Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here, and well... It hasn't been a smooth launch. Following on from PC-based coverage earlier this week, which highlighted rampant bugs and other technical issues, it turns out that the game's also a bit of a mess on consoles.
To be more specific, Cyberpunk 2077 is rough on PS4 (and PS4 Pro, to a lesser extent). It has particular problems with frame-rate and pop-in on Sony's last-gen system, sometimes to the point where it feels like the game's about to collapse in on itself.
If the game really struggles this much on old consoles, should it have even launched on them to begin with? Or should the project have transitioned to PS5 entirely? It's a messy conversation, but we still want your opinion.
And so we're here to ask: Is the state of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 acceptable? Let us know in our polls, and then feed us your honest thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 138
The ‘unacceptable’ option turns into ‘not that bad’ when you click it. Is that a bug in your poll about bugs? I find that absolutely unacceptable 😉
Im surprised at the ammount of "no i havnt played Cyberpunk" %. Thought most of the population was getting this game. Well, apart from me lol.
I am currently thinking if I should wait for PS5 update or just try the game as it is right now..
This is was clearly unfinished game and it need more time.
Note: praising or giving the excuses to the studio will not help them.
Considering this game started development at least five years ago on PS4 and X1, if it's not unacceptable, at the very least people who couldn't get a new console should feel a little short-changed.
I have no interest in this game so feel free to disregard my opinion, but I also think that we should expect better from a studio as well regarded as CD Project Red.
PS4 Pro here played about 2 hours last night when it finally unlocked. Very fortunate so far 1 instance where the screen froze for half a second while it loaded something in and nothing else to speak of.
This is the norm now for every company release it broken patch it day one and later keep patching
But No it should not be acceptable specially for a company as highly regarded as CDPR they are only destroying their own reputation
If the product is not at a certain standard it shouldn't be released. This clearly should be a PS5, series X, high end PC release only. Witcher 3 had bugs but nothing close to Cyberpunk 2077. I feel this has damaged CDPR reputation now especially for there scummy tactics like hiding the console version until release day virtually because they knew how bad it was. I would expect this from Bethesda not CDPR.
Definitely needed more time. It needed another delay into late winter or spring, but a mixture of mutual overhype, and expectations from the community, and promises from the developer scuttled that.
I know it'll be fixed, CD Projekt Red can't afford not to, with the profit support of this game will get them if the Witcher 3 is anything to go on, but it's still a bummer.
It's obviously not good enough. I sympathise with them because obviously this was a tough, ambitious project and they've been under a lot of pressure.
But frankly, if they couldn't get it to run properly on the original PS4, then they shouldn't have released it there.
I think they'll improve it a lot in the coming months, but this wasn't advertised as Early Access so it's not really acceptable.
That said, there's a way of demonstrating your disappointment without shouting and screaming. CDPR can be criticised without being attacked.
@Kidfunkadelic83 it's 6pm on launch day, most of us havent had time yet mate
Eh, it's not ideal, but it's the end of a gen, a bit to be expected. You should all go back in time and play Skyrim on PS3 before it was patched if you wanna see what that looked like.
@Darten We've also consistently noted the lack of console gameplay footage, and we've always said that we'll have to wait and see how it actually plays on PS4.
I even wrote this a whole year ago now:
Soapbox: Cyberpunk 2077 Could Become a Victim of Its Own Immense Hype
@get2sammyb But don't you think it was very underhanded of them for deliberately hiding the console version and placing massive embargo on reviewers. So they deserve to be called out and answers and apologies need to be given. They knowingly released a game they knew on base consoles was broken theres so many disappointed gamers who were so excited for this game.
I think the outrage would be palpable if any other developer released a major game in this state after lying about it to the public and trying to hide how it performs on base consoles.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I cancelled my preorder at the last moment when I heard how it performs. I imagine other people have done the same.
@DrClayman true about Skyrim. But if anything, games should be at their best at the end of the gen, given the huge amount of accumulated experience. And with 7+ years of development this game really should be getting the basics right at launch.
Anyway, I suspect it'll be largely fixed and eventually go down as an all time classic.
Time will tell.
It's bad enough on PS5, I can't imagine it on a launch PS4.
Is the “I don’t care” option aimed at PS5 owners, or all PC and Xbox Series X?
If so... whats the point? 😅
@get2sammyb well said. This should have been a next (current) gen game.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L very well said. So many double standards. Same with gamers saying "never pre-order" until their favourite game is released
@Ralizah I cancelled my pre order too. Will get it when I get a PS5
Everyone is raving about this game? I'm just not sold, storyline and game niggles just don't appeal. Each to thier own I guess
How good this game looks and could/will be running on PS5 is great. Some instances where the model maps don’t load instantly and you see a cardboard box car still happens on PS5 once or twice, but that’s isolated to cutscenes only and the in fame looks stunning.
