November 2020's PlayStation Plus games have been officially announced, and we must say, what a month this is.
As always, subscribers can look forward to two PlayStation 4 titles, both of which will also be playable on the PlayStation 5. November's duo consists of Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight — two highly rated but very different games. Both of them will be available to download and play starting from next week, on the 2nd November.
But that's not all. If you're getting a PS5, you'll be delighted to know that the weird and wonderful Bugsnax is joining the lineup. It'll be available to download on your new next-gen console at launch. It's worth noting, however, that the PS4 version of Bugsnax will not be up for grabs. PS5 only!

This is a particularly strong month. While we'll have a review for Bugsnax shortly, we awarded Middle-earth: Shadow of War an 8/10 when it released a few years back, describing it as a "stellar sequel".
"The Nemesis System remains the real star of the show in all of its expanded glory, and while its dynamic brilliance threatens to make the main story missions seem boring by comparison, there's enough heft to the overall package that you can look past its shortcomings. In the barrage of blockbusters hitting PS4 over the next few months, Shadow of War should not be missed."
And we were similarly enthusiastic about Hollow Knight, granting that a 9/10 in our review:
Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition shines bright, which is ironic considering its solemn presentation and challenging gameplay. Offering a plethora of collectibles and content to explore as well as unrelenting confrontations, the game delivers a sensational, mysterious journey which will undoubtedly test your platforming skills.
It's worth adding that PS5 owners will also get access to the new PS Plus Collection, and you can find out more about what's on offer as part of that initiative through here: All PS Plus Collection Games on PS5. All of those games will be available to download at launch in November.
What do you think of November's PS Plus offering? Raise an army of orcs in the comments section below.
Comments 149
Talkin' 'bout...!
Oh nice, I'll definitely give Bugsnax a try.
Hollow Knight is great, but I already own it.
Bugsnaxes doesn't seem very exciting. It’s also bull that we’re only getting one PS5 game. Sony’s been way too lax with Plus lately. It was slush better value 7 years ago with the last console launch. 1 PS5 game just doesn’t do it.
Okay okay not bad.
The question is, is there a way to at least redeem Bugsnax for PS5 from the PS4?
Right out the massive cardboard box and styrofoam packaging.
Good job Sony!
Bugs Knacks baby!
Has shadow of war been patched to cut down that bit near the end that was clearly a way to push buying units rather than grind?
I was about to buy Hollow night. Thanks Sony
Shadow of War? Hmm, reckon I'll give this one a go.
Played Shadow of Mordor on the 360, enjoyed it for the most part but never completed it. Think I was stuck on the penultimate boss or something. Not a very patient gamer!
Maybe I'll have more joy with the sequel on PS4, thanks Sony!
I already bought both of them and i'm not getting a PS5 until next year so i'm left high and dry
It's a 'no' from me, Bob.
All great games! Shadow of War i played when it came out and was immensely enjoyable. Looking forward to playing Bugsnax, seems a lot of fun!
@Jaz007 To be fair, there's not too many PS5 games to give away.
Wow and an additional PS5 game!!! Never thought this would happen in the first month especially give the buzz around Bugsnax, I am very surprised this is going to be free at launch. Never played Hollow Knight but I read good things - decent month for me!
Nice. Own shadow of war, but a game I have to finish. Now maybe ill get back into it. Hollow Night looks fun. So good month
Noooo why no Bugsnax on PS4
Sucks for those of us that won't be getting a PS5 for a while.
I’m pretty excited. Hopefully I can redeem it without owning a PS5. Really wanna play bugsnax when I eventually get one (but not something I’d buy haha)
At the star of this gen I redeemed a few ps4 games from the site before I get the PS4. I guess it should work the same way.
Damn I bought hollow knight thinking it would never ever become a plus title
Ok, then I guess I’m getting plus for Bugsnax!
Just learnt you can claim bugsnax up until January, so I don’t have to start subbing in November now
@zupertramp probably from the app
Bought shadow of war about a month ago never mind great game. Bugsnax for free why the hell not
BUGSNAX! Yep, this makes up for the year. Hollow Knight’s hilarious though, I own it on three different consoles and now I’ll own it on 4. Just after we played it through Game Club!
It was inevitable as it’s on ps now.
@DualshockInfinit use the browser and purchase/add to library for bugsnax once November comes round then can download it once your on your ps5
Again with the PSNow games. I'll give Bugsnax a go but not really my thing.
AMAZING month.
