologies at varying points in their life cycles.
If total BoM = Greater than specification build budget? Either A; You’re building too early or B: you’re specifying too high.
In this instance, I’d go with A as of the specification. Was any less than the PS5 right now then there would be even less of a purpose to the already tenuous purpose right now.
Holding off 2 years and dropping the price of One X and PS4 Pro to £199 would make far more sense from a development, financial and business perspective. Hold that pricing for two years when, miraculously, your 4TB SSDs are the same or half the price of your pointless .85TB today and the original spec RAM, CPU and manufacturing costs have also dropped. All of a sudden you can deliver a better console at a better time, for less than £400 and more likely than not, at 65% of the physical size. It is an ugly gigantic pile of crap right now. Anyone who doesn’t think so, is lying to themselves cause they are desperate for the latest tech or they will quickly think the same once they unbox it and see it actually stood, monolithic, in their lounge/bedroom. It’s ugly.
Or, wait and buy the Slim/Pro version that will inevitably come in 2023. A properly and better designed version of what they’ve fumbled together with this PS5. Buying this now, is just folly to one-up your piers.
But I’m guessing you fall into camp one and you’ll buy regardless which is your prerogative and ultimately Sony’s target market of “gimme gimme gimme” fanboys.
Your entire tiresome argument keeps coming down to it being “too expensive” which given how preorders are going doesn’t seem to be the case for sale to early adopters, “too ugly”, which is both subjective and irrelevant, and “too big”, which it isn’t. Possibly it doesn’t fit in your entertainment centre. Just stand it up somewhere. It’s not difficult.
Feel free to wait for a slim version if you need to save the money or space, but denigrating early adopters is somewhat ignoble when these are the people who drive transition to the new gen,
@mvhess that’s fair and maybe that’s why you can do a straight diff. if the games cannot share resources then the total install would just be the sum of two separate installs.
@Shinobi1Kenobi I'm in the US where new releases always cost $59.99, now they appear to be $69.99. Having said that, I only really buy Sony first party games at release. The rest I buy on their regular sales. You are clearly upset about this so buy an Xbox and get games pass.
@Shinobi1Kenobi Get over yourself man. $400 is not a lot of money to me. And with my internet connection, it doesn't take longer than 10 minutes to be able to start playing most games. I'm not getting it to one up my piers lol. I am excited about 3d.audio and no load times and the inevitable graphics increase and I like Sony games. What difference does it make to you?
$400 for digital only. $500 (£450) for the actual full version of the console. THE most expensive console ever made. And THE biggest.
I’m no talking about if $400 is a lot of money. I’m saying that is beyond the norm for the launch price of a console. Couple that with the software hike and this has just gotten ridiculous based on cost alone. It’s just not a good gaming solution.
@mvhess I buy all consoles. Why should I buy an Xbox and game pass? Rent my games and never own anything? Great solution.
@thefourfoldroot ? 😂
I’m not arguing any point and I not trying to convince you otherwise. I’m siting an opinion which I’m entitled to, as are you. It’s sad that a negative opinion seems to be deemed as less valid than a negative one just because it upsets you. Pre-order have nothing to do with anything. They could put a cardboard box and a big question mark next to each spec and it would still get pre-orders.
Every console always sells. It’s a massive market with a broad range of consumers. Technology products in particular have a huge “I need it first” market and always has. People were I kept it Super Famicoms before release in the UK and back in the early 90’s THAT was a task and a half.
But it was always affordable compared to PC gaming. The line is becoming more and more blurred with Sony and Microsoft being desperate to convert the gaming market into a hardware led market, following suit of graphics cards and mobile phones. I wouldn’t be surprised if we now get new hardware every 3 years.
Next Gen
Next Gen 1.5
Next Gen 2.0
Next Gen 2.5
It lets them forecast and build financial models easier. Nothing to do with the art form of games development. Gaming should be software led, not vice versa.
That’s why you got THE biggest advancements in gaming history when gaming hardware was developed by developers: Atari, Sega and Nintendo.
Since it became Sony and Microsoft leading the hardware market, gaming franchises have become weak regurgitated sequels and everything being pushed with huge budget graphics on games with bugger all substance or playability; but the masses don’t care cause it all looks pretty. It’s like playing the gaming equivalent of a rollercoaster Just big flashes of lights and noise on a dull and repetitive rail.
I’m sorry, but your opinion is false. Not every opinion is valid simply fir being an opinion. I have no time to answer you fully so just look at the following list of console prices, adjusted for inflation, to see that there has been no significant rise in price to consumer:
And the reason we have more sequels (I would say more franchises) is, very simply, that games have progressed to be much more expensive to develop and thus a much larger risk (really though, did we really have fewer franchises in the past? How many Mario and sonic games and spin offs did we have for example, and the indie scene is much bigger now).
No one wil probably see this now but a quick point... Spider-man on PS4 takes up 45gb, so having Miles Morales take up a bit more than that makes perfect sense when you consider the entire map is being remade with higher quality assets and an entirely different season, add on top of this new OST, VO and cutscenes... these game sizes are no bigger or not much bigger than before...
They could be a whole lot larger, stop being such babies.
@thefourfoldroot haha thanks for proving my point. You can see that those release list prices actually average way lower. The statistical analysis to skew a point is just laughable. Fact in hand. It’s over priced.
The reason we have sequels is that the recycle graphical assets and rely on branding. It’s lazy and creates uninspired games.
What are you talking about? look at last gen and you see that the Xbox one was $57 more, and the PS4 only $55 less. The gen before and the 360 was around $30 more, the PS3 $270 more. The ps2 was only $50 less, the Xbox $60 less. So you are talking about the price of a game difference at worst but significantly cheaper at best.
As I said then, these consoles aren’t overpriced for what you get, or for consoles generally. That’s a verifiable fact, I grant you they are big, but who the hell cares? They take a lot more power and so need to dissipate a lot more heat.
There are certainly things to criticise the consoles for, but saying they are far too expensive and shouldn’t release for a couple of years is frankly silly when you see the state of late last gen non Sony games (Control anyone?)
And yes, there are far more sequels than a few generations ago, true. There are also far more new IPs thanks to small publishers and devs. There are just far more games generally!
@KathyQ i know, im figuring this out now lol. From what i see a 1tb is $230 so a 4tb ssd which is what i want would be roughly $800. Omg. Im guessing you are from england?
@__jamiie absolutely xbox series s is next gen. A baby weak next gen console. But yeah still next gen. Enjoy bud when you get one. Btw this is a PlayStation news site for ps fans right? Dont understand why xbox fans spent so much time here and get upset 😊 heck if I like Nintendo I'd be on Nintendo site. If I love pc gaming I'd be on PC gaming site. If I love fries I'd be spreading my enthusiasm on a potato site.
@bbq_boy And some people are grown ups who don't have blind loyalty to a multinational company over another multinational company. I happen to like games. I have several consoles and no brand bias.
But you clearly only want to hear positive things about PlayStation and nothing but negativity about Xbox and Nintendo. Very childish attitude.
You may also want to speak with the writers and editors of this site because they've been talking about Xbox a LOT lately.
@B_Lindz i get that you want to keep ALL your games installed but you know you dont even play alot of them anymore.
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