I think the PS4 is that weak, they should never have bothered with it on that format. Would have been a lot better as a new gen exclusive.
@get2sammyb CDPR would have a bit of slack with me if they hadn’t spent the last year delaying the game while implementing mandatory crunch. If this is what the game looks like after overworking employees and delaying the game multiple times, what did it look like earlier in the year? Nothing like that E3 demo, that’s for sure.
@ShogunRok I can stream you PS5 in-game
@Kidfunkadelic83 I got mine physical because my account got hacked recently and I'm paranoid about losing all of my digital games, it just hasn't come yet.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I would have gotten it (on PC) but Final Fantasy XIV 5.4 patch dropped Tuesday with new content and end game raiding and since I raid my time will be taken up with that.
At this point, games launching with performance issues is part and parcel with AAA game development. If you want to be in the first wave of players then you’ll have to accept those issues. Players that pick it up later will pay less and have a more polished game, but they won't be part able to participate in the hype and peak conversation about the game. The choice is yours as a consumer...
I think CD Project Red did everything it could to make the game 'playable' as the main goal in the last months. The people who worked on it probably had some hard times with the crunch time and covid situation. But as a consumer your paying 60 bucks, and thats still a lot of money.
I think there should have been a warning before the launch from Cd Project Red that the game was not up to standards and would be fixt in the next months. That would have been more fair towards consumers.
While I don’t wish to defend the game - which clearly needed more time, especially on consoles - here are some counter arguments to the situation:
It most probably needed to release now because of financial goals, shareholders, forecasts, etc. All game development is driven by financial goals, even (former) fan favorite ones...
Interestingly the most buggy games in history were open world rpg’s with multiple choice and approach gameplay (fallout, skyrim, witcher 3). Maybe there is no state for these kinds of games where it is acceptable to release them, you just have to call it sometime.
Well CDPR did say they weren't ready but ppl kept pushing for them to release it... ppl are so quick to forget.. but hope they do fix these issues
I'm honestly more disappointed in the the actual game than the bugs at this point. Yeah its okay but it's a little flat in the story department compared to the witcher 3.
This has definitely helped my decision to wait for a ps5 version...
@Pako_rubio714 heh. nobody but cdpr can make the decision as to when they should release the game. no public pressure should or could change that. this is more about very poor project management and lack of development competence. perhaps they bit more than they could chew as well and simply had to get the game out due to financial pressure to do so. cdpr is a victim of its own ambitions and the overhype, marketing machine nature of the AAA gaming industry does it no favours.
I think if they were going to develop the game for the older consoles from the start. Then they should of made the game based on the limitations of the old consoles and worked from there.
If they wanted all the bells and whistles they should of made it next-gen exclusive.
Long time developed projects are always problematic. Duke Nukem Forever, Diablo3 and more and more... In the end, they get to the point "release now or never" but it is always too late, so they make it somehow work and good bye.
I'm playing the PC version and it's gorgeous. A few bugs are a no biggie they will eventually get ironed out. The sheer size of this game and it's systems is immense so it's understandable. The old-gen PS4 is weak and it's outdated. If you were expecting this game to look like it does on PC then you're never going to be happy. It would be like asking the game to perform on Switch like it does on PC. Curb your expectations or wait until the next-gen patch on PS5. You're playing on outdated hardware. Hope that helps.
It's totally unacceptable. They knew it was a ***** show on base consoles, hence them not showing any footage and only allowing PC reviews. This game was announced 6 years ago ! Before the next gen consoles were announced, so was never a 'next gen' project.
If this was an EA or Activision game, people would be burning effigies of their logos.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L this
@djlard No idea what you're talking about because this is one of the best games that I have ever played. The game is fantastic on PC minus some of the bugs. The reason it was in development for so long is evidenced in how the game world looks... and the combination of all of the systems. Nothing to do with development hell. This game is like 3-4 games combined into one. Most games take 5-6 years to develop, this one took slightly longer. GTA games or Fallout games take 8 years...... with far less complicated systems. WItcher launched buggy and it's considred one of the greatest games ever... it took patches to iron out bus. People should chill out. The OCD is a real thing during the pandemic, people hone in on things, nitpick things when no game is ever going to be perfect. SKyrim was one big bugfest... was literally UNPLAYABLE on console.
As soon as i saw they were blocking reviewers from using their own footage, i knew i was going to wait until next year to play this.
@get2sammyb Might be wrong,but wasn't there leaked documents around the time of the ps4 pro announcement that Sony (like XB),mandated there could be no Pro exclusive releases?
In any case,I suspect CDPR probably had to get investors on-side with the promise of as wide a release as possible on current gen consoles to afford dev costs.
It sort of reminds me of Skyrim on ps3. Initially rode the hype of positive reviews of the 360/pc versions, but the bugs & memory issues started being exposed the longer people's game time in it ran.
Ideally should've been better scoped as next gen? Yes, but given they want a return on the dev $$ a small but growing install base is far less attractive vs marketing it as current gen sadly.
