After what's felt like a long and winding week of waiting, the PS5 has finally launched in Europe. And so, for this weekend's poll, we're going with the most obvious question: do you have a PS5? If you do, by the way, you should check out All Our PlayStation 5 Coverage.
Whether you pre-ordered it months ago or somehow managed to snag one just hours before release, we want to know. And on top of that, how are you finding the console so far? Whether your impressions are positive or negative, vote in our polls, and then feed us all of the details in the comments section below.
Comments 137
Can't be bothered going through all the hassle to get one atm. I don't mind waiting a few months
very happy PS5 owner!! not happy with Ubisoft at the moment the PS5 upgrade does not work for Assasins Creed Valhalla😡
its great, 2 gripes the small hard drive and the length of the usb cable to charge the controller. luckily i managed to get a 4tb external drive for my ps4 games and ordered some usb cables for controller oh yeah and certain games not having the free upgrade option. pointing fingers at ubisoft !
Picked mine up today. Played a bit of Spider-Man Miles Morales and love it. Just setting up some games.
Not yet. Still only about halfway through Ghost of Tsushima and it's not a game that deserves to be rushed.
Planning to get the PS4 versions of Sackboy and Dirt 5 for Christmas, then see what the situation is with the PS5's availability come January.
I have the Digital Edition and couldn’t be happier.
@david187 I’m having the same issue with AC Valhalla. Really not impressed with Ubisoft at the moment. I got Watch Dogs Legion Gold Edition and none of the season pass stuff is working
I'm not faster than a bot so I don't have one.
I've been lucky as mine has had no bugs or niggles.
Special praise to the Dualsense - it's incredible!
I actually got mine, still can't believe it ^^
Absolutely loving the PS5 so far. Such a great launch under the unprecedented circumstances!
@Jamese82a sorry to hear that so both games not working what a joke.
Not released in my country yet, there's the preoder next month, and the launch day 2 month later.
no option to vote for "i'm waiting for a all the bugs to be fixed/price cut". I'm waiting for which ever of those come first.
All this crap about missing folders, other storage filling up, no NVME support yet, rest mode broken etc etc. I want a working console for that kind of money.
Yeah - Target came through with flying colors (Miles Morales is fantastic)
But if you have a PS4 PRO you can wait a bit. I had an old launch model, so was struggling.
I didn't vote because no option is there for me really.
I cancelled my preorder 2 months ago because there's nothing I wanted to play on it.
Luckily my Yodel driver seemed like a decent bloke who actually delivered my PS5 yesterday rather than trying nick it. 👍😍
Loving Miles Morales. Combat just as smooth and flowing as ever (Venom skills seamlessly integrated to my usual punch, slide under, high punch, swing kick combo) and it looks gorgeous.
More importantly though Titanfall 2’s multiplayer works on PS5!!! 👍👍👍👍 Keep those servers on Respawn. 😍😍😍
I got one yes, loving it.
honestly...it didn't blow me away as much as I was thinking it would. The controller is great, like amazing but there's issues I'm finding with the ui.
1 - I miss the what's new page that shows friends trophies and our own trophies etc. Unless it's there and I just can't find it.
2 - The store could do with a little organising.
3 - I take it themes aren't going to be a thing this gen?
4 - Profiles could've been a little better, more features etc. Still look pretty plain. There's not even a music section like ps4 had.
Maybe minor issues but yeah, just my initial thoughts.
The addict in me wanted to pre order for release (he usually wins) the brain (and the wife) was telling me to wait until a bit more stuff comes out and any early bugs that rear there ugly heads are patched out. This time the brain won but i can tell ya that the addict is not best pleased.
Is there not an option for ‘basically paid for it but website crashes did me out of it while some people already have multiple consoles’?
@Menchi cool story bro..
@daveofduncan I love it when people get mad for me answering an article literally asking the reader.
@Menchi who says I'm mad? there's clearly options 'not planning to buy one' and 'don't own a ps5'. Instead you'd rather chuck some bait out. Sad.
