In a crazy year like 2020, we probably should have expected Cyberpunk 2077’s utter implosion – but it’s still taken us by surprise, we must admit. If the state of the game wasn’t already shocking enough, we’re still reeling from Sony’s decision to remove the role-playing release from the PS Store. It’s just an utterly unprecedented move really.
Of course, in addition to the delisting, the organisation has also promised to honour refund requests for all PS Store purchases. Similarly, creator CD Projekt RED has said that it will reimburse boxed copy owners “out of its own pocket” if fans are unable to get their money back from the physical store they purchased the game from.
In all honesty, it’s a big ol’ mess. However, it’s worth noting that not everyone is disappointed with the game: this author has been enjoying his time in Night City despite the obvious issues. On the other hand, though, Deputy Editor Robert Ramsey can’t even finish the campaign as his quests are bugged – despite the Polish developer supposedly fixing that issue with its latest patch.
And so, we’re curious: have you requested a refund for Cyberpunk 2077 yet? Are you still considering what you’re going to do? Did all of the reported problems put you off the title entirely? We’d love to know where you’re at, so let us know in the poll below and feel free to expand on your thoughts in the comments section.
Comments 118
Didn't believe all the hype, didn't pre-order it, and it was lucky I didn't. Will wait til/if it's all fixed.
Requested today around 11 am but still NOTHING happened.
I haven't bought it, but I would always ask for a refund if possible for a broken game, even if it's just to buy it cheaper at a later date or on a different platform.
@Xenomorph_79 This is one of the reasons I mostly buy from Amazon (even if it is sometimes seen as evil incarnate). At least you can return it for free without any problem.
I never bought the darn game.
I reclaimed the refund on ps4 pro (trully bad experience) .im currently playing it in Stadia which has an amazing performance. The game is quite overwhelming with the amount of quests to do... I only olayed 7 / 8hs so far, but story didnt grab me as much as i thought it was gonna do.
As mentioned in Sammy's 'soapbox' article I've been playing and enjoying the game on PS5. Haven't requested a refund and don't plan to do so.
No, my copy is still sealed, waiting on the PS5 upgrade.
My game has been alright on ps5 no game breaking bugs or crashes etc, just find it a little boring at times I just end up going to play something else, I want to get into it but just find my mind drifting and only doing small intervals on it.
I got both the PC and PS4 versions, but I don't want a refund for either. As buggy as it is on PC, it's not unplayable and I've never experienced a single crash. I got the physical collector's edition for the PS4, and I'm fine hanging onto it until they patch the game properly.
I'm actually playing on Xbox but haven't requested a refund, I'm happy to wait until its fixed and play it then or just wait for the next gen version
I did this all backwards. Everyone else was really hyped for this game for years and I had no interest. I even moaned that no game could live up to the levels of hype generated. Partly this was because I don't usually play rpgs so I assumed this would be the same. The day before launch for some unknown reason I went online and pre ordered the game, waited till midnight then played it for 4 hours. Absolutely love this game and I have only had some minor issues with pop in and slight pause during background loading. Now I need to find more rpgs that I have missed over the years
Got in to play on my ps5 and after 7 hours I've not had any bugs or crashes, so far. I'd say it was good, not amazing, but definitely worth playing if you have any interest in this sort of thing and the required hardware.
@Xenomorph_79 And you are absolutely right to do so. This is unacceptable from Game and hopefully they will refund you. If you ordered online, you have 14 days to return a product even if it isn't faulty. Maybe there is a useful contact on the government website that could advise you or speed things up and force Game to stick to the law.
Got my refund before launch over the last delay glad i did too
i've not really had any issues besides character models taking a few minutes to load in, im happy waiting on the patches
Didn't vote, but got as part of a PS5 bundle. Decided to sell on eBay and just rebuy down the line when it's fixed and cheaper. Probably won't wait for PS5 version
I bought it on PS4, and then Stadia for the free Premier Edition. The Stadia version is brilliant, but I'm not getting a refund on the PS4 version, as I'm quite happy to wait for it to be fixed, and if it doesn't, it doesn't.
I've wasted more money on food I didn't like, clothes I'll never wear, and people I hate. This is far from the worst thing to take money from my wallet.
@Xenomorph_79 I have never bought anything from Game or its French equivalent Micromania. I knew they sucked, but I never expected it was this bad. Fingers crossed you and others will get a refund soon.
Did yesterday morning but so far i've had nothing back, i can even still play the game so i have no idea what's up.