Hey if it's that bad then reviews should reflect it.
I know it sounds crazy but they could as well be useful.
You should not design or make a game that does work correctly on any console.
As for Cyberpunk they should just not released it until ready or just released on our new current generation consoles.
It really goes to show that the console business is really a business and all about the cash just the same as most businesses.
Is it acceptable? From a trading standards perspective it must be or they would be offering refunds but sadly this is normal in the games industry now. I have yet to play a big name ps4 game that didn't have problems day 1. Look at games like Days Gone, Anthem, Assasins creed, Gta Online, Red dead 2 and Drive club, they were all in bad shape at launch or had serious bugs and errors but the Devs turned most of them around. It's fair to say CDPR will do the same given what this game means for the company but unless people stop buying pre orders and day 1 then this practice of release it broken then fix it over time, won't go away
It should have abandoned the older generation and moved to next gen entirely
I’m glad I cancelled my pre-order. I don’t mind waiting another year to play it. I knew after the last delay something had to be up. I’ll spend my time in other games like assassins creed Valhalla, Spider-Man remastered, miles morales, and a few of the games from the collection I’ve been wanting to try like persona 5 and final fantasy 15
They spent the last 7 years designing this with the PS4 in mind, not the new consoles. In fact, if they had hit their initial release date, it would have come out before any of us even KNEW about next gen. consoles.
This is why I find the low performance on PS4 so mystifying. If anything, it should run smoother on the old, as that's what all the development years were aimed at.
@get2sammyb I honestly don't believe it should have come out on current gen consoles, its clear the base systems simply can't run it and even on Xbox One X its often very low resolution, similar to how AAA games look on Switch. Its playable but its clearly a very sub optimal way to do so and a million miles away from how it can look on PC
thing is this game was teased in 2012. BEFORE ps4 and xbox one where released.
so somewhere in development after those consoles where out they must have gotten to a point where they saw that the game was getting to big for those consoles and should have made a decision. either cut back on the game,very unfortunate for their vision but it would atleast work on the consoles the game was first aimed at all the way back in 2012. or keep the vision but cut the ps4,xbox one version and make it all next gen only.
it seems that they could not make a decision and decided to keep the vision and still release it on last gen despite knowing it would not run well at all.
I'm going to choose the selfish option, as someone with a PS5 I sympathize with those on a PS4 or a XB1 but I'd be lying if I said I would've taken a stripped back game and vision if it meant the game worked on the XB1 and PS4.
This is a near next gen title in terms of ambition. I'd have hated it restricting it's potential for ancient hardware.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I think many are waiting for the actual PS5 version.
I don't really sympathize with those that got it on the PS4, simply because this isn't some big unexpected situation, it's had huge red flags for last-gen systems for a long time now.
I canceled my pre-order months ago; the writing was on the wall, and as much as I want to play this game right now, its not worth it, not until the current gen systems get a proper release.
I try to never pass judgment too harshly when I haven’t had first hand experience with something, however - the growing amount of reviews and impressions has thrown me from “maybe” into “nope, will wait”
That’s not to say it can’t be redeemed. I don’t want to experience the same feelings I have toward No Man’s Sky where I was a disappointed first day adopter and if I’d have waited a year then I would have enjoyed the game more
Honestly it almost makes it seem like this game spent one extra year in the oven just to polish the PC version.
Game is nice, but at this point it, for me, it's basically a walking advertisement to sell 3080s
Got this ready to play on ps5...think i'm gonna wait till the ps5 upgrade.
Still waiting for the Amazon driver. 😤
Despite all the delays, I still think it was a little too early to release personally. Damned if you do, damned if you don't for CDPR though.
Regardless, it's 'early adopter' tax season still. Nothing wrong with waiting until/if it gets fixed if you aren't happy with the performance. Highlights the need for a better refund system in the PSN though.
The dev has taken on more that it can chew developing for multiple platforms.
Chasing the money as per...
I learned my lesson with Control on PS4. I knew this would be the same (went with PC)
There is only so much you can do with 8 year old tech.
I’m used to this after playing Assetto Corsa Competizione, unless it’s a 10 frame per second slideshow, you’d be surprised how easy it is to deal with a little frame drops and pop-in
Just b/c there are so many people saying it shouldn't have come out on PS4 and Xbox One -
Don't you think the real problem is, if they started it 4 years ago, or 7 years ago - take your pick - that they should have ONLY focused on PS4 and X1 and then after those released - you know, the ones with the 140 million install base - THEN work on upgrades for PS5 and XSX, the ones w/ maybe a 5 million install base?
If CDPR only works on PC and farms it out - like those liars Playtonic did w/ Yooka-Layee - then they should have been working on a less powerful PC hardware the past 4 years.
They have YEARS to sell the base game and PS5/XSX editions - but only a small window to sell the PS4 and X1 editions - should have focused on getting those right now, focus on the double dippers next year.