I have one and I am enjoying it. That being said, there are quite a few software related issues at least some of which probably should have been fixed pre-launch.
I would describe it as imperfect but full of potential.
As for the acquisition itself. I was lucky to be online and watching when the pre-orders dropped by surprise. I still spent hours going through checkout multiple times before I managed to secure one.
Those adaptive triggers tho 👌
Honestly it's not like it's a bad console, there is just nothing captivating to play on it.
It's pay me now or pay me later so I have mine now under the idea that eventually I will have good games to play.
But my opinion right now would be save your money, your not missing anything here.
P.s. the controller is nice
Mine just arrived so too early to tell but I'm so ready for work to be over!!
My PS5 was meant to be delivered. Amazon say it was handed to a resident but wasn't delivered to my house or a neighbour. Amazon customer services are meant to call me back tomorrow and I am going to ask for a refund. I love playstation but think I'll now wait to get a ps5
I've got to say I am thoroughly impressed with the PS5 so far. Playing games at 4K 60 fps is truly a transformative experience. It almost makes me understand what the PC snobs have been going on about all these years. The PS5 feels like a true generational leap. Where as the PS4 felt like more of an incremental improvement over the PS3
The fact that almost 60% of the people here already have one makes me feel both better and worse at the same time. I'm glad that its not a completely impossible task, but its felt pretty hopeless to me so far. I go online every time a sale is happening the second it starts and keep clicking, but no luck.
So far it looks okay for me but sounds like a lot of issue i heard.
Keep waiting until 5 years later for Slim model and some improvements.
I am no scalper but did end up scoring one from Sony the night of launch and from Sams Club. I actually had the Sams one in the cart but couldn’t check out. I figured I was out but came back a hour later and it was still there so I checked out and got it. didn’t cancel either due to not knowing when they would ship. Well I ended up with both. And I was walking through Walmart early this week and they had the headphones in stock. Online it was listed as sold out.
Only opened one last Friday. It has crashed mid game a couple of times but no corrupt memory or hard resets needed. Took forever to download Cold War due to country living. But the transfer from PS4 was very quick over LAN.
Love it, almost got the platinum for Astro's Playroom and enjoying Miles Morales!
Also I need more storage. Only have CoD MW2 remastered, CoD MW, CoD Cold War and Astros playroom, leaving me with only 118gb left of storage.
Just been running the Pro for my other games, 1 because of the storage and 2 because of the horror stories about bricks and memory issues when using an external drive.
No PS5 or Cyberpunk 2077 yesterday made me a tad miserable for about 10 minutes.
Wow, look at all these people with their PS5s 🥲
Mine was left in the front garden by Amazon on Thursday after I specifically requested Friday delivery. Luckily it was still there and it was a PS5. And it works!
I received mine yesterday (thanks to my sister for ordering it for me from Argos 😁)
loving my ps5, played Astros playroom which is incredible! For me probably one of the best free games that’s ever been given away with a console!
Played some miles morales, planet coaster and bugsnax so far!
All games are fantastic and I’ve had zero issues so far with no crashes or fans whirring!
The user interface takes some getting used to, but think it’s great, especially being able jump back into games with a blink of an eye!
Oh and the controller is unreal, can’t get over all the sensations they have been able to create in Astros playroom, it’s some serious wizardry 🧙♂️😋
@Amusei smart guy. Kudos to you.
I wouldn't say the new pad features are revolutionary so far, but they are very, very cool. I'm loving the 3d audio in Demon's Souls. It's a solid pad and a definite improvement in form.
@ShogunRok None of the above.
No, but will definitely get one in the future but not 'as soon as possible'
Seems that sensible option is missing from your poll.
Don't worry.
I'm also a late adopter of PS3 and PS4 machines.
I bought PS4 Slim on 1 April 2018 (5 years after PS4 has been released on 2013) and PS3 Slim on 29 December 2019 (10 years after PS3 Slim has been released on 2009).
@LeeHarveyOzgod Demon Souls i just need it.