Does anybody know when the refunds will be issued?
Nope, haven't requested a refund. I'm having too much fun telling anyone who'll listen "I TOLD YOU SO" and I don't want that to end anytime soon. Way to go, CDPR. No one deserves this debacle more than you guys. I only feel sorry for the devs caught in the middle. This is all on management.
@Xenomorph_79 Are you able to take it back via a receiptless return somewhere else? Many places here in the states will accept a couple items a year without a receipt. I've had to do this a few times with games because some stores get all finicky about letting you return media items like that, even unopened. Pretty sure there's problems of people buying, copying(or just removing disc entirely), rewrapping the case in cellophane, and returning.
I'm playing it on PS5, have had a few crashes but nothing game breaking. I'm going to get platinum and then trade it back into ebgames for $50 CAD
@Blacksmith1985 they did say refunds might be show until January. You’ll get a follow up email in a few days
I actually pre-ordered a physical copy but then also purchased digitally because the shipping was delayed. So now that I have a chance at a refund for the digital copy there's no reason not to take advantage.
No plans to even attempt a return of the physical copy because, as I've mentioned elsewhere, it's like a keepsake at this point and I plan on finishing it anyway. It's not the greatest game ever but, at the same time, I've played worse and I prefer to see things through once I start.
I'm buying it and holding onto it till I get a PS5 and/or it's fixed. People forget, but Witcher III was a buggy mess when it first came out. Just not NEARLY as bad as this evidently.
@Xenomorph_79 Well that's unfortunate. But I imagine there's good and bad on both sides of the pond. I do get the distinct impression our consumer protection laws aren't anywhere near what you have over there but I guess there's gonna be some individual instances where our system somehow prevails.
Good luck and keep trying I guess. Enough pressure from you and possibly PayPal, you'd think they'd cave eventually.
If this sample is at all representative of the broader gaming community, I'd say just over 20% returns isn't as bad as I thought. Probably unprecedented, but still not as high as I would have guessed given the amount of outrage I've seen.
Though I imagine the methodology isn't perfect since the percentages include people who didn't buy the game.
Edit: Returns have since dropped below 20%. Anyway did some quick math based on the number who purchased and answered survey (as of now) and it's something like 25%, 7%, and 68% respectively. I figure with millions of pre-orders sold and consoles making up only 41% of those (according to CDPR) I reckon they'll come out of this just fine financially. (Of course this doesn't account for investor fallout).
The only thing I’m considering is taking a break from the game until more patches come. It also has dawned on me that if a PS5 version is coming, my trophy progress will need to be restarted since I’m technically playing PS4 version in backwards compatibility because I still plan on getting the platinum.
Not sure anger and death threats they received last month push them to release this time. That would be a shame. Not a fan of 1st person game generally. So I am not affected at all.
I didn't buy the game, but CDPR still owes me $60 for making me hear about it nonstop for the last six years.
I thought about it, but figured that trying to get a full refund on an opened copy from Amazon wasn't worth the hassle. Plus I'm still enjoying the game, even though the issues are putting a damper on things.
I'm loving the game, despite its issues. They'll get fixed in time and I'm happy to wait, but it's honestly not been too bad for me even on my 4 year old PS4. I'm glad people who are unhappy have options, though. There should really be this sort of refund programme available for all games, regardless of the state of them at launch.
Based on this companies consumer history, I would never ask for a refund. I trust that CDPR will do everything within their power to ensure every version of Cyberpunk will run fantastic over the next couple of months. This game will be a masterpiece, have faith guys.
The new patch has prevented crashing for me. Happy so far
Glad I decided to wait for this game its been a bad bad release I must say I give it a few months and buy on ps5
Nope, I was smart enough not to buy it for consoles.
@starnivore Maybe a timed testing i would take that with physical i understand why stores dont want too take it back when its open. I will never take a unsealed copy for brandnew.
After all the bad press i just cancelled it. 😅
I asked for it as a Christmas gift but have since told the wife to send it back.