Remember - these are the same people who made the beautiful TW3 on PS4, there is no reason why they could not have made this game look decent on base PS4 if they wanted to, made a ton of money selling it, then upgrade it a year later - see the ton of PS3 games sold as remasters on PS4.
This is on them. Not for releasing it on the PS4 and X1, for trying to time it w/ a next gen console launch and having it hyped for those consoles.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I think alot of people, like me are waiting to see how it goes in the first week or so first. I'm excited for it but I'd rather wait till New Year to get it and hopefully they'll have another patch by then.
I've said my thoughts on another article but yeah its pretty bad, at times it can look pretty and its not ugly but this blurry smear over the screen is distracting after a while and the constant pop in just destroys immersion, the lackluster frame rate i can put up with but the various graphical problems and bugs just ruins the fun for me and mood what's a shame as gameplay wise its fantastic.
As i said in the other article i believe CDPR knew all along it would be poor and that's why made sure all early reviews were from PC versions, in fact the game is very made for PC designed with its annoying menus and and stuff and its clear consoles were an afterthought there. I hope there is a backlash personally and i hope they don't get a free pass, TW3 looks miles better so at the very least i expect the same level for Cyberpunk considering its the same engine, devs and they had much longer Dev time on the game.
I look forward to playing again later because of the gameplay but i really hope CDPR does some serious work in making the base console versions at least run ok and not have this blurry look and constant pop in.
@DeshawnDex No offence but Cyberpunk is not even in the same league as GTAV, TW3, Fallout 3. Take away the bugs and crashes it still just a good game. Clunky weapon system with strange progression, Story a bit slap dash at times, The world is nice but nothing special there's limited interaction with NPCS etc. Story length was short unless you did all the side content wich I think is the best part of the game. Driving mechanics are abysmal, Jonny silverhand was one of the most annoying characters in gaming. So overall a good game but certainly not great or anything that pushes the medium forward.
@Mpquikster I voted that way based on widespread panning of the game's performance on PS4.
If enough people tell you with sincerity to not jump off a cliff, you don't have to do it to see why.
I’m happy to say that I learned my lesson with Anthem: no more pre order until at least a few people say it’s acceptable. I will gladly wait a few months for a decent game and not some rushed bs
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L AC Valhalla looks and runs better on base PS4 then Cyberpunk yet people will act like Valhalla is a mess. I would say even WD Legion runs better then this and that's a mess as well. Funny Immortals a Ubi game for me is the best running game this Holiday on base PS4 along with Spider-Man of course, had zero problems and visually its beautiful with an epic draw distance.
@rjejr You know what, I wouldn't even mind if CDPR had pivoted to focus on next gen releasing first when they realised it was too much to shoehorn onto PS4. Then treat PS4 version as a port.
Can't wait for the Switch version btw...
I won’t vote until I have played the game for myself as experiences vary greatly with these huge open world games. As a general rule I just won’t support the culture of entitled internet outrage based off of some memes, screenshots and videos. It’s dangerous.
With that being said, I’m not defending CDPR here. Their embargo was disingenuous and clearly enacted to hide known issues. However, I can’t blame any development company for not wanting to show any pre-release footage at all considering how toxic the vocal gaming community can be.
Games are living, breathing, changing beasts right up until launch (and after these days) and the risk of death threats being sent to your team because your game has fewer puddles in it at launch presents a tricky PR situation and is frankly embarrassing as a fellow gamer.
Obviously the game could have used more time in the oven and most of these issues will be ironed out as patched roll out. Not every player experience will be “unplayable!” as these games are hugely complex. This is a large company with many moving parts and unknowable internal pressures that all contribute to the development cycle.
Ultimately the onus is on us as consumers to critically discern that the quality of the product aligns with the value of our money. I’m glad to see a lot of people here holding off until that calculates for themselves, and some (like myself) jumping in to see how it goes. Vilifying a company because they can’t meet the impossible expectation of perfection is silly. To me, the cats out of the bag, how CDPR handles this now will be the true test of this games ultimate legacy.
I had asked for the game for Christmas from the wife. Asked to to exchange it for demon souls. I might buy it at a future date but probably won’t get around to it.
Brother has issue on xbox one.
For so many delays. It should have been crystal clear of bugs. A 91 is being to generous. A non functional game should drop the game's score more than anything.
Haven't played it so I can't say. Weird pc players got the most stable build for a triple A game, although based on % sales between pc and consoles, figures.
It shouldn't be on last gen consoles at all, if you understand anything about hardware.
There is a reason why it was always shown on high end PCs.
They basically overhyped the game way too much and tricked people (console players) into buying/pre-ordering the game without showing any real footage. Why do you think they refused to give console review codes? They knew better than anybody that an 8-year-old hardware wouldn't support that massive of a game without compromises. Also, they didn't want to lose the majority of their sales (console-wise) because a lot of people still haven't migrated to next-gen consoles and probably not going to in the near future. Yet, CDPR still gets a pass, fricking glorious mate!