Can't get a ps5 so not much use getting a free game. The other 2 I have no interest in tbh
I have hollow knight on Switch and it’s amazing !!! I will give Bugsnax a go that’s for sure
@Kidfried PS4 had Resogun and Contrast on PS Plus at launch.
You can't please everyone so why even try!
@kidfried says you're wrong. I really couldn't say as I didn't get a PS4 at launch and can't be bothered to look it up.
In any case there is the Plus Collection so I mean, that wasn't there at the start of this current gen.
Edit: and Liam just clarified... Yes the ps4 had plus games at launch albeit really crappy ones imo.
Incredible hyped to play hollow knight voidheart edition.shout out to Ellsworth on pushsquare.i got to finish shadow of mordor first.word up son
Certainly not downloading Hollow Knight here (y'know, one of those memetic "hidden gems" as per r/NintendoSwitch), but MIGHT try Middle-Earth despite already having it on Steam as well. As for Bugsnax, guess PS3 will no longer be the only console I'll have a bunch of legally accessible but never actually accessed games for.😄
Seriously what's the deal with putting PS Now /EA Play games on Plus every single month?
They're cannibalising the value of each badly.
I already have those subs so there's nothing new here, has happened several times this year already.
Push Square surely there's an article to be made on this subject?
@LiamCroft @ShogunRok
@L3GTRIGA. Me too.i was about to buy it.but now its free.oh yeah cool.word up son
@Kidfried what do you mean no launch plus games on ps4...I thought contrast and resogun was the plus games they launched in November 2013 when ps4 came out?
Surely we won't have any moaners in the comment section this month. I have Hollow Knight but I recommend that game to EVERYONE, and I will be checking out the LOTR game and Bugsnax 😁
@LiamCroft @kidfried
Liam beat me, I remembered Resogun but couldn’t remember the name for Contrast.
That was a fun lineup and nice intro to the PS4.
I’m looking forward to Bugsnax.
I’m calling this. Many people will be whining in the future when future PS+ games end up being PS4 games due to BC instead in new PS5 indy titles.
@Medic_Alert oh thank you. I might get it then but I guess I should play the first one before. Sadly the very poor performance on 360 put me off but I have heard it is far better on ps4
I think theres misunderstanding. You asked how to redeem a ps+ game without having a ps5 I thought. I didnt get ps4 at launch precisely.
@JJ2 ah i see what you mean. Definitely misunderstood. My bad. Two different conversations going.
Is this an invitation to play over 100 hours of hollow knight on a different console for no apparent reason? Yes, yes it is, and I accept.
Hollow knight is one of the best games of the generation.
Tough first hour or so though till you get a map.
Persevere and you will be rewarded.
@ShogunRok I think they've added two games to the psplus collection too. Look at the list at the bottom of that blog post (the official PS one). It has:
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
I don't think they are on the previous list?
PS+. Looks to be off to a good start with the next generation Bugsnax at launch and Destruction All-stars early next year!
Sweet can't wait to give bugsnax a go!!! Hollow knight I have played a bit on now, and not played shadow of war so will add to library, wasn't expecting to get a ps5 game on plus straight away. Bugsnax oh man I'm chuffed 😃. Honestly don't think it will be amazing but at least for free it's a no brainer, and might actually be good.
I'm so happy.
@phil_j hm, interesting, they were not. This makes me wonder what's next. PS plus collection looking awesome already, it's no Gamepass but the diversity of its library already is phenomenal.
@phil_j We're on it, thank you!
Great munf! I think
@hoffa007 I already knew how to do this, but thank you for your concern😃
@zupertramp they should have said so in the article, but you'll have until April 2021 to redeem it on the PS5.
Amazing month. Both are games I've wanted to play but never got around to actually buying.
Great start to PS5 if you ask me. Astro included and Bugsnax with PS Plus? Lovely. Definitely grabbing Hollow Knight as well, got it on Switch but will definitely take a PS5 version with haptic feedback enhancements! Plus there's loads of games on the PS Plus Collection that I'll be taking for a spin. So Demon's Souls if the only game I'll actually be buying outright at launch.
@thefourfoldroot Yeah but I would’ve preferred Celeste or Owlboy since I want to play them but not pay for then unless they get cheaper
Okay this month is AMAZING. Can't wait to see what PS Now is giving us.
Bugsnax looks like a fever dream and I had no plans on getting it, but for free, I’ll definitely check it out.
