We love RPGs. You love RPGs. Everyone loves a good RPG, and 2020 just so happened to be a fantastic year for them. No matter whether they were rereleases packed full of new content or brand new experiences that took established franchises in new directions, there really was something for everyone. However, we simply have to work out what was the best of the best. Here are the best PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 RPGs of 2020.
Bronze Trophy: Final Fantasy VII Remake
We lost track of how many times Final Fantasy VII Remake make us grin like idiots during our time with the release, but that's the power of this shockingly well realised remake. Doing the original Final Fantasy VII justice was never going to be easy, but somehow, Square Enix managed to recapture the magic, while also expanding on its world and beloved cast of characters. What's more, the battle system is exemplary — a real evolution of the series' tried and tested ATB formula. Sure, this is just the first chapter in a new saga, but we can't wait to see what's next.
For more information, check out our Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 review.
Silver Trophy: Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls on PS5 is the exact same game as the 2009 original, which means it's still a pretty excellent RPG. Five vast and mysterious worlds play host to some of the most unnerving next-gen gameplay possible right now, but you can conquer their inhabitants in just about any way possible. Build variety is off the charts in Demon's Souls, with a long list of weapons and armour to customise your character with and loads of stats to boost when you've gathered enough Souls to do so. It's both the best game available on PS5 right now and one of the greatest RPGs of 2020.
For more information, check out our Demon's Souls PS5 review.
Gold Trophy: Yakuza: Like a Dragon
A game that we've started calling Yakuza: Like a Dragon Quest here in the Push Square office, Yakuza: Like a Dragon is one of the most interesting RPGs that we've played in a long time. It takes everything that we already love about Yakuza — the realistic setting, the brilliant characters, the gripping stories, the insane side activities — and combines it with... A party-driven adventure with turn-based battles? Yep, and it works shockingly well. RGG Studio took a real risk with this one, and it pays off in what is one of the most memorable and unique games of 2020.
For more information, check out our Yakuza: Like a Dragon PS4 review.
Platinum Trophy: Persona 5 Royal
Our 2017 Game of the Year is back and better than ever — despite already being a 10/10 masterpiece. Persona 5 Royal isn't just one of the absolute best RPGs on PS4 — it's one of the best Japanese RPGs ever made. An utter delight for the senses, and improved to a degree where the original Persona 5 is rendered completely redundant. Royal's new finale is incredible, its new characters are fantastic, and its countless gameplay improvements elevate it to previously unthinkable heights.
For more information, check out our Persona 5 Royal PS4 review.
Do you agree with our winners? What are your favourite RPGs of 2020? Vote in our poll, and then have your say in the comments section below.
Comments 50
I put 170+ hours in Persona 5 and don't feel like starting over with Royal, but it's definitely one of the best JRPGs ever made.
Great games out there, I can't wait to try Yakuza but I'll wait for the PS5 version. Same for Cyberpunk.
Great list. I'm currently playing Yakuza 7 and I'm having a blast.
Maybe this should be JRPGs and Demons Souls shouldn’t be on it as it is a very different game to the others?
Anyways, FF7:R and Persona 5 are two of the best of the generation either way.
I kinda wanna see user votes for everything not just game of the year. Just to see if there is any other differences of opinion. Between editor Vs "normal" gamers
Playing Royal at the moment. So good. Takes an already wonderful game and just builds on it perfectly. Can't get enough of that world and those characters
Absolutely love Persona 5 Royal and Demons Souls. Can't wait to eventually start Like a Dragon as well!
I’ve finished Demon’s Souls and P5R, am a few hours into FF7R and have dipped my toe into Yakuza. These games all deserve to be on this list in almost any order, though P5R definitely deserves the top spot.
Trails of cold steel 4 is better than most on this list.
For me it’s FFVII Remake. It’s the perfect balance between nostalgia and new. A new gold standard for remakes, imo.
That said, haven’t played P5 because of the sheer size of it, can’t put myself to play a 100+ hours RPG for the time being.