This site described the performance on PS4 Pro as OK. As a PS4 Pro owner who doesn't plan on getting a next gen console for some time, I'm glad they released it on PS4. I do wonder if they would have bothered had the One X and Pro not existed though...
To people suggesting it was built for PS4... It was built for PC. Then converted.
It's not acceptable but it is understandable. The game had been in development for so long it effectively became a next gen game that needs a PC years ahead of what existed at the time of announcement. They could've kept the game at the level it would initially been at so it would work well on PS4 but look like a PC game from almost a decade ago. Or they could keep it up to date with PC tech but create an insurmountable problem for themselves in getting it to work well on base consoles from almost a decade ago.
Bear in mind, 8 years in gaming (it's nearly 2021 now) is the span of time between Golden Axe III on the Mega Drive and Final Fantasy X on PS2. I think they ultimately should've dropped last gen support but that would only have caused another flavour of backlash.
@Trajan The they shouldn't have released it on PS4 then but I guess all they cared about was getting people's money.
I'm waiting for the PS5 version before I play it. First though I have to get an actual PS5.
Although I'm from Poland and always been supporting CDPR guys, simply because their games are really good, this time I made a good decision cancelling my PS4 preorder nearly two months ago. Why? Because I had the feeling they become too greedy trying to release the game on all possible platforms at the same time. I remember well the lesson learned with Witcher 3, how long it took to fix the game to playable level on consoles and how better it was on PC's. I remember, looks like they don't. Now I choose to wait at least 6 months with Cyberpunk to be properly optimized for my PS4 Pro. It's a shame, but it was expected. Anyway, TLOU 2 and Tsushima are still waiting for my attention.
Being completely honest, it does look old and outdated on PS4. Just not as smooth as it should be and considering the PS4 wasn’t even out when it was announced back in 2012 it’s unacceptable. It’s a brilliant game what I’ve played of it and that’s not much but I can’t help but agree with the poor offering we have on PS4. If it was a PC release converted to console oh dear. I thought it was the other way round. But hopefully CDPR will address the poor graphical frame rate issues on consoles mainly. PC shouldn’t even be in the discussion when it comes to console.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I wonder how many people can't stand the idea of buying a last-gen version when they can have the best experience on new-gen... and so are just waiting for the opportunity to get get a new console or may have even bought the ps5 version just to hold it until that day comes. Or so a friend tells me.
This is why you don't preorder games. If it wasn't running properly on consoles, they should have delayed it more and released it on PC to get some money back (which is why I think they finally released it to be honest. So many years of development + covid surely meant a big investment).
Sounds like the game wasn’t finished.
I’m waiting for the native PS5 version. And even then, I’ll probably wait till after the third or fourth patch to dive in.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Nope, those of us who are sensible will check out reviews first. I haven't bought a game day 1 in years and ironically had planned 3 (this, FFVIIR and Resident Evil 3 reamake) this year including this and they all disappointed me enough that I have been and will be continuing to wait... Or flat out don't want in the case of RE3.
@PhantomFear Architects?
They printed a broken game on disc, they literally delayed the game two days after going gold. This thing was always coming in hot. Feel bummed for folk who are having game breaking bugs and the developers, who were made to work overtime to deliver unreasonable deadlines and get slaughtered for making a buggy mess. Hype be dammed, this should have been delayed again
I just looked at some youtube videos of various version. PS4 Pro seems more or less ok. PS4 is not great, but seems playable. Base X1 and X1S were pretty bad though
@get2sammyb I agree. I think the amount of players still in the old gen consoles held sway over the development and choice to release it on old hardware. It's a futuristic game that would have been more tasteful with the future in mind. That time could have been spent on the next gen versions ready at launch and could have gone to the multiplayer getting done earlier.
@Robocod To be fair with Skyrim, it released two years before the PS4/XOne came out. This is a bit different since next-gen consoles are out already.
I've had NPC's randomly appear, or driving invisible cars, my car floating, & the game crash. But the one that drove me nuts was when the sprint button stopped working.....in the middle of a mission, which was infuriating!
I'm actually considering a refund, first time I've done it on the ps store. And a smack across the back of the head to me for buying this day one, never again!
@Th3solution I'm playing it on Xbox One X and can honestly say just wait for the next gen version, these consoles can't run the game
A demolition derby driver crashes less than what I've been experiencing. Which is a shame as I'm actually liking the game once I penetrated that unfathomably thicc UI
Man am i ever glad i didnt preorder, ive hovered over the button MANY times mind you lol. And on a similar note im kinda glad i didnt preorder the ps5, as good as it may be it still seems like its not all its cracked up to be, and not what sony promised. Still hear about load times when they said the ps5 will have virtually zero loading and we still hear of fps dips etc when it was touted as having just insane power and speed to load ultra fast movement and scenes etc as shown on that unreal demo on the ps5.