Nicee, I plan to buy bugsnack from the beginning
I would've bought Bugsnax day 1 so over the moon with this month. Shadow of war been looking to buy also. This and the PS plus collection will make for a fantastic start to my PS5. Bought Valhalla, don't need much more now for a while
i hope i can add to my library ps5 games..i won't getting it day one..
Holy moley! As negative as I can tend to be it's hard not to be impressed with this launch line up and what Sony is offering to me as an early PS5 adopter.
From Nov 17th I will have:
Demon's Souls
Spiderman + Miles Morales
Astro's Playroom
and 18 classic PS games (7 of which I haven't played yet).
Then Cyberpunk 2077 in December.
It's going to be an amazing winter for gaming.
...yay me...I have both games. 😢
Well would you look at that, just finished shadow of mordor, would be great to get shadow of war for my ps5
Playing hollow knight still (slowest game club play through ever) but its great. Hype for bugsnax is real!
What a letdown for ps4 owners,sony thinking of the ps5 players and nothing decent for ps4 owners,come on Sony add some aaa games to psnow and psplus for ps4 owners
Dangit, I have both of the Ps4 Games... BUT 🎵BUGSNAX🎵!
@DODDY2020 Shadow of War IS a AAA game, and an amazing one at that. And Hollow Knight, although an indie game, is one of the best indie games I have ever played. Easily in my top 3
I wanted to give Bugsnax a try so I'm really happy it'll be on PS+.
Will give them a try just didnt seem appealing to me,guess everyone has different opinions, think I'm just gutted as I heard a rumour that gran turismo sport might be one of the november games as my disc is broke so really wanted this
even if you don't own a ps5 for a number of years, you can still add the ps5 (from ps+) games to your account by "purchasing" it on the psn store if you are a ps+ subscriber. many people still do not know this and have lost out on thousands of dollars worth of games over the years.
Stitched up two months in a row! Last month I couldn't claim Vampyr because I'd downloaded it on Now. This month I won't be able to download Hollow Knight for the same reason. Luckily I didn't play Shadow of War when it was on Now otherwise I'd have missed out on that as well.
Tell me, Sony, why do I need to subscribe to both services again?? Same games on both services. At the very least don't punish me for doing so by taking away my ability to get the Plus games.
I have both PS4 games, but both are well worth playing. Shadow of War is not as good as Mordor (too bloated), but is fun, and Hollow Knight is great.
Did I miss this: how do we/can we claim Bugsnax if we won’t have a PS5 in November? I have tried to preorder, but so far no luck.......
@Cornaboyzzz Well, try to envisage what Plus will give you in a month or two's time, and it will probably be that!
Just learn you can claim bugsnax up until January, so I don’t have to start subbing in November now.
Was tempted to get Shadow of War on sale a little while ago. Thank god I didn't this time and miss out on another free game lol
@DualshockInfinit ah ok its alright i wasn't sure but also thought better to not miss out on it as it was free, read your comment as if you wasn't going to be able to add it.
That is a killer list! Although I have no interest in Middle Earth the other two are awesome.
Not a bad month although I'm surprised at how happy everyone seems to be about bugsnax, it looks bloody awful..
Wow great month. Hollow knight is the dogs danglies!
BUGSNAX oh yeah!!!! I was going to buy it day one on PS5, my first digital game, but this is way better lol
Also, the rest of the games I already played, RIP PS4 I guess!
@get2sammyb @Quintumply @ShogunRok @LiamCroft
This just dropped:
Edit: It keeps giving me an error message after submitting my address. It took two tries to get it to accept my serial number (it's sooooo tiny)!
Wow was hoping Hollow Knight appears on PsVita but this is great news.
This is the best PS+ lineup we've gotten in a very long time. I'm excited.
So what happens if I get the PS5 for xmas? Have I missed out? Or can I purchase it on my PS4, then download it in December?
@lacerz I keep getting an error telling me to contact Customer Support. But still, good looking out.
Woah! Nice one Sony =]
Great month! Makes up for last few months 👏🏼 Lovely treat for early adopters
BUGSNAX BABY! Very nice indeed, and Hollow Knighta and Shadow of Mordor are also great games too, what a month to kick off next gen with
@Quintumply You've tweeted about Bugsnax so many times I always think it's out already and immediately thought of you when I read the games. 😂
I think we own Hollow Knight somewhere but my son may want another go.
I purchased Shadow of Morder years ago for like $8 on sale, haven't started it yet, still finishing up the never ending Witcher 3, but I'll accept this as motivation to play that.
Not sure when we'll have a PS5 but I'll of course look into adding Bugsnax to the library.