I requested a refund for my digital copy. I was wary of all the hype, but decided to take a chance on the game and bought it. Despite being lucky enough to have a PS5 and play a better performing version of the game via backwards compatibility, I was still underwhelmed by the game and its performance. Honestly, I put the game down and was going to wait until the full fat PS5 upgrade so all the issues would be fixed and I'd get the best experience (there is a great game lurking under the surface of Cyberpunk in its current state). But when Sony advised a refund would be available I decided to take it - I won't be playing it until PS5 version I've decided and will use the refund money elsewhere. I'll buy it again when its actually a finished product. I also wanted to 'vote with my wallet' albeit in a late fashion, and let CDPR know I don't appreciate their dishonest shenanigans! Shame on them. My heart goes out to the boots on the ground developers who worked so hard to make this game, and will likely be subject to more intense crunch to patch it. The blame belongs solely, in my opinion, with CDPR management and shareholders.
I bought it on Series x and feeling disappointed is an understatement. I think all the articles, reports and noise around the bugs are distracting people from the fact that the game just isn't that good. Combat is bland and clunky, the open world doesn't feel alive with so much opportunity missed to put in little bits of interaction. Referring to it as a roleplaying is also a bit of a stretch. This is an average game that was made for PC and the consoles were an after thought. I dont think any amount of bug fixing or patches are going to change the fact that the game is fundamentally average at best.
Playing the game on PS5 and enjoying it a lot, If I knew the PS5 version was going to be ready soon I could wait for that but who knows how long it'll be. I'll just do a second playthrough then.
@Poisonedpillsuk I have to admit, bugs and glitches aside, I also feel this game overpromised and underdelivered with its content. I get that its not meant to be GTA, but the open world is bland and underwhelming. I'll give it more consideration next year once its properly fixed, but I'm not sure its the game that the devs promised all these years...
I’ve sent an email to CDPR for a refund, yes. My local retailer forwarded me all the info. Even on PS5 it “runs” horrible. I’ve read that for some people it works great on the PS5, not for me though. I’ll shelf it for a few months.
Holding on for the ps5 update. The situation isn't great, but I won't dismiss this game and cdpr just because of internet hysteria and I don't regret my purchase.
I've played over 20 hours on the PS4 and only had one crash. Plenty of glitches but most of them have been fairly minor and nothing to stop me progressing. Doesn't always look the best but I'm really enjoying it and already thinking I'll happily play through it again with a different backstory on the ps5 when I get one.
Playing on Stadia, no issues = no refund needed.
I've only played a couple hours and it hasn't been horrific. I probably won't play all of it in the immediate future anyway, so I don't think there's any point to get a refund just to repurchase if later.
I may just wait to play it whenever I get a PS5 in a couple of years.
Of course. It’s a terrible game made worse by the bugs and lying.
No, played great on PS5 😎 must have played about 35 hours.
I will never request a refund! The game is not broken sure it has glitches on bugs but that is something that can be patched. I see a lot of people say they will request a refund and maybe buy again later. Why, did you not really want the game? Do you not know what you want? Do you hope for a discount at a later date? The only reason I would return a game is if I never wanted to see it again. And out of 150+ PS4 games I have purchased I have never wanted to returned a single one.
CDPR is patching the game fast as they can. I am totally confidant they will fix all the issues. I hate to say this because it promotes bad development. I am strangely sort of ok with the few none game breaking glitches as apposed waiting another 2-6 months. While knowing they will be fixed and the full PS5 version will be all the better after they do.
@supergurr Cyberpunk is very similar to Deus Ex.
Human Revolution has the best story and Mankind divided has the best combat and powers.
They are not particularly open world. There is a world to explore but it's quite boxed in. But after playing Cyberpunk, Deus Ex might seem a bit primitive.
Remember Me and Nier: Automata are also worth a look
Bought the PC version
@GoodGame what's the level of hype got to do with it?
@WCB Same situation!
I have requested a refund but they said "no".All because i never bought the game,petty buggers.
@Buzstringer oddly enough I have actually played and finished Deus Ex human revolution on ps3 and I enjoyed it because it wasnt as deep as other rpgs I have tried. I think as well though now that I am a lot older my tastes have changed so I will have a look at the others you mentioned. Thank you
I don't buy games within the first year of release.
Devs should pay people to beta test, not the other way round.
I bought it on Stadia, plays perfectly, plus I got a free controller for pre ordering.
@Jurgens-Red-Army These corporations are so greedy.
Give the guys a chance. 3 words. No man's sky look how that launched and turned out. ..
I got it day one and have been playing it on PS5. Janky yes, but enjoying it 18 hours in. The biggest issue is that I get a soft crash every hour, so you need to regularly save.
The crashing is starting to become a pain. Even after the latest patch.
@Xenomorph_79 @zupertramp putting aside faulty items or not fit for use, I think many consumers get store policy mixed up with consumer rights law.