Got mine this morning (friday) delivered by Yodel on behalf of Game. After all the stress of actually getting a PS5 im really enjoying it so far. The menus took a little time to get used to. I think the UI will change as time goes on, as i can find a way to personalise anything. Playing Astrobot at the moment. Really good fun for what it is. No issues at the moment.
No “Not taken it out of the box yet” option?
Yarp! I have a ps5
Got one.
Had trouble setting it up.
Didn't get picture on TV.
(Samsung q95t)
After almost smashing my house to pieces I tried one last time. Presto it worked.
(dunno why it worked suddenly)
Played a bit Valhalla.
It was beautiful. But then I had the sinking feeling, yes it is pretty, but it is still an assassins creed. (I know, but I skipped oddesey so I thought this was a bit fresh for me. It wasn't.)
The I played astro. It is great. But the vr version is better. (imo)
So I am still on the fence a bit.
I really don't think it is such a bad thing to not have it day one.
The dualsense is nice I guess but I still have to get used to it. Feels 'off' in my hands for some reason.
All in all it is a nice console but I had better first impressions with the ps3 (motorstorm rocked as a launch title) and the ps4.
Im waiting this time. I always buy consoles at launch, and when it came to PS4 I barely played it for the first year. Not to mention how cheap games eventually go on sale. I will probably wait for some fun special edition console, as I have never had one before. Or maybe a pro version.
Nah, there's no exclusive games that really interest me (turn based RPG and/or Strategy or fighting games), the price is really high and I personally found the PS4 to be very disappointing which leaves my current opinion on the PS brand a bit on the low side to begin with.
I have my Switch and a "gaming" laptop which at the moment gives me coverage of mostly everything I would want.
Yes! Mine arrived on Tuesday. Loving it so far; although it’s not without its flaws.
What are those answer options?
Where's "Of course not, I'll buy one as soon as there are games for it"
'Yes', I had a change of heart yesterday and bagged a digital version on back order from Very.
Due by 17th December, with additional controller and twelve months to pay 0% interest.
@Artelous I've bought one, after a change of heart, purely to play the PS Plus collection.
There isn't a single launch title that excites me but, it will only get better.
@nessisonett Don't worry I'm having enough fun for the both of us playing the 3 I ordered simultaneously. I also have a fourth but that one's just for display.
Ah, and the one I got for my dog to chew on; almost forgot.
@zupertramp There’s videos of YouTubers buying them just to smash them up. Needless to say I’m not happy 😂😂
This is what pisses me off

They did that at the launch of the PS4 as well. Some people are simply losers at life.
@nessisonett I had no plans for one this year so it's easy for me to joke but in all seriousness I think it's bad form to order more than one at launch. People can @ me all they want but I stand by that.
Loving it so far, demon souls is ace. very hard but the visuals are amazing and it's a good test. Miles is ace too. Beautiful game. So far so good.
Waiting on a redesign. I don’t mind the size; I just want something that isn’t so tacky that I have to hide it behind my TV.
Hoping they have a decent rev. 2 by the time Horizon Forbidden West comes out!
Mine came yesterday from game, even with the yodel fiasco! Am really happy with it, just need to “git good” as they say at demons souls now
@RevDrGalactus I wasn’t a fan of the design at first, but honestly in person I think it looks pretty good
Got mine from very and they were excellent. Astrobot is fantastic, has made me grin from ear to ear. Really excited for more of that type of experience. Astrobot has definitely crashed a few times for me though
@Ashkorsair I had the same feeling with the controller for the first few hours but after the adjustment I really like it. It fits me ergonomically better than any other controller I have tried but it does feel odd at first.
@zupertramp As someone who had a preorder canceled a week after placing it, I think having a backup order isn't a terrible plan.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L. Pittsburgh Steelers 9 and 0 going undefeated through Thanksgiving and beat the ravens again.word up son
Yeah and I absolutely love it so far, a couple of things could be made simpler such as downloading save files or seeing your installed games but wow what a console. New games look stunning, whether it be Asto Bot or Miles Morales, its super fast, the card system is really clever and that new controller is a revolution. The most impressed I've been with a new console since the PS2 days
First impressions so far are pretty good. Astro's playroom plat, it was really really awesome. Miles is pretty good, if more of the same. Only two gripes so far is no iPlayer and getting to the trophy list should be easier.