In hindsight i guess everything seemed a little TOO perfect until right before launch and the first issues started to rear their ugly little heads.
Looking forward to getting mine just a bit more down the road when things have been ironed out. Until then my ps4pro is undoubtedly preeetty bad a**!
@Kidfunkadelic83 I think its more the fact everyone has bought it but after the reviews came in, all waiting to see what its actually like.
For me thats whats happened. I've had it pre ordered and picked my copy up today, but after seeing all the negatives regarding the game, I think I'll wait 6months for the next gen versions and all the bugs sorted, so its totally unacceptable they have put this game out in the state its at for ps4. I mean its looking like its even running less than 30fps and at only 720p maybe 900p now. Its a joke of a release considering they delayed it aswel.
They should of scrapped last gen versions if they couldn't deliver.
I am in two minds over this..on one hand i remember dark souls on the ps3 being very ropey in certain areas (blight town) where the fps would literally drop into single figures,loads of bugs some of which never got patched out,atrocious textures in places but...it played very well,sold shed loads,won awards blah,blah,blah and i loved it..could this be the same scenario and could i overlook the issues? On the other hand yes its disappointing that its been rushed on the base ps4 because i was really rooting for it to be good but i think the ps4's limitations turned out to be too much...so i will wait for the ps5 before i play it..shame as i was really hoping for this to have proven people wrong..one slice of humble pie waiter..
This is what they crunched for.
Just been thinking about all of this and no one has thought about this concept.
Cd progket red have only 1 game under there belt which is truly a console game and thats witcher 3, the first 2 were just pc games.
So a new ip, and only their second game on a console. Honestly I feel we are all forgetting this, major fact.
@Kidfunkadelic83 why bother with a game that is obvious goong to be s buggy mess on release date? Also is not native PS5. Going to play it next year and enjoy next gen graphics and lack of bugs.
On PS4 Pro with 2TB external HD and it has only crashed once since starting to play from 11 p.m. last night. It's what'd you expect from a 100+ gig game, slow loads, decent FR and the occasional hang-ups during big firefights, explosions & etc. Don't get discouraged as nothing is easy in life. 12 hours in and having a "laggy" blast! 🤣
I think this is a VERY simple topic, if THEY say it is for PS4 and we PAY the amount they ask WE ask to have a working game with at least minimum stuff like good graphics! (without blurry issues) (bugs are always there no matter what game so I guess that will be fixed) but instead we are NOT even getting smooth graphics which is the BASIC. "The buy a PS5 to play to have a better performance" is out of question and is obvious that this is an invalid argument.
If it wasn't CDPR that created this, I'm sure the review scores would be lower. Days Gone had bugs at launch etc and reviews scores dropped because of it, however CDPR release a buggy game and it's all rainbows and butterflys in reviewers eyes.
@Ichiban Same for me, I've requested a refund on PS store citing the bugs as the reason. Now waiting to see if they actually refund me.
I've had game crashes, graphical hiccups, stuttering frames and thumbstick issues but I just can't stop playing it! Hopefully there's a lot of patches incoming.
@PhantomFear What did you think of the newer songs?
Also, I know it's lame but any chance you could check out mah track! Rare to see another metalcore fan on here
Also looking for band members for live shows if you're in south england and play an instrument!
So I've been playing it for about 3 hours so far on a base PS4....and I can honestly say it's not performing as bad as I feared it would. Yes it's a bit low res but turning on HDR mode helped A LOT ! Only one bug so far ( a floating car instead of parked ) and the framerate drops slightly but I really thought it would be unplayable. It's absolutely very playable. Plus, the story so far is great along with the well written dialogue and the whole 'Blade Runner noir' vibe suits. So I'm intrigued as to how it plays out. Overall I couldn't wait to play as I was gonna leave it a few months but I'm glad I caved
I figured last gen consoles would suffer. I saw my friend streaming it. And it was bad. Glad I decided to hold off until I get my ps5
@Bez87 Witcher 2 was also on X Box 360
I'm disappointed by the OG PS4 performance. Even on other games that were designed with the Pro in mind, such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghosts of Tsushima, The Last of Us Part 2, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2, I was quite happy with the performance I got. But Cyberpunk 2077 is a joke. I'm waiting until I get a PS5 next year or 2022 to buy the game and all the patches that fix the mess.
Here’s some bugs I encountered when I played this morning on PS5:
Nothing game breaking (yet) but yeah, I’d say unacceptable is the right word. My buddy bought it on steam and is encountering a problem where he can’t even install it ☹️
Two game breaking bugs, numerous quest stopping bugs, multiple crashes, multiple other bugs- I’m on PS5. Can’t even imagine the PS4 version but this is unacceptable.