If bought in store, in the UK, unless the store has a stated a policy of being able to return non-faulty items (or not fit for use etc), they don't have to accept a return. I'm basing this off what appears to be a UK government website: https://www.gov.uk/accepting-returns-and-giving-refunds
I just thought I'd post this, because people may not realise this and some may be interested.
In your case though, they should totally refund your copy of Cyberpunk 2077, it states on the same government page above, that online, like you were saying, you have 14 days and plus, it's a faulty item. Good luck anyway, at least CDProjektRED have said that they'll do refunds.
@Gravity_Bear Thanks for clarification. I guess my assumption was that over here in the states we have arbitrary store policy with very little legal precedent, while in the UK there are laws that dictate store policy (up to a point). I could be way off the mark but that's just how I imagine it to be. The UK, for better or worse, comes across as being a little more regulation happy than us.
Granted I've never needed to know any of this for sure so haven't looked into it at all.
I got a refund weeks ago when they delayed the "finished" PC version because of consoles.
Dodged a bullet there.
I'm about 40 hours in, playing on a Pro. It's pretty dang glitchy still but after the two patches it's mostly just dumb stuff now and not game-breaking or performance related. Crashes seem to have stopped for me. The AI is still hilariously bad, and they seem to have implemented some very stupid thing to create an illusion of traffic with 2d cars fading in an out of existence in the distance, but they never get any closer to you... Very odd choice.
I'm gonna buy a PS5 copy used.
I'll wait for it to hit Plus or the bargain bin, if I bother with it at all. So... maybe February or March at this rate. 😂
I’ll pick up the definitive version next year for 20 bucks.
@Crimson_Ridley so do most games run good on stadia? Ive mostly heard bad things but i try not to believe everything i see on internet. 😊
I haven't touched my PS4 disc despite owning a PS5. I'm prepared to wait it out for the upgrade. I don't think the actual developers are to blame necessarily. I came to Witcher 3 late in the day for $15 - it's now my favourite game of all time so I'm not requesting a refund and hoping CDPR get Cyberpunk right eventually.
@fabisputza00 Too be fair 7 hours is barely past the into mission lol. You can't base it off that. It takes more then a hour too make a character.
I kept mine. Bugs aside. I love the game. I'm a little surprised how short the actual main mission is.
Yup, and I’m playing on the PS5.
I only played a couple hours. I didn’t experience many glitches but I’ve read it gets worse the longer you play so i applied for a refund and will repurchase it when it’s PS5 edition gets good reviews from gamers.
@zupertramp Well there's many things that we take for granted, we'd spend so much time researching if we had to know everything. So many forms to fill out.
In New Zealand our consumer rights are similar to the UK I think, but I'm pretty sure online and in store have the same weight when making returns.
@ObserverGamez cyberpunk is the first game where the side missions are better than the main story
@OmegaStriver i learned to never trust the gaming media or Twitter trolls after finishing cyberpunk . Cyberpunk will win game of the year
@Grayson_ you never played cyberpunk. I completed it. Game of the year better than last of us 2
@jess3a3 and you’re wrong. I have played it. It’s crap.
@jess3a3 TLoU 2 CLOWNS this half ass attempt at an open world game. GTA5 is old as hell and still does it better.
Cyberpunk is GOTY.
Glitch of the year.
I bought it on PC and refunded it at 11 hours. So glad I didn't get it on my PRO God it was horrible enough on something more powerful. The new 1.05 patch is preventing people from playing, deleting inventories and dropping pc framerates. Don't know how it is on Sony.
Horrible game and horrible company. I'll have flashbacks to doing that Delamin quest under the bridge forever. Stupid ai makes civilians duck so they get shot, them police then teleport in all around you cuz bad programming then you die. Over and over again.
@jess3a3 @Grayson_ I agree it’s a great game but winning game of the year is all political so I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one...
I requested a refund from thegamecollection but got denied because I’d opened the game. The fact that there were no reviews meant I had no way of knowing the quality of the game before release so I don’t think that’s fair.
Contacted cd project Red through the email that was provided a week ago but no response so far.
On the plus side, I’ve been playing yakuza: like a dragon, which is everything cyberpunk is not. It has heart, it’s not a total mess and it’s actually fun.
I'm curious; what's your criteria when selecting your game of the year?
@Spinachie Hype makes people want to get involved.
No chance. I just wish everybody was enjoying it as much as I am.
lol all these people asking for refunds, just freaking wait for the patches. The game will get fixed. You all wanted the game to come out, its out.
