Are you trying to buy a PlayStation 5? According to boss Jim Ryan speaking with Russian outlet TASS, “absolutely everything is sold”. While there has been a trickle of PS5 stock returning to the retail channel this week, it’s gone in minutes. And the executive has revealed that, after spending much of the year ensuring there’s demand for the machine, now he’s focused on getting enough devices into the market to meet demand.
“Everything is sold. Absolutely everything is sold,” he said. “I’ve spent much of the last year trying to be sure that we can generate enough demand for the product. And now in terms of my executive bandwidth, I’m spending a lot more time on trying to increase supply to meet that demand.”
We’re still waiting for a press release on PS5’s initial sales figures, but it looks like the company sold every single console it could manufacture. The challenge it now faces is swiftly getting more units into the supply chain, because it looks like the product is poised to be difficult to find for the foreseeable future.
[source tass.com]
Comments 79
At least the Black Friday stuff is next week so that's potentially the best shot at getting a console for now if you didn't pre-order
I'm just crossing my fingers hoping these Black Friday restocks apply to Canada as well. We haven't had a proper console restock since LAUNCH
Unfortunately scalpers have purchased large swathes of stock. Wish they could tie it into a PSN account.
So did they get the numbers mixed up!!! Supplied 200 for a demand of 200,000,000!?!?!
@LongLiveManUtd They can only make so many. The companies that provide parts are also making parts for Microsoft and trying to sell their own graphics cards. Stock on everything is low. It's just the way it goes sometimes.
I never understand when major companys like sony underestimate their products..its the ps5 for gods sake..its more popular than the 2nd coming and they still dont make enough..its not as if they would be left with a huge stockpile of consoles they would never sell..its the thing when developers suddenly realise their servers are maxed out because too many children bought call of duty 20-whatever and it keeps kicking people off...jesus wept have some faith in your product and make more than you anticipate selling...
3070, 3080, 6800Xt are also all gone.
Not just Sony. Every piece of new gaming hardware has sold out. (Been trying to get a Ryzen 5600X and no luck either)
Hopefully they get more PS5s in soon. Most people I know are still trying to find one.
I read an interesting article saying that supply is being kept low on purpose. It increases demand. And they're selling these consoles at a loss, so they're waiting till production costs will lower a bit before producing on a wider scale.
Of course, could be just Covid..
How hard is it to implement timers on a purchase? Event sites do it for tickets. I got as far as the payment confirmation page before being kicked and told it was no longer available.
On another note, do sales actually count if they all end up being refunded because the scalpers can't move all of their goods?
I guess Sony didn't anticipate the crazy demand for the PS5. I get people are buying up consoles to resell at higher prices but this is kinda crazy.
@TheFrenchiestFry it’s been a week dude! 🤦♂️
@Rjak I’m sorry but that’s absolute hogwash. The real money is made from software and services, they want as many people with ps5’s in their home as possible. The real bottlenecks right now are manufacturing and distribution.
@MarcG420 Yeah it's been a week and since then PS Direct has been restocking like every other day from what I heard and yesterday Walmart dropped Digital Editions briefly as well in the US
Canada didn't get *****
Then there's me sat here with series x and ps5 😎
@TheFrenchiestFry you know psdirect having small amounts of stock every day could’ve (and likely is) simply been a staggered stock release right... this helps to make sure it’s not all going to bots.
@Sambo91 Sure you are
@TheFrenchiestFry it does suck that there isn’t more stock to allow more people to enjoy the new gen, but it is what it is.
@Trotterwatch Yeah man Scalpers are in full force in general
EVGA has a new system where now you on a queue. You get an email and have 6 hrs to buy one when it is your turn. Email must match your account.
@jomy1990 give us an email address kid ill show you my ps5 and series x next to each other go be salty elsewhere cos you can't get one 😂😂😂
@Sambo91 must be great having two new consoles so you can spend all your time bragging online in stead of gaming! 👍
@Northern_munkey It's not due to underestimating, it's due to supply constraints. Factories can only work so fast, and there are only finite amounts that they can push through and have reasonable failure rates; and Sony isn't the only one competing for these resources.
Sony started mass production in June. They would have had to start mass production at the beginning of the year (or end of last year) to have enough for the current demand. Not only could they not anticipate how COVID would impact things at that point, but they were still designing, fixing, and tweaking the hardware.