I'm happy to wait. A bit jealous for sure but the storage is a big issue - hopefully a solution comes around and it's not an additional £200+ for the proprietary SSD. Combined with £70 games and yeah I can wait. See what the scene is like in March/April.
Sorry but there’s no option for “Not Yet, but may buy one in the future”. The only option there says “plan to buy one as soon as possible” and I don’t think 2+ years classified as “soon”.
That's ok. I will be waiting for January 2021. Already reserve mine. It is going to be same first generation like this month. Can't wait.
I probably won't buy till they fix cheap unfinished look the main trophy lists has.
It's impossible to find a PS5 here in Italy, so I have just ordered the biggest white air fryer available in the hope of receiving the console in its place.
@lumothesinner I’m in agreement here. I was chomping at the bit to get a PS4, then the Pro. I enjoyed the hype of the PS5 and can’t wait to try the DualSense.
But with the various issue reports mentioned here and other reputable sites, I’m getting the impression that the OS was rushed out. I’ll wait until next year and the basic things which shouldn’t be defective are fixed until I get one.
I’ll be beaming when I get one though!
@playstation1995 Er yeah but what do you think about the PS5!
All the fuss you're making, the Steelers better win the Super Bowl or I'm going to remind you of it every time I see you post.
All I want to do is make my boys Christmas special as it’s been a tough year. I really hope you manage to bring more ps5 out then that will annoy the people who brought them for profit.
A friend of a friend paid £1000 thinking she was getting two for her twins but actually got one. I feel so bad for her. I can see how she got confused as I’ve seen the advert
@Col_McCafferty. 😄 hahaha definitely john marston.ps5 is incredible.did you hear that bluepoint is going to be a first party studio.now thats cool.word up son
@playstation1995 It's Arthur Morgan in my avatar mate.
Glad you're enjoying it. Hadn't heard that but makes sense. I haven't played a Soulsborne game yet but from what I've seen Demon's Souls looks incredible.
Hell no I didn’t get a PS5. From the preorder fiasco to scalpers using bots to buy all the stock I’m screwed until spring next year. It’s absolute bullsh—
Had one pre-ordered with ShopTo, but didn't have a confirmed day-one unit. Cancelled the pre-order last Friday. I do have a DualSense though... I ordered it from Smyths Toys when I ordered the system, and it arrived last Thursday, before I decided to cancel the console.
Wasn't overly impressed with the launch line-up, as there's nothing I particularly feel I must play, and there are just too many minor issues at the moment.
I'm fairly certain that Sony wasn't quite ready to launch just yet. Maybe it's down to COVID, maybe they were caught short by the XSX release date, but it just feels a bit rushed at the moment. It seems like OS development has reached the same point as games... "just put it out, and we'll fix it later."
I'll definitely be getting one, but I'll give it a few months. Maybe around March next year, when the teething problems are resolved.
@Col_McCafferty. I know its Arthur.butvi like John better.haha kojima should be next and housemarque.word up son
@RevDrGalactus FW is out in just over a year 😂 highly doubt there'll be any significant change to the console by then.
the trophy tip videos are a fantastic add! just used a few of them for puzzle pieces and artifacts in astro bot.
@playstation1995 Ooh that's fighting talk!
Ha, I'm not going to argue about it though. Too tired!
Luckily i was able to secure 2 preorders so i gave 1 to me mate. Got one from Game and one from ShopTo. Both arrived on time.
My mom happened to call GameStop before the word about them taking pre orders became widespread and got the information to me fast enough so that I could get to my GameStop and get one. My brother, who got left behind because I didn't think that I'd have enough time to even get mine, got there and got one from the same store on the same day, thankfully it was a Prestige status store, and they had more then others. My mom and Aunt were also able to get one from the second set of in person pre orders, being first in line, they got 2 of the 4 that the store had.