@DonJorginho Watch SkillUp review...there is nothing Next gen about the game. AI is worse than GTAV, graphics are good on PC but RDR2 still looks better RPG elements lack quality but quantity is there
I remember the days when PC gamers struggled to meet the specs written on game boxes...where console gamers laughed and popped a cartridge or a CD in and all was guaranteed to work flawlessly. Console games should be optimized for those systems, no matter what. A console should not be something that needs patching/updates or that sort of fixing. It should just work fine out of the box. Such results as we see these days and generation are just sad. I will not support this with my money.
Funny thing...I bought the game this morning, downloaded the 3 hour patch, and started her up on my base PS4.
The graphics are horrible. It's like looking through an empty glass of milk. I think I may be harming my vision in real life by what I'm forced to look at on the screen. It's crashed 3 times.
But, I've spent the last 8 hours playing it, totally engrossed. And I'm NOT going to stop and wait for the patches, because I find myself obsessed with the whole messy thing.
@LordSteev if not an actual adult, you have the mindset of one. Bravo.
@PhantomFear Thanks for the comment, my friend! Awww, out of curiosity, do you play or do vocals?
I agree. AOGHAU was probably the last album I played consistently without skips. Lost Together was also one of my favourites.
@Grumps859 Nice to hear from someone who's actually played it on a PS4 Pro!
Be interested to see how a Pro + SSD combination would work as I suspect some of the issues will be related to streaming data from the hard drive, giving the PS5 an obvious boost but hamstringing anyone with PS4 who still has a mechanical hard drive.
Had the same problem with Dragon Age: Inquisition going from PS3 era to PS4. It was clearly a game designed for the next gen (at the time) as the PS3 experience was terrible. Cyberpunk was obviously written (but not play tested by the sounds of it) for the PC.
how does it perform when played on a PS5? Does it boost the performance?
@L3GTRIGA I don't need to watch reviews when I'm playing it myself.
Night City alone feels more next gen than anything from the next gen systems so far.
@Scottwood101 60 frames per second at around 1180p.
The framerate is solid and I never noticed any dips even in big set pieces.
There are clearly core intrinsic issues with getting this to run on base consoles and I'm not surprised - it feels very much like the ambition outstripped the hardware. It looks, and I stress I haven't played but have seen a lot of posted footage etc, like playing on base consoles is going to give you a worse experience than playing on Pro and PS5 or PC of course. However, the price is the same.
The delays and the lack of console review versions are a good indication that this was known. The game itself is probably great but I do feel that launching a game at the same price with such issues across all platforms is a little disingenous and reviews etc. should reflect that.
Considering this game was designed with PS4 in mind it is strange to see how this turned out. They should have taken the Breath Of The Wild route. That game was designed for the WiiU but was also a launch title for the Switch. And these two games look exactly the same. Or don't release at all on last gen. But since there are not too much ps5 consoles in the wild this would cost them a lot of money due to the fact the hype dims eventually. So this is all seems money talk and strange management. Tho i have no real problems playing CP on my base ps4 it looks really terrible, like there is a lot of grease on my glasses or something. While other big games like TLOU2 and GOW pop out of my screen. The difference is that those games really make my ps4 work, I can hear that cause the fan is going crazy. But not with Cyberpunk. In my opinion there is a lot of room for improvement but they should have tested this longer. Fact is that this eats up a lot of hype for the game and I think that can never be your intention as a developer. Very strange indeed.
The argument that people are not as annoyed at cdpr as they would be at ea/bethesda/ubisoft is daft cdpr have not routinely screwed customers over and give out the same mealy mouth we're sorry it was a mistake we will do better bs and then do nothing, where as cdpr are largely pro consumer and have proven track record 4 fixing bugs..... I'm looking at you Roach 😉 yeah it's disappointing but nowhere near on the same level as say the other AAA for eg. I'm still waiting to be able 2 claim my ps5 valhalla and its been over a month and they have said nxt to nothing.
I've been playing it on xbox 1 x and series x since that is the platform my husband chose since I have felt uneasy about buying the game with everything that had been shown (or not shown). It's been buggy and I feel pretty ugly graphic wise. I think it def needed more time for polish and should have been for next gen only. I think it should affect CDPR's rep unfortunately.
@Max2574 I do. We pushed them for months to get us review code but they didn't send it to us until all the embargoes lifted!
I am extremely dissapointed at the quality on PS4 slim. I was not expecting top notch graphics but the low res bluriness is just taking all the joy away from playing it.
Do you think there's any chance future patches will address this particular problem?
Don't even care about the bugs right now, probably can't even see them properly because everything is so blurred...
@Wesker I don't think that's always true. Ghost of Tsushima, for example, was very polished at launch. Arguably a less ambitious game, of course, but it can be done!
@get2sammyb Yh dude I don't think anyone is blaming the reviewers after seeing what they were trying to hide. 15fps is clearly not good. Good on you guys for pushing them.