No, I didn't. As much as I disapprove of the way CDPR has (not) handled the situation, I don't see why you'd request a refund for a game you enjoy and we all know will get fixed in the end, other than sending a strong message to the industry as a whole. I remember having to cope with similar issues with The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Fallout 3, amongst others.
That being said, I'd much prefer having to wait for a game until it's ready. As a long time Nintendo fan, I'm quite used to this. Imagine the Zelda BOTW sequel being released in an unfinished state. People would just eat Shuntaro Furukawa alive...
@Spookles You could have waited for reviews to come out instead of preordering it. Right now, you can also just wait for it to get fixed, which it will.
@kingv84 Thank you for this sage advice. The next time I receive a preordered game from CD Project Red (in 2030 probably) I will be sure to leave it sealed for a week while I wait for the reviews.
Anybody that requested a psn refund through that new button been successful or had any communication?
@Lonejester Nope its been 2 days and nothing, meanwhile on Xbox people are getting refunds pretty quick.
No, I did not request a refund because :-
a) I don't consider I was deceived (I saw what happened with The Witcher 3 at launch) because I did my homework and knew it would be buggy, but still wanted to play it.
b) Upon playing it found it flawed, but interesting enough and fun enough to keep playing despite the wonky AI/driving/police spawning/often hilarious bugs. When the game works it's a hoot. When it doesn't it's not annoying enough for me to give up on it.
Normally I'm the kind of player who would wait 6-12 months for a patched, cheaper version of the game (or at least, the ability to buy the disc used for 1/3 the price and then install the patch when the disc is in the console) so it's been hilarious for me to find the one time I pre-order etc the game and company become industry laughing stocks.
I never got why CDPR got a "saintly" image. They always seem to release buggy games that need multiple patches, Witcher 3 had notorious crunch, Cyberpunk 2077 has been much the same. It's just because of the enormous long hype buildup and people being sucked into it rather than making better judgements that all too many gamers are reacting as if the game was released as a personal insult to them. I have too many random 100k+ view YouTubers popping up on my "recommended" list at the moment where the content is 5-10 minutes of someone going "Oh my god guys I'm at a loss for words this is such a mess it's a completely terrible game blah blah blah venomous entitled gamer hate".
In my opinion, no it's not terrible. It's just a victim of some great talent in terms of level design and art style, some occasionally inspired mission design, sold out by being released too early after years of hype - i.e. screwed by management. If you take the game for what it is, rather than having bought into the "generation defining game" nonsense, it's a mixed bag. There's a competent RPG lurking in there beneath the problems and the anti-hype backlash. Competent, fun, but not reinventing the wheel and needing much more work to be playable for most people on consoles.
For me, I'm gonna add some more hours to my 40 hour play through, complete it (if I can; the bugs might make that impossible), and then shelve it ready for another play through in a year or so, when hopefully the myriad issues would have been addressed and all the gamers angry about it have all but forgotten it exists because they're fixated on something else.
I hope everyone gets refund that asked for one. 👍
I haven't decided yet. Part of me wants to keep it and wait for a fix. When that day comes I may not be able to resist playing. The other part wants to get a refund and buy it another time when it's cheaper. Possibly even when it has the expansions included in a complete edition.
I hate adding things to my backlog as they never seem to get played. Always looking forward to the newer stuff more. So if I don't add it to my backlog, I'll be more excited for it when it is fixed.
I haven't even received my preorder from Amazon yet! I'm thinking about just cancelling it.
I’m just glad I chose not to pre order this mess of a game.
Hopefully by the time the PS5 version releases they’ll have fixed it.
@kingv84 think you may be slightly confused with the concept of preordeing and its timeline in relation to when reviews come out.
@neon-xxiv ty this is a guy talking sense. Your right, no other product or industry could act like this and get away with it. The gaming industry not only gets away with it but the actual consumers which it blatantly tries to mislead and rip off clamber over each other to give sympathy to the developers and they put up with it. This is a massive industry which makes alot of money from us , the gamers. Theres nothing wrong in us demanding better. It's almost like gamers now have been conditioned to put up with this *****. Shrug it off, "dont worry it might be playable in a couple of months" and somehow those of us who deam it unacceptable and complain are made to feel in the wrong. Anyway , ultimately what really rubs salt in the wounds is that below all the glitches and bugs lies a bang average 6/10 game. I genuinely dont understand people who are talking such nonsense as GOTY contender. They must be playing a different game or have access to some next level drugs.