No. I’m waiting for a PS4 price drop. I bought an Xbox One for a bundle that really appealed to me. Rare Ware and the Halo collection pulled me in. It also came with Gear of War (remaster) and Ori and the Blind Forest, Outside of that, not too much. There’s a ridiculous amount of games I want to play on the PS4.
So check this out, a different type of PS5 launch.
In my country (in Europe) only 2 big stores had the PS5 for preorders for a very short while back in September, others did not.
Now, on the 19th, one of those 2 didn't have any stocks, at all (what they received went to fulfilling the preorders, and to company's employees... yeah, that sh..t happens too).
And the other store did this. They knew they'll restock with about 600 Disk PS5's and 60 Digitals on the 25th Nov.
To avoid scalpers, they created 2 raffles, 1 for each type of console.
To be eligible for it you have to actually purchase 1 of the consoles, with a max of 1 piece of each type per account. And on the 25th, if you are a winner, you get the console. If not, they'll return the money.
It's a very good idea in theory, given the console's problematic stocks all over the world, and the many scalpers just waiting to get more chances to buy them
But they went about it the wrong way.
They posted the consoles as In Stock, with the button Order, and no mention of a raffle. People saw them In stock, so they bought them as fast as they could, all happy and relieved they finally got a console! Only to find out a few minutes later, that, aside from the usual order confirmation e-mail, they received an additional e-mail stating that they were registered for the raffle. in a few hours the site was updated and a banner posted about the raffle, with rules and everything. But the people had already taken screenshots of the site without it.
Oh you can't imagine the scandals that followed (and are still coming in), and the sheer number of complaints registered at the official authorities, from the people that were not properly informed (and they are right to be angry about that).
If the store wasn't in such a hurry to post the consoles up online, and would have done the web pages right, this would have actually made for a very good idea, and would have won them a lot of good reputation and clients. Instead they have scandals and possible fines and lawsuits.
So there you go.... if it's not stealing, or empty boxes delivered, it may just be a raffle gone wrong.
I'm curious if it'll hold 'till the end or the authorities will put an end to it.
I myself am participating in the raffle, by choice. Here's hoping i can get a PS5 on the 25th, since no other store in my country even has an idea when they'll be able to restock, if at all this year...
Hi there fellow gamers. After a couple of initial scares(games would unisntall after taken out of the PS5, PS5 crashing because of that) and thankfully got them fixed, it has been pretty great so far.
Demons Souls feels like a new game with this remake and so much attention to detail in everything.
Astro´s Playroom is the best free game installed in a console hands down. So much love for everything Playstation. And as a PS fan myself..... All I can say is that I had the biggest smile in my face while playing it.
And the Dualsense...... I always thought it would be a game changer, but My God, it is absolutely phenomenal.
I don´t think I have the words to describe. People really have to try it out.
Cheers, stay safe and happy next gen gaming to us all
After a bit if a false start I got mine today. First impression was it's not as big as I feared. Ended up putting it horizontally next to my surround amp. Stand clipped on fine, seems stable enough.
Setup was a breeze. Firmware updates of console and controllers happened really quickly, one reboot. Only played a bit of astro myself and it's superb. Kids played a bit of Bugsnax and now GT Sport. Going from an original release base PS4 to PS5 makes GT Sport almost look next-gen!
Not a silent room but not heard a peep from the PS5, dead quiet so far.
No lockups. Not tried an external drive yet.
So far, so good.
I some how got one Thursday on Amazon UK and it came today Friday.
So far very impressed, enjoying the new controller very much. Astro Bots and Demon Souls so far.
I will say though, vertically it’s a massive beast.
Another vote for the non-existent "Not yet, but will get one at some point" option!
Nice console. Niggles with the UI aside. Great controller, silent. Just wish it wasn’t even uglier in person than in pictures! It’s smaller than I expected, but also less attractive. Still, don’t buy a console to look at it!
It would get a 10/10 if it was compatible out the box with VR and the battery lasted longer. Just over 4hrs and it’s down to one bar. To be fair though I can’t be sure it was fully charged and it was 4 hrs of Astros playroom which constantly uses the controllers more power intensive features.