Ok, so FFVII is second best game overall but 4th in RPG category?
FFVII Remake for me, but Persona 5 Royal is a respectable choice as well.
Definitely Demon's Souls and Final Fantasy VII Remake, in terms of quality fun had. Have to also give a serious nod to Cyberpunk 2077; been really enjoying building my cyberpunk hacker-mage who is an absolute BEAST on the battlefield.
Excited to eventually try Persona 5 on PS Plus Collection; want to make sure it's my cup of tea before I buy the Royal edition.
Great year for RPG's!
Having to choose between Persona 5R, Cyberpunk 2077, FF7R, Demon's Souls and Dragon Quest is pure torture. These are great times for RPG fans!
How can you rate persona 5 higher in this list than final fantasy 7 remake but then put FF7 remake higher than persona in the game of the year list?
Haven't played a Yakuza game, where would be a good place to start? With the latest one or an earlier release? Not too early mind, I want it to look good.
Loved Persona 5, the characters, the music (oh God the music!), the setting, the art style, the culture, being told to go to bed lol, pretty much everything really. I'll probably play Royal at some point, a bit annoying as it makes my P5 copy a bit redundant now but that's on me for 1) leaving it so long before playing the game and 2) not being aware of the significance of Royal's release.
Received FF VII as a Christmas gift and plan on playing it once I'm done with GoT and maybe one day I'll give Demon's Souls a go once I obtain a PS5. I'm sitting on the fence with that one although it sure looks mighty pretty.
@UltimateOtaku91 Is it not the whole concept of Persona 5 Royal being a better RPG than FF7R but FF7R being the better overall game, plus taking into account that it’s not an enhanced version of an existing game.
I don't think demon's souls is rpg, it's more like action rpg.
@nessisonett well I guess but then again demon souls is an enhanced version of an existing game, yet that was also in the game of the year list but persona 5 wasn't, yakuza like a dragon also higher than demon souls s and final fantasy 7 remake in this list but not in the game of the year list.
If FF7 is 2nd/3rd (I forgot lol) in the game of the year list then I wouldn't expect it to be 4th in the rpg of the year list.
Don't get me wrong persona 5 deserves to be where it is in this list but saying its an enhanced version should also mean dragon quest 11 S should be in this list
I own P5R and it's probably going to be in the backlog for some time , if forever because of this; at two hours play a day, it's still roughly a 3 month proposition!
@Col_McCafferty Yakuza 0. Then Kiwami and Kiwami 2. If you’re fussed then the remastered collection of 3,4,5 is available. Then there’s 6 and Like A Dragon.
Cyberpunk 2077 may be a buggy mess, but boy does it have a hidden gem under the mess, much like The Witcher 3 at launch.
I'm trying to get through the earlier sky prequel games on the vita(with translations).
Really is an interesting world.
@RPE83 that’s also my case. I have the original P5 but never got around to playing it. Maybe one day! 😂
I put a combined 600+ hours into Persona 5 and Royal Edition and would happily put even more hours on another extended version of the game, at least top 3 in my all time list.
That being said I do want to begin hearing about 6 and Don't want any more spin offs of 5 (more of the Anime would be fine).
Not a huge fan of jrpg's. Wouldn't even call Demons Souls an rpg.
Bronze: FF7 remake (because really, how many rpg's were there?)
Silver: Ghost of T
Gold: Wasteland 3
Platinum: Cyberpunk 2077
Also, don't argue with me. My word is law. 😉
@Matej welcome to this site
Couldn't agree with you more. As of right now, I've got 151 hours in on a base ps4 and I'm just starting act 3. Without giving away too much in spoilers, I reached a point which the game told me was a point of no return, so I'm currently trying to wipe out the side quests I didn't already finish before continuing the main plot.
What a great game!
Who put Yakuza above Demon’s Souls? I don’t think anyone really disputes Demon’s Souls is a better game. I mean heck, it was an 8 versus a 10/10. I know they were one review, but I don’t think that’ll change much with Demon’s Souls being a 10/10 with who reviews it.