Ooo hollowknight!! Cool!
Can we still somehow put bugsnax in our library for later without a ps5?
@rjejr Talkin bout Bugsnax
@Bingbongboyo Available until April of 2021!
Hollow Knight us the best non-Metroid Metroid ever made. Play it if you have not.
Best Ps Plus line up ever!Absolutely loved Shadow Of Mordor and never got to play the sequel so super excited for that one and also never played Hollow Night.
As for Bugsnax...shocked and excited to be able to play on my brand new White Beast.
Yay for middle earth. And yes, bugsnax has psplus written all over it. Actually a nice callback to the days where psplus always added a brand new, oftentimes very experimental indie. Just hope the community won't complain until we're back to AAA bargain bin titles worth <10£
@JoeyTS Oooh, nice!
@zupertramp @Kidfried as Liam said, there was Contrast and Resogun. I never tried out Contrast (which I regret a bit) and Resogun is still considered a stellar game and I still play it on occasion. Those particle effects are still so pretty.
But this absolutely a time to complain about Plus. We’re getting less than we did back then. Consistent two game a month and new indie release every month was the standard. Plus excellent for PS4 at release and we’re definitely not getting the same value. Often Vita games were PS4 games too, making it 3 or 4 PS4 games a month.
The instant game collection is PS4 games we can’t play on PS4. It’s cool, but hardly needed PS4 support. Many have already been on Plus and it is basically replacing PS3 games after so long.
So no, this is not a big month of value compared to PS4 launch by any means.
Shadow of lootbox was terrible at launch. I know they rebalanced it when they took out the loot boxes so it may be worth playing now. Hollow knight is a must play in my book. And bugsnax must be the game I found the least appealing on reveal in resent memory.
@Bingbongboyo You should be able to add it to your library, at the least via the psn on the web store, if not the PS4 store.
Excellent month for me as I've played neither PS4 game. They will all be added to the list of ever growing games I've yet to start.
@Jaz007 you are annoyed that a console launch only has one free game? It has 22 actually. Bugsnax. Astro. PSPlus collection. Ps plus hasn’t gone down in value but entitlement in the community is through the roof.
@Jaz007 I guess my only question is, what games on the PS5 are comparable to Contrast and Resogun and could have feasibly been given away? And don't get me wrong, it's a favorite pastime of mine complaining about Plus so I'm all for them doing better... But idk, this month doesn't seem so bad all things considered. Maybe that's just a testament to how much they've slowly lowered our expectations over the life of the PS4.
@zupertramp I’m not sure because I don’t know what Digital games are coming at launch. I didn’t know Bugsnax was, but I’m positive there are more games they could make a deal for or release something in-house.I know there are more than Bugsnax, I think Pathfinder (I cant remember the title quite) is launch too, but I know they could get something decent.
And I think slower expectations is right, because somehow a third game is a bonus rather than recouping precious lost value from the same service. Heck, someone here forgot we been got that much value we’ve been so conditioned. 6 games was standard since the start, or close to the start, of Plus.
@Sknarfm yes, that would be great. Cheers!
Wow. I was looking with half an eye closed then - based on recent months. Awesome! PS5 game too! Very happy 😊
@Jaz007 just because you already have hollow knight means it's a bad month. We are also getting a great game with shadow of war. Plus there arent even many ps5 games made yet. Do you expect them to make demon souls or miles morales the free game of the month?
@coolguyman87 No, I expect another small game. I’m not excited about the PS4 section, but won’t deny what Hollow Knight brings. I’m getting a PS5, though, so I’m more concerned about the PS5 selection than the PS4. There weren’t many PS4 games when Sony gave 2-4 out for free a month either. They still put them out and had some real gems in there. They can do it and history shows that.
@GhostInAJar PS Collection is PS4 games, most of which have been on Plus (or we've already played), and I'm also not sure if they are permeant, which would significantly turn down their value for me. Astro is like the Playroom and has nothing to do with PS Plus. We're getting 1 free PS5 game, one, which is not a good enough standard for Plus and bad compared to history.
I just remember when Plus had more to it is all. I got a PS4 at launch and base my expectation off of that.
what a coincidence, they are giving another game that they expect will sell dlc. Been happening a lot the past year.
@Jaz007 Kind of hard to criticize Sony for only giving us 1 PS5 game per month so far considering there's not that many PS5 games yet.
Solid month. Played Hollow Knight on Switch and it's an excellent game.
Ok, Bugsnax for free is a pretty sweet bonus considering it's from the presentations. I'm happy about that!