Its not as simple as increasing your order count in your shopping cart, there is an upper limit on how fast these things can be made.
You also can't just sit on them (delay launch for multiple months) to build up more stock. Not only does that give your competition an opening to get in early; but it costs a lot in storage fees and taxes to hold on to goods.
@Bioth it is great but they replaced my one x and my pro so nothing really to play at the moment done spiderman already demon souls isn't for me
@Deadlyblack They anticipated it; but production is mostly out of their control (see my reply a few posts above this)
@lacerz As for Sales, it depends on how they are tracked. Sony tracks sell-through (to customers) and Microsoft (when they reported) tracked sell-in (to stores). I would guess that a return within a certain window would not count as a sell-through.
As for timers, it's not as simple as that. Timers are not a solution to this problem and would have just made it worse. You would end up with essentially a different kind of DDOS where bots have everything locked out since they can add items to their cart faster than you can, thus they get that timer, and you, human, won't. It just shifts the problem.
A more workable solution, is to stop the scalpers from being able to easily sell the goods that they are not in possession of. eBay could make such a policy and easily stop a lot of this (not all of it) but they make so much money off of misery, why would they?
@Bioth ahahah exactly
@Sambo91 so, are you able to use your phone with your nose yet?
Best of luck to everyone trying to get a PS5 out there. I'm still in utter disbelief I managed to get one day one.
Its the way of the world right now. Took me 7 months to get hold of the bike I was after which involved getting email stock alerts, going straight to the website to be told out of stock again.
@Sambo91 Damn, attention seeker much?
Bloody scalpers, I saw over 200 added onto ebay in an hour yesterday and they've been selling at an average of £800 at 1 a minute today, but some have sold for over £1k, worst I saw went for £4600.00 plus P&P!
But many of these high price sales are bid up by people who don’t pay to spoil the listing.
A massive amount I have watched end, then get re-listed due to non payment🙄
Maybe in that one example, but there is a definite trend of the digital one selling for around the £700 mark and £800 for the disc version.
So what can we learn from this? That the launch in Japan was a dismal failure.
@Sambo91 I bet you're just as tough in real life. Wish I could be as cool as you. Perhaps one day...
I know this may seem costly, but can they contract with people in each country to make consoles?
@Mpquikster I have the same fear. I'm worried that next summer might be too optimistic as a hope for when we'll all be able to buy one without getting insanely lucky.
This is these companies doing things backward. Why would you spend a year generating demand for a product you already know you can't meet even close with supply? While I understand that a hard to get item with impossible demand increases value perception, and while I don't expect a company to care how grotesque an approach that is, there's a certain amount of excess to that that just becomes stupid. You spend a year maximizing demand.....and then shift to attempt to meet overwhelming demand after the fact? That's not just on Sony, that's Nintendo and to an extent MS as well. It's broken, backward, and no other industry does that to anywhere near that extent. It goes from being cynical and manipulative to being criminally reckless when creating that much of a demand imbalance historically ends up leading to some amount of outright theft all the way through bloodshed, rational or not. Maybe, just maybe, the focus on supply should have started about 4 months ago or more, instead of running ever more marketing and promos.
@Agramonte Sony tried a system like that in limited fashion, but they kind of messed it up because rather than a lottery they selected participants based on "previous interests and activities." AKA they were selecting player profiles they felt would either be good whales, or would be good social marketing tools to be sure to get one early.
Little did we know when the picture of that pallet came out a month or so back that that was the entire stock 😉
I'm all seriousness though, good luck to all of those still trying to get one. I consider myself very lucky.
@thedevilsjester i understand this but seeing how the ps2 and ps4 were hard to get hold of at launch you would expect sony to have anticipated a need for high volume at launch so seeing as everywhere is pretty much sold out it looks as if sony underestimated the demand and i'm not saying that as a bad thing its just that obviously the ps5 is a more desirable console than even sony thought possible..
@Bioth give him a break. He pre ordered early and took the necessary steps to make sure he got both consoles. Not like some people who tried to pre order on release day. Fair play to the lad
@Northern_munkey They didn't underestimate, you can be certain that they made as many as they physically could in the allotted time, its just not enough.