I voted Demon’s Souls. Just because P5: Royal was recent remake and Demon’s Souls ushered in a new gen. It was more important for the year. Certainly more important than Yakuza. P5 was so good and important though, so it was a close call. I wish I had two votes.
@nessisonett Erm that's a lot of Yakuza!
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have a word with the bank!
@deathaxe God I hope not lol. Ciri is a good supporting character but too make an entire game around her. Idk.
I want to like the Yukuza series so bad. I was loving 6 for the story up until I got into a fight mindlessly button mashing against 25 bad guys and my dude beats them up no problem. It was so ridiculous, I uninstalled the game lol. Anyone play Like a Dragon? The turn based action definitely sounds better to me.
@Col_McCafferty Start with Yakuza 0, and get ready for something special.
I had a strong impression that the most part of those who played persona 5 had never played a persona or shin megami game before. Persona 5 is great? Yeah i love it, but are more of the same we had seen in the franchise for years.....
I did put 150 hours into P5 and it was an absolute joy, top ten PS4 for me.
It's the conjuring up 180 more to essentially do it all again and more that's fearsome!
@Col_McCafferty @nessisonett
Seconded for Yakuza 0, then Kiwami.
A little because of Miracle Johnson.
I also liked the Fist of The North Star game based on the same engine, but I loved the anime.
I don't know why, but i tried to give JRPGs a chance, but i can't get to it. I have played FFVII remake and wasn't really satisfied given the reputation of this game. I coul't even finish Perosna 5 royal and i had to sell it. Japanese games are not really for me i guess
No Cold Steel in the choices.
Nioh 2 for the win.word up son
I'm just gonna say it but CP2077 is a disappointment as an RPG especially when they said it would be this "DEEP RPG EXPERIENCE."
Even though Cyberpunk is lacking features and performs horridly (I'm playing on base PS4...), I just can't stop playing and I'm on my way for my first platinum trophy...
It deserves all the criticism but also deserves a lot of praise, this is potentially a killer game when/if they improve it properly
Cyberpunk 2077. It's the game world I always dreamed of playing in back when I were a child with a vivid imagination. Even the bugs and crashes couldn't ruin it for me. The actual PS5 version is gonna blow me away all over again.
For me if was FF7R, but had I played Yakuza it may well have been that. P5R wasn’t as good as P4G for me, mainly due to the tedious dungeons, and DQ11S, whilst excellent, I didn’t play as there was no great change from the standard version to justify replaying.
Demon Souls isn’t an RPG as far as I’m concerned.
I agree. No other game this year has sucked me in like this one. On a normal ps4, and still having a great time with it, despite the random crashes. When I first saw it, I was supremely disappointed with the visuals, but despite that initial impression, I pressed on and found a great game.
I completed and loved Persona 5 but I can't help but feel that there is something a little wrong with the concept of releasing a 100+ hour rpg and then a "better" version of the same game on the same system a couple years later and charging for it again. At least P4G was on a new system which to me warranted the update. If Royal was DLC it would be fine but why not just take an extra year or two and make the game right from the start? If it was for PS5 I could understand it a bit more.
I haven't really played yakuza(did a tiny bit of zero) but recently like a dragon caught my eye, I'm really on the fence about getting it. I love rpgs and the setting looks interesting, I just don't know if I'll buy it and get bored or something. Anyone else enjoying it?
@Ashkorsair what makes trails so good? I've never played one but the name keeps popping up.
@nessisonett do you need to play the others to enjoy like a dragon? I heard lad is a good place to jump in for new players
@Col_McCafferty I heard any new player can just jump in at like a dragon
@Cornaboyzzz ah come on, it's got so much new content and many QOL enhancements, I absolutely did not mind another 150 hours in the P5 universe. Plus it was another platinum
@Sladey69 You probably could but you’re missing out on 7 incredible games, especially 0 and the two Kiwami games. Plus you won’t have any experience with the overarching stories involving the different clans.
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