Four games ware announced in Japan
Knack 2 would have been a much better bonus game but I guess these are okay.
Does anyone else read Bugsnax in Liams voice when reading it in your head?
First time I've had both games and not even mad.
Now my friends have no excuses fot not playing Hollow Knight.
Also excited for BUGSNAX!!!
@playstation1995 word up son
Not bad. I might try all three of these eventually. Then again, I might not. People love that Hollow Knight game though.
Three PS3 games are included here. On PS5. Jesus wept.
@ellsworth004. No doubt playa word up son
Yeah let's pay £500 for a playstation 5 then a further £7 a month for PS Plus so I can play Bugsnatch 🤣🤣🤣🤣 jokers
Great games. I do not own Shadow of war and Hollow Knight, so for me is sweet deal. And Bugsnax looks very fun game, look forward to try it.
Great month with Bugsnax, BUT, I will be disappointed if we do not get 2 PS5 games in the near future as we did with PS3 and PS4.
@Clemerek add it to your library then.
For all ps+ subscribers I hope we can add ps5 games to our library's for the ones who has to get their ps5! I've been a customer of Sony since the PlayStation 1 I have bought many many games I will be upset if I don't have the chance to add this interesting game to my library. Lol missed out and my ps5 went to a scalper and their bot. Please sony I hope on release day I can pick up my shiney ps5 with the uncharted side panels and enjoy this crazy loonytoons type game.
@zupertramp Resogun crap?
@RIGORR_MORTIS PS5 has not released and we get people bitching already. 😆
I just realised that now we are getting at least 3 games every month and the collection update in addition. 👍
People are still complaining 😂
Great for all but there should be a way for people who have ps plus on ps4 to save the ps5 stuff as well because not everyone can afford a ps5 at launch but when they can, they will still be paying subscriber fees anyway.
@deathaxe They make it as hard as possible to do that though. Like, there isn't even any kind of link to Live Chat on their website anywhere, yet I've used it before so it definitely exists.
This issue has plagued PS4 all generation, I can't believe they've done nothing to rectify it.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's not my cup of tea but I guess the more relevant point is both games were relatively minor releases. That's really all I was getting at.
@JohnKarnes PS4 titles and cross gen games are likely to be the norm for quite a while until a backlog of PS5 exclusives builds up. Not necessarily bad.
@zupertramp I wish we got more of these little gems the games i want ill buy them anyway.
@Barryburton97 No its not necessarily bad for some. I own almost all of the big titles on PS4 so it is bad for me. That said I will enjoy looking at how a few of my PS4 titles will look and run on PS5. Back log titles will be the most of what I play from PS4. Other than that short look I bought my PS5 for PS5 games not PS4 games. I have no hate for the PS4 I loved it and the games. I am just going forward with PS5 it will take about 6 months to a year. After that i will pack away my PS4 and its games.
I already own Middle-earth: Shadow of War, but definitely picking up Bugsnax and Hollow Knight!
@Cowboyfromhll69 @Mad001 @Gmork___ @Westernwolf4 @zebric21 @supergurr @Stragen8 @swagbag713 You can still claim free PS4 and PS5 games from the PlayStation Store via computer/PC or phone! (also tablet, laptop etc)
Just download the official PlayStation App from your app store.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but if I got bloodbourne with ps plus but want to actually buy it because it’s on sale just in case I don’t want ps plus anymore how can I do that?
@cschene sure you can just delete the PS+ version from your hard drive and then install the new version!
@DualshockInfinit I’d still go on a browser and redeem it so you have it when you do get a new console
@cschene there should be an option on the game page in the PS Store to buy it now. They added the ability to actually buy redeemed games a while back
@LiamCroft will we be able to download the free ps plus games of ps4 on ps5 ? I pre-oredered the ps5 and planning to sell the ps4 immediately.
@AJ1 Yep!
Been wanting to play Hollow Knight for ages!
@Jaz007 What do you expect with a new console? Im really interested there arent many games already.
@Flaming_Kaiser Honestly, Just something else like Overcooked, Pathless, or No Man’s Sky if you want to get something real nice. Just a second game like PS4 had.
This just keeps getting worse and worse. It like they look through all the old games and pull out the crappies ones to give us. If I knew this is what I was paying $60.00 for I would have gotten PS Now instead. At least that I would have been able to pick my own games to play.
@Jaz007 I have the one with moving but those games really need some friends that help and make it so much more fun. This is why we need more indies great for the start of a new generation and if they are good for the rest too.
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