Sony bigwig Jim Ryan had one message for fans as the PlayStation 5 launched in the United States today: thank you. Presumably that has little to do with the bumper bonuses he’s about to pocket once the console inevitably breaks sales records, and more to do with the fact that he appreciates every single one of you.
Writing on the PlayStation Blog, the British businessman referred frequently to just how challenging this release has been. “Thank you for trusting us and for being so patient this year,” he said, perhaps recognising that the organisation has had long periods of silence in 2020. “We created PS5 for you and you have been the centre of our strategy since Ken Kutaragi envisioned the very first PlayStation.”
He added: “Today, I just wanted to simply say: thank you. Thank you, and here’s to the dawn of a new generation of gaming.” To be fair, we think Ryan’s company deserves plenty of credit, too. Console launches are notoriously difficult, but to navigate this during such unprecedented times is a testament to the endeavour of thousands of people around the world.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 40
So close!

@God_of_Nowt Yeah! And all the developers who managed to finish and ship their games in such unusual circumstances!
I'm thankful that we've had this console launch as something to look forward to in what has been a dark year at times.
"We created PS5 for you....unfortunately scalpers are the only ones who can get it right now."
I dont think there is any way of avoiding scalpers exploiting the release of consumer electronics
In fact, I think the way the console pre orders happened probably prevented most scalpers from capitalising and organising. Had it been more organised the demand would still have outstripped availability.
Just keep on making great games, Jim. That's all we ask.
Yepp. I literally clicked add to cart the second they went live. Took me 6 minutes to get through all of the screens due to Wal Mart’s servers being overloaded. Got that message as my reward twice so far today.
I don’t blame Sony for it. It’s the scalper bots that are the cause of all this.
You're welcome. Now please sir can you let me buy a ps5 in a way where I'm not competing with a bunch of bots on these unstable websites.
You guys being thanked for buying sonys censorship bs. Lol ill stick to pc
@Total_Weirdo getting my 40th anniversary Game and Watch tomorrow, ps5 next week and my Spextrum NEXT in August '21. This heady mix of retro and brand new tech makes me a very happy chappy.
@BansheeNorn out of everything you could be doing with your life...
"We created PS5 for you...yes the 1% of you actually able to buy it."
Lmao today's been a disaster from what I heard for both consoles
This isn't a terrible launch all things considered I the pandemic, gaming being bigger than ever, probably something else I might be forgetting. It's pretty impressive what they've managed.
@GamingFan4Lyf You can always wait a few months.
They made a terrific system, definitely a few pain points but it's been great so far! My ssd is full now though already lol 😂😭
@Akurusu I know - I am just bustin' chops.
The only PlayStation game on my Christmas list this year is Miles Morales (PS4). If I get a PS5 before then, I will take advantage of the free upgrade. If not, oh well.
Plus, I am sure once the initial rush is all over and done with, consoles will start showing up on store shelves. If I happen to run into one, I will pick it up (same goes for Series X).
Well done to Sony, Microsoft and all the devs working their butts off.
“We created PS5 for you.”
Lies, my ideal PS5 would at least play PS1 and PS2 besides PS4 and also would never be a white console
You're welcome Jim, now please stop burning money by paying for time exclusivity and instead buy a studio or two 😊
Why do you want to play PS1 and PS2 games? It's 2020 for Pete's sake!
I don't get the retro love I really don't. I'm sure the original Resi 2 is a fantastic game but I'm happy with the remake thank you very much, I'm sure I'll feel the same.way about Final Fantasy VII not to mention all the current new titles.
PS4 games on the PS5 will do, thank you very much.
Oh and to answer another poster, I'm not getting a PS5 at least not this side of 2021. I'm not salty towards those that are, I hope they enjoy it. Besides by the time I do get my hands on a PS5 most of the launch games will be available at a cheaper price.
But, to quote Bruce Wayne, "Does it come in black?"
I'll give you that one anyway.
@TheRedComet Man I was able to input my delivery address and went to checkout and boom, sold out. 3 tries on Walmart now and all fails. ;(
@Col_McCafferty Game preservation has become increasingly important especially as older games have began creeping up in prices, or there are increasingly high numbers of examples of games that would benefit from modern updates or just being able to play them on new systems.
It's honestly criminal that a game like MGS4 has been ported to anything else, and remasters like FFVII-XII have helped me introduce my sister to the series. I also missed out on a large portion of the Kingdom Hearts series growing up, so stuff like bundling up the PS2, GBA, DS and 3DS games into the REMIX collections on PS3, PS4 and Xbox One have made those series increasingly more accessible and not locked to being played on extremely outdated hardware, or going through the hurdles of owning multiple consoles at once.