Where is my PlayStation 5?
Probably, it's not in this year.
I went with "it seems pretty great" only because of the several issues with the console so far. It will grow into "absolutely love the PS5" eventually as Astro's Playroom alone gives you a glimpse of how great the console is (and how even better it will be once patched up).
Just got my Astro plat but couldn’t find any videos for finding the collectibles. Where are they in the UI, just for reference. I though it would be with the Activity cards...but no (and yes I have plus).
Don't have one. Currently not interested in getting one
Got my precious.
I got a Digital Edition and I’m (so far) extremely happy with it.
The DualSense is awesome beyond words. It needs to be used to understand. It’s the best controller I’ve ever used.
Miles morales is insane
@thefourfoldroot They are in the activity cards. If you click on the activity card for an area there are videos for each puzzle piece/artifact. But it only shows the ones you need so if you already have them all....
If i had the $$$ to spend i would have tried to get one but i dont.
I really dont mind since theres not really any games i care about yet. Im about horror and fighting. Ill prob just wait until mid 2021 or so
@get2sammyb It hasn't been a great launch at all.
My backlog of PS3, PS4, and Vita games is too long. I'll wait until I can catch up and have more time to game.
Got one on launch day here in the U.S. Love it so far. Fantastic launch games (the exclusives, even if a couple are cross-gen, are stellar) and with what's lined up, 2021 also looks great for the console.
I did and I love it
Got my PS5 and had a series x.
Series x sold and gone.
You don’t VRR, ALLM, 4K 120fps or game pass.
You need a PS5 amazing games and controller.
Astro bots, spider man and Demon soles, along with an unbelievable controller, with haptic feed back and those triggers. Along with great graphics and effects on my TV screen.
4K ish, 60fps ish and different picture modes some nice ray tracing.
All the other VRR, ALLUM, 4K 120fps a load of old tosh and just rubbish tech words.
Got my PS5 at 8:15am from GAME, surprisingly.. First impressions have both positives and negatives. Positives first, the setup was incredibly fast and for me, the UI is a great improvement. It just feels way more premium and I have to admit, it appeals to me more than the XBox UI. The biggest positive though is the controller; Althoug many people are concentrating on the haptic feedback and huge step forward in rumble and motion control, for me personally, the redesigned size and shape is just a godsend! I bought a Nacon Revolution for my PS4 Pro because I just couldn't get on with the PS4 pads. The DualSense feels great to use and hold, it's a huge leap forward. Download speeds are great too; I was getting 300Mbps during the initial update.
As for the negatives; It's absolutely hideous. It's both bigger and uglier in person than I expected. Thanks to the sizes circulated before release, I bought a new TV cabinet a couple of weeks back with doors to shut the consoles away when not in use. I'm glad I did, the PS5 is the ugliest console I've ever owned. I've then had the odd download issue with updates failing, but they've worked after a few retries.
All in all, pleased I got one. For me, Miles Morales doesn't really look or play any different than Spider-Man on the last gen. Still a great game, so it doesn't really matter, but it's no step forward to my eyes. I will say, DIRT 5 plays very well at 60fps.. Pleasantly surprised by that one!
I usually wait a few years to get a new console, but because this year has been such a bummer and it looks like we will be mostly at home until spring I thought feck it, why not treat myself.
I was lucky to get an order early on and also got a second controller from Smyth's for £50 when for some reason they priced them £10 cheaper. I also got Demon's Souls and Miles Morales with Spiderman remastered.
It's been amazing so far, probably my favourite console launch ever. It seems like this line up was tailored for me as DS is one of my favourite games ever and I never got round to playing Spiderman on PS4.
Astro's Playroom is great, and the controller feels genuinely next gen. The other games have also been superb. I've yet to try Bugsnax or any of my PS4 games, but it was fairly painless transferring all my cloud saves. I love the new UI and the help with collectables is such a good idea, it'll save me a lot of time mopping up various trophies.
Overall, well impressed. I'm having a blast. Man, I needed it after such a downer of a year.
