Amid the bevy of upcoming game news during the latest Ubisoft Forward was also one final trailer for the new season of Rainbow Six: Siege: Operation Shadow Legacy. Alongside some info about the PS5 port of the title, an animated short was played highlighting gaming legend Sam Fisher's re-entry into Ream Rainbow.
The patch is downloadable now and includes a frankly staggering number of significant changes. Alongside the lone new operator — Sam Fisher, referred to as Zero to signify him being the very first Rainbow operator — we have a rework of launch map Chalet. Attacker Thatcher has also been pretty severely nerfed, and new gadgets have been added to the game. But wait there's still more!
The entire optics system in the game has been reworked with an exponentially more customizable selection of sights to use, with varying zooms, and they even come with customizable reticule colors now. The new ping system, allowing gadgets and items of interest to be marked. are also being implemented, as well as another handful of other fairly significant changes.
Frankly, we're concerned this might be too many changes all at once, that's how significant the changes are! If you want a complete breakdown of all the changes, you can check out Ubisoft's blog post about it here. Are you gonna be installing the new season patch today? Let's talk about Sam Fisher in the comments!
Comments 3
but did they buff FOKIN LASER SIGHTS
Very excited for this update and especially for the new ping system. I hope it continues to evolve towards a more apex legends looking one.
Awsome. Been waiting for a new splinter cell for years. Thank you UBI sof....... Waaaaait one second 🤔
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