It never will be. There are not huge manufacturing plants (and workers!) out there waiting for the every 6-7 year rush of a console cycle, so thats always going to be a limited resource and platform holders also won't sit on a stock pile of consoles for a year or more leading up to launch to make sure they have enough for demand (thats very costly for a dozen reasons). Its not a problem that can be solved with the ways we currently manufacture goods.
What people also I have found don't realise is its not just Sony's assembly plant that's involved. There is also the GPU, CPU manufacturer along with any other out of house parts that have to be built elsewhere. Some people seem to think it is just Sony's factory that could be the bottleneck, but the problem might be with a part built elsewhere.
Also with Christmas and the Pandemic, Ports around the world are jam packed full, so shipping finished PS5's and or their components to the Sony factory becomes an issue
@TheFrenchiestFry I've been trying to get one from shoppers drug mart every time. But all their orders go to people who find ways to bypass queues etc from redflagdeals. So irritating.
@Scarla88 Of course nothing says consoles have to launch at Christmas when logistics are the absolute most difficult. That's their own dumb fault, and again tied to maximizing demand while supplying only what's economically convenient at launch. Nintendo launches handhelds including Switch in Spring. Samsung launches in demand phones in September and March. Apple does similarly. The console vendors choose to make their product the in demand holiday item when they know it's going to be the hardest to maintain supplies, and they continually do it.
We all know supply can only come so fast for many reasons, but by his own statement he spent a year maximizing demand for a product he knew he couldn't meet demand. So why maximize demand before supply can come close to keeping up? I mean, it's rhetorical, we know why , but that doesn't mean it's right.
It'll be interesting to see the attach rate on games purchased.
I litterally can not be bothered trying to get one, too stressful to bother if I am honest.
I'll get one later next year maybe
The games I would have got are on PS4 now anyway and not ps5 exclusive
@NEStalgia That is true, and it started when there wasn't a real issue keeping stock because gaming wasn't as huge as it is now. (Ex: NES in October, SNES in November, etc...).
Now though, platform holders are locked into this cycle because the first one to blink, the first one to delay until March (or later!), will give the "holiday" completely over to the other one. It's not so much about maximizing profits (anymore), it's about not losing a large chunk of those eager to upgrade, to your competition.
You know Microsoft won't blink (they rushed the 360, with its RROD and all, to beat PS3 to market), and Sony won't blink (if this launch, and the pricing/date information they held back as long as they could is any indication) so here we are, and here we stay.
Hi all, Amazon employee here. I've got a few PS5's to sell if anybody wants one. I also sell cat food, foot massagers and air fryers.
The biggest travesty is the scalpers. If they could implement a one per person purchase then I truly believe most ppl that legit want one now would have one
They gave away more to media and YouTubeers than they sold.
Well then I guess I'm keeping the GameStop bundle I was able to get ordered last night.
In my mad rush to beat the bots, I screwed up and got the digital edition. D'oh! 🤦♂️
Most of my PS4 collection is digital, thanks to PSN sales, but this will put a big damper in my ability to rent games to try before I buy. 😖
Yes, but It doesn't include Japan. Maybe.
Can I buy a PS5 next spring?
@Sambo91 No salt here fella, you assume I didn't manage to get my hands on one 😂
Bless look at you calling me kid, I probably make more in a week than you do in a month. 😱
Must be nice living it up in mummies basement without a worry in the world 😂😂😂😂
Seeing ebay sellers with a jenga tower of PS5's is an infuriating sight. Hard enough for most people to get one for themselves, let alone a half dozen or more to resell.
In a perfect world, people would just wait and not buy from scalpers. That way the scalpers don't profit.
Sadly, there are those out there with much more disposable income than others who will buy them if necessary.
Even if I did have tons of excess disposable income, I wouldn't buy from scalpers based on principal alone.
I was finally able to grab one last night, but it was a bundle I really didn't want. I screwed up in my mad dash to beat the bots though and ended up with a digital console. I guess that kills my normal rent first buy later routine I've been using for about a decade now.
@Sambo91 Fairly convenient some might say.
Just as well about the basement, you come across as the kind of fella that just might do that.
Anyway I’d love to stay and chat but I’d rather have type-2 diabetes 😂😂
@Sambo91 I believe you mean 'being'
It's ok don't worry though, maybe you can sell one of those consoles your bragging about and get some english lessons with the spare cash. 😂
I don't know why they do this... it's every time. I'm pretty sure it's deliberate, no way they can mis-forecast every time
Ah sorry to hear that, well either you can sell on or make peace with your situation, hope you get sorted either way
I feel very lucky to have secured both series x and ps5 with whats going on with stock right now but I did a preorder with Shopto back in June otherwise I don't think I would have got either of them.