Same thing with me but i took it back to game and they game me the ps5 version instead
@get2sammyb can't believe you said the "U" word!!!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself 🤣👈
All these gripes about the design, Sony should have just made a black rectangular box but you know that's been done to death by now.
It's kind of like the Gherkin in London. A lot of people said they hated it because it's different but over time people love it precisely because it is different.
Better than the mini bland fridge that is the Serial X which was also released with NO new launch games. If Sony had tried that trick people would be up in arms. Xbox did it and they're some kind of fricking geniuses.
Oh and to the people moaning it doesn't have any games, sheesh you knew the launch line-up before buying one. Maybe you should've waited a bit and allowed someone with actual genuine enthusiasm to purchase it instead.
You basically bought one not because you needed to but simply because you could.
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
Bring in legislation to tackle "scalpers
@stu123 mine I got from amazon UK no problem they even protect it with Allot of wrapping it works amazing
@jmac1686 me too its great when it arrived on Thursday at 4:50 I was well excited because it took so long
@thefourfoldroot I just tapped the Ps button and the activities popped up. They show a % and if you click through it has them listed. Click on each and a video will be there to watch, giving you an idea of what to do/where to go.
@Artelous but there are games pal? There's not a massive library of new stuff but there needs to be a console for developers to start developing for it. I think I saw this as a little bit of new stuff and some improved old stuff that I have yet to play. For some this is a nice upgrade like upgrading your PC parts to enjoy the games you want at higher res/frames etc with the prospect of being able to play the latest releases.
Yes I know VRR does come in handy but the PS4 pro never had it and no first party game had screen tearing I played and no third party games I played, but third party is where it can turn up.
Like ACV.
ON PS5 I have Astro, demon souls and sack boy and have not seen any screen tearing yet.
Will try need for speed heat PS4 on PS5 and see how that does.
I was more making the point with the series x I had then sold. All buzz words that don’t really matter, games matter and also experiencies like the PS5 controller.
Sold my series x already all buzz and rubbish.
Kept me PS5 of course, games and exclusive games really matter. And that PS5 controller dam amazing.
2% don't like it or think it's "rubbish". How is that even possible?
To answer your question, I can sleep better at night now.
I do have a PS5 but it crashes on every game and I can't install any games beyond Miles for some reason that I have on disc. I've done the fixes on the website and spoke to Sony, that I've factory reset my PS5 four times and still does it that I'm waiting to hear back from them.
So I've put rubbish as at the that's my experience at the moment.
@doctommaso well when you pay £450 for the console, buy four games at roughly £60 each and the 3D Pulse Headset at £90 then the console doesn't work then yeah it's rather rubbish.
I'll wait a few months, more than enough stuff to play on all my other consoles......
I bought mine through Currys, it arrived mid day Thursday. The transparent circle secruitey protector had been opened (weird, but OK...?) took out the controller and it had oily finger marks it. What the hell?! Finally managed to have a Web chat with someone from Currys and asked why if it was brand new on release day would the security tab be open and the controller have finger marks on it. Sounds childish I know but I was really looking forward to treating myself to some new kit. Anyways they said they were happy to replace it because of stock outs across the country I would need to send it back the next day and wait until stock becomes available again. So thought that wasn't a serious option so decided just to accept it as it was. As a good will gesture they gave me £44.44 refund which was appreciated. At this point I took the full system out the box and set her up. She went through all the usual setup requirements, location, time zone, WiFi, latest software installation so it looks like whoever used it didn't want to install any updated information of fear of getting caught, maybe they just wanted to see for themselves what it looked like.
First impressions are
Awesome machine, it is strangely more noisy than my ps4 at times but on the whole, very quiet indeed.
The controller feels great, well weighted and feels like it has be moulded to perfectly into my hands. Love the tiny squares, triangles, circles and Xs, detailing on the handles, such cool attention to detail and great way to provide grip.
I also bought a SteelSeries Arctis 7 P headset so was testing the both simultaneously
Played Astro's first, what a great freebe game.