@get2sammyb Yeah, that game was delayed by a month, though. There are definitely other factors like who the publisher is and how much of a hurry they're in to get it out in time for the holidays. It's just a general rule of thumb.
I spent about four months without stable internet not that long ago and buying new games was a nightmare. A lot of games go gold in really shoddy states, but they work miracles for the day one patch, and it's not a problem as long as you can download it.
CDPR has also earned plenty of good will over the years. And the tough pill about crunch, everyone in every industry crunches. Some too much, but most people understand this before going in. AND CDPR paid their employees VERY well for their 6 extra days of work
Rockstar Games is unmatched in huge alive open worlds still.
@Kidfunkadelic83 bought it but waiting till i can unwrap my PS5 to play it properly
How in the ***** did CD Projekt Red not expect this to happen. IM in awe of how game companies are screwing over their fans more and more for cash grabs. Why even release it on ps4 when half the side missions are broken, models and textures constantly disappear, some missions become unplayable unless you reboot the game, crashes CONSTANTLY, and graphics are turned too low. I got my ps4 two years ago and it runs all triple A titles perfectly. What the ***** was this CDPR.
@Salohcin they delayed a whole year there is no excuse at all
I had already decided to wait until the ps5 version was released. From what ive seen on you tube, the current version is awful.
So much for Project Red being the best thing since Rockstar. It was obvious that P.R. new of most of the issues when they banned all reviews except for the PC version. This makes them more like Bethesda, crap.
The current version really isn't good from what I've seen. Glad I held off.
I’m really enjoying it on PS5 but having a PS5 probably makes me a minority
Thanks for the kind words.
Disclaimer - I have no interest in playing Cyberpunk 2077 so have no emtional investment in it.
However, when a developer tweets their holier than thou ' a gamer should only have to buy a game once' and then release a game in this state, I think people have the right to be angry.
Any other product this broken would be classed as 'faulty' and you would be able to get a replacement or a refund if you so wished. Game companies who routinely release games in this state should be required to refund purchases, either phyiscal or digital. That's the disgrace here. That people have spent hard earned cash and now are being denied basic consumer rights. Which is a right to a refund if the product is not fit for purpose.
a game announced in 2012, was designed for PC hardware that would be available in 2020?. i wish i had CDPR's crystal ball...
regardless, personally i think people are overestimating CDPR's ability to fix it.. it looks like a loooong road, which may delay a native PS5 version even longer, so don't get your hopes of playing in the near term, imo. at the end of november 2019, they announced it was in final stage of development, and still believed it would be ready for april 2020 — so more than a year ago, they thought it was 4 months away from the finished product. (https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/11/cyberpunk_2077_is_in_final_stage_of_development) - within two months, it gets a 5 month delay to september, so it would be 8 months to release. then in june it gets another 2 month delay until november.. game goes gold in october, only to get delayed for another few weeks.. if CDPR thought the game was close to finished over 12 months ago, then mandated ridiculous amounts of crunch.. had 4 more delays, and still pushed put out a product in that state.. either they've not made that much progress on performance/playability in 12 months, or the game was so atrociously bad 12 months ago, they've been straight up lying about it... either way, it looks a long way from acceptable.
@leucocyte I'm with you, this will be a long road. And unfortunately that what needs to be fixed lies so deep in the structure of the game itself that it probably will also change the current version which works ok on pc, from what I heard. Bizarre that you release a game and then needs to be overhauled completely to make it a worthy title (although there are plenty of examples from the past).
But I don't know how this works, a company makes a huge profit, millions, and can cover all costs but with these bad reviews I'm not sure if people still want to work there, is that even an strange thought? CEO's may have decided to release like they did it now. But they need talented people to fix it and now go back, deep into the structure of the game, to make it even slightly better, as it now seems. This is not something easy to achieve. This is stuff that you get together up front. What an extremely weird situation.
I also like to point out to the fact that upgrades of hardware, like the ps4pro and also xbox, bring up a strange landscape for developers. Because you cannot rule out owners of base systems. Those people also must play games that come out for their systems, it is still current gen.
This is situation is created by Sony and Microsoft (and Nintendo also did this with their new3DS, tho that never really took off). Developers now need to make choices whether they go for the upgraded systems or for the entire generation with a slight improvement for the upgraded console versions. CDPR apparently forgot to make the right decisions. They could have released for PS4pro exclusively. That was also an option. Although it would be strange that a game that was in development for so long can't be handled properly by base systems.
All those choices are going to make this fix a long road. And it is what you state, probably will delay a native ps5 version. I hope I'm wrong but for now I think this company is in big trouble. It would be wise to make a statement.
Plus this will also hurt the rest of the industry, people will think twice before pre-ordering triple A titles again. People are learning, people aren't that stupid. And since youtube and all the game channels will be very cautious with future releases. So the impact of what is happening now is way bigger then just hurting the reputation of CDPR. It's a shame.
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