Hopefully Sony are able to deliver a lot of the demand before Christmas although the fact that some couriers are now stealing consoles is the next challenge to deal with even after people secure one...
Guys, @Sambo91 is just one of those people that feel the need to brag and argue on the internet because they have nothing better to do with their sad lives. Leave the poor guy alone lol
If I can't get a PS5 by Black Friday or Christmas...I think I will give up and wait until my birthday in January.
I have a PS5, now I am trying to find a Pulse 3D headset. They're sold out everywhere too (along with charging stations, but I got one of those).
Exactly, there's ways of making sure the real gamers get one. But they don't care who it goes to, they just want their money
@thedevilsjester we all know that the problem are scalpers. That's the elephant in the room
All these retailers and Sony need to think of a fair way so every gamer who genuinely wants one can get one.
If you're a scalper, then you're scum imo
@brownstribe2 spot on. As someone on here said, tie it to your psn account.
It is possible, but Sony won't do that, will they? They want scalpers to buy up all their stock
@Sambo91 getting high on all the bites?
You're a weird person
Even the x series are sold out, whatever next?
Oh my gosh!
I personally couldn't care less if the console has been sold out, at this point.
a) PS5 is kinda buggy and that's to be expected as it's the early launch window
b) We're still in cross-gen period and games are being produced for both consoles, so I see no point (besides some ps5 exclusives that can wait) in trying to buy one.
P.S To all early adopters, have fun
@Arugula Jim is an idiot and does more harm than good to the brand.
I was lucky enough to get mine Instore. Must say Spider man and Dirt 5 and Godfall are all GREAT games!!
Love gaming but would never buy a console at launch
@Sambo91 Honestly there’s no need in this kind of behaviour. Flexing on the internet while your probably sat in your undies playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. I got my PS5 launch day and I genuinely feel sorry and bad for people who fell victim to amazon fraud, website issues or just plain poor service. Annoying when troglodytes like you come online thinking your Johnny big bollocks. Log off little boy and have some compassion for those who couldn’t get one
I thought about selling it, but thats as much of a hassle as trying to find it. I dont like Ebay, even less since they own PayPal and I've had a horrible experience with them that locked me out of $1500 for over a month then got me banned. Ugh! 😡
I've decided to just make piece with it. If anything, it being digital only may save me money. I wont be tempted to buy everything at first, I won't keep buying games to add to my never ending backlog, and speaking of which, this may help me work on that massive backlog. 😁
Besides, if it will still be this hard to aquire for some time, at least I have one, then I can upgrade to the disc version sometime next year of I still want to and give this one to my niece.
Damn... I was very lucky to even have one! oof...
Hopefully, they will restock their console before the new year.
@Alpha_Pulse Nice to see someone who is grateful for having both of the new consoles and isn't just rubbing it in other people's face 👍
If that is the case, then the people who didn't receive theirs due to theft/lost mail or need replacements, aren't getting one anytime soon. But the plus side is that their out of stock, and making new ones with improvements. Or is that wishful thinking?
@Sambo91 you are tragic. Calling people kid like you are the adult and not completely immature. I feel embarrassed for you. Grow up..
supplies of tech products will be limited for a while... companies and retailers need to work towards preventing people buying multiple items - maybe one purchase per payment method or something, anything to give the average person a chance of buying one
I read an article stating that 1 reseller secured 3500 consoles. See, that’s the issue right there. There are so many out there but stuff like that is happening.
@Mad-Vampire I think having a CAPTCHA verification before purchasing would help. Bots are snatching them up faster than they can stock them.
I managed to get a PS5 by complete fluke
And yep, it does live up to the hype - load times are obscenely fast, the UI is fantastic, and games look stunning on it - but there's not many games out yet that really utilise what it can do; so if you can't get one for a while I would say don't sweat it, you might be better waiting till there's a few more games launched so you can really enjoy it.
I'd love to get the xbox x too, and a PS5 Controller Dock (which I'm surprised is also out of stock everywhere) - but I'm definitely in no position to complain!
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