The haptic in the demo was great,the way I would discribe it would be 360 degree vibration on the controller. Also by pushing lighter on L2 or R2, it reduces the vibration in proportion to the pressure applied.
Also love the fact the game gives a nod to days passed, haha calling a PS4 an artifact
The sounds through the Steel Series was again amazing, really submersive but I have yet to hear the pin point accuracy of sounds but perhaps as more advanced games come out, I will see the benifit there?
Also played Bugsnax, and even though I am enjoying it, feels very PS4ish to me. There is still a (small but noticeable) lag when loading different areas of the map.
From my PS4 titles, I installed TLOU2, graphics look smooth and refined, everything you would expect from Naughty Dog but for some reason, all my trophies had been lost, so maybe it was just my noobess that didn't copy them across properly or something but these should be linked to my profile so I don't know??
Another fav PS4 game I played was Hardware Rivals, (first person car or tank shooter) was issued free on PS a few years ago now. On loading there was a disclaimer saying that some of the ps4 game features would not work on the PS5. Strangely this did appear to be the case as it was a little bit stop start and not free lowing as a game like that should be, this could be attributed to my internet connection but my ps4 seems to be more free flowing
Overall I love the new addition to the family, welcome home PS5
I've been trying to get my hands on a PS5 since pre-orders opened the night of the September reveal event.
Starting to get really pissed off/upset with the lack of availability, considering not buying a PS5 until it's $300 or cheaper, like what I did with the PS4.
I'll be trying again during this Black Friday and December...but if I don't have a PS5 by my birthday (January 18), then I give up lol.
Just received mine today from Amazon Germany which I was able to order on Thursday during the second wave of consoles. Digital edition working great. Love the new controller.
@KidBoruto lol You and me share the same birthday.
Damn really sucks being in the 1%.
I had the money saved up for one back in April, but then spent the money on a patio thinking I would be able to save again. Unfortunately not. I don't mind waiting though as I will be able to buy all the pre-owned games at a cheaper price . 😁
No, I have everything I could need or want on the PS4. I may end up getting one in the distant future when Horizon 3 comes out, but right now I'm just not interested.
@Unlucky13 I know how you feel... Genuinely gutted. I'm a lifelong Playstation fan, and this is the first time I've never had a console on launch day. Tried so hard. 😢
@jiffymalaise My only one at launch was the PS3. But the PS4 wasn't backwards compatible, and the launch window games didn't interest me at all. This time, there are half a dozen games coming out by the summer that I really want to play, and several out now, plus the ability to improve the ones I already own.
I finally got my PS2 about five months after it launched. Fingers crossed that this wait isn't much longer than that one.
@masofdas Ugh, very sorry to hear that. Hope you get it sorted.
@nessisonett that’s the thing that bums me out.. when I see reseller pics of several stacked consoles going for 3x as much... and other don’t have one.
Doubt it’ll go down either until after the holidays. Then back up again if a big game releases or they stick to online only ordering.
Don't have one, don't intend to get one anytime soon. I'm actually getting a PS2 for Christmas, so I'm excited for that!
@HoodedSpirit Yep you can't beat a bit of Titanfall 2 👌
Very happy with my PS5 so far. Demon's Souls is everything I hoped, Astro Bot is the closest any 3D platformer I've played recently has got to Nintendo standards, and Bugsnax is a fun little game too. Also installed No Man's Sky and Shadow of the Colossus, but haven't tried them out yet.
The controller really is the main talking point - love the triggers and haptics. Feeling individual raindrops on your hands in Astro is so, so cool. Can't wait to see how other games use this.
There's a bit of noise every now and then, like booting up from scratch or installing a game but overall it's been very quiet too and I don't notice it at all while I'm playing. Everything is super slick and it all just looks and feels very high tech and new.
My one and only complaint right now is the PS Store - which really needs an update or two, IMO. No dedicated sales tab is a pain, and I don't seem to be able to find avatars to purchase anymore, which seems a bit weird. I'm sure it'll get better with time though, and having a wishlist on the actual console is great.
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