@Poisonedpillsuk lol nobody is confused. Don’t preorder if you are going to be worried about reviews. You can buy the game later. If the game is buggy then wait for the fixes if you decided to preorder and play the game before the reviews came out.
@kingv84 definitely confused. You suggested someone "waited for reviews to come out before preordering" which isn't possible. Which is different than what you just said. Dont worry , thanks for your great input to the debate anyway.
@Grayson_ which ending did you get? Im guessing you're lying about playing it
@RPE83 the best game that is the benchmark for the future. Bugs will get fixed. Cyberpunk has much better mission design than gta5 or red dead. As good as deus ex or zelda games imo
@Grayson_ u never played cyberpunk did you? Who did you romance in the game?
@neon-xxiv whats your favorite open world game? This is the best open world ive played. Better than gta5
Playing on PS5, it's not too bad......i fell for the trailers too much, first time in a long time. It's just not keeping me that interested and patches won't fix that for me.
For better or worse the Stadia version has been very playable.
@neon-xxiv horizon looked amazing on ps4 but i found the ending disappointing and it felt repetitive. I thought cyberpunk missions were vastly superior imo.
Same here. I Played for several hours yesterday and the game kicked me out once. It saves fairly frequently so no big deal.
@PhantomFear Are you really being upset cause people are deciding to keep their copy instead of refunding?
Got my refund from Argos in the UK. Will re-purchase if the sort it out.
I will gladly be keeping mine till its patched. Is Cyberpunk ground breaking? Well no but it is a nice open world to sink hours into. I haven't had a long game like that since GoT. I've got 80 hours in my play though. Going to end game it and make a new character. On a side note, I can't f***ing wait for Disco Elysium to drop in March!!!! That definitely soaks my knickers
@GoodGame I mean I didn't buy into the hype.
All the original hype was based around the Witcher 3 and how CDPR seemed like a decent dev.
Then Keanu got into the mix and most people were hype even though most people only really know Keanu via his "nice guy" persona meme, john wick, and maybe the matrix.
Still I preordered and am glad I did. While I did not buy the game thanks to the inflated and highly exaggerated next coming of christ hype I did buy it assuming similar quality to the witcher 3 in one of my favorite sci fi settings... which I got, kinda?
But it seems like a lot of people forgot how buggy TW3 was when it released. 5-10 hour in Unfinishable main quest, falling through the map, slingshotting on roach, etc. I expected bugs and for me it is very playable. Sometimes the crashing can happen a lot, like three times in an hour a lot, and sometimes I can go a 6 hour session without a single crash. My bugs so far are mostly car related and due to crashing while going really fast. End up falling through the map or halfway through the ground. Have had my car teleport and land on stairs and explode. Grenades falling through the floor next to cars. But nothing game breaking.
Tl;Dr Didn't buy into the hype. While yes the game is a bit of a mess and definitely needs polish it is very playable for me (on a PS4 Pro, thank god I am not on PC with that 8MB save size bug). I crash from time to time but I will get to platinum the game (should happen today or tomorrow) and then request a refund and buy it again in 4-5 months with all the new content at a huge discount, patched and ready, on PS5 so I can platinum it again.
Thought about it, but I don't buy games at full price often. The $10 preorder discount from many vendors, including Amazon, had me tempted, but I decided I'd wait.
I expect there will be DLC later, and then a GotY edition with all the DLC included at a discount, and by then the bugs will be well and truly squashed. THAT is the version I plan to get (probably after it's been out for a bit and goes on sale). So, maybe Christmas 2021, probably later. We'll see.
@get2sammyb so when is PS going to score this car-wreck? why do you feel it is okay to enable this behaviour of releasing broken games by not scoring them and 'waiting for a patch'? Do you consider this to be honest gaming journalism? why is it okay to score other broken games (Empire of Sin, Watchdogs, etc.) but not this one?
@Oriion that’s the thing. At its core it’s not a great game. It’s open world is not even as good as GTA6 and everything is set on a paper thin movie set of a world. It’s trash.
@Grayson_ I think if the police AI was improved that would go a long way. I definitely understand the criticism of no car chases and police that spawn next to you. Personally I’m taking a break and hoping the January and February patches bring some improvements. I wouldn’t call the game trash though, the world is still more open than Deus Ex or the Outer Worlds. I think the problem is this game was way more hyped than either of those two were
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