Frankly I think backwards compatibility is always going to be a good, progressive thing for the industry that companies like Nintendo were extremely forward thinking on, because especially when there are things like gaps between game releases, or even during an age where game remakes are all the rage and literally everyone wants a piece of that pie, having the option of playing the original games is always going to be welcomed because there are instances where if a game is remastered or remade, it just doesn't live up to the original, and the more authentic experience is just better all things considered. It doesn't mean your games die with your hardware, and they'll always be brought forward for both old and new players. It's something I think Sony should directly combat Microsoft on if anything because of how legendary their vault of games is
@GamingFan4Lyf I don't understand why anyone would buy from scalpers on something that is being restocked. It's not a limited edition. It's not an event with a finite number of tickets. There will 100 million of these in the wiild eventually. Fingers crossed.
I thanked them already for making the PS5 with my wallet
@TheFrenchiestFry Nah, I want to play new games. Playing ones 15-20 years old does nothing for me.
As long as I can carry over PS4 titles to the PS5 era then I'm happy.
Somehow coming from Jimbo this reads in the same vein as "Your call is important to us" and "we value your feedback."
Shu is giddy as a kid on Christmas with his ps5 and X. That's meaningful enthusiasm. Every time Jim says anything i picture Mr. Burns saying it.
@Medic_Alert nonsense, rumors, and miscommunication have been standard ever since Layden ran for the hills...i doubt that's going away while this guy is getting back pats for warming the chair while his predecessors' work pays off...
@Lovespuds The bots were ready days in advance scanning the sites the moment the Sept presentation started. It was us buyers that got caught flat footed, not looking after they said it would be the next day, then checking for comments here and other places and finding everyone scrambling for running pre-orders an after after we stopped paying attention.
I’m sure it’s amazing for those who can actually get one.
I agree.
If I can’t get one today, I’ll try camping at GameStop on their Black Friday special.
If I can’t get one then, I’ll just hit up a few choice stores once a week after Christmas until one pops up. That’s how I got my PS4. And my NES classic edition when those things were impossible to find.
@get2sammyb I've had the worse year ,so glad I was able to preorder and its coming next week I need a bit of light,F**K 2020.
@vapidwolf Enjoy, man. Hope things improve for you soon.
Celebrities and Scalpers first though....then the rest of ya ...but thx
@Enigk I have no idea. People are desperate to "wow" on Christmas morning that they will pay quadruple the price to do so, I guess.
I am hoping that normal stock will be available post-Black Friday.
I originally wasn't planning on getting either console (PS5/Series X) until around February anyways, so it's no big deal.
Though, I really am jealous of all those people playing Demon's Souls right now.
@Lovespuds considering we are in the middle of a pandemic Sony and MS can file a complaint against the price gouging on ebay and get the listings removed leaving the scalpers with nothing.
I'm a bit disappointed that ps5 launching late in my country on jan 2021, but congrats to all gamers that have the ps5 😃
Jim isn't kidding when he said playstation believe in generations, nearly every reviews said ps5 feels next-gen compared to rival console.
I think sony and MS dont care because their systems are being sold. Tough luck dont buy from scalpers but some people have money to throw away.
@AJDarkstar you said it yourself they are stories. Until i see video proof i think its a bit of baloney.
Sony is trying there best to get all these consoles out as soon as possible. It's not that they have produced a short amount it's because it's a very hot product along with the Xbox.
Sony didn't give notice when it first was free to pre-order they apologised but Xbox gave a time and date but still had the same issue with it not being able to pre-order.
Ps5 sold more then the ps4 did in 12 days but in 12 hours... I was lucky enough to get a GAME in store pre-order. But you just have to be patient, they are doing their best to keep up with the demand. This is wave 3 of stock I believe varies by country, but you just have to be patient.
I already have xbox sx and my ps5 comes tomorrow.
I got demon souls for free from the burger king promotion.
I dont think itll be better than dark souls
The story is sony gave the ps5 presentation on wednesday. They then tweeted via geoff keiley who is a leaker that they would sell thursday. What happened after is walmart said Fk that come preorder today. And then the ***** show started and all other retailers joined. Some retailers like BB and amazon held off til midnite.
Then sony said they would work with retailers to get more stock but only gamestop managed to get a 2nd wave while BB target walmart and other places would get stock on and off. Everyone online lost to scalper bots and gamestops own employees were scalping on ebay so lots of units werent available to customers. Ps4 never sold like hotcakes because it wasnt corona season ,people are kinda crazy rite now and also it wasnt released near the holidays. I think it came out around september maybe.
For xbox they didnt break street date because phil spencer threatened to not deliver units to companies that broke it.
@get2sammyb cheers mate 👍
All the salts complaining about not getting one I have one question. Did you not think to try your local Game/Argos/Smyths/Currys etc to see if they had pre orders in store? I tried for a couple hours online and when I had no joy guess what.... I got off my a$$ went to my local game and grabbed a pre order...... ROLL ON THURSDAY!!!
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